View Full Version : Slander, logging in as someone else warning

01-04-2007, 03:16 AM
It has come to my attention if anyone should come over to your computer and goes online. If you or anyone should have that remember me checked for logon here, it is very easy to go to your history or just the address bar and look and see where someone has been click the address and viola you are 69gt4speed or who evers computer it is. Although they are Not 69gt4speed it appears it is them on here and can post any trash they want. So for those that say xxxx posted me threats or what have you, who is to say it is them? I put this as very irritating but who am I to know for sure it is them?

I can write like zac, dustin, ashley or tbtalon. Doesn't take rocket science. I myself put this in the photo camera speeding/redlight category which was thrown out and I hope stays out. Big bro assumes I am driving my car when someone else is driving and runs a red light or is speeding in my car. Fuk that I can't control what someone might do... The temptation is great. Damn ppl at work do this if you forget to log out. So as a public service message I am posting this up to those that might have let some use their computer. Bottom line who is to say who it is? End of story...

I am so tired of ppl suing someone else, fuk the politicans, fuk the lawyers, all I want is to see some racin without the bs. Oh he won, I'm suing his azz is next or his car looks better... My rant is real take ur to the bank. Sorry, but damn I guess I will have someone sign a disclaimer from now on... :biggrin:

01-04-2007, 06:23 AM
So the sue happy world is getting to you too huh…

Although the speed cameras I don’t mind. It frees up officers’ time sitting at known bad intersections or speeding areas and allows them to do the more important things. As for the “you being responsible for whomever is driving your car” Well the only person who is allowed to drive my 240 is me, and the jeep my other family members might take. So most of the complaints have been from parents who’s kids were speeding. This argument they use I find funny because YES they are responsible for their kids’ actions. If a friend borrowed your car and got one I would make them pay it. I did them a favor and they were speeding. It doesn’t go on any record, so they can pay their fine and I can get on with my day. So besides the wonderful city revenue that is gained and lowing my homeowners tax, I don’t see too much bad with them.

But I too am sick of everyone suing everyone for anything under the sun. I mean people that rob you in your own house are now protected and have “rights”. So are we to assume that my homeowners insurance is going to go up because they are now covering people’s meth labs? I mean if they burn down then obviously there is a structural problem and we should sue the person whom built the house… not the meth head. He was just working, how was it his fault?

Yeah… I’m not impressed with the general public. I see society slipping as a whole… and someone greased up this slide with KY jelly…

01-04-2007, 11:17 AM
I've never been a fan of sueing people.

Just like that lady that got millions of dollars from McDonalds because she burned herself on her coffee and the cup technically didn't say that the coffee would be hot. What in the world would entitle her to millions of dollars for that? The emotional trauma that goes along with burning your tongue? Come on... seriously.

I think the biggest problem I have with sueing someone is that you almost always get way more money than you realistically are entitled to. And if you don't win, then all you've got to do is pay court fees. You could take someone to court and they could miss weeks of work but yet when the court decides you're a dumbass, all that happens is you pay the court fee's and the other guy is probably thousands of dollars behind from missing a couple weeks of work or more depending on how difficult it is to reach a verdict.

There are some situations in which it is okay to sue somebody. Somebody did something to you that caused you some serious medical bills that you can't afford. Then sure, that's a good reason. But when you're sueing for "mental angst" and shit like that.... wanting someone to pay you for hurting your feelings... you can't put a dollar amount on that because when you hurt somebody's feelings, that's just the way it is, you can't take it back... you can only apologize for it and hope that maybe they'll accept your apology. But they certainly are not entitled to any money for hurting your feelings.

Oh well... the world moves on. But I hear ya on that subject Rob. Most definitely.
