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logans dad
11-09-2006, 06:43 AM
First off What happened to all the money Branstead had for us Sally. I know you wont agree but Ole Vilsack Spent it and went all over the world on your and my Dollar.
As far as Clinton getting us out of dept is BS. It was on paper and was forecast way out in the future. You tell me what did he do to get the deficit down in his 8 years, Nothing. Oh yes he cut our Military way down but that didn't make a dent in the deficit.
Then more people "CIVILIAN'S" where killed in 9-11 then at Pearl Harbor. And some of you think we shouldn't of done anything. The thing is no matter what person did something about it, Would be different with each person. Iraq had GAS thats a proven fact and a little bit of that in a subway would kill a lot of people. The Democrats at first agreed to going to Iraq before they agreed we shouldn't of gone. Sounds like a Kerry thing.
Then there's my neighbor thats a die hard Democrat and she works for PMX out by ADM that makes the penny slugs. But she told me their big union didn't even get them a raise this year and she told me its because of the Republicans and I thought OMG I see whats going on here and this is going to piss a lot of people of but here it goes, My take on the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that SOME OF the people that vote for Democrats are not as intelligent as the people that vote Republican!! You think about it for a while. Now how I became A Republican with that being said is due to Rush. He is my intelligence on the political agendas.
11-09-2006, 10:34 AM
she told me their big union didn't even get them a raise this year and she told me its because of the Republicans
That's the kind of shit I can't stand. I can usually sit back and handle the conspiracy theorists and the people who have to say "bush sucks" after every 3rd political sentence they say because that's the only thing they think they know for sure... but when people start blaming a political party for their own misfortune that's just plain stupid.
Go to school. Get an education. Nobody has any right to blame the government for their own monetary misfortune if they don't at least have a bachelors degree. My reasoning for that: If you don't have a bachelors, you know YOU could do more to better yourself if you wanted. I work full time and am working on my bachelors and anyone else could do the same.
Yeah it's stupid that you need a piece of paper that says you went to school for 4 years in order to be able to say that you've done all you can, but that's life for ya!
(BTW: This was not a rant on anyone who did not go to college. So if you didn't go to college, please don't take this offensively. I was pointing out the people who will get laid off or fired or denied a raise and rather than blame themselves for the choices they have made they blame a higher power such as the government)
Vic, so I guess you can tell your neighbor to see how much of a raise she gets next year since now the house and senate are controlled by democrats :)
logans dad
11-09-2006, 10:52 AM
Well they are locked in I think she said for no raise for three years lol. So then she will get one and she will rise up and say glory, glory, Them their Democrats got me a raise finally lol.
We cant win Zac.
Its like Ford VS Chevy, Its not often you can convince a person one is better over the other but I will agree that on a given year one is better then the other.
I think Bush is doing what he thinks is best and Terrorist is a fight we need to take on.
11-09-2006, 11:44 AM
That's my personal belief too. Just like this war... I think it's a no-brainer that we need to stay until the job was done. Their police force and military is not strong enough to sustain itself yet.
Realistically I think there needs to be some military presence (on a decreasing level over time) for at least another 5 years. Give the kids time to get through school and turn 18 and join the military. Once they have a self-sustaining police force, government, and military, we can haul butt out there. But you don't want to leave and then have everything fall apart... as I've said a million times that would mean that all who have lost their lives died for absolutely nothing... a mission that was never completed.
I want our boys home too. My uncle and 2 of my cousins have been in an out of Iraq and are probably up for second trips here pretty soon. As much as I'd hate to see them go I know they are doing what they signed up to do. As Jay said in another post, that's what they signed up for. In fact, my cousin Josh actually signed up specifically to be involved in this war. He happened to turn 18 right when this all started and when he was out of school he was gone.
11-09-2006, 01:28 PM
What's wrong with an Associates Degree?
11-09-2006, 01:47 PM
Nothing at all. I don't even have an assocciates yet.
But if you were to get laid off of work or something, you still have more that you can do to help better yourself. I'm saying I believe in taking care of your own business instead of blaming government.
