View Full Version : Want to know what the sweetest import to drive is....
02-08-2007, 01:20 AM
So now that I'm in Australia im trying to rent every possible car that isn't available in the US to find out whether or not the rumors are true about the capabilities of that particular vehicle or if its just a bunch of hype. So, I decided to start this topic for you, the true car lovers. Is there a car you've always wanted to see in action? You do the talking, I'll do the driving. Name the vehicle, and if I can find one I'll rent it for at least a day and test it out. I bought a nice 10 megapixel digital camera with underwater feature before I left the states exactly for video and pictures of the vehicles im driving. As of right now I dont know a single person in Australia, so my pictures and video are very limited until I can find someone to take pics/video of me driving the vehicles. The underwater option is for if I get too carried away with someone else's car....
Do some research, give me a make, model, and preferrably year of vehicle and I'll see if I can find it.
02-08-2007, 01:23 AM
I drove a 93 Supra TT today. Damn, what a nice car other than the super gay rims on the car. The guy was a total dick when I walked up to his car, but once I introduced myself and the 50 dollar friend I had, we went for a ride. A 93 supra is sweet on its own, let alone a TT, but when its right hand drive, its better than sex. Yes, better than sex....Unless its sex in the back seat of a TT RHD Supra. I'd post pics of the car but im too lazy right now, and about all you get from the pics is the outside of the car since the tint is so dark. Its too hard to shift left handed, work the clutch, and try to take pictures when you arent used to driving on the left hand side of the road.
02-08-2007, 12:38 PM
sweetness. i drove a rhd vehicle couple of times, its really strange. Theirs some odd ball american cars over their arent their? idk, its kinda like christmas, i never had any connection to that place before.
02-08-2007, 01:01 PM
Here's one for you:
I'll find some more for you to track down too.
02-08-2007, 01:51 PM
Yeah, I've seen a few oddball American cars here so far. I saw a Ford Probe yesterday....Its still ugly even in this country. The funny thing is you see lots of old cars here in perfect condition since they never get bad weather. I saw an 80's Prelude that looked like it had just been driven off the lot. But then I saw a Ford Focus next to it and had to puke.
02-08-2007, 01:54 PM
That Typhoon shouldn't be too hard to come across since the production year is 2004. Honestly, it just looks like a BMW knockoff from the front end. I'm more into just finding people on the street and driving their cars, but I guess I can pretend I'm looking to buy at a dealership too.
02-08-2007, 03:38 PM
thats hilarious, i thought you were going to dealerships. lol, rediculous. Do you have a car over their?
02-08-2007, 05:10 PM
a commodore or a falcon would be fun. holden makes some fun cars, same w/ the australian branch of ford.
02-08-2007, 10:41 PM
I have to rent a car while Im here, but thats why Im asking you guys what you want me to test out. Since I can rent for a day, a week, even a year, Im going to keep changing cars probably once a week so I can get a feel for some nice cars. J99, I found that car you asked about. Basically, if its the correct vehicle I found today, its just the Australian version of the US GTO....It drives like one and is just as unimpressive. Well, okay, maybe thats a little harsh. But compared to that Supra, its nothing. I also got a look at a RHD S2000 today. The guy let me check it out but wouldnt let me drive it, so Im trying to rent one. I was very impressed. It was a slight variant from the US model, but everything about it was more impressive. Ive found that people who have nice sports cars here all seem to own black ones. I also got a look at/drive in a Porsche today as well about 5 minutes after I walked away from the S2000. I'll show some pics. The Porsche was okay, guess I cant say I was really impressed, especially for that kind of money. The interior was also pretty ugly and was tan with a black exterior. It also didnt look at all different from the US model other than the right hand drive. That guy was nice and I didnt have to pay him for a drive. Im finding (more like seeing) some really awesome cars driving by as I walk around the city. Body kits seem to be huge here, but unlike Iowa they all match the cars they are on :) Ill update ASAP....Keep the request coming in. I found a 92 Skyline yesterday, and the guy is going to call me this weekend for a possible drive. If that happens, I'll be recording some video.
02-08-2007, 10:44 PM
Drifte, I can go to dealerships, but its easier to find people on the street. By going to dealerships I have to pretend Im interested in buying something to get a test drive, and its pretty hard to take pictures or video while Im doing that without making it obvious Im just messing around. 88gt, over here Holden is pretty much the same as Pontiac. Im not a huge fan of recent Pontiac vehicles. But I have seen a lot of cars I have never heard of before. Funny you said Commodore. Right out front of my hotel is a Commodore station wagon that looks just like the station wagon from the Family Vacation movies with Chevy Chase except its all silver. I guess I could ask the owner for a ride if you'd like.... :)
02-08-2007, 10:46 PM
Update- FYI- I just saw a couple of those ugly european gas-saver vehicles that look like enclosed golf carts. I am soooo going to drive one.....and hopefully do the world a favor by wrecking it. Go figure, its black.
02-19-2007, 12:21 PM
i want pics
02-19-2007, 03:31 PM
a commodore or a falcon would be fun. holden makes some fun cars, same w/ the australian branch of ford.
Werd. Drive some of the GM's that would convert me if they were here.
I hate the 3.8L V6, but I would deal with GM's horrid quality control if I could have it RWD.
02-19-2007, 05:08 PM
i always wanted a supercharged 3.8, and then sneak it into a new malibu...know one would know.
02-26-2007, 09:51 AM
Or just get a bonneville sse supercharged and debadge it like i did.....and then rebuild the motor and cun 12-13 psi and a 75 shot of nitrious like me!!! trust me its fun i can run 13.5 on pump gas and the 75 shot.....
02-26-2007, 10:04 AM
yeah, but its a bonneville. most people know its supercharged already. the really cool ones are the old ass ones a friend of mine had. Ultimate sleeper, i hope someone has pics of it.
02-26-2007, 08:08 PM
Sorry I haven't updated this lately...I've been travelling (and driving) quite a bit. I also don't have internet on my own computer, I have to use my roommates to be able to post. In the next couple of nights I'll start posting up pics and de.scriptions of what I've been driving.
03-12-2007, 05:57 PM
You'll never find them as rentals, but australia, and new zealand have some crazy ass old school rotary shit going on that would be fun to find. Even if you could only get a ride and pics it would be worth it.
03-14-2007, 10:42 PM
Name a specific rotary you'd like me to find and I will. I've found everything else and driven most everything I've found, so add one more to the list. I'll get off my lazy ass and upload all of my pictures here pretty soon. I've also got some video of me in an R34 against an FTO. Its sick.
04-09-2007, 09:23 AM
little update, heres the cars i was talking about, not some wagons.
falcon, comes w/ a v8 and turbo DOHC 4.0 ... &c=DFYPage ( ... &c=DFYPage (
and the commodre i was talking about, supposedly its coming to the U.S. as the G8, but from the pics they kinda made it ugly ... delid=4006 (
04-11-2007, 05:24 PM
Holden Commador - 2007-2008 Pontiac G8 & The new Impalla coming out w/ v8's
Holden Manaro = GTO if I remember right
04-11-2007, 05:46 PM
Tony, i would expect a GM guru like yourself could spell impala correctly...
04-12-2007, 06:06 PM
I'll try to find some of those cars for you, I don't know anything about them except the Commador. Those things are like Dodge Neons over here. Theyre everywhere, but actually have a resale value. Im actually in Sydney right now and have been for a little while, but when I get back to Adelaide I'll post up some of the pics I have. Ive found that Ferrari drivers are assholes and won't let you drive their cars for any amount of money. Bastards.
04-12-2007, 06:18 PM
lol, Ferrari owners are the same no matter where you go!
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