View Full Version : Boo Mediacom!
11-17-2006, 01:40 PM
So last night I was browsing the mediacom website and I noticed that they have two high speed internet plans.
The standard high speed plan is 5mb/sec downstream and 256k/sec upstream. Very good internet connection in general.
The upgraded high speed plan is 10mb/sec downstream (doubled from standard) and 1mb/sec upstream (quadrupled from standard).
The standard costs $45/mo and the upgraded is $60 per month. HOnestly, an extra $15 per month for double the browsing/downloading speed and quadruple the upload speed (which would be great for administering a server as I do) is definitely worth it!
So I called mediacom last night and to get this plan I have to do one of two things. Either I have to subscribe to their phone AND cable TV service (thus I would be paying over $150/month after the promotional period is over) or I have to let them come to my house, basically throw away my router that I already have, and the wireless card in ashley's computer that I already have, and let them install their equipment for $150.
I told the guy I'm already set up on a home network with a router and wireless cards...and why can't he just upgrade me to the networking package even though I don't need the network. All he would have to do is upgrade me in the system and I would be set to go probably within a few hours. But he said that he can't do it like that..they have to physically go out there and set me up on a network...which once again is a waste of time because I already have a network set up.
Arggg! I want the faster upload speed! I could load up CR:U backups in like half an hour instead of 2 hours and I could take CR:U backups twice as fast.
Does anyone have the upgraded mediacom package? Or know of a loophole that would allow me to get it. Maybe I just need somebody on the inside that can set me up :)
Fire Hawk
11-18-2006, 07:34 AM
If anything, I'd call back and talk to some body else or ask to speak to a supervisor or physically go in there and ask them about getting upgraded instead of callling over the phone.
The whole point of the over the phone is to increase sales and get as much as they possibly added on to make more money.
You do not have to have the digital cable and phone, it's one or the other. It states that with digital cable or Phone Services, it's only $59.95/month. It'd probably be more if you don't have either one. You might be able to get away with not having to have the digital cable either, just having cable tv through them like we do, and the $60/month says it's with using their equipment.
11-18-2006, 08:04 AM
Not that you want it but I've heard that if you get the phone service they automatically upgrade your internet for the phone service to to get quality service. I have vonage with the 256 up on mediacom and everynow and then it's like talking on a cell phone w/o good coverage.
11-18-2006, 08:43 PM
Zac I have the hook up for you and yes i have the upgraded one. =)
I'll PM you
11-21-2006, 06:02 AM
Zac I have the hook up for you and yes i have the upgraded one. =)
I'll PM you
Can I get a copt of that PM, just interested in how you did it.
Crappy thing is I work for Mediacom, and I can't get the 10/1 service either and I have all 3 services. Something about the codes in the computer won't work for employee accounts :CALLBS:
Also when I saw the title I thought is would be some comment about the KGAN problems we are having right now.
11-21-2006, 06:43 AM
^oh... cause my hook up was one of the sales guys for mediacom. not like sales to people's houses like business accounts and such, but he hooked me up.
sooooo i dont know what i did special, but i was just going to give Zac his phone number and i thought he might be able to get ahold of a mediacom guy up there in CR... ok maybe i dont have a hook up =(
thx for peeing in my pool ipoc =*(
11-21-2006, 08:14 AM
the KGAN problems are a whole different problem... i dont know when they are/were going to remove KGAN, but hopefully its after February 4... the superbowl is on CBS this year!
11-21-2006, 09:52 AM
I think they are removing Fox from Mediacom from the Ames and Des Moines area. The deadline is the 30th. Damn, now I can't watch the Simpsons.
11-21-2006, 10:13 AM
the KGAN problems are a whole different problem... i dont know when they are/were going to remove KGAN, but hopefully its after February 4... the superbowl is on CBS this year!
I think it's supposed to go in to effect on 01 Dec 2006
11-21-2006, 10:34 AM
:Jamaican accent:
11-21-2006, 06:49 PM
I can get the 10-1 deal for internet... I just don't want to pay them $150 to set up a network in my house because I already have one.
I talked to a lady at Mediacom and she said she understood that I already have a network, but said that in order to get the internet somebody would still have to come out and set it up. Remembering the conversation, she didn't say that they had to come set up a network, she just said they would have to come and hook up the internet.
Perhaps I should call back and ask them to confirm how much I have to pay for installation and what is involved in the installation if I say I already have a network set up and don't need them to hook up a network.
Fire Hawk
11-22-2006, 05:18 AM
Have you gone in and talked to someone in person at all?? If not I feel as if that'd be your best bet for getting the answers your looking for. I'd like to know what they want to get it going myself for down the road.
Fire Hawk
11-22-2006, 05:24 AM
How does Mediacom Online service connect to the Internet? What is the process?
Mediacom customers connect to the Internet through a high-speed cable modem that links your computer to Mediacom's fiber-optic coaxial cable network. By splitting the coaxial cable line that comes into your residence, you can access the Internet without any phone lines.
Do I need special equipment?
Mediacom Online service provides Internet access through a CableLabs certified modem. The cost of leasing this modem is included in the site posted monthly fees for our Mediacom Online services. The cable modem required for Mediacom Online 5 Mbps service can be purchased separately at various retail and Internet outlets. The modem required for the Mediacom Online Max service needs to be provided by Mediacom.
Can I install the service myself?
You can install Mediacom Online and save time and money with our easy to use self-installation kit. The kit contains everything you need to connect to the Mediacom Online service.
