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View Full Version : CR:U's New Start

11-12-2006, 12:25 AM
I've been discussing this with the moderators a lot in our private mod section, but it hasn't occurred to me to talk to you guys about this too.

If you haven't noticed, CR:U has had a rebirth on our new server. We are suddenly averaging over 80 posts per day (up from about 30 post per day before the new server) and things are starting to look more like they did a year ago.

I want you all to know we have huge things planned for CR:U. We have some site upgrades we will be unveiling soon, as well as some extra things that we are planning to have in the future. Radio CR:U? Well you just never know. Stay tuned!

Right now I emplore you all to help. Tell your buddies about the site. Add us to your myspace friends list and put us right up there at the top! http://www.myspace.com/crunderground_com

Start topics! We need more topics started that people can relate to. This is a very important factor to attracting new users.

If you want to give back to CR:U for all the years of service CR:U has given you. All the times you were bored and had no other place to go, this is all you have to do. (Unless you want to donate some money to help pay for this ridiculously expensive hosting option we were forced to go to :) )

Tell your friends, and start topics. Trust me...we have many things up our sleeves that will make CR:U a place like no other. Keep checking the site and we will start unveiling these ideas soon. Some of the mods dont' even know yet some of the ideas I have been thinking about and working on for months :)


11-12-2006, 03:57 PM
Also, If anyone is interested there is a CR:U group made on the local Facebook website. As it stands now I believe there are only 4 or 5 members that have joined.

11-12-2006, 04:02 PM
i'll have to go find that now....

11-12-2006, 10:10 PM
plus we're on myspace, so ADD US!!!
