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View Full Version : CR:U Ride of the Month [INTRO]

12-15-2006, 12:07 AM
Now that we've got the CR:U Garage up and running, now lets put it to good use. Starting in January, we will be having a "Ride of the Month" on CR:U every month!

What do I get if I'm chosen as "Ride of the Month?"
We're still working on it, but as it stands right now, I've decided that between the 1st of the month and the 15th of the month, various pictures of YOUR ride will be cycled through on CR:U's Homepage in place of the general CR:U car image rotation! Underneath the pictures of your car will be any modifications that you wish to share! A picture of your car will also be in the "Featured Car" section of the Garage all month.

Sounds good! How do I get in?
First off, you have to have your car registered in the CR:U garage. You can do this either by clicking the "*CR:U Garage*" link on the navigation bar to the left, or by clicking the link below:


When you register your ride, CR:U users can then vote on your ride! If you're the top rated car, it will increase your chance of winning! However, the ultimate voting for who gets the award will be done by a vote placed on the homepage!

How many times can I be the ride of the month?
Once every year. In order to keep this from becoming a "One-Man-Show" by one or two of the best cars here, you're only allowed to win Ride of the Month once per year. So if you win in July, then you will have to wait until at least January of the following year to be on it again.

One last thing to remember
Remember to list your modifications in the garage, including your quarter mile times (you can also upload a scan of the timeslip if you want to be even more convincing) and ANY other information that could help your cause. If all we have is a picture of your car, your chances of getting Ride of the Month will be severely limited! Remember there are only 12 of these in a year, and then the slate is wiped clean!

So visit the garage today and register your ride!


PS: If we get a real large amount of registered rides, we reserve the right to make it so you can only have Ride of the Month ONE TIME EVER! But we'll see how many we have join up.