If you prefer, you can make an appointment for a professional installation of Mediacom Online service, which may be subject to an installation charge. This includes the installation of the modem, coaxial cable, drivers and activation. As part of the installation, the installer will set your homepage, configure your email and Internet, etc.
Mediacom Online Max service requires a professional installation. Please contact your Mediacom Representative for any special installation offers for this service.
I found this after the last post. I wonder if there's specific IP's or something that is needed to get the full benefit of the upgraded service.
Fire Hawk
11-22-2006, 05:30 AM,16952071~start=20
Looks like according to these people you just have to like call your local office and get someone to get it setup. As long as your equipment can handle it you should be golden. Just have to find someone there that can upgrade your account.
It's just their way of trying to get more money when it's really not needed.
11-22-2006, 06:06 AM
Zac I will get you an answer today about what is needed to get it. I know for a while they were doing it just with out networking routers, but I thought they changed it to as long as the modem is compatable and able to handle the 10/1 service. We do have quite a few modem in house that can't, so that is why we would have to come out.
Back to the KGAN and Fox in DSM area, Sinclair Broadcasting is asking for Millions of Dollars to rebroadcast their signals, as well as demanding that we pick up 14 additional channels that they offer. Which for us to pay them it would require rate increases to cover the cost, and we don't wanna raise the rates anymore. Also this whole thing is somehow tied to Rupert Murdoch (I think that is the right guy) and all he wants is money in his pocket.
Yes it is scheduled to be taken off on Dec 1st, but I personally have a good feeling it will still be around after that, we have people in Washington right now dealing with the FCC and the courts to see if we can get simewhere with this.
11-22-2006, 11:40 AM
IPOC, thank you so much that would be greatly appreciated. I am so crunched with time these days it's really hard for me to go get an answer myself.
I really think this 10-1 service is the future of internet. From what I understand, basically you could watch live TV with this service if you wanted. That's really how fast the download speeds are. I can see a widespread use of live streaming television services available through the internet.
With the flat-panel LCD TV I just bought a month ago, you can hook your computer right up to the TV so for me it would be as simple as that. And since it is being provided through the internet the rates would be pretty low. I really see things like this happening in the future. Imagine traveling to your grandma's house in Mississippi but still being able to watch your local news channel to keep up to date while you're away.
Or Video-Phone services. The Deaf Community has been using these for many years but this could become a whole new advantage for hearing people as well.
In short, I think this 10-1 service through mediacom is a good deal. I have a feeling one day it will be the new standard for internet speed and once we get to that point, the internet will pretty much make a lot of other services obsolete. Honestly I think it's a good thing :)
12-09-2006, 08:18 AM
Good news for Mediacom subs, the residential service has been upped to 8meg down/512 up, and the 10/1 service is now 15 meg down and 1 meg up. This upgrade took place on Wednesday night.
12-09-2006, 10:48 AM
Do I need to restart my modem or something for this change to show? I just checked my bandwidth and it's running the same.
That's awesome about the 15-1 service. Makes me want it even more. Maybe after the holidays if you can't figure out a way around that $150 I'll just give in and get it. We'll see.
12-09-2006, 10:52 AM
Oops. Answered my own question :)
Restart your modems everyone. I think you'll be happy to see how much faster your internet is now...for free :) I'll get the bandwidth topic back up again so we can all post our new bandwidths.
12-09-2006, 02:40 PM
Wow and to think, I was going to cancell medicom in favor of qwest because there upload speeds suck so much.
12-09-2006, 04:38 PM
The Mediacom website is still showing 5mb and 10mb services. Do you have any idea when the class changes will officially go in to effect?
12-09-2006, 11:15 PM
I'm receiving the increased speed right now if that's what you're talking about.
I believe I was getting about 7800 down and 480 up this morning when I tested it.
12-10-2006, 10:47 AM
The website update will probably take some time, I know for the longest time it was still saying 3meg after the upgrade to 5 meg, so it might take some time for that. Also it might have to do with it not being upgrade everywhere, so they aren't claiming speeds that might not be available everywhere yet. I just found out about it Friday night. I will ask tomorrow if it is everywhere, or just CR area. Also like Zac stated reset your modem if you aren't getting the speeds, that way it will download the latest config files to allow for the increased bandwith.
12-10-2006, 11:18 AM
I'm in Iowa City and I got the bump up. I'm now getting 7800 down and around 480 up also.
I still think qwest's 856 up would be nice.
12-10-2006, 11:53 AM
I think after the holidays are over I'm going to probably invest in Mediacom's new upgraded package which is 15mb down and 1mb up. It's $65/month if all you've got is the internet and not the phone and/or cable tv. That's an increase of like.... $20, or about 40% of what I'm paying now for about double the download and double the upload speeds. It's a pretty good deal if you ask me.
IPOC: I might be more interested in paying the $150 installation fee if I didn't already have a network already set up. At the same time, I'm curious as to how nice the equipment they'de be setting me up with would be. I just have a little crappy D-Link router (cheapest router I could find at best buy) and a d-link wireless card on Ashley's computer. Perhaps if they're setting me up with better stuff the $150 could be worth it I guess. But if you ever find out anyone that can waive that fee for someone who already has a network setup or cut the fee down or something just give me a hollar and I'll make an appointment that same day.
12-10-2006, 02:38 PM
Yes Iowa city would be included as they are fed out of our CR office.
Zac, the equipment we use is all SMC, I can probably get you a model # if you wanted, but it is some good equipment from what I have been told. I will check and see if we are running any specials, or if we will be soon.
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