View Full Version : This site needs the correct name change
11-19-2006, 02:45 PM
MDCA............... :butthead:
11-19-2006, 02:48 PM
what does mdca stand for?
11-19-2006, 07:23 PM
11-19-2006, 11:23 PM
apparently i'm missing something.
11-19-2006, 11:26 PM
My guess is that they are saying that they're cars are "street cars", but OldSkoolRCR thinks that they are drag car's because he never see's them out on the streets.
11-19-2006, 11:28 PM
well i figured that much out for myself.
i meant.. i must be missing the story behind this. there's always a story.
11-19-2006, 11:41 PM
no, he calls them "drag cars" because they wont race on the streets. there was a lot of bullshit going on between the Street PSI crew and MSCA over it.
11-20-2006, 03:17 PM
How bout when they change street psi to street pussy? lol sorry had to do that.
90 notch
11-20-2006, 03:42 PM
11-20-2006, 05:25 PM
i see this moving to the trash soon but it could be intertaning
11-20-2006, 08:04 PM
They cant move it to the trash section, then there wont be a single post left on the MDCA site. :yawinkle:
11-20-2006, 08:07 PM
thats why im not moving it, and maily it in the MSCA section and not in any other one
11-20-2006, 09:02 PM
How bout when they change street psi to street pu$$y? lol sorry had to do that.
StreetPUSSY! Thats damb right! Even know we are the ones that get our balls out and go out and whoop ass!
MDCA= Only Street PUSSY'S around this town!
Don't be a hater! :supz:
11-20-2006, 09:02 PM
They cant move it to the trash section, then there wont be a single post left on the MDCA site. :yawinkle:
I was waiting for that! NOW THATS FUNNY
11-20-2006, 09:04 PM
... there are no posts because we archived all the posts over 1 or 2 months old. in all of the forums, not just the MSCA forums.
nice try, though.
11-20-2006, 09:52 PM
Steve'O whats wrong the truth hurt (MDCA) and the only pussy on here is U..That was proven in front of 85% of these CRU people at Advanced this past summer...And will be proven again this next summer, but this time it will be video taped, for the remaining 15% to see...Later LOOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :butthead:
11-20-2006, 10:08 PM
... there are no posts because we archived all the posts over 1 or 2 months old. in all of the forums, not just the MSCA forums.
nice try, though.
11-20-2006, 10:10 PM
Yes all the MSCA posts and such will be in the CR:U archive. I will be launching the CR:U archive and we will put a link to each archived MSCA forum in here (so that people can still view the rides and such)
11-20-2006, 10:35 PM
i love when people get so cranky.
all i was saying is... there are no posts, because they have simply moved as they were too old. i was agreeing with you, in a sense. except i wasn't being mean about it... i was simply saying they haven't been posting here.
11-20-2006, 10:38 PM
i love when people get so cranky.
all i was saying is... there are no posts, because they have simply moved as they were too old. i was agreeing with you, in a sense. except i wasn't being mean about it... i was simply saying they haven't been posting here.
Ill try not to be so "MEAN" next time :yawinkle:
11-20-2006, 10:43 PM
george, check your pm's :biggrin:
90 notch
11-21-2006, 06:10 AM
Ed,you really think i got punked out at advanced.Get a clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And it wouldn't be by your car.Steve o(msca).
11-21-2006, 11:17 AM
Ed,you really think i got punked out at advanced.Get a clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And it wouldn't be by your car.Steve o(msca).
If you didnt get punked out then your boy would have backed your big mouth up.. NOPE PUSSED OUT.. Stevo-0 Your a fucking looser so just shut the fuck up while your ahead. Kepp running your mouth, spring will be here soon enough! BITCH!
90 notch
11-21-2006, 01:37 PM
For someone who's only hoping to run high 10's(hoping, that's a big word)for you.Give me a break george.Steve o,but you're coming for me.Street psi, WHAT A FUCKIN JOKE!Steve o(msca).
11-21-2006, 03:37 PM
For someone who's only hoping to run high 10's(hoping, that's a big word)for you.Give me a break george.Steve o,but you're coming for me.Street psi, WHAT A f*ckin JOKE!Steve o(msca).
For somone who is as big as a looser as you must be retarted to even open your mouth. For some reason i would like to know why you think im in competition with your stupid ass or any of your stupid ass croney's, 2. "HOPING" is a big word for me.. HAHA...BITCH you better hope you keep your mouth shut in the spring, cause im liable to knock you the fuck out! FUCK YOU AND THE MDCA! IM 17 years old, shit i think high 10s will be satisfiable for me, Ill see ya soon Steve-0 !
