View Full Version : Cedar Falls Race Rules
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Street Car Heads up Rules :
Any make, model and year full body production vehicles. Dragsters and roadsters prohibited.
Full body stock type chassis, "back-half" vehicles permitted. OEM safety glass windows required and must be functional. Lexan prohibited. Tube chassis prohibited.
All 4-cylinder, 6-cylinder, small and big block engines permitted. Any transmission and rearend permitted. Exhaust system with mufflers required.
Street credentials:
Vehicles must have operational Head lights, Tail lights, Brake lights, Turn signals.
Driver must have:
1. Valid Drivers License
2. Valid vehicle registration
No restrictions
Awards and format to follow.
01-02-2007, 11:04 PM
Well, first if you are allowing back-halfed cars you might need to adjust the tire width rule a little bit? (not sure though)
also, is more than one power adder allowed? (example: nitrous and turbo or twins and nitrous, etc..)
Other than that, everyone have fun this winter. And i will be there in the spring for sure!
Rollin on Dubs
01-03-2007, 12:11 AM
Well i like the rules (because my car fits them) but i know there are going to be some guys who dont like the tire rule.
And no mike just because the car is backhalfed does not mean that it has to run a big tire, Hell most Outlaw ten wides are back halfed but run a 10.5W
01-03-2007, 03:51 AM
Tire size should stay, leave the steam rollers for the people who can't make a car hook on a small tire, and they can have their own race someplace else.
multiple power adders ok.
I'd like to see some good racing. small or big tire don't really care. But you have to have some kind of limiting facotr and tire size seems to be the easiest. If there's enough interest maybe we could break up a fat tire group.
90 notch
01-03-2007, 06:12 AM
Thanks guch,rules sound perfect.Looks like willie will have to put a smaller tire on his truck.Sorry willie.Now all i have to do is talk to laura to cordinate everything.Thanks again guch.Steve o
01-03-2007, 11:26 AM
BIGGER TIRES!!!!! 12.5 or narrower would be great, Im tired of buying rims and tires all the time
01-03-2007, 02:40 PM
I think OUT OF STATE CARS should be allowed...Ya Think?...If this is a benifit for Brian what does it matter?...I think it could get very,very interesting...Ed
I personally don't care where they are from. Fast cars from whereever would be cool. It'd be good to have a few cars that will dominate than just one.
Voice up on the tires and out of state. This is not my rodeo I am just helping.
01-03-2007, 04:02 PM
So i take it, this is not going to be a benifit race . If it is,screw the rules then, who ever pays, plays! :yawinkle:
01-03-2007, 04:22 PM
Out of state cars are welcome who cares, the tire rule should stand, we could always have another race for the steam rollers. just my 3 cents
Rollin on Dubs
01-03-2007, 04:26 PM
Is there going to be a drive that the cars will be required to make? Or is it open to any race car with a licencs plate?
01-03-2007, 04:32 PM
no drive needed.
01-03-2007, 05:55 PM
I think we should stretch the tire rule to 12.5" and help a few people out...those are not steam rollers, they have already decided against the you race you drive idea...what ya think 2" is not going to make much of a difference...Is Steve'Os car 10.5"? I thought they were a bit larger, my tires are 10.5" well my shoes anyway :biggrin: ...Ed
01-03-2007, 06:01 PM
i say up the tire size too, if your going to scratch the drive to race for the msca vs street psi thing then i dont see what the tire size should make a difference. Ofcourse running huge slicks would be a no go.
These rules are the same as NSCA True Street rules. I don't see this thing being a MSCA vs whoever. Race what you got, have a good time and grudge race somebody if you have something to prove. If you want to have two different break downs on classes then I don't see a big deal. the two classes can have the top three from each race heads up against the other or whatever. But changing from a 10.5 to a 12.5 etc. is going to gain how many participants? Is it going to be worth a second class?
01-03-2007, 06:59 PM
so guch you said race what you why does tire size matter?? if someone has 10.5,12.5 or 22.5 does it matter if this is a benefit race for brian?????
01-03-2007, 07:19 PM
Its kinda like he said the base rules are true street , I think you have to have some rules, how many cars would this gain by haveing a bigger tire class?????? 2 or 3 I dont know.
You gotta draw a line somewhere. That's what's going on is figuring out what is going to work best. When you go to a wide slick should we eliminate DOT, should we add dragsters? It could go on forever, lets figure out a happy medium. multiple classes or whatever.
