View Full Version : Msca vs streetpsi(cfr).
90 notch
12-19-2006, 06:23 AM
I posted on streetpsi to get things going for the spring.This will be a track event basic rules,but pretty much all out.I am open for suggestions.I want to set it up as street tires,mufflers,and tire size no larger than 10 inches wide(tread width).Let's get some ideas going so we'll have a great start to 07.Thanks steve o(midwest streetcar association).
12-19-2006, 07:30 AM
Those sound like a great start. Street tires no wider then 10", mufflers, maybe do a pump gas rule? That might be pushing it though, and you can't really know someone is running pump gas besides their word.
When is this shindig taking place anyway??
90 notch
12-19-2006, 08:19 AM
Were shooting for may,it'll give everybody time to get some testing in.As far as the pump gas thing,if they want to thats fine but you know just as well as i do things get more interesting with race gas!Let's get some ideas rolling.Steve o
12-19-2006, 08:53 AM
I made a post on streetpsi, but I know 10in tire cuts me out of it and a few other people that would more than likely race in it, havlik "i think" walsh maybe. I would say just drive your car up and back, have mufflers street tires and leave most of the rest open, just divide cars into basic classes such as NA/power adder, import /domestic, pump/race gas. I personally think since this is a "streetcar" race you should have to drive it there and "attempt" to drive it home and roll in a big group would be a blast..lets do this!!
12-19-2006, 04:44 PM
Scotty, I think this is just msca vs street psi. Since we butt heads with them that is why we would like to set something up with them. I think it really doesnt matter how you get there and what gas you run, they have said they have us covered then lets prove it.
logans dad
12-19-2006, 05:07 PM
[quote="TbTalon94";p="117701"]Those sound like a great start. Street tires no wider then 10", mufflers, maybe do a pump gas rule? That might be pushing it though, and you can't really know someone is running pump gas besides their word.
When is this shindig taking place anyway??[/quote
If everyone runs pump gas can I be the exhaust sniffer lol, Trevor we need to get into some race gas tuning when my shits back on the road. Its easy to smell exhaust to tell race from pump gas.
12-19-2006, 08:02 PM
Well as you can tell I dont post much anymore, cause I really dont care ya go Allgo my opinion I am sure you have some cheesey come back but this is what its all about, the whole dam issue...
Well... its like this, Its always been about the street car issue that has always been argued"MSCA" whats it stand for...? STREETCAR.People say its not a street car club, you all argue it sure as heck is...What the rules are simple, take your street car and drive it to the track and race it. Mickey/Hoosier make great DOT tires slicks etc. You run exhust in the street dont you, well there should be no problem then, as for fuel run pump to the track and switch fuels...I noticed that there was a problem right away with the drive it and race it...I bet Walsh/Havlik/Scotty and every StreetPsi person would have no problem with, why is it always the StreetCar club that has issues with it? ...well if its the Mid west street car assc. then step up and prove it...Simple no argueing required...But like I said keep me and my shit out of it. I am done, but I will voice my opinion..and I find it very hard that you can argue it back...Its MSCA "street" Vs "Street" psi its all in the titles...Simple dude.really is, but I am sure it will turn into a 10 page BS arguement like usuall...And as for the rules, what saftey is not an issue anymore, it was a major issue last year, and for NHRA rules...if your car dont pass tech or is not certified you dont race, seems very logical to me. SAFTEY...Anyway it was Steve'O that put 90% of the rules (ideas) out there, I just say drive um, race um, if ya cant do it dont participate...Ed
12-19-2006, 08:11 PM
i'm with Ed about the driving issue.
IMO liked mentioned driving the cars to the track should be atleast one of the requirements.
I think otherwise aslong as its street legal its fine. Meaning any exhaust setup aslong as it legal (i.e. no open headers), any tire that is DOT legal. Fuel you use doesnt matter.
If you can drive it to the track on 110 octane, DOT radials fine be me, it made the drive.
Ofcourse i wont be in it since i'm not part of either but just voicing an opinion.
12-19-2006, 08:21 PM
I'm with warchild, I don't see where the gas you use changes your ability to drive down the street. Just makes it a little more expensive. :biggrin:
12-19-2006, 09:01 PM
There goes allgo acting like StreetPSI GIVES A FLYING FUCK..
For us to play heres our standards.
1. MSCA,streetpsi meats at advanced auto, any car participating will drive together to the track at the Law enforced speed limit, and if you have to stop along the way you are eliminated.
2. DOT approved street tire,Exhaust, fully streetable turn signals,lights, redgistration ETC.
3 Race at the track, then when we are done we ALL drive home to advanced together and if somone has to make a stop on the way they are eliminated.
4. PRO TREE, Run what ever fuckin gass you want
Thats what we want, if you cant make the drive you dont play!
The car competeing must make the drive and meet the requirements, if you dont like it SUCK A DICK and come to the streets BITCHES! :Hangman:
I guess the only thing able to do it is Allgo's cobra and GN and the Lightning.
We are done posting here, Good evening, you know where to find us.
12-19-2006, 09:48 PM
Go eat shit and die george, I know you give a fuck or you wouldnt post about it. You say you have us covered prove it dont back peddal. I didnt say shit then you get on here and post your crap like always. Goodbye...
12-19-2006, 09:48 PM
I'm with warchild, I don't see where the gas you use changes your ability to drive down the street. Just makes it a little more expensive. :biggrin:
Yep good point... if you wanna spend $10/$15 gal for fuel to drive to TriState so be it your choice...the gas issue is your choice. :supz:
12-19-2006, 10:04 PM
Go eat sh*t and die george, I know you give a f*ck or you wouldnt post about it. You say you have us covered prove it dont back peddal. I didnt say sh*t then you get on here and post your crap like always. Goodbye...
Ya know what Joe...your boy brought it to StreetPsi website, and even tossed out the ideas for rules and asked for input. Sorry it dont always accomindate you and your ideas of rules....ya they say they got you covered and you claim a street car club...So how about all you guys put up, they will race and your street car club agrees to the simple only rule or idea Steve'O did not mention " drive um up and race, drive wanna run race gas on the trip up your money do with it what you want...I dont see any back peddeling. this is Steve'Os exact wording...
"I want to set up a streetcar race at cedar falls.Let's all throw some ideas around.Basic rules all street equipment,street tires,mufflers,etc.Tire tread no larger than 10 inches,etc.Let's get some ideas rolling.Steve o"
Sorry someone made an post or gave an idea with out contacting you first....But did you notice the first group of words? "streetcar race"...But I say TriState raceway...
12-19-2006, 10:10 PM
I know my boy stevo ask for ideas, which is fine then your boy gets on here and tells us to suck a dick and says they dont give a shit, but lays out all the rules for them to do it. Next time contact me before you make a post mister internet.
12-19-2006, 10:17 PM
Tell me what rule was stated that Steve"o did not mention besides the drive um thing...I said Pro Tree would be nice, look at Steve'os post and what he said compared to anything I said or George said...and as for contacting you what for? whats the Mr internet? You want me you know where I am.