And damn you mel I said don't take it offensively :)
11-09-2006, 02:03 PM
that wasn't offence just wondering if you considered that a bad thing... hehe plus you said to those who didn't go to college don't take offence...
11-09-2006, 02:11 PM
the only bad thing about associates degrees is that EVERYONE now is getting a bachellors degree. like my parents for instance currently both have associates (but are working on their bachellors)... and my dad got laid off awhile back, and had a hard time finding a job as a network admin. simply because everyone now has a bachellors... and if 2 people are applying for the same job & 1 has an associates and the other has a bachellors... the bachellors degree is generally going to get the job.
11-09-2006, 02:27 PM
It really depends on what your career is. For some careers, an associates is as far as you CAN go.
I'm not talking down on people who are less educated than I plan to be. My dad didn't go to college and makes probably more money right now than I realistically hope to ever make (unless I were to own a very successful business). But at the same time if he ever were to get laid off, he's told me before he would be kicking himself for not going to school. My dad and I have had this discussion over and over. Businesses will always try to cut costs. They'll continue to find robots that do the same jobs assembly line workers do and as long as they're able they will be getting cheaper labor from other countries.
The smartest and most efficient thing anyone can do is be aware of it, and prepare yourself for the possibility. My dad puts over 75% of his paycheck into his savings, 401k, roth IRA, mutual funds, etc. The guy only keeps 25% of what he makes...simply because he is aware of the dangers he faces even by being in management in a factory. Smart guy, my paps :)
11-09-2006, 06:20 PM
Now how I became A Republican with that being said is due to Rush. He is my intelligence on the political agendas.
That is kinda sad. I cant stand him or Ann coulter. And you cant be too smart if you base your whole beliefs off what one person says.
My take on the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that SOME OF the people that vote for Democrats are not as intelligent as the people that vote Republican!!
Let me guess Rush told u that so u believe it. IMO republicans are the only ones ignorant enough to think of themselves as smarter.
logans dad
11-09-2006, 08:24 PM
No, Little Tricky, Rush didn't tell me that. That I got from seeing things and what type of people are Democrats and what type are Republicans. To be honest I think most Democrats are stupid. I was trying to be nice about it. And if your 17 the Camaro in your picture must be your daddy's or he bought it for you or paid for most of it.
11-09-2006, 08:37 PM
No, Little Tricky, Rush didn't tell me that. That I got from seeing things and what type of people are Democrats and what type are Republicans. To be honest I think most Democrats are stupid. I was trying to be nice about it. And if your 17 the Camaro in your picture must be your daddy's or he bought it for you or paid for most of it.
Not his last i remembered.
Also its possible for someone at 17 to have that kind of car, you can pick up the early years for 2-4k easy.
And about the politics well, i dont know anything, i only learn about it when i hear about it through military as thats about the only aspect that concerns me.
11-09-2006, 08:59 PM
Technically, Vic has a point about people voting repub tending to be smarter. Not because democrats are dumb, but because there are some very big numbers of people who vote democrat simply for what they stand for, not because the individuals know anything about politics.
-Blacks tend to vote democrat: (And no I'm not calling black's dumb) I can't explain this one because I don't remember why, but black people in general tend to vote democrat.
-Students/Most people who don't know better: Freedom of speech! Freedom of Press! These are fundamentals of the democratic beliefs. Republicans feel the same way but not anywhere near as strongly. That is why when you watch any news channel except fox, the information they give you is very biased toward democrats generally. It's not a theory, it's a fact. Why shouldn't they be? Democrats are the ones that will fight for the freedom of speech and press, so why not do what you can to give them an edge? And that is why democrats hate fox news...because they tend to make the republicans look better. Just like during the bush/kerry election. Fox was claiming the red states a lot faster than CNN was. They were looking at the same numbers but fox was a lot quicker to claim a red state... like hours quicker for some of them.
But the point is, a lot of America's population who just don't know, or just don't care about politics tend to vote democrat. Fact....
