View Full Version : WAYY of Topic

12-04-2006, 11:06 AM
First off...if you are just going to come in here and make a scene or say something stupid...don't, cuz I will just remove it. I want this to stay on topic and don't want people just comming in here and making fun of the idea and/or people. period. thanks

Do any of you believe in Telepathy? I had a dream about it last night (weird dream i'd like to tell sometime lol) and decided to do some researching today if I got bored and/or didn't have anything to do at work. Well I don't have anything to do...and sure enough I got bored.

So I googled it of course and came accross this site: clicky (http://www.psipog.net/articles.php?cat=101)

Now I read through a bunch of those articles. Some seem just rediculous and seaming like someone looking for some attention. Regardless I try to take things into account with an open mind and try to understand everything I come across. So I kept reading and I kind of got interested in these "psi-ball" things. These people are saying they "move energy" to a focused point basically and then from there they can "manipulate" it by moving it or throwing it if you will. They have this little exercise to give you the idea as where you put your finger in the palm of your hand and kind of make a swirl pattern. Do it a few times and try to visualize the feeling and then try and visualize the feeling without actually using your finger..get it? Well obviously this isn't something to do sitting at your office desk at work...because it may just make you look insane, or something of that nature.

I am interested in this kind of thing....as I am always interested in something new or unknown. I am a VERY open person and like to learn about as much stuff as I can, and like i said try to understand anything I can or come across.

I just wanted to know if any of you know of anyone or beleive in any of this stuff. No big deal. You don't have to come on here telling me stories of how your friend hit you from accross the room or anything to impress me or anyone else lol. I just wanna know what people think on this kind of subject. Just be open about it. that's all.


12-04-2006, 12:09 PM
I think it could be possible. Do I believe I can do it, or someone close to me can, NO. But again who knows what the human mind is capable of. They say that the normal human only uses 10% of the brain. If someone taped into that other 90% the possibilities could be endless.

12-04-2006, 01:16 PM
You asked for it.


12-05-2006, 08:04 PM
I think it would be really cool if we could really do it. I woundnt know how to start tapping into my mind and doing things with it or comunicating with other people. I think that if we can figger out how to use the other part of our brain then im sure we could do some crazy things. i think im going to have to google some times now...

12-06-2006, 05:59 PM
You mean like use the force.

12-11-2006, 05:16 PM
First off...if you are just going to come in here and make a scene or say something stupid...don't, cuz I will just remove it. I want this to stay on topic and don't want people just comming in here and making fun of the idea and/or people. period. thanks

Do any of you believe in Telepathy? I had a dream about it last night (weird dream i'd like to tell sometime lol) and decided to do some researching today if I got bored and/or didn't have anything to do at work. Well I don't have anything to do...and sure enough I got bored.

So I googled it of course and came accross this site: clicky (http://www.psipog.net/articles.php?cat=101)

Now I read through a bunch of those articles. Some seem just rediculous and seaming like someone looking for some attention. Regardless I try to take things into account with an open mind and try to understand everything I come across. So I kept reading and I kind of got interested in these "psi-ball" things. These people are saying they "move energy" to a focused point basically and then from there they can "manipulate" it by moving it or throwing it if you will. They have this little exercise to give you the idea as where you put your finger in the palm of your hand and kind of make a swirl pattern. Do it a few times and try to visualize the feeling and then try and visualize the feeling without actually using your finger..get it? Well obviously this isn't something to do sitting at your office desk at work...because it may just make you look insane, or something of that nature.

I am interested in this kind of thing....as I am always interested in something new or unknown. I am a VERY open person and like to learn about as much stuff as I can, and like i said try to understand anything I can or come across.

I just wanted to know if any of you know of anyone or beleive in any of this stuff. No big deal. You don't have to come on here telling me stories of how your friend hit you from accross the room or anything to impress me or anyone else lol. I just wanna know what people think on this kind of subject. Just be open about it. that's all.


Honestly I'm not one of those people that believes in a lot of the mumbo jumbo in life.

Yet there are still some things that are unexplained in life that sometimes can't be explained. My mom goes to psychics to get her palms read and to get tarot card readings, and while I think she is nuts, she still comes back to me and asks me about stuff going on in my life that I've never told anyone.

Like Mel said that there is so much of the brain that is un-used by the average joe in the world. Considering that all the brain does is send electrical signals through out the body I'm sure if someone learned to tap into that somehow they could do some interesting things ( flying around not one of them )

but read minds, and move objects etc etc

12-12-2006, 08:05 AM
Exactly Fate...the brain sends electrical signals, and we all know electricity is energy. What does it take to move things? Energy.

Energy is pretty unexplainable itself. It comes in soo many forms and can do some pretty crazy things. From Nuclear Energy to just Friction.

I think if someone could figure out how to control some of the energy flow through their body, they can do some pretty crazy things that you think a normal person could not do. Such as move extremely fast or exert extreme force otherwise known humanly impossible.

The whole "psi ball" thing I was talking about up there ^^ is basically thought of as moving energy into a focused point and kind of have a little "ball" so to speak of energy. We all know Energy can travel through pretty much anything, so "throwing" it wouldn't be to hard. As well as hitting someone with it or something.

I'd love to talk to someone that thinks he/she can do any of this.

12-12-2006, 08:09 AM
i am a ninja, i can do anything. i keep picturing that damn game i used to play on SEGA. Mortal Combat, the dude that throws energy balls.

anyway, im thinkin it takes energy to make energy, and the human brain produces somethin under 10watts. how many watts are used idk, if their was spare power maybe something could be done.

12-12-2006, 08:48 AM
I'm with you, I can raise my man member with just a thought.