12-19-2006, 10:42 PM
EXACTLY what Rule did i state that Steve-0 did not state, and he allso asked for imput, so he got imput.
But what do i know.. All you ever have for excuses on me is "OMG... GEORGE IS STARTING HIS SHIT AGAIN" No comebacks that are worth a shit un like the rest of the crowed.
12-19-2006, 10:47 PM
I thought you where done posting on here??? George go away you are not liked on the msca forum. Isnt that what you tools said to Stevo?
12-19-2006, 10:48 PM
EXACTLY what Rule did i state that Steve-0 did not state, and he allso asked for imput, so he got imput.
But what do i know.. All you ever have for excuses on me is "OMG... GEORGE IS STARTING HIS sh*t AGAIN" No comebacks that are worth a sh*t un like the rest of the crowed.
You are my hero street king!!! Someday I can only hope to be as smart and as fast as you!! If I wish it enough will it happen??? I can only hope.
12-20-2006, 05:41 AM
Well once again this has already turned into BS, I supposed we can blame George, for his input as Steve'O asked for. I done... Joe I notice you shit is always towards George. As for staying of the MSCA forum..well stay the fuck out of StreetPsi...Dude you think your sneeky, your always on there site under hidden, but IPs come up. Pretty sad a simple answer to the post would have been easyer than starting this shit... You go to the track and set it on fire again this year, Joe as you did last year. Dont come back with a shit comment towards me. You got something to say you know where I am....Have a GREAT DAY...Ed :supz:
90 notch
12-20-2006, 06:40 AM
Ed,their is so many ways to look at all of this.I do have a streetcar,i guarantee it's got more street equipment than any"streetcars"you know of.I did ask for opinions but it looks to me we could never meet in the middle.I could care less how anybody gets their car to the track.People have their own ways of looking at things,we could meet at the track and drive,i don't care.The fact of the matter is you will never be a part of this cause you want to put people on the spot,make them look bad in front of everybody.I'm telling you this,you wanted to call me out when my car wasn't done,well now what this goes for you to george.I posted on your site so we could have some somewhat friendly competition.Street psi sez they have us covered,i CALL BULLSHIT.The funny thing is i bet i have more street miles on my car in the last 7 days than you did all last year.BTW-my bro wants to thank you for all the support,the cage is done,all in house by chris himself the backyard welder as you would call him, tig welded and pretty!Steve o(midwest streetcar association).
12-20-2006, 08:00 AM
Ed just like your 10.00 pass huh ed that nobody I mean nobody saw!!! You post a vid of georges and not yours, 140 plus mph bullshit again, why dont you get your tank done and I ll race your nova on the streets. Oh and I tryed to get a hold of you on the phone this weekend after YOU started talking shit about me but you never called back.
12-20-2006, 08:02 AM
Oh yeah when did I ever say I wasnt on street psi?? I still go over there to make fun of you guys and your cool cars. Eds isnt this a free country? Thats another line you have tryed to use, see you buddy
12-20-2006, 08:40 AM
Why dont you let anyone compete in this thing and just have your battle between groups on the side, the whole thing sounds like fun to me and I know it would be fun to cruise to the track and back, follow along with the trailer if you want to... I mean whats the point of mandating street tires mufflers and shit if you cant drive it on the street anyway, not that I doubt the cars couldnt make it, everyone would be taking the same chance in drving it up there. It would make it alot more fun that way at least more people would be included in on it. Im a big fan of the drag week rules where its pretty open for chassis and powertrain as long as your car can actually make the drive then its good to race. Come on now what do ya say?? I know Im gonna drive my car up and back anyway as will havlik if he races, why not have everyone do it you would be surprised how much more respect is given to go that fast and actually drive your car up and back..
12-20-2006, 09:15 AM
Hold on I am rereading stevos post of asking for advice...........wait.......yep just like I thought I dont see anywhere him asking george about sucking his dick!!! So go on and say he didnt start anything and maybe you'll really start to beleive it.
12-20-2006, 11:56 AM
Joe, Chances are the Nova will never see another track again, its getting finished and going goody buy.. But since your such a tough guy, im going to have a little talk with dad.. If he lets me, i Will drive the Nova, and race any AND I SAID ANY of your SHIT for ANY amount of money you want on the street, Cause buddy "YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE"!
Thats it, im done with your gayness! Now go back to playing King of the neighborhood, CAUSE THATS ALL YOU ARE BEEEOTCH! :Hangman: And i think your neighbor across the street needs his IP renewed allso, maybe you can go help him out!
12-20-2006, 12:00 PM
What i get the most kick out of, IS i swear Joe has a wedgie in his ass all day, worying about StreetPSI and "HAVING US COVERED"... You guys are not our number one priority, as we are very young and have school and things to do to make us the people you wish you always could have been. But in our free time we will come out to WHOOP YA'll's ASS!
So maybe you should MOVE ON with your lives,cars, and attitueds and realize your going know where but down the drain making yourslefs look stupid picking on a bunch of teenagers. But hey what do i know..
90 notch
12-20-2006, 01:12 PM
George,i would love to see that race between you and allgo,i've got a side bet for the $100.00 i took from your ASS!Steve o
90 notch
12-20-2006, 01:16 PM
You make it sound like were a bunch of people that don't have nice things george,the funny thing is george allgo's got more money than your whole family tree!Steve o
12-20-2006, 01:31 PM
Thats it, im done with your gayness! Now go back to playing King of the neighborhood, CAUSE THATS ALL YOU ARE BEEEOTCH! :Hangman: And i think your neighbor across the street needs his IP renewed allso, maybe you can go help him out![/quote]
What does my neigbor have to do with any of this??
12-20-2006, 01:48 PM
Ed just like your 10.00 pass huh ed that nobody I mean nobody saw!!!
Uh not to get in the shit here....but I actually ran right next to him on that pass. I still have the time slip as well.....
Rollin on Dubs
12-20-2006, 01:49 PM
Why dont you let anyone compete in this thing and just have your battle between groups on the side, the whole thing sounds like fun to me and I know it would be fun to cruise to the track and back, follow along with the trailer if you want to... I mean whats the point of mandating street tires mufflers and sh*t if you cant drive it on the street anyway, not that I doubt the cars couldnt make it, everyone would be taking the same chance in drving it up there. It would make it alot more fun that way at least more people would be included in on it. Im a big fan of the drag week rules where its pretty open for chassis and powertrain as long as your car can actually make the drive then its good to race. Come on now what do ya say?? I know Im gonna drive my car up and back anyway as will havlik if he races, why not have everyone do it you would be surprised how much more respect is given to go that fast and actually drive your car up and back..
Totally agreed ^ Im in ( i know i dont have what it takes to win) but it would be a blast to do! And msca and streetpsi can look at how well each group did and make a judgment who has the fastest and a larger quanity of fast cars.
