View Full Version : Engine Tuning
12-12-2006, 05:42 PM
In the spring I'm going to fly in a professional tuner. The tuner is Steve Kan from, he can tune virtually,any car any combo. Just thought I would post this up and see if anyone was interested in having their car tuned by a true world class tuner.
logans dad
12-12-2006, 06:22 PM
Are you rich?
12-12-2006, 07:14 PM
Are you rich?
I make enough to pay for my toys. But seriously, Steve tunes for a living, and this area probably will not have a chance to have a tuner of this caliber tune their car for a long time. He has the software and knowledge to tune anything. The dyno is awd so dsms welcome.
12-19-2006, 04:35 PM
Personally, I'd go to A-spec tuning in Chicago. They are the midwests best Rotary shop, hands down. They tuned and worked on mine all 5 years, and have worked on probably thousands of different FDs by now. Steve does the tuning there, and he knows his shit.
01-20-2007, 11:47 AM
A list of ecus hae can do
Greddy E-manage
Apexi AFC
Hydra EMS
Hondata s300
If you have something else and are interested, let me know and I will see if he can do it. April 28,29 are the tenative dates.
01-20-2007, 12:38 PM
HMM i like seeing LS1 edit. hehe. maybe the maro coud use a lil tunage?? i wonder what he would charge to do a tune though
01-20-2007, 02:11 PM
ls1-edit is crap the new hp tuners is the only way to go we have that too.......
LS1 edit works just as well as HPTuners in qualified hands. HPTuners is more noob friendly and prettier. It's all in how good the tuner is and how well he understands the tables and perameters. An LS1 edit car will run no differently than a HPTuners car if tuned correctly.
01-20-2007, 08:54 PM
^^that is true but last time i checked ls1-edit takes different cables one to tune with one to datalog with.. hptuners is much better software and has very many more variables and more options to it.. the who hp tuner tuning kit is 54000.00 dollars its that expensive for a reason.. isnt ls1-edit software free???
01-20-2007, 09:44 PM
It's 400 for the tune
It doers not come packaged with a scanner. Changing cables is no big deal. Your still tuning the same tables. HPTuners does some of the calculations for you where as LS1-edit does not. There are lot's of Excel spreadsheets floating around that will do what HPTuners has packaged. Again it's all about understanding the tables and parameters. I'm not dogging HPTuners at all. It does what it's supposed to. As does LS1 edit which was the first tuning software available for the LS1. The top tuners use this software as well as the fledgeling HPTuners and EFILive. The top tuners learned on LS1 edit. LS1 edit software is $450 for single PCM vs HPTuners $650 and around 14 or 15 thousand for unlimited PCM's for all models. It's not as expensive as HPTuners but nor is it free. LS1 Edit is bare bones no bling tuning software. Neither software tunes the PCM for you. It's the expertise of the tuner and the data that person enters that determines the state of the tune. Both read and modify the same exact tables in the PCM.
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