BTW.. Go get your skateboard, theres graphitie needed down town!
11-21-2006, 03:45 PM
Ed,you really think i got punked out at advanced.Get a clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And it wouldn't be by your car.Steve o(msca).
Well...You called me out without talking to your Bro...then when I showed up and got in your shit, you backed out due to saftey reason...what a joke...Then you brothers got this deer in the headlight look...cause he had no idea what the fuck was going on...looks to me I showed up to race...admiting you may have beat me, was going to actually pay you to be a man and race...If that would have been me...I would have drove out there and raced either way just to save face!...but no you punked out...Keep running you yap...casue come spring you got a $2000 race locked in with start thinking of your excuess today...and as far as the hopeing comment with George...ya I see where you got that loosers where HOPEING for that 8sec slip all year :biggrin: , that must really suck 200 passes, not a 1 good pass and NO 8s...well hope away...Like I siad before I will sell you as many 8sec slips as you want $10.00 ea. :bigthumb: Tell ya what bring that mustang out and lets race Wed. night...I am not scared of you...Oh hold on I know...its not ready/its not safe/I am not wasting my time on you. Get ahold of Allgo and have him call me what time you wanna meet...Just keep trying to get the kiddies to respect ya...Later LOOSER
11-21-2006, 03:50 PM
For someone who's only hoping to run high 10's(hoping, that's a big word)for you.Give me a break george.Steve o,but you're coming for me.Street psi, WHAT A f*ckin JOKE!Steve o(msca).
The only JOKE here is U...Is it true your girlfreind pays for all your shit...Well thats what they where all saying last night...and laughing there ass's off.
90 notch
11-21-2006, 04:03 PM
Ed,you can come on here and make up all the lies you want,i promise people can see right threw you.And as far as my girlfriend paying for all my SHIT,IF that was true,good for me huh!I got a fast car and a hot chick!Steve o
11-21-2006, 05:18 PM
Ed,you can come on here and make up all the lies you want,i promise people can see right threw you.And as far as my girlfriend paying for all my sh*t,IF that was true,good for me huh!I got a fast car and a hot chick!Steve o
HOLD UP.. Your the one lieing... You forgot to tell them about your gay boyfriend Allgo to!
11-21-2006, 05:42 PM
Well Steve'O unlike some people I will not make any comments or personall attacks on your girlfreind, Even though your a piece of shit. As far as lies, what lies. Did you call me out with the wagon, Yes you did, and when I got there and said lets go, did you or did you not say NO...Its unsafe....There were over 20 people there that seen it, even your boys...did I or did I not basicly beg you to go race,did I not say dont look like a pussy just go race me. Did Chris not have a clue what was going on? every thing I am saying is 100% true, funny how your boys Allgo and Snickerlicker are quite as church mice now huh?...and you call me 2 faced. Whos seeing right through me, Dam ya lying fuck tell the truth...Did I or did I NOT say on StreetPsi bring that car of your and lets race now? You can not and will not intimadte me...Did I not say in my last post I would race you on Wed night? did you not agree to a $2000 race with me on my poison? Dude your the lier. And if people can not see that it is sad. As for your girlfreind, I am just saying exactly what I was listening to last night, I did not make that up. As for you car being fast, well if you think so goody, as for you girlfreind being Hot, well I only seen her 1 time from a distance...opinions vary. So before you get on here with your lieing shit, think about it. Dont get mad at me for what people who know and say are you buddys say about you behind your back, Maybee you should check your freinds. The same ones that say everything you own is on credit cards, Dude I could care less how you finance you stuff....My only thing with you is I think your an idiot with a big mouth, who wont back it thats MY OPINION...I am intiteled to that. If you dont like it to bad...See ya on Wed night :biggrin:
11-21-2006, 06:04 PM
If his girlfriend had nothing to do with this why do you bring it up?? Personal attacks, you are all over him and his bro whats different? I will admit I went to far on George with the attacks so there, now why dont you guys just drop it!!
You say people say this and that about him behind his back then give some names, I know Steve works hard for his money so it really doesnt matter to me if he has $50,000 on his credit card!!