( Either way the shit talking is going to continue) But i think this is a cool idea.
12-20-2006, 01:55 PM
Hey hey now.
Allgo is a business owner and IMO he is very successful. If I am in Allgo's shoes 15 years from now I'll be extremely happy for what I've accomplished, as people like him and Sully (RysBrnr) represent how I hope my life will be like when I reach their ages....Living in a nice home and having a few nice vehicles. I don't know if Allgo went to college or not, but from what I can tell he sure hasn't needed it. I hope to be a business owner one day because owning a successful business is about as high in this world as you can be in a lot of people's minds.
I'm not necessarily defending anyone. I'm not interested in being involved in this's just hard to judge how much success one will obtain at least until you're about 30. Before that it's all talk. I know people who have bachelor's degree's from U of Iowa who probably will never be able to match what Joe has accomplished.
12-20-2006, 02:25 PM
Yea but whats even more confusing is if he is such the high roller, then you would think he would be way more humble, instead he acts like a jackass. And Stevo-O How sure are you about that whole family tree thing. Maybe you better do some research on where i came from, and who my family is.. i will tell you right now, witch it is none of your busniess, I DID not just put my can a graphitie paint down and push my skatebaord off to the side for my car, 1 of my mothers pay checks is what Allgo makes in 3 months, My father is a Electrician, My Uncle is One of the best Forensic Scientests in the united states. Would you like me to me to keep going.? And some day after college i will dig into my pocket, buy 2 franchise's Maybe SUBWAY AND BLIMPE!
12-20-2006, 02:43 PM
Well Steve'O I did not say nothing bad towards you or Allgo...I stated my opinion..If you guys wanna play race games play..I am 100% not interested. Allgo if you dont think my car ran what I said fell free to call or ask Walsh, 1 pass was with him the other with George...But like I keep saying I could care wanna talk shit to me come do it to my face...your such a tough guy...I see you everyday, I am working 2 buildings down from your Quiznos your at. (Entrees Building)...I know you see me and the work truck, but you never say a word. As for your phone call I never got it, If you called I would answer, as for my post you claim I made...once again I am lost. I made no post neg towards you...I told you a while back I am done with this racing shit. I know you know I sold my motor on Racing Junk 3 weeks back. If George is racing the Nova he must be peddeling it. The remainder of the car is 4 sale also. I dont need a fast car to impress the likes of you or anyone else. Ya you got some nice shit and I never said any diff. but you act like such a arogent ass hole. But weather my car went 10.0 or 10.7 it still went faster than anything in your stable last year. What you think because your a bussiness owner and have some cash and a few nice cars that makes you better then anyone else on here? WRONG...But like I said you got a problem with me come on over, look me up at the job site...or call me up...You make me out to be be such a piece of shit but when you needed things like electrical help at Quiznos, or barrow my truck to haul your car, or anytime you needed anytihng I treated you like I known you for 10 years. Always helped you out...And you come on here and cock sucker me...thats fine just shows your true side. like I said look me up, call me up...if not then shut the fuck up...Ed :supz:
12-20-2006, 02:46 PM
[quote="90 notch";p="117756"].I did ask for opinions but it looks to me we could never meet in the middle.I could care less how anybody gets their car to the track.People have their own ways of looking at things,we could meet at the track and drive,i don't care.The fact of the matter is you will never be a part of this cause you want to put people on the spot,make them look bad in front of everybody.quote]
Who did I put on the spot? and who was I trying to make look bad by tossing out a idea like you asked for?
12-20-2006, 02:47 PM
[quote="allgo";p="117760":6274d]Ed just like your 10.00 pass huh ed that nobody I mean nobody saw!!!
Uh not to get in the sh*t here....but I actually ran right next to him on that pass. I still have the time slip as well.....[/quote:6274d]
Thanx Trevor totaly forgot about that...Ed
12-20-2006, 02:48 PM
gee why doesnt everyone just get out a tape measure and see who is bigger :roll:
Who gives a damn who has what. This was just a simple thread about a possible race against two groups. Why cant it stay civil, make some suggestions about some rules or guidelines and leave it be. Then let the groups agree on something without bitching.
Kinda sucks the fun out of things with all the bitching and moaning, who has what so their better then someone else BS.
90 notch
12-20-2006, 02:51 PM
You know what's so great,i can look back on my accomplishments,like painting with some of the greatest graffitti writers in the world,painting in the bronx as well as chicago.And how many people can say they've skated with tony hawk!but me and my bro were never good at anything,only everything we put our mind to and that was all before the age of twenty.Sorry to burst your bubble so don't start something you can't finish.We won't even get into the car thing cause your gonna blow me off the road right!Give me a break.Steve o
12-20-2006, 03:00 PM
Well Steve'O what can I say?...your right about your accomplishments. Me I am just a dirt bag looser that works 45+ hrs a week and has nothing but I dont care. My sole perpose is to see George graduate go on to collage and be the person I always wanted to be...My hats off to ya. GREAT job...Mybee with some luck he will turn out to be 1/2 the person think you are...Ed :supz:
12-20-2006, 03:26 PM
Yea but whats even more confusing is if he is such the high roller, then you would think he would be way more humble, instead he acts like a jackass. And Stevo-O How sure are you about that whole family tree thing. Maybe you better do some research on where i came from, and who my family is.. i will tell you right now, witch it is none of your busniess, I DID not just put my can a graphitie paint down and push my skatebaord off to the side for my car, 1 of my mothers pay checks is what Allgo makes in 3 months, My father is a Electrician, My Uncle is One of the best Forensic Scientests in the united states. Would you like me to me to keep going.? And some day after college i will dig into my pocket, buy 2 franchise's Maybe SUBWAY AND BLIMPE!
Humble huh goerge find me a post one time where I have ever bragged about the $$$ I make!!!! Ask my friends I never brag or even tell them oh I make so much money. I bought my first store when I was 27 by the time I was 29 I owned 5. But I brag so much, I have no college education just lots of hands on hard work. Look at you trying to say my mom makes so much more money then allgo, well I say good for her, but I would be pissed If I was you for her not sharing it with you.Anyone can set there like you at the ripe age of 18 and have hopes and dreams about the money they want to make but money is made by hard work and time, so good luck!!! Give me the number of your uncle I have some crimes I would like for him to help me out with that are unsolved!
logans dad
12-20-2006, 03:30 PM
Im staying neutral here but I tell you it is hard for me as I want to just come unglued on this.
OK, Lets get back to the topic. How about the top 10 cars from both clubs and add up times and the lowest time wins, Its simple and easy. If you cant line up 10 cars you get say like a 15 second penalty for each car less then 10. Then maybe add up reaction times also and add that to the times. Again low time wins.
My reason to do it this way is you don't have to try to line up with some one from another club, Just run and give your signed time slip to some one to add it all up.
As far as getting this done the first race, Might be so many people you would only get to run once or twice.
