View Full Version : Fraudulent Check/Dirty Scam

01-05-2007, 11:10 AM
Well here's how it went. The girlfriend, her roomates, and I were sitting in the living room of her apartment and she gets this check in the mail for $2,998 from the Imperial Lottery in Dublin, Ireland, and the check was written from Home Depot and had a printed signature instead of a hand written one. So we read the paper that came with it, it said that she had won $2,998 and is 100% for sure to win $112,000 after she deposits that $2,998 and then sends $2,884 back to the person who sent her the money to cover the "fees." So we all were a little eery about it so she calls the phone number and talks to the guy that was running the whole scam, one thing that he said that threw us off was that she couldnt tell many people about it for her safety since she'll have more than $100,000 in her name in a couple days. Now what kind of organization is gonna tell you that? He also said she was automatically in the lottery from when she was signing up for scholarships online. So she talks to her Mom about it and she tells her to go to her bank and make sure it's legit. So we go to the bank and after a couple seconds of the banker looking through the check and the letter, she said it was fake, and that lottery is illegal in Ireland. What would have went on if she would have deposited it then sent a check back to the guy, he could have got her account number and stole money out of her account, and she would be charged with debt fees and more than likely be put in jail. So we were pissed since she had all her hopes up ( who wouldnt? ) so we go to the police station and give them the letter and the check and soon to be the envelope that it was in, so they're pretty much fucked. =)

A friend of my Dad's got the same thing from the Canadian Lottery, I havent heard anything about it though, whether he deposited it or not.
So I guess these guys are sending these scammed checks to alot of people, so I'm just giving a heads up.


01-05-2007, 11:14 AM
duh they have been doing that trick for years now.

01-05-2007, 11:17 AM
yeah they do it in emails and on instant messenger too. annoyinggg.

01-05-2007, 11:18 AM
I havent seen any conversation about it so why not post it incase unaware people get it in the mail? Do they have a website?

01-05-2007, 01:55 PM
They Also do it threw craigslist and Ebay all the time, I laugh at it... for example

I was trying to sell my Acura on Craigslist for $5,000 this Stickyfingaz shippin wrote me saying that they would send me a $9,000 Cashiers "Cheque" and i needed to take the cheque to the bank cash it send the remaining $4,000 Back to them plus my car and then 2 weeks down the road when the Bank finally releized its a fake Check You have to pay the bank back the $9,000 Plus your car is prolly in a million pieces and Your out your own vehical, Plus you'll prolly end up in court1or possibly going to jail

Thats just another way they try to get you outta your Shat


01-05-2007, 04:30 PM
heres an announcement for anyone who wasnt born with this memo:

NOTHING IS FREE. no matter what anyone tells you, youre never going to get free money from someone you dont know.

01-06-2007, 01:16 AM
i used to get sex for free

01-06-2007, 02:13 AM
it wasn't free.

01-06-2007, 08:05 AM
it wasn't free.

that makes it sound like it was from you. haha too funny

01-06-2007, 02:13 PM
no, i just know becuase i'm a girl. :P