View Full Version : Kramer Explodes on some blacks...
11-20-2006, 11:37 PM ... id=1772645 (
This is a video of a stand up comedian gone bad.
Kramer from Seinfeld was doing some stand-up stuff at a comedy club and some black guys in the audience were being disruptive. The above video is the result of it.
I'm known to crack a few jokes here and there that can be pretty bad...but generally in the privacy of my own personal friends. Pretty good example why freedom of speech isn't always a good thing. Some people need some federal punishment to be able to decide what they can and can't say.
11-21-2006, 06:33 AM
oh that was awesome. i want to see the full version.
11-21-2006, 10:23 AM
Haha....that was awesome.
11-21-2006, 10:44 AM
Not quite as funny as I thought it would be. Still quite entertaining though.
Tshirt Hell just came out with this shirt.
11-22-2006, 02:40 PM
the link wasnt showing a video, so i found this video right here. i believe this is the full version:
11-26-2006, 12:34 PM
That stupid ass' career is finished. Well it already was, but this is the nail in the coffin. All he does is go beserk and people are supposed to laugh at his ass. WTF.
11-26-2006, 03:31 PM
wow... i could understand why he got pist for being interrupted.. but crazy
11-26-2006, 04:20 PM
yeah, most people would get a grip on themselves and calm down a bit before it got to that, you know?
the only thing that kinda pisses me off about the whole deal is it seems people are talking about this whole deal like he did something illegal. yeah, he might be a bigot, but thats not illegal, just unfortunate. i say leave him alone and if you dont agree with him, just dont listen to him at all.
i dont know, just my opinion.
11-26-2006, 08:11 PM
well and you have a valid point...
what's the definition of slader in the law? (ash??) Calling name I don't think would be illigel.. as long as no physical harm is done..
11-26-2006, 08:26 PM
Kramer is a racist by what I just watched and deserves whatever he gets for his out-burst with racist over-tones.
11-26-2006, 09:25 PM
Welll i just hate that the media won't shut up about it.
Okay Kramer is a bigot. Kramer hates black people. Okay, lets move on :) That's my take on it. I just hate seeing it constantly on the news like it keeps happening everyday or something. They're interviewing random black people to see what they've got to say about it.
SHould have been like a 2-day news thing. lol
11-26-2006, 09:33 PM
It is annoying how the news people keep on bringing it up. I'll just remember him from his glory days on Seinfeld, that reminds me I should pick up Season 7 here sometime soon.
11-26-2006, 10:41 PM
Welll i just hate that the media won't shut up about it.
Okay Kramer is a bigot. Kramer hates black people. Okay, lets move on :) That's my take on it. I just hate seeing it constantly on the news like it keeps happening everyday or something. They're interviewing random black people to see what they've got to say about it.
SHould have been like a 2-day news thing. lol
amen, im with you.
11-27-2006, 09:54 AM
yeah. didnt make that big of a deal with kanyw wests comments. listen to some rap music...kramer (or whatever his real name is) has room to talk.
yea it got outa hand...but listen to whats said other places and its not even worth talking about.
lil krumm
11-27-2006, 11:03 AM
kramer is still the shit, as long as i remeber him as my kramer and watch sienfeld everyday. also the very first line i heard on the youtube video was actually funny as fuck to me. call me what ever you want but that line was funny, it did get bad after that though.
Rollin on Dubs
11-27-2006, 01:17 PM
I believe that he did go way out of line, but after all of the apologies he has given, going on the Jessie Jackson radio show. I mean the guy has apologized and appears to be sincere about it.
But now the guys who were heckling him and calling him a cracker believe that they need to be compensated for what was said to him and they need a formal apology.
Just because some celebrity calls you a slang term (which is ok to be used between members of the same race) but is taboo if used by someone from another race. You should be compensated! Give me a break.
I have a feeling that these guys will exploit the race card as long as possible and will say that apologies are not enough, and this will not go away until there is a big settlement to shut them up.
11-27-2006, 02:40 PM
racism will never die, end of story.
Every race can call other races by racial terms except whites then its racism, funny how the world works huh.
Also you have to know when a black person gets involved jesse jackson and all those will be there to get every last dime and word in.
11-27-2006, 04:13 PM
^ agreed.
only thing is, i cant remember ever being upset for someone calling me "Cracker", "Whitey" or even "Nazi"(i have German Ancestors). but then again, ive never really been "kept down" by any other race, so yeah.
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