View Full Version : what are YOU thankful for?

11-22-2006, 05:20 PM
so, thanksgiving is tomorrow, and i started thinking about everything i'm thankful for. so its time to share what everyone is thankful for. :biggrin:

i am thankful for zac. he's always there, and he's terrific. we've gone through A LOT of bad stuff, but we've always been able to be happy in the end, which is great. i'm thankful he knows exactly how to make me laugh. =)

second i am thankful for my family. my mom especially always tries to make me be the best person i can & they always support me throughout my many career changes (doctor, to nurse, to accountant, to early childhood education.. gahhh)

third i am thankful that i was able to spend so much time with my favorite grandpa before he died in may. it came at a horrible time, and i failed 2 finals because of it (he passed away tuesday of finals week). but i'm thankful that i was able to spend time with him & that everything went as smoothly as possible. i'm also thankful that zac was able to be apart of everything & that he was a pallbearer. it meant a lot to me.

fourth i am thankful that i have a nice job, and a nice house, and that i am healthy. not everyone can say all they have all of those things, and i'm thankful that i do & can enjoy all of them.

now that i'm done writing a book... YOUR TURN!

11-22-2006, 05:37 PM
just like Ashley, im thankful for my signifgant other, Kelli. i think shes probably the best thing ever to happen to me. no one person has ever changed my life so quickly for the better.

im also thankful for my family. lots of people i know arent so close to their families, and thats too bad. i really like being around my family.

beyond that, im thankful i have a good job, im not in debt, and overall, im pretty damn happy.

11-22-2006, 11:50 PM
Ball bearing turbos, direct port nitrous injection, and titanium valve springs. lol.

But for real, and like everyone else, I'm thankful for my family and friends.

11-22-2006, 11:57 PM
I am thankful for four things this year, and hopefully many more years to come.

My girlfriend
My family
My friends
My job/school

It's been a good year.:)

11-23-2006, 12:27 AM
family and maple turkey, awsome

11-23-2006, 10:47 AM
Yesterday I had a french toast and sausage sandwich, it was so fucking good.

I am thankful for that yummy sandwich, cause it fed me.

11-23-2006, 11:01 AM

No im thankfull for my family,friends,and especially my DAD!

11-24-2006, 04:08 AM
you know like everyone else... I love my family and what not! I can't even imagine my life without my sister! She knows more about me then anyone will ever!

My friends all kick ass.. let them be that people I have known for years (Dustin and Demois) or people I have just ment! Friends are a definate steping stone for my life!

Ash I have to agree with you on the health, awesome home, and good jobs! I love my life and I wouldn't ever change that!

11-24-2006, 03:19 PM
I'm thankfull for Will Rishworth, and Overkill Performance Innovations.

11-24-2006, 11:08 PM
Leaha :)