View Full Version : Local STREET cars get some recognition, check this out!!!
01-16-2007, 10:57 AM ... t_open.php (
01-16-2007, 11:29 AM
Congrate to Havlik /Walsh/Casey/Al and everyone that represented the REAL street cars of CR......But whats the best is they are either a got smart EX or NONE MSCA member :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
90 notch
01-16-2007, 11:45 AM
Ed,he's not an ex-member because he didn't want to be in anymore.Me and him had a fall-out because of some financial stuff which is none of your buisness anyway.I still respect what he's done and i'm sure it's like wise.I have know him for a very long time and after all the smoke clears we will come to reason.I can say one thing,my car is faster than my mouth,ed to bad i can't say the same for you.Congrats brian and walsh on a job well done.Steve o(msca).
01-16-2007, 11:49 AM
Congrats to Everyone who made the paper..
Shut the fuck up.. I don't understand why you insist on turning every fucking thread into a shit match. There is no car you could ever own that could keep up with your mouth.. You realy need your teeth busted out.. maybe then you would shut the fuck up.l
01-16-2007, 02:52 PM
Steve'O if I wanted to be faster than you I would...but there not giving any trophys or news air time or gazette coverage for being, or thinking your the fastest...As for your big mouth...I am will to bet 99% of your EX members and freinds left for that reason...well thats the word anyway. :biggrin:
I was the fastest in Iowa with Spaz for N/A 60" bikes for years and ya no what NOBODY gave or gives a shit...Its NO BIG DEAL...Its like being on top in Palo...And thats the Truth deal with it. So stop trying to take a good thing of post and ruin it with your BS.
01-16-2007, 04:25 PM
Congrats to all in the article, I have always had alot of respect for brians car, he knows that!!! I didnt see that grand national run at cordova that they are talking about, scotty do you remember him running?
Rollin on Dubs
01-16-2007, 05:25 PM
Congrats to all in the article, I have always had alot of respect for brians car, he knows that!!! I didnt see that grand national run at cordova that they are talking about, scotty do you remember him running?
Its casey's dads car, I beleve it ran down in the low 13s high 12s. Its mostly stock if i remeber right.
01-16-2007, 06:11 PM
i know its been said many times but i to want to say congrats to the guys who made the 1500+ mile drive it speaks volumes about some of the machines around here.its about time the gazette pulls its head out and recognizes that there is another form of racing around here except circle track..with 4 tracks within under 2 hours driving time you think they would want to take a little more interest in giving the sport some press..maybe it will take people writing them and telling them "WE WANT MORE".again way to go guys and good luck on the 07 drag week i seen it on the cordova schedule again this year.. :supz:
01-16-2007, 09:27 PM
Yeah i totally read that in the paper this morning. Congrats!
01-17-2007, 06:58 AM
Yeah thats Casey's dads car, he had some problems with his turbo setup the week before he left "dont know what" and had to run the stock plumbing and turbo, had alcohol injection setup on it, but yeah he ran a high 12 a couple times and averaged somewhere in the low 13's. Should be alot quicker this year.
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