View Full Version : Crazy retarded Phelps family on Tyra
12-06-2006, 12:42 AM ... _tyra.html (
This is that stupid crazy family that protests at soldiers funerals.
12-06-2006, 12:43 AM
here's a video of those morons from the news.
This one is actually hilarious because they let her talk a little bit more. One day they're going to find a malignant brain tumor in every one of these idiots.
This lady pisses me off so much I can't even see straight....she pisses me off to levels that concern me about my own mental health. lol. Is it bad when you would love nothing more than to be able to watch the EXACT moment in slow motion of somebody dying?
J/K But seriously I hate this lady. I hate her family and honestly I couldn't promise you that if I ever come face to face with these people that there wouldn't be somebody's blood on the sidewalk. I almost chewed through my fucking tongue trying to keep from grinding my teeth while watching this last video.
12-06-2006, 07:49 AM
Lol..."All you do is propogate fag-agenda."
I also like the fruitcake who stood up and clapped at the beginning looking like he just walked out of how to dress gay 101.
12-06-2006, 07:59 AM
Oh man those people piss me off. I'm not even religious and she pisses me off that bad. For her to sit there and say people should have died and they deserved it and shit like that.
Man I tell ya if she was on my talk show, i'd have to cut to commercial so I can cut her throat.
12-06-2006, 08:06 AM
Last I heard their "church" was burned to the ground!
Here's a funny little clip of them being mobbed. LOL (
12-06-2006, 08:26 AM
Why don't people like those crazy highway snipers target people like that that no one would miss? They'd win either way; They still get to kill people, no one would miss the people they killed, and no jury in the world would convict them.
What I find SOOOO cool. Is there is a Chapter of the HOG or Harley Owners Group thats soul purpose is to counter these assholes that are protesting at these funerals. When protesters come to a funeral there are only given a small location in which they are allowed to protest. These members of HOG line their bikes between the protesters and the families along with FULL SIZE American Flags to block their view. If the protesters become too loud, guess what? Every Harley is fired up and and engines roar over them. ONE OF THE COOLEST FUCKING THINGS I'VE EVER SEEN. And i'm damn proud of them.
They are the Patriot Guard.
12-06-2006, 04:19 PM
i just cant fathom that kind of blind hatred. theyre so oblivious to the rest of the world. there is what they think, and everything else that is wrong, and i just dont get it.
if they want to have a protest at a soldiers funeral, i say we nominate someone to shoot one of them, and then hold a parade at their funeral. no, scrath that. we could make an international Holiday. "One mor dumbass dead day".
actually, more than that, i would love to see someone set fire to their church with that lady's youngest daughter inside; and then a black gay soldier busts in and saves her. id just like to see what theyd say then...
12-06-2006, 05:39 PM
i couldnt handle watching the whole video. But thats not one of "gods" people. Did they say anything about being racist than dustin?
12-06-2006, 06:54 PM
they said they hate jews, cathlics, blacks, americans.....
Sooner or later sombody will snap and do somthing to that family...
12-06-2006, 09:06 PM
i couldnt handle watching the whole video. But thats not one of "gods" people. Did they say anything about being racist than dustin?
i think hes right, i think theyve said it, but not very much. i think they think that if they start talking about race, people wont take them as seriously....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, as if it were possible.
i dont know, looking at them, theyre a very white, narrow minded, heavily religious family from the south. its not that hard for me to believe they hate black people too.
12-06-2006, 09:21 PM
you know wut f*<k the protesters, do I support the war no never have but i have always supported the troops
12-06-2006, 10:27 PM
those people are going to be killed by a big mob and if enough people are involed im sure the cops would be lenent on the charges if there are any. they need to be wiped out.
i just cant fathom that kind of blind hatred. theyre so oblivious to the rest of the world. there is what they think, and everything else that is wrong, and i just dont get it.
if they want to have a protest at a soldiers funeral, i say we nominate someone to shoot one of them, and then hold a parade at their funeral. no, scrath that. we could make an international Holiday. "One mor dumbass dead day".
actually, more than that, i would love to see someone set fire to their church with that lady's youngest daughter inside; and then a black g@y soldier busts in and saves her. id just like to see what theyd say then...
I second that, it would be somthing to see.
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