View Full Version : Tom Beyer-241Lawn ,To Zac
01-29-2007, 03:09 PM
Wanted to let you know that Tom Beyer-241Lawn is a real person, he is NOT George or Ed and I feel it's very UN-FAIR that this person was kicked off the site, his posts deleted, along with his vote, just to pacify Vic. Vic whined last time over Rob getting a lot of votes and now he's doing the same to George.
I can understand Vic wanting his "boy" to win the ride of the month BUT kicking new people off the site just because they are new and voted for George is not right or fair and doing it to make Vic happy is just wrong in my eyes.
Just my 2 cents
90 notch
01-29-2007, 03:24 PM
Mustangsally,how do you know this person is for real.I deleted all his or her posts in the msca forum because i don't want some petty bullshit in their.One of the comments that was made by this certain individual was "can i mow your wife's grass".What kind of shit is that.Get a life tom their is no grass to mow.Steve o (msca).
logans dad
01-29-2007, 03:38 PM
Wanted to let you know that Tom Beyer-241Lawn is a real person, he is NOT George or Ed and I feel it's very UN-FAIR that this person was kicked off the site, his posts deleted, along with his vote, just to pacify Vic. Vic whined last time over Rob getting a lot of votes and now he's doing the same to George.
I can understand Vic wanting his "boy" to win the ride of the month BUT kicking new people off the site just because they are new and voted for George is not right or fair and doing it to make Vic happy is just wrong in my eyes.
Just my 2 cents
Apparently you didn't see all that this sick person posted Sally. When people need to cheat or have friends cheat for them just isn't right. Oh, your the know it all law student should know right from wrong. Goerge was back a few votes this morning and now there even again. Bet Georges friends went all over town to vote again on others computers. George may win bit I know all the others won in my mind. If you know this person Sally, ask them what they said about me.
I bet Rob got double votes also.
Thanks notch for deleting that shit.
Another thing Sally, Zac did what was right not because of me.
01-29-2007, 03:47 PM
Vic...Funny how Zac went in and rechecked all the votes and IP address and now they are even, He told me 1 vote was out of place...Sorry your boy Trevor got beat out by Rob and now is even with George...I say the hell with the CRU ride of the month..lets settle it on the street...Oh and bring your hunk of shit also...Whinning ASS O'l Bitch...If it was not Trevor, he and you would have cared less about your post...but Trevor is his boy...If I had my way I think Zac should delete George from the competition and hand it to Trevor...and dont you think out of pure fairness there should be absolutley new rides every month or rotate them...I am sur you dont...And if you had 1 small shread of a brain you could figure out so easyly who it was talking shit about you and if they were real or not...Oh and Vic...Dont flatter yourself with the Ed did it shit...Unlike yourself and a few others if I have something to say I will say it to your cry to someone who cares :CRYMERIVER:
01-29-2007, 04:03 PM
Well I don't really want to get in the middle of this situation so I'll just try and clear a few things up.
IP address were checked and a few were the same with different accounts. This was discussed and came up with the conclusion that it very well could have been a few different people registering from one computer. No big deal. The votes go on. I just hope that everyone is being true about it and wouldn't cheat over something so small. It's not like there is a prize other then the name "ride of the month".
I think it's a pretty good idea to promote some of the cars (and people) of cr:u to get people out there know what's around town. There a few young kids or newcomers that are slowly getting in the scene and they probably would like to know what this town has to offer.
Now I honestly don't care who wins. It is pretty much a popularity contest. If it was for modifications, cleanliness, time slips, hp, or whatever...then we might have a little better voting process, but since none of this information can be given by all parties we are forced to generalize it. I can sit back and say that if it were a contest of modification/hp/timeslips then I'd vote for George's car all day long. Obviously I'm going to be bias about my own car..hence why I haven't voted in either Jan or Feb's polls.
All I can say is that issues seam to be resolved and let the best car win. I really wish it wasn't just a popularity contest because we do have enough of those now-days. Whatever the issue was with cheating or random votes just let it slide guys. If George wins this month then so be it, he deserves it just as much as any other car on this website regardless of votes.
Hope that clears it all up and we can continue on with the Ride of the Month entries and make it into a little better "contest" if you will.
logans dad
01-29-2007, 04:05 PM
01-29-2007, 04:07 PM
That guy never had a single useful post, all he did was come on to bash people.
