View Full Version : Local Car Break In's/Thefts

11-25-2006, 07:35 PM
Well around the neighborhood of Kennedy High School, on the NE side of Cedar Rapids, there have been a couple car break ins.

Couple months ago: At Jered's (Black Gran Torino, lives a block away from me) house, he had a set of nice aftermarket wheels sitting in his garage which he was looking to sell, late at night while their garage door was still open the rims were stolen, worth about $1500, atleast that's how much they got from the insurance company.

Last Sunday: My Malibu was sitting outside, in the street, for the first time, there was no room in the garage because that was the day I bought my Cavalier. I was hangin out with the girlfriend and we decided to go to my house so I could give her my CD holder, so we drive by Jered's and notice that his and his parents cars have been egged, so I turn the corner and look at my Malibu and I see shattered glass right beside it, so I stop, we get out, notice the $400 CD player had been stolen, and the glove box was jammed open and broken but nothing was stolen from that since it was only insurance. So I call the cops and a young cop (you know how young cops can be) comes over within 15 minutes of the call and I give him the story of what happened and gave him the name and phone number of one possible suspect and the cop leaves, and so do we.

Thanksgiving night: Another break in. This time it was on Jered's Torino. Someone took a bat and busted his drivers window and cracked his windshield, but didnt steal anything. When the window was broken, Jered's dog barked, woke up his Dad, and he heard loud exhaust leaving the house but didnt get up quick enough to see what kind of car it was. Now how stupid do you have to be to commit a break in with a car that could possibly wake people up???

So if any of you see a CD player similar to the one pictured below (Identical, just with different display) please let me or the police know. It has worn blue buttons, white letter display, flip down/tilt faceplate, and has "Colton K." written on the top of it. Not sure on the model number.

One more thing, please dont give me shit about how I could have avoided getting my car broken into, I've already been lectured enough.


11-25-2006, 08:09 PM
Wow man... I'd be posting some security in your neighbor hood... thats just nuts. I'll come post security for you for free... just to pound the heads of people that do this crap

11-25-2006, 08:24 PM
faceplate, and has "Colton K" written on the top of it.
haha thats awesome

11-25-2006, 11:10 PM
here in belle plaine at eastside body shop there have been 4 radios stolen, a gauge set, emblems, and a dodge turbo diesel got gutted within this month!! them bastards are gunna get it!

11-26-2006, 12:31 AM
personally, i would set up a trap. park your car outside, and just sit in a dark living room and just watch the car. as soon as someone comes after it, dont run outside, just get their license plate number. turn them into the cops, get your money out of them, then a couple months later, take fertilizer to their yard in the shape of a big wiener!

11-26-2006, 10:55 AM

11-26-2006, 11:46 AM
yeah, thats how i roll...

11-26-2006, 12:29 PM
personally, i would set up a trap. park your car outside, and just sit in a dark living room and just watch the car. as soon as someone comes after it, dont run outside, just get their license plate number. turn them into the cops, get your money out of them, then a couple months later, take fertilizer to their yard in the shape of a big wiener!

This would work if they are convicted. What if things fall thru and the cops cant prosecute the bastard because of some loop hole in the law?

I think we're all better off just beating the shit outta him. :bigthumb:

11-26-2006, 03:16 PM
Couple months ago: At Jered's (Black Gran Torino, lives a block away from me) house, he had a set of nice aftermarket wheels sitting in his garage which he was looking to sell, late at night while their garage door was still open the rims were stolen, worth about $1500, atleast that's how much they got from the insurance company.

2 Years ago I lived up on Cavalier St. Ne Right off from Old Marion Road and I had boughten a set a 20 Inch 150 spoke 24k Gold Daytons from JC ($1600), I road around with them for prolly 2 months and got a flat tire, I loaded the Flat in my moms trunk and went to work leaving 3 of my rims in the garage with it locked and I got a Phone call from my mom at like 2 in the morning saying that somebody kicked in the Garage door and stole my 3 Rims..What fucking idiot steals 3 rims??, the next day I asked my neighbor if he had seen anything sence he is awake at all hours of the night and he said yea there was a silver/white grandam/grandprix with a girl driving and 2 bigger guys in the car and she would drop them off drove around the block while the 2 kids were looking in the windows of peoples houses....I asked the old fuck why he didnt call the cops and he simply states..."They wernt bothering my house" the same night my rims got stolen, lol. I left the 4th one sitting in my driveway ALMOST in the road for about 2 weeks after it had happend and nobody came to pick it up, But ehh it happend 2 years ago eather the rims are sitting in somebodys Basement right now and they are to broke to buy the 4th rim or outta state powned off for a 20 sack of crack

Possibly the same people??? I dont know....If he finds out who robbed him, Let me know would ya?


11-26-2006, 03:47 PM
Will do. I'm almost certain its the same person. That does seem like a good idea Dustin, or I could sit inside the car with everything off and when and if they try it again they'll be suprised, hah....comedy.

11-26-2006, 04:05 PM
you need a tazer or something if youre going to do that, a real nasty one that actually sticks in the skin...

THAT would be awesome.....

11-26-2006, 04:24 PM
Just an FYI - if your going to setup a "sting" the only way you can use violence without having any actions taken against you is if your in the car and you're "defending yourself" from the theives.

Otherwise these days you can be put in jail for hitting someone in your own house stealing a tv or something.

What has the world come to?

11-26-2006, 05:30 PM
I have guns to plant....

Then again... if you do attack them, its your word against theirs in court... and they are the one's robbing you... soooo thats got to count for somthing.

11-26-2006, 08:40 PM
you know they wanted it for colton's name. i hear people are paying big money to get that kids autograph

11-26-2006, 08:52 PM
^haha that's funny, but maybe even true. That really sucks that happened to you man. What happened to CR? Can't trust anybody/anything nowadays...I hope u find those bastards and kick them in the nuts. So they can't have children.

11-27-2006, 09:57 AM
haha..someone stole my old cd player. that thing was nice. i forgot my name was on it lolol.