01-03-2007, 07:55 PM
i understand you are trying to lay down some rules and i think they are great..but if you have a dot stamp i dont see why it would matter on size..i know this is a msca ran event and dont want to stir the pot just trying to understand as im sure a few other people are but maybe they dont want to ask..its all up to you guys and hey its all good.. :supz:
01-03-2007, 11:41 PM
i agree on expanding the tire size. im not gonna fight for it that much, my tires are 10.5, but if its open to street cars, i think any DOT tires should be allowed. a tubbed car isnt always a racecar. look at BHavlik....
01-04-2007, 08:40 AM
Good point dustin, Im thinking any car capable of driving up there should at least attempt the drive just for the fun factor, that would the coolest part of the event is my opinion is cruising a bunch of bad-ass cars down the highway, not mention it makes for some awesome photo opportunities. Tire size really doesnt make a difference for me as far as traction is concerned at the strip, i can pull a mid 1.3 on 10 inch street tires no problem, but I dont want to buy new wheels and tires again just for this race, and Im not sure but I think havlik's new car is wider then 10.5 tires, dubs probably knows better than me. and he's always down for a good cruise to the drag strip. Im going regardless I just dont want to be the only guy driving my car down the highway and then not being able to compete due to my tires. I understand alot of people dont want to chance making the drive for one reason or another but theres gotta more people out there willing to make the drive.. but who are they??
01-04-2007, 09:48 AM
Scotty, I will be making the drive in one of my cars and someone else will be driving the other for me so I am down for the drive. I think the tire size can be worked out, it really doesnt matter to me anymore just as long as we get some cars there.
Rollin on Dubs
01-04-2007, 11:56 AM
I will drive there, Its going to be hard for me to not want to do highway pull's against scottty the entire way up there, so my shit will prob be blown up by the time i get there!
01-04-2007, 01:05 PM
Here's my 2 cents:
Have the rules only apply to cars who are trailered to the track. If you drive your car there on the street, then your car is in. If you trailer the car, then those are the rules.
That makes sense to me... since if you drive your car 30-45 minutes to the track without getting pulled over or anything, then I'd call your car a street car worthy of competing in a street-car race at the track.
01-04-2007, 01:33 PM
Disagree with those rules Zac, some people would rather trailor there cars up incase shit blows up. I will be tralioring my foxbody.
01-04-2007, 02:07 PM
All that sounds good to me, I just wanna see some cool shit driving up there, who knows I might even have a trailer there also but hopefully my car wont be on it. If things go good Ill just have my brother or someone drive my car home since Ill be on the trailer, in my lawn chair, next to a few coolers of beer, feelin nice and buzzed. I dont expect my car to be fastest one up there and I'll be the first to tell you that, I just wanna do a race for a good cause, just dont tell me Im not good enough cuz my rubbers too wide!!! Ohh yeah and thats if my car isnt blown up from racing "beating" dubs on the way to the track..I mean the moneys going to a good place for a good guy, let me contribute..
90 notch
01-04-2007, 03:06 PM
Ok scotty and or anybody else with larger tires,you know us small tire cars are at a great disadvantage.Let me propose this,let us small tire cars run slicks,you guys may as well.We will throw out the tire rule if everybody is cool with that.Al other rules will apply,no tube cars,no lexan,you guys know what i'm speaking.These are just options so everybody has a good shot at this.Thanks steve o-midwest streetcar association.
01-04-2007, 04:01 PM
i think it would be cool to see all these cars cruising to the track BUT i see where people are coming from about the breakage issue and may not be feasible and such.
Anymore i say just run what ya brung, have fun, and help a good cause.
01-04-2007, 06:28 PM
the thing is, i dont see why you're using terms like "disadvantage" and "rules". am i misconstruing the purpose of this? i thought it was a "fun time" and "fund raiser"? you think there has to be rules? DOT tires sounds like a rule to me. Street legal sounds like a rule to me. is there going to be a trophy or money for the fastest car? no? then why all these stipulations?
01-04-2007, 06:51 PM
^Agreed. that's the only reason I thought up that "drive it there and race" rule is just because if you physically can drive the car there, then forget the rules because you're obviously driving a street car.
But Allgo has a point, when your engine is worth better thank $20k it's kinda stupid to have to drive your car down there just to prove a point.