So no democrats aren't dumber, it's just that they have a lot of social classes in this country who don't know much about politics.
You could argue the same about republicans being supported by "dumb rednecks and bible thumpers"... if you're an ignorant yankee :)
Be careful I was raised in Eupora, Mississippi !!
11-09-2006, 09:15 PM
No, Little Tricky, Rush didn't tell me that. That I got from seeing things and what type of people are Democrats and what type are Republicans. To be honest I think most Democrats are stupid. I was trying to be nice about it. And if your 17 the Camaro in your picture must be your daddy's or he bought it for you or paid for most of it.
Off topic but its my brothers, and it wasnt too expensive, i could have bought one if i wasnt on SR22 insurance which has fucked me over until next year. I dont plan on having a nice car til i get out of high school cause all people do is fuck with them. Kids these days have no respect i have had my shitty caprice fucked with enough. (keyed, someone kicked a dent into the door, various door dings, poured pop on it, etc.) My friends 67 cougar got keyed awhile ago too, i could go on and on about that kinda stuff.
But anyway this is why i dont like to talk politics cause in the end people just get upset and nobody changes anybodys minds lol.
logans dad
11-09-2006, 09:15 PM
I don't know Zac, Maybe this thread should be locked lol, Arguing about politics can get nasty.
I'm going to be honest when I say I think blacks vote Democratic because they get more free stuff like school lunches then like Ive said before wear High dollar tennis shoes, and sports coats, and Jerseys. Use to tick my wife of bad when she worked at schools to see this.
I understand Tricky, I see a post and type before I think what I'm typing.
And I know about schools and cars as I have Logan coming home with pop or people write on it when its dirty and thats his stupid friends that don't realise it scratches the paint.
11-09-2006, 11:03 PM
Logans Dad: Now how I became A Republican with that being said is due to Rush. He is my intelligence on the political agendas.
I rest my case ppl... :yawinkle: Yesterday Mr. Rush Limbaugh basically said these republicans are false I am tired of supporting them... rant rant rant.... like a rat jumping off a sinking ship....
During the Clinton era even with hummers we balanced the budget check the facts and run a budget surplus several years. Why? Imho it was checks and balances and a moderate stance and willing to work together.
It was not due to a someone spewing idiotic stuff when they have no grasp of the facts or just what someone else says... Always check them yourself and if there are not results or there are lies change it. I admit I like stangs a flaw to be sure, but if it was the slowest sh-t in town I'd get rid of it.
Link to debt clock
11-10-2006, 01:47 AM
The way Zac put his post in explaining his reasoning for Dems being dumb is alittle bit better then Logans Dad.
By just reading post... after Vic's I thought.... wow arrogant Reb.. but then with Zac I had a different feel. It's hard to lump the USA in to 2 groups.. yes it is done.. but that's hard. People are always gonna think arrogant Reb.. tree hugging Dem. It's the way it is.. why use the name calling and back up the shit. (Thanx Zac) But I am more so Dem then anything and I know I'm not dumb!! lol
11-10-2006, 09:12 AM
Well I know I've called democrats dumb before, and I guess that's just the wrong term to use. Almost 100% of conspiracy theorists also vote democrat as well. The "hippie" type who back in the 60's and 70's would all get together in groups and smoke some weed and talk about how the government is fucking everyone over. Come one now...that was so widespread that it's in movies :)
That's the only reason I've always felt that Republicans would wipe the floor with democrats in a truly 100% fair election and that is exactly why I tell people not to vote if they don't really know politics. Take away the college kids who don't know anything, the blacks that just naturally always will vote democrat (once again, not being racist), the conspiracy theorists who are brain-fried anyways... I think you guys would be surprised to see the results.
Then again take away some of the dumb people that just vote republican right now just because they like war...or they like guns. I just feel there are a lot less of those people though. One day I will devise a test that we'll give to 5,000 people that is composed of completely political material. The last question would be, "Which is the better political party, Republican or Democrat?" and we'll rank the results in order of how many answers they got correct versus what they put for the last question's answer.