11-21-2006, 06:27 PM
Allgo...maybee you should reread the post...I said nothing about his girlfreind in a NEG manner, wierd huh. As for bringing her name up, I brought GIRLFREIND up as part of the statement or conversation...And ya hes the only person that works hard for there money and trys to support a car as a hobby :rolleyes: , but you only reconize your buddys...And as for nameing people, I dont think so...I enjoy the few freinds I have...If they were his freinds I suppose I would not have heard it... I hear the shit all the time, but 99% of the time it is directed to Steve'O not Chris...But either way I dont care just repeting a statement. Sorry if it bothers U
The word of the night is "REREAD"... :biggrin: And for the Personal Attacks thing, sorry buddy but saying his car is slow or junk, or hes a pussy for not racing that night are not PERSONALL ATTACKS, there is a large differance...Talking about statments made by other people are not PERSONALL ATTACKS.
11-21-2006, 06:30 PM
I did reread it and my point is if it had nothing to do with anything then why did you even bring it up?????
Oh and your right ED you always are just ask yourself!!
11-21-2006, 06:38 PM
Guys: The argument is fine. I see nothing wrong here but I do not like the physical threats I am seeing here. Please remember this is a local forum and you guys actually know eachother. Please refrain from making physical threats. I've read a few on this topic and I assume they are in a joking manner but at the same time what you type and what people read are often times interpreted differently.
I'm not singling anyone out but please keep this as an argument and reserve the *physical* threats please.
And my Cavalier could whoop all of you anyways :)
11-21-2006, 06:55 PM
I did reread it and my point is if it had nothing to do with anything then why did you even bring it up?????
Oh and your right ED you always are just ask yourself!!
I brought it up to be a smart ass, and to show him that the people he thinks are his buddy and worship him, do actually laugh about him behind his back...Nice try with the your right shit...Thats another way of saying truth hurts. Actualy the only thing that was said about was you were there that night, so if you dont have any input to that, and want to be left out of the shit...then stay out...You know what my problem is with U...has nothing to do with them...
Sorry Zac..I will take care of that problem, It wont happen on this topic again.And your correct we do know each other...thats it.
11-21-2006, 07:01 PM
It is just getting old, we all left psi casue of this and came back over here and geuss what you 2 followed. I have no problem with stuff being said but its just the same things said over and over, we get it you like steve alot! And george likes me more!
11-21-2006, 07:08 PM
Sorry Zac..I will take care of that problem, It wont happen on this topic again.And your correct we do know each other...thats it.
You're a good man Ed. I'm sure it was just a joke but I just figured I'd say something about it. :)
11-21-2006, 07:46 PM
It is just getting old, we all left psi casue of this and came back over here and geuss what you 2 followed. I have no problem with stuff being said but its just the same things said over and over, we get it you like steve alot! And george likes me more!
YOU GOT ALOT OF BALLZ left because the shit you fucking argued/created got OLD... You sat over there and argued with George and said the things you did, and told me on the phone you thought it was fun/funny...and when the shit got deep with the Torry thing and the personall attacks on come back over here (which is fine with me)...and you got the NUTZ to make it look like I was the problem or George or any of our members...KISS my ass :butthead: ...I never thought you were like that...Like I said if you dont like he shit with Steve'O and I and George dont fucking reply, Sorry I did not know this was your site...But untill Zach tells me to not come on his site, I guess I am welcome...You created your own arguement or shit getting OLD...What did you tell me " I can argue with the best of them" when I said the shit with George was getting old...Man and I always said you were different then the clown twins, when George would tell me your a piece of shit....SO SAD!!! Maybee you ADULTS should get the MDCA website up again so you have some controll...OPPS my bad you guys could'nt keep it up the first time :biggrin:
11-21-2006, 08:26 PM
the word today as you say is REREAD!! where did I say not to come over here??? I say we understand your feelings about stevo so lets find something else to argue about, I do love to argue and so do you but lets pick another topic, or something else about the msca!!!
11-21-2006, 08:33 PM
I just want to go on record saying that I like all four of you. (George, Ed, Allgo, and Steve'O) :goodman:
Just figured I would spread some love. :heart:
11-21-2006, 08:34 PM
You know what... argue with yourself. Because thats the only person listening...And as for the MDCA theres nothing else wrong with that club except (Steve'O) someday you'll figure it out also...just as many of ex-members have!!! :biggrin:
11-21-2006, 08:35 PM
I just want to go on record saying that I like all four of you. (George, Ed, Allgo, and Steve'O) :goodman:
Just figured I would spread some love. :heart:
Thank you..Zach
As many arguements as we have have always been a straight shooter... :supz:
11-21-2006, 11:48 PM
I just want to go on record saying that I like all four of you. (George, Ed, Allgo, and Steve'O) :goodman:
Just figured I would spread some love. :heart:
smart ass.