I still say just bring your car out there and race it. Don't make it too difficult. Have some fun... why handicap some cars so that a slower vehicle has a chance to beat it?
01-04-2007, 08:02 PM
Well it all started out to be a MSCA vs StreetPSI, where we would all drive up, race,compete and drive home together. Then it turned into a Brian Chelf bennefit race, and not a competition. The way i look at it, is if it's no competition, then fuck it. Street car, what ever tire, what ever rubber then who cares as long as it's a DOT approved tire . A family friend said that who owns Novak electric said that for every tech card redgistered that day Novak Electric will give $10.00s to the bennefit. And $100.00 to the fastest Car that night. If this don't take place at Tri-State im prety sure thats those donations will not be made. And StreetPSI will not be attending beacuse CFR is shit.. We do not wanna pay $20.00 plus dollars and make one pass and be pist of because our 4 wheel drive cars can not hook. I know, you know, and everyone knows that track has traction issues. So if it happens at Tri-State, then Novak electric, and StreetPSI will participate. And if we do go that route then i will Start a list for people to add to of who will be driving there "STREET CAR" to the track.
01-04-2007, 08:09 PM
^ There you go Georgie.
Lets just squash the MSCA vs. StreetPSI stuff for one day and just turn some heads for our city together. Or at least CR:U/StreetPSI/MSCA all racing together. Don't worry about who wins or loses (though I'm sure some people will anyways) just go out and have some fun.
01-04-2007, 08:28 PM
Well I see it as a benifit race, so weather you all hook up or spin, Its about helping out a good person...I think just showing up would be the big thing...I am not racing anymore, but I will be there to help support the cause...I am 100% the Novak Electric offer stands regardless of which track we are at... Shane is a good guy and a man of his word...I have been good freinds with him for a loooooong time....So lets all just set aside the track cond card and support the cause...I personally myself think if it went down at TriState the turnout would be better and the overall fun of the day would be better ( as for grudge racing) etc...But heck if your not hooking just start drinking :biggrin: ...well make it a big party...Ed
01-04-2007, 08:59 PM
did someone say big party and drinking!!!! :supz: :supz: now your talking, I'll race then PARTY WITH ED, yeah buddy :biggrin: :bigthumb: I'll still be smiling and happy even if my tires are too big
Rollin on Dubs
01-04-2007, 09:26 PM
I dont care what track we race at, I personally like CFR just as much as Tristate, And i know how shitty it gets when a bunch of FWD cars go out and attempt to do a burn out and track water all the way down the track, But i have also been there when they had good track prep and it would hook better than tristate.
Plus i beleve the new ownership will only make things better. Tristate also is a well prepped track, and if shayne is willing to donate money to the cause then to me it would prob be benificial to have it at tristate.
I also like the 10.5 tire rule and i love Radial tire racing (personally would like to get a local 5 race series going) but for this deal i think a minimal amount of rules would prob help car count.
so im all for the any Dot tire rule, But maby we could get the ball rolling on a small local series where we do 5 races, True drag ridials 275/ 60 max tire sized simlar to PSCA wild street rules ... treet.html (
01-04-2007, 09:51 PM
aslong as i can follow someone up to which ever track it is i'm happy. I havent been to either track yet. (yet being the key word)
Here's the latest:
Preliminary rules updated.
I am sorry if it's not at the track you want but for this event it will be at a Gardener owned track. They have been real good through out this situation so if we can benefit Brian and help the track it will be a win for everyone. Cedar Falls is the nearest and seems to be the happy medium. If some people want to get something together at Tri-state, great. Like the track and owner.
There is going to be some sort of trophy or something for the winner of the described class. That's the reason for having a outlined class. There will be some other either T&T or something for those that don't want to participate in that class. this will be worked out with Cedar Falls soon. They have been great down at cordova the end of last year supporting Brian and his family.
It is a benefit for Brian as well as friendly competition. That is the reason for an outlined class that now pretty much anyone with a full body car can compete in.
If my car is back together and ready by then I will drive my car. But whether someone wants to drive,trailer,push or drag thier car there it doesn't matter.
Have fun, no drama.
90 notch
01-05-2007, 06:22 AM
Well guys it always seems like their's always pros and cons for everything.As for the rules seems to me like nobody cares about the obvious.Any tire,all street equipment.I think car count will be high.I will furnish the trophy(a very large one)to the fastest streetcar.Lets help brian out and if you got beef as well this would be a good place to do it.Let's all put the bs aside and make this a great turnout!Steve o-MIDWEST STREETCAR ASSOCIATION.