01-29-2007, 04:14 PM
I saw his name under the recent posts thing on the left hand side of the screen and thought he was a spammer, guess he was just an idiot.
01-29-2007, 05:38 PM
Anita, i totally see where your coming from, and about the vote being removed, i agree with you. but i think him getting kicked off the board had a lot more to do with everything he was saying to people.
as far as the things Vic and Steve said about it maybe being George or Ed, i honestly dont blame either of them very much for being suspicious. i am not saying George or Ed have habits of starting fake accounts to start shit with people, or that they are too scared at all to tell anyone what they think face to face. if it wasnt either of them, fine, so be it. but i dont see any reason to get mad at either of them for thinking it might be George or Ed; just because of all the shit that has gone on between all of them.
in the end, i believe neither Ed nor George started that account or said any of those things. do i think it was a friend of thiers who did it? maybe. it doesnt really matter. whoever it was got kicked off the board because he was acting completely out of line for no reason at all. and from what i can tell, they havent made any attempts to contact Zac or any of the other moderators about it, which says to me they didnt sign up here to do much more than start mindless bullshit here.
we dont need anymore of that, we have stock piles of it....
01-29-2007, 05:40 PM
Mustangsally,how do you know this person is for real.I deleted all his or her posts in the msca forum because i don't want some petty bullshit in their.One of the comments that was made by this certain individual was "can i mow your wife's grass".What kind of shit is that.Get a life tom their is no grass to mow.Steve o (msca).
Sorry submitted before for posting by accident.
01-29-2007, 06:01 PM
Mustangsally,how do you know this person is for real.I deleted all his or her posts in the msca forum because i don't want some petty bullshit in their.One of the comments that was made by this certain individual was "can i mow your wife's grass".What kind of shit is that.Get a life tom their is no grass to mow.Steve o (msca).
Because George was here at my house changing a headlight bulb on my van for me, when a phone call came in for George and it was Tom Beyer-241Lawn calling. I told George that I wanted to verify for myself and for others on cru that this person was NOT George or Ed. I spoke to the guy long enough to KNOW FOR A FACT that it was not Ed and I know it isn't George because George was standing next to me while I was speaking to the guy.
01-29-2007, 08:18 PM
Honestly Trevor...I have spoken with George about all this far as he is concerned delete him from the means nothing to him, you can have it. Congrats...Now baby ass bitch Vic will shut his face, and all your buddies and admirers will be happy...and come spring you all can settle it on the streets...Especially with Vics junk against George...Ed
01-29-2007, 08:23 PM
Mustangsally,how do you know this person is for real.I deleted all his or her posts in the msca forum because i don't want some petty bullshit in their.One of the comments that was made by this certain individual was "can i mow your wife's grass".What kind of shit is that.Get a life tom their is no grass to mow.Steve o (msca).
OH NO... NOT A HYPOCRIT... WTF are you doing deleting posts..
I sapose that gives me and the mods the right to delte you guys's petty bull shit to huh?
01-29-2007, 09:20 PM
1) He is still a member, he asked me to change his name to Tom Beyer 521-Lawn today. And I did. He is still a valid member.
2) If you want to speak to ONE person about an issue, PM's work wonders. Don't make something a board-wide issue when you are only aiming the conversation at one person.
3) Two votes were removed from George's count. His girlfriend voted for him 3 times, therefore, we removed two of her duplicate votes. All other votes remained.
End of discussion.
01-29-2007, 09:25 PM
[quote="90 notch";p="120107":bfbfe]Mustangsally,how do you know this person is for real.I deleted all his or her posts in the msca forum because i don't want some petty bullshit in their.One of the comments that was made by this certain individual was "can i mow your wife's grass".What kind of shit is that.Get a life tom their is no grass to mow.Steve o (msca).
OH NO... NOT A HYPOCRIT... WTF are you doing deleting posts..
I sapose that gives me and the mods the right to delte you guys's petty bull shit to huh?[/quote:bfbfe]
Its a little late for that, your the king of deletes!!!
01-29-2007, 09:56 PM
You Don't like it stay the fuck home. Steve-O said it perfect.. Not going to let it clutter with petty bull shit.
so cry me a river you big fuckin baby!
