View Full Version : new shop... and apartment
03-09-2007, 05:51 PM
both are much bigger in person. The is about 5 cars wide and 1 1/2 cars deep. With a finished attic and like 20 some plugins. This one even has 220 so i can use some of my new toys im not able to use in my current garage.
The little heater is a monster! had the place to about 70* in under 30 minutes ( ( ( (
03-09-2007, 05:52 PM
were is this at and whats the rate for somthing like that?
03-09-2007, 09:11 PM
Once again, i will be a stones throw away from C.R. (in Marion) This time i just chuck a rock over East Post road into Cedar Rapids. Right now i chuck a rock over Center Point rd into C.R.
anyways for the apt and shop, $675 all i pay is electric, which shouldnt too bad.
03-09-2007, 10:17 PM
thats really cool.
03-13-2007, 02:22 PM
That's pretty neat. How big is the appartment? If i didn't buy a house i'd be seriously interested in something like that. $675 is a lot though. You could be paying a morgage for that much and own something :)
03-13-2007, 02:32 PM
apartment is like 800 sq. ft.
i cant buy a house or anything for that matter as of right now because i have NO credit. I have never had a credit card or loan or anything like that. Its sucks that im getting "punished" because i pay cash for everything... ne ways i finaly got a credit card and shit in my name so i can start building credit. I did get kinda pissed though when i went to buy a bike the other day. I couldnt get financed or get a loan, yet i had like $3K in my pocket... So i got pissed and went and bought a 3000GT...
(3000gt will in the the post your ride section 2marrow prolly)
03-13-2007, 03:49 PM
I didn't have any "Credit" per-say to buy my house and they helped me get some credit established. Since i've been on my own since i was 17 and had 3yrs of accumulated bill payments...i had to get a "credit/payment" history from each company I have had service through. Media Comm, Alliant, etc. will give you a report saying you've payed your bills on time for X amount of time. This gave me enough credit to get the loan for a house completely in my name with no co-signer.
Credit cards can help, but they can hurt you a lot to. Miss a due-date by one day and your pretty much shit outta luck. Just make sure you pay your bills on time :bigthumb:
03-13-2007, 09:47 PM
im playing the bad/no credit game right now, and it sucks, but im dealing with it. about to get a credit card to try to establish some good credit for once.
to all you younger kids out there, i cant stress enough how important it is to pay bills on time!
VA Loan got me my first house. Damn near no money down. Couldn't beat that.
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