Ok, Then the pro tree lol. I seen what some of the JC crew had for RT. Pro tree would only be an advantage for MSCA.
If I had a 10 or 9 second car I wouldn't take it but on a trailer just in case so like the night before everybody do a 30 mile run or longer then race day if people want to trailer them, so be it.
Want to make it interesting since Street PSI has it covered, Throw 20 or 50 bucks apiece into the hat for the winners to double their money.
I saw where the first post asked for ideas, not your doing it my way or its not happening.
Wonder if Georges uncle is on CSI because those bitches are the best!! Also if your Jap box would suck the paint off my car why would you have to drive YOUR DADS OTHER CAR. Remember, Im still neutral here just asking.
SteveO Think you could do some graffiti on the stockcar? It would be one of a kind and I bet pretty kewl. I would buy the beer!!
12-20-2006, 03:31 PM
Well Steve'O I did not say nothing bad towards you or Allgo...I stated my opinion..If you guys wanna play race games play..I am 100% not interested. Allgo if you dont think my car ran what I said fell free to call or ask Walsh, 1 pass was with him the other with George...But like I keep saying I could care wanna talk sh*t to me come do it to my face...your such a tough guy...I see you everyday, I am working 2 buildings down from your Quiznos your at. (Entrees Building)...I know you see me and the work truck, but you never say a word. As for your phone call I never got it, If you called I would answer, as for my post you claim I made...once again I am lost. I made no post neg towards you...I told you a while back I am done with this racing sh*t. I know you know I sold my motor on Racing Junk 3 weeks back. If George is racing the Nova he must be peddeling it. The remainder of the car is 4 sale also. I dont need a fast car to impress the likes of you or anyone else. Ya you got some nice sh*t and I never said any diff. but you act like such a arogent a$$ hole. But weather my car went 10.0 or 10.7 it still went faster than anything in your stable last year. What you think because your a bussiness owner and have some cash and a few nice cars that makes you better then anyone else on here? WRONG...But like I said you got a problem with me come on over, look me up at the job site...or call me up...You make me out to be be such a piece of sh*t but when you needed things like electrical help at Quiznos, or barrow my truck to haul your car, or anytime you needed anytihng I treated you like I known you for 10 years. Always helped you out...And you come on here and c0*k sucker me...thats fine just shows your true side. like I said look me up, call me up...if not then shut the f*ck up...Ed :supz:
Yes I know your next door Ed, but you see since its my workplace and I am trying to run a business I like to keep things above the level of stupidity, how would you know I am there, I stood right at the door and you never even look over, but what do I care. You go on and do your thing and I will keep doing mine, have a happy holidays!!!
12-20-2006, 03:37 PM
Hey hey now.
Allgo is a business owner and IMO he is very successful. If I am in Allgo's shoes 15 years from now I'll be extremely happy for what I've accomplished, as people like him and Sully (RysBrnr) represent how I hope my life will be like when I reach their ages....Living in a nice home and having a few nice vehicles. I don't know if Allgo went to college or not, but from what I can tell he sure hasn't needed it. I hope to be a business owner one day because owning a successful business is about as high in this world as you can be in a lot of people's minds.
I'm not necessarily defending anyone. I'm not interested in being involved in this's just hard to judge how much success one will obtain at least until you're about 30. Before that it's all talk. I know people who have bachelor's degree's from U of Iowa who probably will never be able to match what Joe has accomplished.
Thanks for the props Zack, a lot of hard work and desire will get you far!!!!
logans dad
12-20-2006, 03:39 PM
As far as outsiders, I have no clue what to do with you guys but say pick a club?
12-20-2006, 03:41 PM
Fisrt off...Vic you need to rereaqd the last post of mine...If George is racing daddys car he is peddeling it, the motor was sold 3 weeks back...ask Sperry if you think I am full of shit...I offered him the whole car, but at this time of the year it was not a good time to shell out that kind of cash...The roller is also going I have a good offer I am considering.
And is my work place also, weather your next door or not I am not 100% sure if your there, I seen you a few times at the counter...I am saying, If you feel you have a problem with me, or want to accuse me of posting shit about you, then make the accusations to my face not over the internet, I made the statment I did because I felt if you need to find me to do that I was next door...If you feel its a bad idea you got my #, and know exactly where I live...Ed
logans dad
12-20-2006, 03:49 PM
I was saying both cars are yours Ed, I know George puts money in it also but you have told me you've put money in it. Just want to hear it said.
If all 17 or, OK 18 years old could have and afford a car llike Georges we all know every kid would have one.
12-20-2006, 03:57 PM
Well Vic... I hate to ruin your day...EVER DIME that went into that DSM...George payed for. He has a loan on EVERY DIME...Any kid that wanted to finance it could have it...the payments are not all that drastic...As for the Nova what a rolling chassis, big deal....I am selling the tranny/convertor tonight. So now you got a total roller. :supz:
logans dad
12-20-2006, 05:06 PM
I'm kind of wondering just what went down. George use to brag that, Oh my, My dad and I are in the MSCA and you guys put the slick on my porch, By the way I still have it. But now just think its the worst ever, I don't understand it.
Remember, Im being neutral here, Just posting my thoughts.
My son would never get between me and my friends!! Especially if my son started the shit!!
I guess I never have to worry about it though as my son would never talk shit to an adult then say, I'm only 17 or 18, Leave me alone. I'm a kid.
Winter sucks doesn't it.
logans dad
12-20-2006, 05:20 PM
Yea but whats even more confusing is if he is such the high roller, then you would think he would be way more humble, instead he acts like a jackass. And Stevo-O How sure are you about that whole family tree thing. Maybe you better do some research on where i came from, and who my family is.. i will tell you right now, witch it is none of your busniess, I DID not just put my can a graphitie paint down and push my skatebaord off to the side for my car, 1 of my mothers pay checks is what Allgo makes in 3 months, My father is a Electrician, My Uncle is One of the best Forensic Scientests in the united states. Would you like me to me to keep going.? And some day after college i will dig into my pocket, buy 2 franchise's Maybe SUBWAY AND BLIMPE!
This is the funniest shit Ive read in a long time. Your watching to much CSI George, Id like to know what your mom does to make all that money. And I thought I talked out my ass. Remember, You came on the MSCA site so don't cry I'm a teenager and only 18 and you guys are picking on me.
Remember, I'm being neutral here and its just my thoughts.
12-20-2006, 05:29 PM
I'm kind of wondering just what went down. George use to brag that, Oh my, My dad and I are in the MSCA and you guys put the slick on my porch, By the way I still have it. But now just think its the worst ever, I don't understand it.
Remember, Im being neutral here, Just posting my thoughts.
My son would never get between me and my friends!! Especially if my son started the sh*t!!
I guess I never have to worry about it though as my son would never talk sh*t to an adult then say, I'm only 17 or 18, Leave me alone. I'm a kid.
Winter sucks doesn't it.