01-30-2007, 12:25 AM
Again, I don't know where people are getting that this guy is kicked off the site?
He asked me to change his name to 521 lawn because that's his new phone number I guess. I don't know what any of you are talking about, lol.
And like Ash said... his vote was not removed... in fact he was one of the few people that registered in the last 2 days that had a unique IP address.
In the end, I discussed it with George and to be fair, which is what I am (a fair person) I gave George all the votes back that he had explanations for, and according to him he had explanations for all of them except for the 3 accounts created by his girl, so all he was docked was 2 votes.
We're all straight now :) But I do agree with Ash that this is something that could have been discussed in a PM, but doens't look like this topic is horribly out of line. I've been asked by numerous people to try and clean up the forums a little bit, so I"m going to do some work on that now. It's all good guys, everything is on the up and up. lol. I feel like Nixon right now...everyone investigating my actions. lol :)
90 notch
01-30-2007, 07:26 AM
George,did you read any of that guy's post,had nothing to do with nothing.If he wants to talk about something besides cutting grass or some shit like that than yeah.He can go to and talk about grass.Steve o(msca).
01-30-2007, 08:32 AM
Hey about me and George run. You guys seriously think he can take my car? Pshh you got another thing commin. 16g all day long bitches.
01-30-2007, 02:09 PM
Wanted to let you know that Tom Beyer-241Lawn is a real person, he is NOT George or Ed and I feel it's very UN-FAIR that this person was kicked off the site, his posts deleted, along with his vote, just to pacify Vic. Vic whined last time over Rob getting a lot of votes and now he's doing the same to George.
I can understand Vic wanting his "boy" to win the ride of the month BUT kicking new people off the site just because they are new and voted for George is not right or fair and doing it to make Vic happy is just wrong in my eyes.
Just my 2 cents
Since nobody has responded saying something along the lines of "Oh I guess I was misinformed, sorry for lashing at you" I'll take this moment to correct all the mis-information in your post. (Sorry about the colors, I'm experimenting with different ways to present lists of things)
1. I never once, in this entire time EVER accused George or Ed of cheating. I accused the people that were voting for George of cheating... but never did I say that I even thought that it was George or Ed. Nor did I ever come close to implying it.
2. He was not kicked off the site. I ban spammers and hackers, nobody else. I feel very strongly against banning because I have tools at my expense that are a lot more efficient than banning (making all of a users posts invisible to everyone except admins and the user who posted it)
3. I deleted NO posts. Steve-O deleted some posts because apparantly he was saying some very vile things. This is common forum procedure... there is a difference between harmless bickering and bringing sexual comments about people's wives into the mix... leave the wives out of it unless they are specifically in the situation.
4. His vote was not removed, in fact, as I said before he was one of the few people who registered in the last couple days that were legitimate enough to actually make posts on the site.
5. To take this to another level, nobody's vote was removed except for George's girlfirend who had a confirmed 3 votes toward his total, and I only took 2 of the 3 away and allowed one vote to count. So he lost a total of 2 votes.
6. This had nothing to do with Vic. Vic was one of MANY people (and when I say "many," I mean I had 5 PM's/IM's when I got home that night) who were telling me that something just didn't seem right about the voting. However, I looked into the situation when I noticed a specific person who I knew had multiple accounts were still signing up with new accounts and putting their real name in the name field and had matching IP addresses.
7. And lastly, again, I kicked NOBODY off of this site. Where are you getting your information? Nobody has been banned, kicked, or any other alteration of the word.
I have since done more research into the votings, and I have found a lot of things out. But the fact of the matter is that this is just a "Ride of the Month" on a local car forum. This should not be that difficult, folks. This isn't the presidential voting. You're going to be on a kickass calendar in 2008, but really it's just supposed to be a fun voting!
In the near future, the Ride of the Month will blow up into substantial proportions. As we get nicer and nicer cars registered in the garage it is going to be much more difficult to be a part of it. I think we have a very good start right now with Rob's car in January, and EITHER George or Trevor's car in February.
There are some of you that go against the grain a lot and it's really frusterating for me. It seems like every move I make (that in the REAL world, would be non-negotiable, such as investigating cheating in a contest) I am under the magnifying glass and people start to make up stuff about this and that. Next thing you know I'm rumored to be kicking people off my site and blah blah. When have I been known to kick ANYONE off of my site? I can count on one hand in the entire 3 years I've been running this thing.
