View Full Version : I had a bad dream last night!
11-12-2006, 12:17 AM
I never thought a dream so simple would affect me the way it has. But this dream I had last night really affected me.
To make a long story short, I dreamt last night that I sold my car to some girl. She was having problems with it so I went to her garage to help her work on it. When I was walking up to her open garage and looking at my old friend (my car) sitting in the garage it hit me really hard.... I never want to sell my car.
I've had my car since I was 16 years old and it's been good to me. Almost every good memory since I was 16 years old has involved my car. Driving to wisconsin for 6 hours starting at 10pm....being so zonked out that the highway signs looked like smiley faces and I became deathly scared of being attacked by a deer. Fourth of july at Ashley's grandparent's house. Driving to steve's funeral. Driving to steve's cemetary a few months later. Me and ash driving to clear lake for our mini vacation. Cruising first avenue when I was younger. Car shows at BBops.
It's so weird. I had this dream and seeing my car in someone else's hands made me realize that my car is the most sentimentally valuable item that I own. I'm honestly worried for the day that I go out there and my car won't start...and having to make the decision to take it to the junkyard. I will not sell it... that's for sure. I'd rather see it junked than in someone else's possession.
Does anyone feel that way about their car? It really freaks me out but I have a new found attachment to my car.
Oh well... I guess there are weirder things :)
11-12-2006, 12:47 AM
i hate the thought of that same thing, i have an 88 sierra with a $2k stereo, and rebiult engine and trans. i had a guy offer his 93lumina z34 and just over $1k be i got my stereo in and tranny fixed. i told him no and my step dad called me a stupid-ass but the thought off it made me sick. my step dad got the truck when i was 8 now im 16 and have always said that it would be my 1st real vehicle. i was right and i love it more than most love their pets, it might be wierd to some but i couldn't care less.
11-12-2006, 11:32 AM
For me, it's on an off. There are days I just want someone to buy my car just so I don't throw money at it. Then other days are just the opposite. But right now, I probably wouldn't care either way. It would be nice to have a newer car, or a car that you can actually buy lots of new parts for, instead of calling up lots of junkyards. One of my friends doesn't want me to sell my car and my parents want me to sell my car. Ugh, sometimes I don't know what to do.
11-12-2006, 12:25 PM
As much as i hate my car sometimes and want to get another one, i will prolly keep it around along time. Now its my shitty SR22 insurance car and when i get a better car it will be my winter beater.
11-12-2006, 12:35 PM
i want to sell my car. and get a new car. as much as i love my car.. its old.
logans dad
11-12-2006, 01:32 PM
I sold a 67 Chevelle I had and a month later I bought it back but the kid I sold it to blew it up but 30 years ago you could buy an old car with a 350 in it for a 100 bucks. Thats what I did and put the good heads and cam and other things back on it.
11-12-2006, 02:04 PM
I have even had my TA in the paper before and someone would call to look at it.. and I would be like.. sorry it's already sold.
So sometimes I want to kick it to the curb... other times im like.. NO i can't
11-12-2006, 04:22 PM
i had my first truck(1989 Toyota P.U my mom bought brand new) crushed when it blew up, and i think it was one of the dumbest things ive ever done. i probably couldve gotten a lower milage engine from a junkyard for $500.
as far as my Duster goes, i have thought seriously about getting rid of it and getting a less rusty one, but now i think it just has too much sentimental value to me. i rebuilt almost everything on it to get it running, and now it really feels like MY car, if that makes any sense.
also, since so much needs to be redone anyway, it doesnt make me feel bad to chop it up like i probably would if i chopped up an unmolested survivor of a car. i dont see my Duster going anywhere for a long while
11-13-2006, 08:10 AM
I felt that way about my BroncoII I had… but it wasn’t anything special, and after 2 tranny replacements it finally became a $$ pit.
Then I got the Thunderbird SC, I loved that thing… Sold all my paintball gear to get the $$ to buy it. Then my little brother trashes it… it lost that “luster” to me and I sold that too.
With the 240 being my war present to myself, the engine, and all the work… I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of it. I have a daily driver now and have the $$ that I can sit on it and not have to worry about it not being in a running condition. SO yeah I do feel that with the 240… Although if someone offered me the crazy about in my head that I feel its worth, then yeah I’d dump it and get an S14 and start over again.
11-13-2006, 09:43 AM
i miss every car ive ever sold almost everyday. i think almost every car ive sold i hear blew up a while later too. thats extra upsetting. oh well, its time for me to save money by driving a honda that i have no interest of dumping money into.
11-13-2006, 11:35 AM
You know.... it's just a cavalier. But I think it's just worth too much to me to ever sell it. I have a feeling I will be garaging it whenever I buy a new car and doing some work to it. Maybe look into rebuilding the engine. Bump up the HP just enough to make it fun.
I just can't imagine selling it right now. Just can't think about it.
11-13-2006, 11:38 AM
Yeah I know the feeling. I was almost gonna sell my T-bird after it blew another head gasket but I just couldn't. The thought of someone else owning it and driving it after all the work I put into it and good times I've had with it just makes me sick.
11-13-2006, 04:19 PM
You know.... it's just a cavalier. But I think it's just worth too much to me to ever sell it. I have a feeling I will be garaging it whenever I buy a new car and doing some work to it. Maybe look into rebuilding the engine. Bump up the HP just enough to make it fun.
I just can't imagine selling it right now. Just can't think about it.
a V8 and RWD sounds pretty fun to me....
11-13-2006, 10:32 PM
I hear ya Zac. I had a blue 88 Corsica since I was 16 and had to junk it a few years ago. It was really hard to see it go. Sure brought back a lot of fun high school memories with friends. Also college road trips. It seems like every part of that car had a story attached.
But I just had to tell my self that hey it is the memories that count, not the car. Cars come and go but your memories and good friends will be here forever. RIP, corsica :angel:
11-14-2006, 07:47 AM
Well my first car I sold to a friend that I knew would be in good hands...untill he tried to sell it :(
My next car i put a lot of work into and really didn't want to sell it. I still miss it and watching it drive away sucked really bad.....
but i'm definatly enjoying my new car and probably won't sell this for a LONG time.
11-14-2006, 12:26 PM
My first car, after about a month I devised a plan to get rid of it. The plan consisted of beating the crap out of it. After 3 trannys and I cracked the c4 case :yawinkle: dad bought me my first stang for 250.00.. A 65 with a 289 2 bbl auto.... Soon it became a 289, single plane, 4 speed, posi, mech cammed etc. with his help. It got crashed by me into a volvo. Got the 69... Oh yea dad sold the first car got his money back minus labor and I was there also fixing it.
11-16-2006, 07:05 AM
I have to say that I feel the same way about my car. Problem is I have no choice...its going to die very soon. lol I didnt post about it but I definately took out a flock of sheep (no exaggerations...8 sheep in the middle of the road on a foggy night= one crunched up Lola) It's just a Metro but I've had it since I was 16. Ill be sad to see it go. That is until I get the Jetta :)
11-17-2006, 10:15 PM
hah my car is gone
lil krumm
11-17-2006, 11:14 PM
hah my car is gone
heard you had a sweet loaner, was it a SS?
11-18-2006, 01:06 PM
i wish, it was just a fleet. but still nice.
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