11-22-2006, 12:41 PM
Hey Steve"o we on for tonught, Or did you miss that post also?
11-22-2006, 12:53 PM
Hey Steve"o we on for tonught, Or did you miss that post also?
HAHA yea right did you fall and hit your head.. You should know better then to ask that question.. Steve-0's pussy ass aint racin nothin but his mouth on the street.. Because hes a BITCH! :Hangman:
90 notch
11-22-2006, 12:55 PM
Ed when did i ever agree to race you TONIGHT(good luck finding that post).I have a dyno appointment 11-30-06 at finish line performance.My car is not tuned as of right now,that's what you were betting on.So instead of making me look like a chump,call me out when i get back from the dyno.if you don't believe me his name is dan bills@finishline performance in chicago.Their phone # is 1-877-flp-2win.Until than drop it.Steve o(msca).
11-22-2006, 03:16 PM
Ed when did i ever agree to race you TONIGHT(good luck finding that post).I have a dyno appointment 11-30-06 at finish line performance.My car is not tuned as of right now,that's what you were betting on.So instead of making me look like a chump,call me out when i get back from the dyno.if you don't believe me his name is dan bills@finishline performance in chicago.Their phone # is 1-877-flp-2win.Until than drop it.Steve o(msca).
You better have John Force tune that thing, cause you dont have shit on us on the street. BITCH!
11-22-2006, 03:17 PM
Thats fine, you get it tuned and let me know...I am not betting on said its done and running...And are trying to make me look like a lier and a chump, so win or loose lets do it...But come spring your gonna man up to the money race....Lie I said you will never intimadate me...not you or any of your boys...
Rollin on Dubs
11-22-2006, 06:40 PM
[quote="90 notch";p="115314":67514]Ed when did i ever agree to race you TONIGHT(good luck finding that post).I have a dyno appointment 11-30-06 at finish line performance.My car is not tuned as of right now,that's what you were betting on.So instead of making me look like a chump,call me out when i get back from the dyno.if you don't believe me his name is dan bills@finishline performance in chicago.Their phone # is 1-877-flp-2win.Until than drop it.Steve o(msca).
You better have John Force tune that thing, cause you dont have sh*t on us on the street. b*tch![/quote:67514]
John Force couldint tune a weed wacker! He just drives the car, But if he had Austin Coil (force's crew cheif) then he would probably have better luck.
just my opinion.
on a budget
11-22-2006, 09:44 PM
HI. and thank you
and have a nice night!
11-22-2006, 09:52 PM
HI. and thank you
and have a nice night!
It absolutly amazes me how far up there ass you are, dude they talk shit about you... first off the wagon went 9.05...1 TIME, yes 1 TIME big fucking deal
Steve"o went 9.44 and went KABOOM 1 TIME
What is with these guys and there 1 TIME Cars
I went 10.0 lifting with a fucked up MSD 3 times
George went 11.5 with a 4 banger (stock basicly) 4 banger
Bring your money to the track come spring and bet on Steve'O when we race poison to poison as Steve'O would put it...
I will race any of them on the track or street with NO EXCUESS'S I think a good race would be your MOPAR against the Talon come spring...How about it for any amount you want...Yo talk alot but have had that car for what a year and a half, and its still the same...Trust me when that notch gets tuned he wont race at all..Trust me.
logans dad
11-22-2006, 11:08 PM
Im sure on a budget would have it running if his dad paid for it!!
11-22-2006, 11:26 PM
Im sure on a budget would have it running if his dad paid for it!!
But him and his dad would rather roll it out of the garge,stand infront of the hood and scratch there heads instead of going out to find On a Budget.. I mean ToFast4U a JOB!
logans dad
11-23-2006, 01:24 AM
REREAD my post !! The key word is DAD !!
11-23-2006, 10:59 AM
REREAD my post !! The key word is DAD !!
Well maybe his dad can't afford to bust into his 401 k to build the car like you!
lil krumm
11-23-2006, 05:20 PM
[quote="logans dad";p="115397":4816d]REREAD my post !! The key word is DAD !!
Well maybe his dad can't afford to bust into his 401 k to build the car like you!
hes referring to your dad paying for your shit you dumbfuck. god damn.
logans dad
11-23-2006, 05:23 PM
[quote="logans dad";p="115397":563df]REREAD my post !! The key word is DAD !!
Well maybe his dad can't afford to bust into his 401 k to build the car like you![/quote:563df]
hes referring to your dad paying for your sh*t you dumbfuck. god d*mn.