Ya know Vic...does it really matter all that much?
And I really dont understand the "My son would never get between me and my friends!! "
But anyway whats it matter?
logans dad
12-20-2006, 05:31 PM
I forgot, Don't think for 1 minute Dart doesn't know his shit, He is the nicest guy and you guys just went down on him bad. I talked to him and he told Mario that the car was not done and to break it in then bring it back for bigger injectors and some other things.
I love it that you guys couldn't figure out how Dart locked the boost controller and you couldn't turn it up. That car would of been fast with that big turbo and Dart finishing it up. He wasnt done with it!! Where did the turbo go that was on it and why did you have to pull a fresh rebuilt motor out. I only wish I knew how much you guys took that kid for. Yes he got some good parts but I wonder what it cost him and what you guys made on the deal.
I'm being neutral here and this is just some thoughts of mine.
logans dad
12-20-2006, 05:33 PM
No it doesnt matter Ed, but I was wondering. No big deal.
12-20-2006, 05:34 PM
hey Scott and Rich, im with you guys. i say we all drive up as a non-affiliated group. maybe get Brian and Mike to go as well, if theyre interested that is. i dont mind going, someones gotta be the slowest, right?
hell, i say we all go out drinking afterwards and make a whole day out of it. let me know if you guys are in, i cant see any of our group getting along so bad as the others.
12-20-2006, 06:04 PM
You know what I really dont care how we do this. I would just like to see some cars (lots of cars) from CR show up at the strip and we just try to figure it out from there. I think it would be great to have the stands full of cr people. Maybe we could get some cars from des moines or qaud cities and try to have a city vs city thing?
12-20-2006, 06:32 PM
I forgot, Don't think for 1 minute Dart doesn't know his sh*t, He is the nicest guy and you guys just went down on him bad. I talked to him and he told Mario that the car was not done and to break it in then bring it back for bigger injectors and some other things.
I love it that you guys couldn't figure out how Dart locked the boost controller and you couldn't turn it up. That car would of been fast with that big turbo and Dart finishing it up. He wasnt done with it!! Where did the turbo go that was on it and why did you have to pull a fresh rebuilt motor out. I only wish I knew how much you guys took that kid for. Yes he got some good parts but I wonder what it cost him and what you guys made on the deal.
I'm being neutral here and this is just some thoughts of mine.
Vic this is the LAST time I am going to tell you this. The YOU GUYS statment better not be including me...GOT IT...I was there one day guided the motor in and left...So get you fuckin you guys shit straight...Whats funny is Dart they same guy you cock suckered to me on the phone about for how long...I dont give a shit if hes a good guy an asshole or what....Not my concern anything I told you about him I will say to his face...Weather they made $1.00 or $1000 dollars why are you so concerned?...Ed.
12-20-2006, 06:39 PM
You know what I really dont care how we do this. I would just like to see some cars (lots of cars) from CR show up at the strip and we just try to figure it out from there. I think it would be great to have the stands full of cr people. Maybe we could get some cars from des moines or qaud cities and try to have a city vs city thing?
Well Joe not being a smart ass better stop and get a Lotto ticket tonight, cause your chances of winning the Lotto are better than seeing that of all people should know that... And my reasons behind this is....We can not even take a perfectly good harmless topic like this one and not turn it into a bunch of BULLSHIT...It went from a simple race challenge to cutting down each others familys, to cutting down each other there cars, to accusations of riping people off, to what we did growing up and who we know (etc) and you want everyone togather in the same place having fun and getting along?......YA RIGHT :rolleyes: Its nice to know I am not the only person that is NUTZ.
12-20-2006, 06:44 PM
i really dont see why things always get this out of hand. ALL of you used to talk shit to me before you had ever met me, and i talked shit right back, and as soon as i met any of you in person, everything was fine because it was understood it was just internet shit talk. but you guys do the same thing to eachother, and it seems everything gets taken so seriously. you all say you couldnt give a shit less what the others think, now all you have to do is actually BELIEVE it.
im saying this as an outsider. if everyone in this argument really didnt care at all what the others thought, i doubt there would be any problems at all.
12-20-2006, 06:46 PM
I figure getting all of those people together there would be some arguing but I would excpect that from any big group of people. If someone wants to set it up I think it would be great with just some simple rules. I know I would try to take all 3 of my cars up so that would be a tough challenge for me to drive them all at once. So that driving rule would be tough.
12-20-2006, 07:01 PM
Well I am not racing nothing but...Dam we all live in this little bow hunk town and have to absolutley kill eaqch other in arguements, Its going to come to blows someday...pathetic!!! Its not like a big city like New York or Chicago were there are east and west sides competeing we all live within what 10 mins of each other, and every body hates each other...Ya Vic comes on here and says why I dont like the MSCA...I have no problem with the MSCA..Its just not for me, like somes thing are not for you guys...well and the fact that I truely dont like Steve'O but hay I can shut my mouth around him...Funny ya go to Advanced and everybody parks with there own little click, like we dont know each other, like some of us are better than the other?..I honestly dont think we could all drive to a track togather with out some type of shit going on. I got out of bikes cause of all this shit, and thought cars would be a blast...No different dude...Notta...Everyone in there own arogent little way thinks there better than the other person. Ya some of us have more money than the other and can afford to have nicer cars go faster etc. But that dont change the fact we all live in the same town and should get along...I am not saying I am perfect, I have said my far share of shit...But now that I have nothing to drive or race, I feel I feel I can just be neutral and voice my opinion....You can take it for all its worth...Ed :supz:
12-20-2006, 09:50 PM
Vic you can kiss my ass! You have allot of nerve to sit on your computer and say the shit you say. For one What my mom does and what i have to do with here is know ones busniess, Allgo what do you know, do you know the busniess? NO.. Vic Do you know what my mom does, do you know what my uncle does do you no any of my busniess?NO.. you sit on your computer and act like i get one here, talk shit and then cry about it.. YOUR TALKING TO THE wrong person if you think that.. I talk shit on the net, and i will talk shit in person, anyone who knows me knows that. If anyone wants to fuckin throw down, bring it the FUCK on! You sit here and think you You need to be in my busniess about how i built my car. yea im not going to lie My dad baught me a turbo for the old car when it grenaded, and helped me rebuild my tranny. So what the car got sold and he got his money back, my car I SPENT EVERY DIME OF my money, and buddy i dont need daddys car to blow your ass away. As a matter of fact im putting a mod list together and putting it for sale, im done with all this stupidity, i know DSMs and i know cars fariley well for my age. i will buy a nice DD and help everyone else whoop your ass.. BTW .. SELL YOUR JUNK and come buy a car with some real HP!! As for mario's car.. The i dont know anyone who builds a motor and does nothing with the head, and boost controller, VIC YOUR SUCH A TOOL! Since your so nosey, did you know that Jesse, BUCK, and i helped a fellow DSMr build his whole car for allmost FREE.. You sit back and act like im this BAD kid and like logan is this Spoiled little angel! I am a adult now and if you got somthing to say to me, come out say it, ill whoop your ass on the streets, Wait you do know my GF has a DSM being built in the works.. Ill just let here do it.. HAVE A NICE x-MAS jackass!
