View Full Version : Zac n' Ash buy a nuker...

01-19-2007, 11:32 AM
Our little dorm-room sized microwave died the other day, and Ash and I always wanted to get a bigger nicer nuker so we went out and got this beauty of a microwave.

It's an over-the-range microwave which means it'll eventually be sitting above my stove (once I get my dad over here with all the tools I need) but for now we just have it sitting on the counter.

It's a pretty big one. It's just a shade smaller than most full-size microwaves (which are giant). But considering I think I could put a full sized turkey in this thing I think it should be big enough.

I'll post updates of how it looks when we get it installed. It should look pretty nice. Next stop is the stove. I purposefully kept the stove out of the picture because it'd hideous...like from the 70's, but it's slowly dying on us so we'll be getting a new stove soon too. Once that's out of here, most of the old appliances will be gone finally. Pretty much everything else has been replaced. :)


01-19-2007, 01:20 PM
Yay for appliances! I can't wait till I get my own house, 2 ish years and counting right now.

But uhh, let's see this ugly ass stove!

01-19-2007, 01:33 PM
HaHa. Well the stove was probably a very nice stove.... in 1979 when my home was built. I think there's a picture of the stove somewhere... I'll attach another one to this post anyways.

The cabinets are very excellent looking. The dark wood is definitely coming back, and these cabinets have been amazingly well taken care of. So once we replace that stove and get this microwave installed, our kitchen will look very nice.

This spring we're going to do some repainting and we'll be replacing all of the lighting fixtures in the home and installing a few lighting fixtures in some areas.

We've been really stoked about the home improvement thing lately because we really love the new place and plan to live here for a long long time.

Next replacement after the stove and lighting fixtures will be the fridge :)


01-19-2007, 03:55 PM
hahah i had that stove in my old house

01-19-2007, 04:45 PM
i was thinking to myself before you said you were moving it back over the stove "microwave right by the sink!!! doesnt sound safe to me. i dont think OSHA would approve."

01-19-2007, 09:27 PM
That looks like mine. If your not venting it outside make sure you get a charcoal filter for it. Mine didn't come with one.

01-20-2007, 05:02 PM
yay for microwaves....

01-27-2007, 01:37 PM
Here's a little Before/After action of the nuker. It's like "Pimp My Kitchen"

We LOVE the extra counter space that this provides. An over-the-range microwave is honestly a sweet deal. They're pretty big microwaves, and they save you counter space all at the same time. I could just about cook a turkey in this thing, yet it takes up less space than that little dorm-room microwave we had before.


01-27-2007, 02:16 PM
That looks like mine. If your not venting it outside make sure you get a charcoal filter for it. Mine didn't come with one.

Mine didn't come with a charcoal filter either, but fortunately there was already a vent from the fan that was there before so we just altered it a bit to fit the new microwave and it works great.


01-29-2007, 03:11 PM
because i am a nerd, i can tell you it should be perfectly safe. OSHA would probably just test the GFCI is their and new.