So please, again, if anyone has ANY questions about how things are done all you have to do is EMAIL, PM, or hell, ask me for my phone number and I'll give it to you. I will entertain your questions.... I don't think I"m that hard to work with!
01-30-2007, 03:44 PM
Hey about me and George run. You guys seriously think he can take my car? Pshh you got another thing commin. 16g all day long bitches.
I thought I told you to stay off of Vics drugs... :rolleyes:
01-30-2007, 03:49 PM
I'd lock up my cavalier in a race against George but I don't think the green machine is going to last much longer :( Got some weird problems going on with it right now. Car shuts off by itself while i'm driving down the road sometimes.
logans dad
01-30-2007, 05:00 PM
[quote="TbTalon94";p="120177":b3435]Hey about me and George run. You guys seriously think he can take my car? Pshh you got another thing commin. 16g all day long bitches.
I thought I told you to stay off of Vics drugs... :rolleyes:[/quote:b3435]
Only drugs I take are prescribed pain killers for my neck, but they are good.
01-31-2007, 08:29 AM
Or maybe he will tell you to step up and say it to his face internet smart ass.
01-31-2007, 12:22 PM
Hey ICK, Why U cry so damn much? Maybee ALLGAY will make u a cup o soup!
01-31-2007, 01:15 PM
I've never seen people so entertained by name calling.... well not since I was in middle school anyways.
Gee Allgo and Vic I hope your new nicknames don't stick to you all through high school :)
The thing that confuses me is all you guys ever talk about is "fuck this fuck that.... when we have a problem we settle in on the street."
Well you guys had all summer and I don't see any indication that shit got settled. And to further that, I've never seen anything get settled on the street anyways. I see people win races and then have more shit to argue about all winter long.
I see Allgo make constant attempts to drop this shit with you guys he gets on your forums and even gives you props for stuff that you say sometimes.
Not nice, but funny!!
In reference to your post bashing on Vic, and then Vic comes in and is very calm about it too:
Something tells me I would some how get negative votes on here. I say that in a fun way, not a smart ass way.
Also in reference to your topic bashing on him.
I see everyone being reasonable except for you guys. I'm not saying people in the MSCA never pick on you guys because I know for a fact that they do, but I'm seeing a pattern here that pretty much defies any real argumentative logic because I see people trying to drop it all the time, yet it never gets dropped.
What is up with this, guys?
01-31-2007, 01:57 PM
Or maybe he will tell you to step up and say it to his face internet smart ass.
Word of advice...
Watch what you say to that guy!
01-31-2007, 02:45 PM
[quote="allgo";p="120279":bd01a]Or maybe he will tell you to step up and say it to his face internet smart ass.
Word of advice...
Watch what you say to that guy![/quote:bd01a]
Thanks for the advice goerge, I thought you didnt know who he was?
01-31-2007, 02:46 PM
Hey about me and George run. You guys seriously think he can take my car? Pshh you got another thing commin. 16g all day long bitches.
I am confused by this post, is this a challenge to goerge from you or is this just pocking fun???
01-31-2007, 03:47 PM
Trevors just having some fun...he knows what the end result would be. :biggrin:
logans dad
01-31-2007, 03:55 PM
Hey ICK, Why U cry so damn much? Maybee ALLGAY will make u a cup o soup!
I saw the post Rob did on street what ever its called and I dont know, but I couldnt really understand it but sounded like a slam to me.
01-31-2007, 05:26 PM
i have a feeling this is gonna be like the rest of it all, in that its going to be a whole lot of build up all for nothing...
01-31-2007, 06:51 PM
i have a feeling this is gonna be like the rest of it all, in that its going to be a whole lot of build up all for nothing...
You got it Dustan...Just like every topic that goes on here.
01-31-2007, 07:11 PM
[quote="DustinsDuster";p="120328":6175b]i have a feeling this is gonna be like the rest of it all, in that its going to be a whole lot of build up all for nothing...