12-20-2006, 10:00 PM
Well I am not racing nothing but...Dam we all live in this little bow hunk town and have to absolutley kill eaqch other in arguements, Its going to come to blows someday...pathetic!!! Its not like a big city like New York or Chicago were there are east and west sides competeing we all live within what 10 mins of each other, and every body hates each other...Ya Vic comes on here and says why I dont like the MSCA...I have no problem with the MSCA..Its just not for me, like somes thing are not for you guys...well and the fact that I truely dont like Steve'O but hay I can shut my mouth around him...Funny ya go to Advanced and everybody parks with there own little click, like we dont know each other, like some of us are better than the other?..I honestly dont think we could all drive to a track togather with out some type of sh*t going on. I got out of bikes cause of all this sh*t, and thought cars would be a blast...No different dude...Notta...Everyone in there own arogent little way thinks there better than the other person. Ya some of us have more money than the other and can afford to have nicer cars go faster etc. But that dont change the fact we all live in the same town and should get along...I am not saying I am perfect, I have said my far share of sh*t...But now that I have nothing to drive or race, I feel I feel I can just be neutral and voice my opinion....You can take it for all its worth...Ed :supz:
i see slightly clearer skies on the horizon.....
Rollin on Dubs
12-21-2006, 12:40 AM
hey Scott and Rich, im with you guys. i say we all drive up as a non-affiliated group. maybe get Brian and Mike to go as well, if theyre interested that is. i dont mind going, someones gotta be the slowest, right?
hell, i say we all go out drinking afterwards and make a whole day out of it. let me know if you guys are in, i cant see any of our group getting along so bad as the others.
Count me in, I dont care if i got knocked out first round, I just think it would be cool to get a bunch of guy's to all caravan to the track, Race and have a good time. If you guys want MSCA VS Street psi, then measure a winner by who's cars did the best and so on. ( i personally think it wouldint make any differences who does better because the shit furry will continue no matter what) but it would be a cool event regardless.
I dont think CFR or Trisate schedules have come out yet, Maby we can contact either one and see if there is a day that it can fall on that will co inside with a T&T day?
90 notch
12-21-2006, 06:20 AM
You know what,i think allgo had the best idea.Let's do a city vs city thing.Since most of you guys want to do it let's do it that way so their is no type of filtering going on.Start posting on the quad city forum ,and see what des moines can bring.I think we can at least get along for one event.Let's round some people up,whoever wants in let's get it going.I will call cfr and see what it will take to host it!Steve o(midwest streetcar association).
12-21-2006, 07:11 AM
Steve'O can I ask what the fasination with CFR, dude the track is a TOILET...Lets see if you can get something worked out with TriState its 100% all around a better track...Ed
12-21-2006, 01:50 PM
I'm game for the City vs City thing or whatever. My car isn't the fastest, but i'll be there to increase the numbers. Let's just make a fun day to gather everyone up and do a little racing...enough with the "my e-cock is bigger the yours" talk.
George...your g/f has a DSM now, lol that's awesome. You should let me know when you get that mod list added up ;)
12-21-2006, 02:13 PM
What about a benefit race for Chelf?? Everybody that races throws in $20 in a hat and get the track to throw in some of the door$$. The city vs city thing would be fun, but cedar falls would praoble have to be the track only because they have lights and can run late. Tri-state is better dont get me wrong but for a better turn out you would need to start it on a late sat. afternoon.
12-21-2006, 02:22 PM
Im down for the chelf race.
12-21-2006, 02:28 PM
I would be up for a city vs city and the benefit race aswell.
Just have to figure out which car i will take.
12-21-2006, 03:22 PM
I am not racing anything but if this goes down for Brian's benefit :supz: let me know I will toss a $50 into the hat. It would be so much nicer to do it at TriState but what ever works...Ed
90 notch
12-21-2006, 03:53 PM
We need to have some people posting on qca forums and dragsource to see if these guys want to get it on with cr!I will try and set this up for may,i'll try to set it up at tri-state as well.Thanks for everybody's input now let's get these cars running good.Steve o
12-21-2006, 03:57 PM
Trent's forums are down for good im pretty sure, but we could let him know one way or another.
personally, i would rather go to Tri-state as well, but Allgo is probably right as far as the lighting situation goes. it would be pretty awesome to see what QC and DM could dig up to bring out. im sure theres fast cars in those places, but i dont know if theres as many(10's and faster) as there are here. it'd definatly be pretty cool to find out. im in, and i'll drive. fuck it, if i break, i have AAA.
12-21-2006, 04:33 PM
5 or so posts and no argueing or BS...Must be the holiday spirit showing through :supz: :bigthumb:
logans dad
12-21-2006, 04:52 PM
I haven't posted is why Ed, Count me in on a benefit race.
And if I don't get to it later, Hope everyone has a nice Christmas.
12-21-2006, 06:12 PM
Ill represent Sioux Falls Racing. Count me in.
12-21-2006, 08:13 PM
We need to get a date figured out, i think CR should meet at Sonic before we leave and all DRIVE our cars together, somone can follow with trailors, but i think it would be great if we could all Drive our cars to the track, it makes us look that much better.
Who is down for meeting at Sonic, and Driving our cars up.
Allgo,Steve-O You in? I know Willy said he would.
12-21-2006, 08:30 PM
I dont know if which one I will drive cause I plan on bringing all 3. But I am in,
12-21-2006, 08:37 PM
Steve-o, i guess you and I can take charge in this action, i posted up on dragsource, you can post on QCAAF.COM and let me know when you get info on a date and track.
12-21-2006, 08:46 PM
I already posted on QC
90 notch
12-22-2006, 06:30 AM
We'll here is an update.I e-mailed cfr management as of this morning and hope to here back from them real soon.I stated if they could not accomidate us to e-mail me back ASAP so we could find an alternative.This is gonna be cool and for a great cause.Steve o(msca).
12-22-2006, 07:21 AM
I'm down for whatever, i'll see if i can gather up a few people from Des Moines.
90 notch
12-22-2006, 08:15 AM
TB,that would be great!Steve o(msca).
12-22-2006, 09:39 AM
Steve"O...Now is this for only Iowa based people (cars) etc...Or can they be from out of State?...I got a few buddies out of State that would really like to make the trip to play...Ed :bigthumb:
90 notch
12-22-2006, 11:38 AM
We'll i have thumbs up on the race!Laura was her name,she stated that they would love to host a race like that for such a great cause.Cfr said they would contact me after the holidays to get all info and some rules we want to set up.Let's get a list together and see how many cars we can round up.Thanks steve o(msca).BTW-ED if we allow outsiders(out of state)we'll see what everybody thinks.The more fast cars the better.