I think it would be very interesting to know for sure if I am right.
logans dad
11-10-2006, 04:57 PM
Honeybee, Sometimes I'm not good at putting my thoughts down on paper.
My sister is a Registered Nurse and is a Die hard Democrat so I guess I'm calling her stupid also when she is not but I cant understand why union people bow down to Democrats. Yes my sister is in a union also. All they want is your money to give to the poor and in the old days the churches and soup lines helped, We need that again as my wife now works at Hy-vee and said most the food stamp people are so fat they can hardly walk. Thanks to the Democrats for that.
I also talk about Rush and is what I like about his work is he tells about politics from non Liberal and Liberal News papers and he does give you his views on it but it lets me see both sides more clearly. I love Nora Ingram also, you think Rush is bad.
11-10-2006, 06:00 PM
I would say that all of the newspapers and tv channels are against republicans as a conspiracy, does that make all the republicans that say it "conspiracy theorists"?
11-10-2006, 08:56 PM
I would say that all of the newspapers and tv channels are against republicans as a conspiracy, does that make all the republicans that say it "conspiracy theorists"?
You said it,........... I didn't , :biggrin:
logans dad
11-10-2006, 09:08 PM
Tricky, I wouldnt say all news papers are Liberal but most of them are.
11-10-2006, 10:57 PM
People are always gonna think arrogant Reb...
Honestly I am sorry that came across like that, I am not a treehugger, a democrat nor a republican. I once had hopes and dreams the politicians were honest and could create a better world. However through the years, bosses, coworkers, partners, I found were not perfect and I realized neither was I and I knew they would tick me off, let me down, and so would I also.
So the only other alternative was try to coexist best I could, say I'm sorry, and if that didn't work change the situation till it did. That goes for politics, Anita and I have had our discussions many times, sometimes we agree to disagree. I value all opinions I am quite open minded about anything if it makes your life better ok. I learned I can't go the road alone, yet some things like ppl dying upset me when the goal is unclear or not going anywhere it seems. I have learned most ppl try to put a spin on things make it sound better than it is when things are going wrong. Vietnam was like that under a democract so yea I am biased somewhat as I don't think we hear all the truth. Then we were fighting communists, now we are fighting terrorists.
If any group comes over here causes sh-t to our citizens I say use all means needed. Just don't use it as a excuse to bug our phones, claim there is a terrorist under every rock. I heard it before...Sometimes a carrot is better than a stick, sometimes not.
11-10-2006, 11:07 PM
Actually it's not a conspiracy, it's a fact. Like I said before, there is also a good reason for it. They support the side that supports their right to exist. Republicans generally don't like the media. I can't stand the media.
A conspiracy is an unproven theory. In fact, conspiracy theories RARELY can ever be proven to be a fact. Like there is a conspiracy theory that Bush had the Pentagon missiled on 9/11 that we've debated on CR:U before. What a crack-pot theory. The fact that the news stations except for fox tend to report in ways that make the liberals look good is a fact. Once again, if you're the president of CNN. You have one party that will always support your rights in everything. Every bill passed by this party will either retain, or even further your freedom of press...and you have another party that thinks you're just a piss ant feeding on society's weakness for good gossip and would gladly put bills up to keep your news crews out of Iraq, out of any war zone.
So tell me, you're the president of CNN. Which party do you want to be in the house/senate/white house?
So again. Not a conspiracy. Proven fact...any democrat/republican that truly knows politics won't tell you any different. As I said before, that's exactly why democrats hate fox news, because they go the opposite way and support the GOP.
Don't be a smartass tricky :) I've said a million times economics is one thing I know for sure, and that dips into my economic knowlege. The owner of CNN wants the most freedom of press he can get because that means business will be good.
Then again I can give you about 100 different ways that the media is ruining the economy as well. Always out to get a story...
Now if this topic doesn't stop pretty soon I'm going to lock it. The election is over, and it gets really boring seeing you guys doing nothing but try to discredit everything that is said that you don't believe in.