You hit it right on LIL Krumm
And George, Im in some ways like your dad where I want my son to be fast and whats left I get but Logans racing program Comes first. If your car is faster then mine big deal.
I would rather HEAR a grandstand of people cheering for my son then 3 or 4 people cheering for the 98.
11-23-2006, 07:09 PM
Vic...I did not pay for 1 dime of this rebuild...he took out a loan and had some money saved...Dont be a hater and judge before you know the facts...What the fuck has gotten into U...Bring your car out this weekend and I will run ya for some money..if your feeling all cocky...Ed...I dont need the grandstand cheering I'll take your cash :biggrin:
logans dad
11-23-2006, 07:43 PM
Go to the big city, Ive heard they race for big money made from drugs. This is friendly IOWA.
11-23-2006, 08:53 PM
Ya know Vic...from a guy that went from asking us for help...and borrowing parts to hanging out togather, you have turned in to a complete asshole...And the drug comment is really funny consider your the one who used to do them...Get you Treveor tuned rocket ship out and call me, I will come out and whoop your ass on pump gas for free...
11-23-2006, 09:39 PM
Let's just say this, if my dad baught all my shit i would be way faster then what i am now! Don't be a hater that i got a new clutch for my birthday! Thanks Dad!
I better get to bed, these next three 11 hour days are going to suck, but i guess when i blow all the hater's ass's :butthead: away come spring it will pay off.
Vic, maybe if your lucky you will get a new bong for Christmas!
on a budget
11-23-2006, 09:52 PM
i dont see why you guys refer to me as tofast4u?
and as far as me taking a year and 1/2 on building a car...
1) my dad works all day, and i go to school and when we get home the first thing on our minds isnt going in the garage. so really the only time we use to work on our car is on a weekend. and i have a life so i dont sit at home on a friday/ saturday night working on my car.
2) i come from a broken family, my dad works one job and is helping to put my sister threw college. which has burnt up alot of the funds for my car.
3) this thing needed/ needs everything, and parts for it arent easy to come by.
i know i know, excuses excuses, but it'll be done when its done.
on a budget
11-23-2006, 10:00 PM
11-23-2006, 10:00 PM
i dont see why you guys refer to me as tofast4u?
and as far as me taking a year and 1/2 on building a car...
1) my dad works all day, and i go to school and when we get home the first thing on our minds isnt going in the garage. so really the only time we use to work on our car is on a weekend. and i have a life so i dont sit at home on a friday/ saturday night working on my car.
2) i come from a broken family, my dad works one job and is helping to put my sister threw college. which has burnt up alot of the funds for my car.
3) this thing needed/ needs everything, and parts for it arent easy to come by.
i know i know, excuses excuses, but it'll be done when its done.
I totally understand in away.. Some people have different views then others. Right now as i am about to graduate high school, my mind is dead set on cars.. Me and my dad eat,sleep,drink, and live drag racing Street and Track. The most important thing to me is my family and my car and our hobby. Thats how it is and i hope it will always be that way.. Me and Dad love it so much that seems to always be or at least close to our number 1 priority.. I guess you can call us die hards. :bigthumb:
I can tell you not as into it as me or some others. But thats your choice and i will choose mine.. I go to school go right to class get it over with , then go to work, and come home and spend money on the car. It sucks but you got to pay to play.
logans dad
11-24-2006, 10:49 AM
George with just the last few post you've done you have my respect back. I don't mind the thing about the bong, I laugh at that because its true but I have my old bong and its broke in. I guess the last post where I mouthed of I think about you saying I'm a dumb ass and need to go to a gay bar and then I get mad and know I shouldn't but post a negative post on you. I guess I will have to just over look that stuff as Ive said before I just want to get along with everyone.
11-24-2006, 03:25 PM
i dont see why you guys refer to me as tofast4u?
and as far as me taking a year and 1/2 on building a car...
1) my dad works all day, and i go to school and when we get home the first thing on our minds isnt going in the garage. so really the only time we use to work on our car is on a weekend. and i have a life so i dont sit at home on a friday/ saturday night working on my car.
2) i come from a broken family, my dad works one job and is helping to put my sister threw college. which has burnt up alot of the funds for my car.
3) this thing needed/ needs everything, and parts for it arent easy to come by.
i know i know, excuses excuses, but it'll be done when its done.
When it gets done it gets done...What pissed me off is people like Vic saying I hand George money...Well I dont he pays for his shit, weather out of pocket or a loan, same differance.
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