View Full Version : Kelly Ripa vs Rosie Odonnel. What do you think?

11-26-2006, 09:52 PM
http://us.video.aol.com/video.index.adp ... id=1773946 (http://us.video.aol.com/video.index.adp?mode=1&pmmsid=1773946)

For those of you who don't know, Clay Aiken was filling in for Regis on the Regis and Kelly show and while Kelly Ripa was interviewing the winners of "Dancing with the Stars" (Emmitt Smith and Cheryl Burke) Clay Aiken put his hand over Ripa's mouth to stop her from talking.

With a somewhat shocked look on her face, Ripa quickly regained composure, smiled, and said "I don't know where that hand has been honey."

Then Rosie O'donnell of "The View" makes this big speech on the view about how Ripa's comment was "homophobic" and told the viewers and the audience that she was offended by the comment. Ripa happened to be watching at the time and called into the show, and that's the video that I have linked you to.

So what do you guys think about that? Personally I think Rosie Odonnell needs to check herself big time. If she wants to be gay that's fine, I'm no homophobe but just like Ripa said, not every mean remark spoken to a gay person has to be a homophobic remark.

This has been my only problem with a lot of gay people. It's not just a sexual preference for them it is a hobby and a way of life. They make notice of the fact that they're gay constantly. Some of them over-eccentuate everything they to so as to be "extra openly gay" and include the "you're talking to gay guy here" comments in their everyday conversations.

It just seems to me everything is all about them being gay. They have flipping parades and events and stuff simply to celebrate the fact that they're gay.


So what do you guys think about this stuff?


11-26-2006, 10:14 PM
Do you have another link, firefox won't let me install a the correct plug in to view the vid.

Well here's my comment on the whole situation before seeing the video. Rosie needs to seriously STFU and not go on national tv to proclaim that a certain individual is homophobic. Having a hand put to your mouth to shush you deserves a comment like that. Whether the person who was holding the hand is g@y or straight. It's a hygiene thing not a sexual orientation thing, and I bet that Ripa would have said the exact same thing to a heterosexual person.

11-26-2006, 10:20 PM
http://www.tmz.com/2006/11/21/rosie-rip ... ic-remark/ (http://www.tmz.com/2006/11/21/rosie-rips-kelly-for-homophobic-remark/)

I think maybe this link will take you to a few videos that will help everyone understand the situation a little better.


11-26-2006, 10:39 PM
i dont think ive ever met a gay person who acted like, that, but itd really annoy me if i did. maybe i dont give a shit if youre gay, i just dont like you.

just my opinion...

11-26-2006, 10:46 PM
I really don't think Kelly said it has a gay remark... it was more so because his HAND was in her mouth while it was open. Kinda gross unless you know!

But toe to toe.. Rosie would dominate

11-26-2006, 11:12 PM
Here is why I think Kelly is wrong:

If you ever watch Kelly & Regis, Kelly is ALWAYS putting her hand over Regis' mouth to keep him from talking, and then she laughs and laughs and laughs about it.

Fast forward.. Clay Aiken does the same thing to her mockingly, and she gets rude about it.

Whether or not what she said was a gay remark.. hypocritical. She can put her hands all over other people, but no one can touch her? Whateverrrr.

11-27-2006, 12:45 AM
in that case i retrack my remark

11-27-2006, 09:46 AM
yeah rippa just thinks shes the shit, and you cant touch her, but shes free to do what she wants.

...altho i'd be pissed if that guy put his hand on my mouth. I didnt even know he was gay.

Fire Hawk
11-27-2006, 03:17 PM
Here is why I think Kelly is wrong:

If you ever watch Kelly & Regis, Kelly is ALWAYS putting her hand over Regis' mouth to keep him from talking, and then she laughs and laughs and laughs about it.

Fast forward.. Clay Aiken does the same thing to her mockingly, and she gets rude about it.

Whether or not what she said was a g@y remark.. hypocritical. She can put her hands all over other people, but no one can touch her? Whateverrrr.

Was she really rude in the way she said it??? Maybe she's just a smart ass or not but I'd say the same thing if someone put their hand over my mouth. Just cause Regis doesn't say anything back to her when she does it to him doesn't mean she wouldn't say it to him also.

11-27-2006, 04:09 PM
i think id rather have a girls hand over my mouth than a guy's. strictly because i think of girls as a bit cleaner than guys in general. i know there are exceptions, but in general, thats how i feel.

call it sexist or whatever, its just an opinion.

11-27-2006, 11:29 PM
Well the point isn't even "was it wrong of kelly ripa to be upset about it?" THe point is that it was really a small deal until Rosie Odonnel took it and used it to call her a homophobe. That is the issue at hand.

And to answer your question Drifte, Clay Aiken still claims to be straight. So there's a double-whammy on Rosie. First off, she's calling Ripa a homophobe for a comment that could be taken about 5 different ways. And she's also calling her a homophobe for a comment she made to a guy who might not even be gay.

What sense does that make? The view was a dumb enough show before Rosie got ahold of it.


11-27-2006, 11:43 PM
who cars rich snoty people were just looking for a reason to get mad and the view is always boring. i think they where trying to boost ratings few the 4 fat lady talk show

11-28-2006, 12:20 AM
yeah some people like the view.. basically its barbra pushing her weight around... rosie is just a different charater in herself and i dont much care for her

11-28-2006, 10:15 AM
I'm no homophobe but just like Ripa said, not every mean remark spoken to a g@y person has to be a homophobic remark.

I agree. Its kind of like the racism that is still around. Its only brought up by those kind of people. Just drop it and it might go away.