01-05-2007, 10:41 AM
I hope there wont be any hard feelings if for some reason the trophy (fastest street car) goes to someone out of state...beings about 95% of everyone is from Iowa...But its not about a stupid trophy anyway. :bigthumb: ...Ed
01-05-2007, 01:11 PM
I hope there wont be any hard feelings if for some reason the trophy (fastest street car) goes to someone out of state...beings about 95% of everyone is from Iowa...But its not about a stupid trophy anyway. :bigthumb: ...Ed
There wouldnt be any hard feelings, who are you talking about? What does he drive? Just wondering. I think one of my buddies is coming from out of state to so I wouldnt be to sure on the trophy yet!!! :tonqe:
01-06-2007, 05:16 PM
oh yeah well my buddy from out of state will whoop your buddy from out of state's ASS!!!!
01-06-2007, 05:30 PM the end of the day I say we all do some 12oz beer slamming racing...I am bringing my player (Dean) you wanna run him? :biggrin: He told me he will DRAG your ass....
01-07-2007, 01:16 AM
oh yeah well my buddy from out of state will whoop your buddy from out of state's a$$!!!!
My dad will beat your dad up.
01-07-2007, 01:21 AM
[quote="Scott";p="118734"]oh yeah well my buddy from out of state will whoop your buddy from out of state's a$$!!!![/quot
My moms coming to race everyone in her van, that shit is fast..
01-07-2007, 01:21 AM
My cousins uncles friend from China will be over to blow you all away. Top fuel baby..
01-07-2007, 09:23 AM
My moms coming to race everyone in her van, that sh*t is fast..
Chances are that will be the best racing of then Day :biggrin:
01-07-2007, 10:17 AM
[quote="Scott";p="118734"]oh yeah well my buddy from out of state will whoop your buddy from out of state's a$$!!!![/quot
My moms coming to race everyone in her van, that sh*t is fast..
Easy on making fun of vans....before its all said and done I might be racing one....
Hows every one been?
01-07-2007, 10:32 AM
Brian, good to see you back on the boards. Tryed to call you a couple weeks ago you must have been busy, Wade said that you never answer your cell.
on a budget
01-07-2007, 12:22 PM
Ed are you even allowed ont he grounds on CFR?
Rollin on Dubs
01-07-2007, 02:33 PM
[quote="Scott";p="118734"]oh yeah well my buddy from out of state will whoop your buddy from out of state's a$$!!!![/quot
My moms coming to race everyone in her van, that sh*t is fast..
Easy on making fun of vans....before its all said and done I might be racing one....
Hows every one been?
Welcome back
01-07-2007, 05:13 PM
Ed are you even allowed ont he grounds on CFR?
Dont know...Dont care...Have absolutley no reason to be there...Ed
Welcome back Brian...good to here from ya.
01-07-2007, 08:28 PM
Hey Budget boy.. What part of the fact that Klemme and my dad are friends, and we had to leave for the night. and NEW MANAGMENT dont get to your head..
Welcome back Brian!!
01-08-2007, 08:44 AM
hey man welcome back!! yeah Im down for some 12oz races, I dont know if I can compete with dean, :vom: but of course I got another buddy who can outdrink your buddy..buddy
01-08-2007, 08:48 AM
you gotta watch out though, the more I drink the faster my car goes, after about 6 or 7 my trap speed is faster than a jet dragster!!!!
01-08-2007, 04:06 PM
Once again...before this turns into a 10 page BS topic...I could give a shit less either way...if they allow me in there or not...Again I have NO REASON to go there other than to support Brians cause...And that would be tossing a $20 into the pot and watching the rest...I am 100% done with the racing scene myself...So hopefully this puts a lid on that...Ed :bigthumb:
01-09-2007, 08:38 AM
So can we get a re-cap on all this crap.
Have we set a date? location? time? rules?
or do we have to go through 50pages to get it set?
So can we get a re-cap on all this crap.
Have we set a date? location? time? rules?
or do we have to go through 50pages to get it set?
Location has always been cedar falls, date and time is not set until cedar falls ok's a date.
rules on first post. may do a bracket/trophy dash also. have to coordinate with cedar falls but they are currently working on thier schedule to figure out dates available.
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