You got it Dustan...Just like every topic that goes on here.[/quote:6175b]
well if we can all agree that nothing good will come of any of this shit, then why not make an effort to stop it? im not singling you out Ed, im just saying. i understand a little desire for some shit talk, but c'mon guys, this is getting rediculous. it sounds like you all are just about at eachothers' throats; litterally.
i know everyone wants to have the last word, but i think its pretty obvious this shit isnt going to end that way. i have a crazy idea. how about everyone drops their petty arguments, stops bringing up old useless topics, and just start off clean?
i know not everyone is as able to drop and forget things as others, but seriously; give it a try. it's kinda fun not caring about every little thing thats said...
01-31-2007, 07:28 PM
My point is this Dustin, with out this bickering back and forth I would be pretty bored. I always say if you dont like it dont read it, its not like we are on every topic bitching back and forth, so let us have are fun and everybody that gets pissed about it just dont read a topic that Ed,George,Snickerlicker, Me, and 90notch post on, that simple. Not being a dick about it but we all know eachother pretty well and try to see who can push whos buttons the hardest. now I am not a fan of some of the stuff these new people have said but what ya gonna do?
01-31-2007, 07:43 PM
we all know eachother pretty well and try to see who can push whos buttons the hardest.
Oh I got your BUTTONS bitch and I going push them come spring...What ya think of that? :biggrin:
01-31-2007, 08:17 PM
i know you two and some of the others enjoy it, but it seems people are continually getting upset over it. i know they shouldnt read it, but if you know someones talking shit about you, youre gonna want to know whats being said. and then when you read it, youre gonna want to say your peice as well.
truthfully, it doesnt matter to me much, but i just hate seeing people constantly upset because people are talking shit about them. im an admin here, meaning Zac entrusted me with the responsibility of trying to keep the (relative) peace around here.
i do agree with you in that if it bothers you, you just shouldnt read it, and i also agree that there are better ways of going about things if people are saying things that really bother you (AIM, PM, phonecall). i guess what im meaning is, if it seems someone is trying to stay out of shit, please, just try to leave them out of it. when people get upset, me(and the other mods) have to hear about it.
01-31-2007, 09:13 PM
I totally understand where you are coming from, but point still is most of this is in good fun.
02-01-2007, 12:32 AM
^ I really enjoy reading you guys' bickering when it really is all in fun.
I think there's a handful of comments that get made that are just below the belt, though. Posts like what I was explaining to you in your welcome PM to being an MSCA moderator... when personal/physical threats are involved... I get pretty annoyed by it. And it doesn't matter who is making the threats... I think it's just plain innapropriate.
As I said, I enjoy reading most of this BS... but I can't stand it when some people run out of things to say so they gotta resort to physical threats. Because one of these days there is going to be a big brawl out there over stuff that gets started on here and it's not going to be pretty.
This town may be pretty quiet but I know people who carry handguns. In fact one of my best friends, a guy on CR:U, carries a pistol. Doesn't mean he would ever use it in a situation like that but people do some dumb stuff when shit gets deep.
02-01-2007, 10:09 AM
[quote="TbTalon94";p="120177":fa0b4]Hey about me and George run. You guys seriously think he can take my car? Pshh you got another thing commin. 16g all day long bitches.
I am confused by this post, is this a challenge to goerge from you or is this just pocking fun???[/quote:fa0b4]
Haha it was both. I'll race george whenever he wants I don't really care. I know his car is faster then mine. I'm just having some fun with Ed. :bigthumb:
02-01-2007, 12:10 PM
OH yea, that time is going to come this summer. Prolly even sooner, Spring is right around the corner.
02-01-2007, 12:42 PM
Hey George wanna foot-race?
02-01-2007, 04:48 PM
OH yea, that time is going to come this summer. Prolly even sooner, Spring is right around the corner.
I'm actually gonna give me a run huh? I bet I can give you a run for your money. I think soo here i'm going to post a picture of my new "set-up" but I will be sure to put a rag over the Turbo for ya :bigthumb:
02-01-2007, 04:50 PM
im in on this foot race. no sandbagin now zac.
02-01-2007, 05:13 PM
I don't mess around with foot races!
Actually straight up racing was never my thing. I always had to have hurdles. I pwned in 7th grade track and field on the 60 meter hurdles. Blue ribbon baby.
Would have won the hurdle relay race but ERIC (yes black vr6) dropped the baton. Baton dropping biatch.
So lets do this thing. But I want hurdles. Unless all I have to do is race george and we don't need the hurdles. Don't want to hurt the poor boy.
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