12-22-2006, 11:43 AM
Well thats nice to see everyone get togather and play nice for a day, and for such a good cause. Steve'O Let me know on the outsider deal, either way its all good...Ed
Its funny we all sit here and argue like crazy about racing this and that, but when it comes down to a good cause and helping somebody...everyone bonds togather... :bigthumb:
12-22-2006, 12:53 PM
i'm all for having anyone come, out of state or not. Get to see some good racing, run your car, have fun BSing and most of all its going to a great cause.
But again just my opinion.
Rollin on Dubs
12-22-2006, 01:19 PM
We'll i have thumbs up on the race!Laura was her name,she stated that they would love to host a race like that for such a great cause.Cfr said they would contact me after the holidays to get all info and some rules we want to set up.Let's get a list together and see how many cars we can round up.Thanks steve o(msca).BTW-ED if we allow outsiders(out of state)we'll see what everybody thinks.The more fast cars the better.
Thats Laura Gardner, I figure they would be more than willing because she knows about what happed to brian and they seem like they are sicere about his recovery (constant updates on the cordova website) you guys can count me in! Especially to benifit Chelf
12-22-2006, 01:50 PM
i usually dont post on here at all, but this event sounds like a lot of fun. my car is not that fast and not built for drag racing, but i am in. expecially being that it is for a good cause.
logans dad
12-22-2006, 02:12 PM
For a benefit I would think this would be open to any car regardless of its speed.
I also think this would be a good experience for people that have never ran at the strip to see what its like and see the cars and help a good cause.
Also like Ed said, To be a group for once. Bring it, Just race it, And help a guy out.
12-22-2006, 03:28 PM
Hope you bringing your car along with a pint booth Vic
12-22-2006, 05:08 PM
when we get some details worked out i'm going to post this on another board i frequent that has some Iowa members and see if we cant get a few more to come aswell.
12-22-2006, 05:22 PM
Just read from a close friend of my family @ Novak Electric, and He is a sponsor of Tri-State raceway and has seen Chelf race several times, he does not know him personally, but he said if this goes down at Tri-state, he will donate $10.00 for every tech card passed in that day. And he will allso put out $100 for the fastest full "STREET CAR" Full exhaust,working lights,sighnals, etc...
Sounded good wanted you guys to know. Here is the exact post from my website:
"I personally don't know Brian Chelf. I have seen him go down the track a number of times. I've heard he is a great person. So if you guys can get along long enough to pull this race off. Novak Electric Inc. will donate $10.00 for every tech card purchased for this race by anyone. It does not matter what club you belong to or where you're from, if you buy a tech card for this race. I will donate $10.00 each. Now get the word out and lets see 100+ car count. I also have $100.00 for the fastest pass from any street car. The rules are car must have DOT approved tires, exhaust (no open headers), and working head and tail lights.
I sponser Tri-State already and would like for the race to be held there. Thanks Shane Novak"
12-22-2006, 07:09 PM
For a benefit I would think this would be open to any car regardless of its speed.
I also think this would be a good experience for people that have never ran at the strip to see what its like and see the cars and help a good cause.
Also like Ed said, To be a group for once. Bring it, Just race it, And help a guy out.
trust me Vic, Apples is no stranger to the drag strip, he just decided to go the road racing route with his car. still runs pretty good at the strip though. i'm also sure he'll have no troubles with the drive to and from the track; T56 ftw. jerk.
logans dad
12-22-2006, 08:18 PM
Dustin, I didnt mean him in general, Just anyone.
logans dad
12-22-2006, 08:22 PM
Hope you bringing your car along with a pint booth Vic
Just bought a spray gun yesterday to paint the stock car George, but I guess I could use it on the GSX also.
12-23-2006, 06:52 AM
Hope you bringing your car along with a pint booth Vic
Ha, ha goes to the track comes back bare metal. Get ur fixed up. Those trannys come in a crate w I hear. My driving is too bad to do that, but I'm sure a duster and a talon would do the job..
logans dad
12-23-2006, 09:06 AM
Thing is Rob, George doesn't realise he is saving me a lot of sanding.
12-23-2006, 12:27 PM
[quote="StreetSweeper";p="117900":43805]Hope you bringing your car along with a pint booth Vic
Ha, ha goes to the track comes back bare metal. Get ur fixed up. Those trannys come in a crate w I hear. My driving is too bad to do that, but I'm sure a duster and a talon would do the job..[/quote:43805]
im confused Rob. not sure of the job im suposed to do.
12-23-2006, 01:27 PM
Race, beat a eclipse and a blue stang, maybe 2 of them. Piece of cake... Merry Christmas to all.
logans dad
12-23-2006, 01:29 PM
I never understand anything Rob says, I just try to think I do lol. Remember, Im slow.
12-23-2006, 01:55 PM
Larry the cable guy told me your car was broken, so get ur fixed.
Show up, race, get ur paint peeled off ur car by a few cars. Now get ur done..
logans dad
12-23-2006, 02:03 PM
That I understand Rob, I think. Tranny has been ordered. Should get it in January sometime.
12-23-2006, 03:09 PM
i dont think my car is gonna be much faster at all next year, maybe just a little if i can get a bottle warmer on it. if i could get to mid 11's, i'd be happy. Rob, i dont think id have a chance of beating you unless it was on the street and you didnt hook at all. but i know even if i was ahead, you'd be catching me pretty fast. you trapped at what, 125? yeah 7mph faster than me. would be a lot of fun though!
12-23-2006, 03:55 PM
Dustin, I'll check the stang forums for a htr, it can be faster, quicker. My prob is my driving, my mph was a lil better than 127 one day spinning with a 2.1 60ft.
12-24-2006, 12:19 AM
Can us out of state people join in? I lived in CR most of my life, and having it be for Brian makes it worth the drive.
12-24-2006, 07:37 AM
I'm from Illinois and I'm going, and I'm bringin a couple others with me. George over at Street PSI told me to go ahead and show. I would imagine that makes it ok for you too. Besides I think everybody would like to see that Cobra run.
12-24-2006, 07:59 AM
Guys this whole thing is for a good cause...Dont matter if your from Iowa or not, Ryan your more than welcome, Weirsnova you and your boys are also welcome...Its about raising some money for a good guy, If it turns into a battle of the fastest streetcar so be it, I know there are some good O'l boys making the trip :bigthumb: also....We raise some cash and we race, if we battle it put for the fastest well so be it...Ed
on a budget
12-24-2006, 03:13 PM
All working lights.
Any tire size,but DOT approved.
let em hang biaaaaaaaatch.
12-24-2006, 03:31 PM
If you cant get the job done with 10'' i guess youll need a dildo. BTW... is your car done.
on a budget
12-25-2006, 01:50 PM
BTW are you still a fat peice of loud mouth shit?
...just wondering
12-25-2006, 02:50 PM
BTW are you still a fat peice of loud mouth sh*t?
