View Full Version : Audio question
03-05-2007, 08:17 PM
which do you think would be best? They will all cost pretty much the same price +/- $15
I am looking more for SPL than SQL. im thinkin #3 would give me pretty decent SPL and SQL, but am not sure about cancelation and what not.
1. 2) 10" subs running at 1000W RMS @ 1ohm
2. 3) 10" subs running at 1000W RMS @ 2ohm
3. 2) 10" subs and one 15" sub running at 1000W RMS @ 2ohm
now heres the storie. I have 2 of the 10" subs already. I can either buy a 1000W RMS @ 1ohm amp and just run the two 10's. Or for the same price i can buy a 1000W RMS @ 2ohm amp and either another 10" or a 15" sub. I know 10"s can hit pretty well and get the higher notes much better whereas 15"s hit the low notes like no ones business but cant really get the highs all that well.
03-05-2007, 08:43 PM
It REALLY depends on the enclosure and what the actual subs and amp your using.
03-05-2007, 08:59 PM
obviously number 2. apparently you are using different amps. if you want maximum spl i wouldnt use 10's, but if thats what you have; go ported, also let us know what car its going in. if you want to get crazy post your subwoofer parameters.
the 15 will have slower response and not get along well when using the same amp as the 10's. i would run 2 10's in a giant ported box in your case.
03-05-2007, 09:23 PM
Keith if your set on 10's i would recommend a single dual 2 ohm 10 some thing along the lines of a kicker L7, kicker CVX10, JBL GTI 10. etc
also using a single speaker would be better use of your given space. you will want to build a ported box and more specifically a transmission line these are typical larger boxs with tuned port lengths. shoot for around 35-40hz depending on your listening style. i would need to put the speaker into a program to give you a better idea of the freq your want.
give the L710 1000w rms is doable every day and you could be into the mid 140dbs depending on box and car. if its a hatch i would say around 148 ish if every thing is dead on.
also remwmber when setting your amp turning the gain up on the amp in theory would be turning the amp down. so make sure you under stand how to match your head units line out voltage to the amp gain. look into a preamp voltage of at least 5volts if not higher. 8v is typically the highest input level amps are rated at then you would be able to set the amp gain at 0
03-06-2007, 06:29 AM
the subs i have are the POWFX10W. dual 4ohm voice coils. The amp would either be MA Audio HK1000D (1 ohm) or the MA Audio M1900XE (2ohm).
They will be going in the RX7. I already have a box built and tuned for the two 10's but i dont know if it will fit in the RX7 or not (it was originaly built for the neon). The box i have is pretty large, just over 3cu.ft. air space (each subs "needs" 1.5cu.ft. in a ported box)
03-06-2007, 09:54 AM
run 2 of the power acoustics in parallel @ 1 ohm. im willing to bet you with the parameters we could design you a better box than the guestimate they give you. hatchback is awesome for spl. fire them up, ports facing up, should come out just fine.
one thing is at maximum out put from your amp (assuming you get a true 1000w amp) your giving 500w per sub max.
03-06-2007, 02:47 PM
one thing is at maximum out put from your amp (assuming you get a true 1000w amp) your giving 500w per sub max.
good thing you said something... I was told that running the amp at 1000W RMS (both above amps push 1000W RMS) it would be pushing that amount (1000 watts) to EACH subwoofer. So i would need something like
1600-2000 RMS@1ohm for an amp?
03-06-2007, 03:13 PM
what do you need to know about the subs in order to build a better box? The one i have was "designed" buy someone and i just built it.
i have a box designer but dont know how to use it and dont really wanna mess with it as i dont build serious boxes very often if at all.
If someone can design me a box that would be awesome. Like i said i dont know a thing about designing a box, i can just cut/build. I would like to have an "all out" box for these subs as i plan to keep them around a while
03-06-2007, 05:11 PM
sometimes there is a cubic ft rating on the sup specs then do math and figgure out what box would give you those specs
03-06-2007, 05:25 PM
in the manual or even on the box it will show qts, fs, xmax, etc.
i guess i didnt notice you said 1kw rms. guestimate 500w rms per sub, assuming the amp is getting atleast 14volts.
03-06-2007, 06:11 PM
in the manual or even on the box it will show qts, fs, xmax, etc.
i guess i didnt notice you said 1kw rms. guestimate 500w rms per sub, assuming the amp is getting atleast 14volts.
couldnt find anything so i had to call Power Acoustiks directly. The person wasnt very good with his english, so some of the letters may not be right as i couldnt understand him very well...