...just wondering
By the way it sounds, you still are! Go walk your dog, or lube up your bycycle chain! :butthead:
on a budget
12-25-2006, 03:56 PM
YEAHHHHH george that was a good one, the first time you said it about 100 times ago
12-25-2006, 04:22 PM
I am wondering is there going to be a battle of the teens on the NW side this spring? the V8 War Wagon (on a budget) vs 4 banger talon (streetsweeper)...Or are we going toss out slams and BS talking all winter and then nothing come spring?...Heck with the doggie walking and bicycle chain BS, and the Fat fuck comments...I say you two just settle it on the track...what do ya think Jason? whats it gonna be smack talk or track walk? :bigthumb: :bigthumb:
I say you settle it at the track when they do this benifit race for Brian, you both toss in a $100 and winner donates it to the fund.
logans dad
12-25-2006, 05:19 PM
Don't let him get to you On a budget, Get ur done when its done and bring it out and suck the paint off the car he drives!!
on a budget
12-25-2006, 05:56 PM
i prolly wont work on it this whole winter. so prolly not ed.
12-25-2006, 07:07 PM
Don't let him get to you On a budget, Get ur done when its done and bring it out and suck the paint off the car he drives!!
Ya know Vic, its absolutley amazing you can be a absolute idiot even on Christmas :biggrin: , I have only one thing to say...the LOOK on your face and the BS that will be comming out of your mouth, when George blows that rocketship you think you have away come spring, will be like the Master Card commercials... "ABSOLUTLEY PRICELESS"...There are alot of times I just read your posts and giggle and move on...but this one required a post. I think it should go like this...
:Vics built motor $5000.00
:Vics new tranny $1500.00
:George blowing your junk away"ABSOLUTLEY PRICELESS"
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Oh and just get your car done when you can, was just a thought...But I truely hope when you get it done, and are out enjoying dont turn into an Idiot like Vic...Ed
12-25-2006, 09:11 PM
Good thing Vic is a comedian, because anything else would just be to funny! I hear a ol'e bro of mine will let me borrow his horse to whoop you ass! HAHAHA :supz:
logans dad
12-26-2006, 01:36 AM
Do you think I care how fast anyone really is and if I wanted to go faster I would of bought a bigger turbo.
I will run OK for what I have.
What happens when you break something on ole Bro's car, Give it back in pieces with just a sorry.
And I'm the christmas idiot, I didn't say to anyone to get a dildo. I don't think I really said anything bad. Just encouraging On a budget and I'm being the idiot. Give me a break.
Ed,you forgot about what I paid for the car to begin with and all the other mods I bought.
12-26-2006, 05:37 AM
Do you think I care how fast anyone really is and if I wanted to go faster I would of bought a bigger turbo.
I will run OK for what I have.
What happens when you break something on ole Bro's car, Give it back in pieces with just a sorry.
And I'm the christmas idiot, I didn't say to anyone to get a dildo. I don't think I really said anything bad. Just encouraging On a budget and I'm being the idiot. Give me a break.
Ed,you forgot about what I paid for the car to begin with and all the other mods I bought.
Ya Vic...I forgot that latley you went from a shit talking the CRU..."Saint"...enjoy your day.
logans dad
12-26-2006, 02:15 PM
ok, you win.
12-26-2006, 03:42 PM
Vic, I love how your excuse for being slow is.. "IF RYAN WOULDNT HAVE ONLY TALKED ME INTO THAT TURBO" Dude you can buy a 47 R and ill still wax your ass! And to your other statement... No, us friends of StreetPSI stick together, and help eachother out, instead of backstabbing after being helped like YOU! Have a nice evening! :toimonster:
12-26-2006, 04:39 PM
he said you guys win. just leave it be, this post was going great. just leave it alone.
logans dad
12-26-2006, 04:39 PM
Your right again George. Ask Ryan about trying to talk me into just a 50 trim. You have the biggest ego Ive ever seen.
When you start twisting axles and breaking
shit that will be a priceless look on my face.
12-26-2006, 04:43 PM
i know you probably didnt see my post while you were making yours Vic, but please do the same. it negates my point when you keep fighting back as well.
12-26-2006, 05:26 PM
Even with my junk being broke i will still be to far ahead of your ass, for you to see the look on my face! :butthead:
12-26-2006, 06:25 PM
I have to agree with Dustin...give it a rest...Vics tune changes with the temp, come spring just take care of bussiness.
12-26-2006, 06:29 PM
You have the biggest ego Ive ever seen.
When you start twisting axles and breaking
sh*t that will be a priceless look on my face.
One last commet please.
And if you buy good parts to start with you dont have those problems, what were you thinking could put a built motor behind a stock tranny and axles and have it stay togather, you know better than that. So stop playing the my shit broke card. :bigthumb:
Oh and I beg to differ on the EGO comment :biggrin:
logans dad
12-30-2006, 10:24 AM
[quote="logans dad";p="118029":79447]You have the biggest ego Ive ever seen.
When you start twisting axles and breaking
sh*t that will be a priceless look on my face.
One last commet please.
And if you buy good parts to start with you dont have those problems, what were you thinking could put a built motor behind a stock tranny and axles and have it stay togather, you know better than that. So stop playing the my sh*t broke card. :bigthumb:
Oh and I beg to differ on the EGO comment :biggrin:[/quote:79447]
My shit iis slow with absolutely no power according to George so I didn't think I would have to worry about it as I know George and yourself is always right.
01-02-2007, 07:56 AM
seriously knock this shit off. I'm tired of reading you guys fight in every fucking thread you post in. It's getting annoying.
01-02-2007, 09:56 AM
seriously knock this sh*t off. I'm tired of reading you guys fight in every f*cking thread you post in. It's getting annoying.
Oh quit your fuckin crying, don't read it if you dont like it!
01-25-2007, 05:55 PM
9 pages that is ALOT of reading
01-25-2007, 06:44 PM
Damn dirty Deimos where you been?? Did you get lost in a 2 liter of Mountain Dew??
01-26-2007, 08:39 PM
Nah I switched to Vault but damn has there been alot of shit changed while I was gone. Hell Dustin made to the 11's Apples is close. stilll alot of smack talking on the boards I see. Don't worry my car does a 4 year quatermile and yes I have been drinking.
01-26-2007, 08:53 PM
Whats crackin' jake?
Yeah lots has changed, but some things always stay the same. Good to see ya around.
I love Vault but it makes my stomach hurt. :vom:
01-27-2007, 08:38 AM
yeah, i dont know how i did it, but i managed to break into the 11's on a 125 shot. Apples running low 12's banging through the gears in the T56 was probably the most fun to watch though.
ive tried to send you a couple messages on myspace, but i think you blocked me a long time ago and dont get any of my messages now.
02-01-2007, 08:39 AM
Ah who knows Dustin. I do know my comp broke so I got rid of my internet. The only reason I had it was to keep in touch with Fast Times and there is no need for that soon.
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