VAS------0.58 cu. ft.
sometimes there is a cubic ft rating on the sup specs then do math and figgure out what box would give you those specs
thats how the box i have was built. I sent the guy a link to all the info on the subs, and gave him the measurements for my trunnk and he designed it around both...
03-06-2007, 07:42 PM
eh thats missing some important info. seems odd it has an fs of 40hz. i'l see what i can figure out.
03-06-2007, 09:11 PM
a kicker L7
03-28-2007, 03:36 PM
Anyone wanna design me a box?
I can get the measurements of the rear area in the RX7 and all the info for the subs is already listed...
I can pay a little...
lil krumm
03-28-2007, 04:04 PM
PM Drifte...
03-28-2007, 05:53 PM
lol send money via paypal :)
1 10" ported enclosure= 2 cubic feet tuned to 30hz (mmm feels good)
port size= 3x9" or 4x15.5"
take your pic their, either works. since I dont ahve the trunk space, cant give you the box dimensions. but just think a 12" cube is 1 cubic foot.
what did you decided on just the 2 10's?
03-28-2007, 07:55 PM
I have 2 audio bahn pro compression 10's in a ported box in my 7, ran from a hk1000d. It's stupid loud, better start saving for a hearing aid. :supz:
03-28-2007, 08:57 PM
Yeah, decided to keep the 10's i have and run them with an HK2000D.
Now, im not 100% sure how box designing works... Since I am going to have to make the box 4 cu. ft. (2cuft each) do i need to make two ports that size on each side of the box, or can i just double one of those and make a single port. Also where is the best location for the port?
03-28-2007, 09:11 PM
well thats up to you. i can design one big box and they can share a port, or it can be seperated in the middle and use the above dimensions.
that amps a beast 1500w rms at 1ohm.
i did play around with the box, you may be able to run a slightly smaller volume. once you post up the trunk space i can let you know for sure. lookin at around 1.5-2cubic feet per sub tho. could try slot porting, then you dont need to buy pvc, we'll see how it reacts to that. sometimes tehy want an obsurd dimension tho.
03-28-2007, 09:19 PM
ey just did up another box. this worked out much better. i assume it will perform the same, the graph says it will. 2 subs one enclosure. 2 ports. 3 cubic feet. if you like that idea i can get you the details.
slvr7 you mind posting up pics of your setup? im always curious to see how people do their systems.
ports and subs all facing up at the hatch glass.
03-30-2007, 06:43 AM
Whichever would fit...
31" W (narrowist part between strut towers)
27" L (keeping the storage accessable)
12" H (floor to jus below the lowest point on the rear glass
03-30-2007, 09:03 AM
well if i follow those exact dimensions theirs 5.8cubic feet to work should be loud :)
03-30-2007, 10:18 AM
box dimensions
12" deep
31" wide
14" the 27" long area.
slot vented port 3" x 6" x 12.5"deep.
enclosure= 3cubic feet. tuned to 30hz
03-30-2007, 10:21 AM
03-30-2007, 04:09 PM
Sorry to be a PITA... but
that needs to be the inside area correct? As in, I will be using 3/4" MDF so i would actualy be losing some area?
I was tryin to get a "cut sheet" together and for some reason am having a MAJOR brain fart!!!!
03-30-2007, 05:50 PM
oh yea that would be correct. i suppose i should change that so the box inside dimensions arent bigger than the trunk already.
im not sure which way you should go, seperate or shared enclosure. let me figure out the seperate enclosure specs, and get that to ya.
05-20-2007, 04:29 PM
Hey, actualy going to start the box soon. wondering if you could help me out again. He are the demensions i have to work with, also its not on there, but the box can be 13" tall. The box is "designed" as if you where looking down into the rear hatch, the part where it gets smaller is to clear the strut towers... (
05-20-2007, 07:33 PM
lemme take a look see.
05-20-2007, 07:36 PM
i appreciate it. I have a box designer thing, but i dont understand any of it to be 100% honest. I think its call Biggz or something like that.
05-20-2007, 09:46 PM
easy and loudest way.
build the box to those exact measurements above. split it down the middle, 12" high is plenty tall inside or outside diamter, what ever you prefer. stick a 4" x 6" long pvc port on each side.
bing done. tuned to 35 hz
idk what frequency the car likes.
05-24-2007, 03:08 PM
05-24-2007, 07:43 PM
Actualy haven't gotten around to it. I thought i was gonna get it done real quick but instead i got some stuff in the mail and from UPS and decided to get the engine plopped in and get some stuff hidden.
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