11-10-2006, 11:18 PM
*I just read rob's last post so I'm gunna respond again.
The only reason I kinda laugh at a lot of the things democrats say about republicans being all about the money and all that I know if one of you guys (any democrat) were to start a business that became successful, you would want a way bigger piece of the pie than anyone who worked for you... I've never met a business owner in the world who risked his entire life...his house...his possessions, etc to start a business and then make $50,000 a year... hell I can do that just working for a business and risking nothing.
When I start my business (dont ask... I dont' know what yet) I will want to eventually be taking home no less than the amount of money that would make me not ever have to worry about money again. If I want a car, I want to be able to go to the dealer and write them a check and drive away in it. That's not why I'm going into business, but that is the repayment I want for providing jobs for hundreds of people, providing financial lives for hundreds of people, and providing a product for the world to enjoy.
People say a business is nothing without the workers. Yes and no.... yes a business is nothign without the workers but depending on what kind of work you do, there are literally millions of people in other countries that could, and would gladly do what you do for the same or less than the money you make for what you do.
It's also true that a business is nothing without the owner. As the owner of CR:U, I could get into my FTP right now and in 10 minutes I could delete this site and literally everything here would be completely gone...nothing but a memory to anyone. Just like the owner of Walmart could lay off every single worker in every single store in the whole USA and shut the doors and board them up forever. Think about that, an act like that could ruin America's economy all by itself... I think the person who has the ability to do that deserves a gigantic paycheck for all the risk he's put down and also what he can do to the company if he doesn't feel like he's making enough money.
On a side-note, it's good to see you in here posting more Rob! (and Anita) Hopefully once this politics stuff blows over you guys will stick around and post still. Good to have ya'll back. Not sure if I've said that yet!
11-10-2006, 11:27 PM
Everyone can say their lil piece, we will see, I hope for the best. If we don't like it change it, like a bad car, or relationship or job sometimes changes need to be made... At least we get a choice to make changes if ppl use that opportunity, if they don't say bye bye... It does worry me somewhat taken as a whole all that is going on. If my grandkids will have a place left worthwhile... Up to you younger ppl a lot of decisions, we pretty much screwed/used it up... Sorry about that... All I can say is they told us it was ok and good... I hate that part.
logans dad
11-11-2006, 04:13 AM
One thing I like is the fact that no Democrat that I have talked to will answer my very first question on this thread but go on about this or that lol. Lets see if anyone will look at it and give me an answer or still avoid it.
Then my question about the deficit was answered by Rob with a link but I didn't look at the link and guess I will look at it later about the deficit clock witch is only a guesstimate.
Rob, Ive voted Demacrat many times and for me my life has gotten a lot better when Republicans have been in office but I have made job changes myself that are more lickly what helped me and just deep down think its due to Republicans.
I just didnt like Gore or Kerry and it scares the hell out of me if Hilary gets in. She is the one that messed up health care with HMO's but I know a lot of people wont agree.
I will also vote for a Democrat again if one domes up I think I can Trust a little more then a Republican.
11-11-2006, 04:18 AM
Zac I'm not gonna quote your whole post there... but I 100 percent agree.. I'm also saying this from a first hand perspective. I grew up with a Father who owns his own buisness. That place would not be ANYTHING with out the sacrifices he made, if he were to walk out right now. The only thing that could carry it would be the name and me, only because I know his ways and saw the work he put into it! Yes he puts out a paycheck to 20 plus people.. but workers are workers.. they are there for the money... not for the name, buisness, honor, blood, sweat, ect. that goes into owning your own place!!!
11-11-2006, 04:25 AM
Oh and Vic which part? The part about Branstant and Vilzak? I can't answer it that why I avoided it... some of that was before my time bud!
The 911 thing, I think we should have gone after them so I dont disagree!
The PMX or ADM thing was convered... so yeah theres my responce.. lol
logans dad
11-11-2006, 09:22 AM
Honeybee, When Branstead left office we, Iowa, Had a lot of money in the bank for emergencies. It was in the millions and Vilsac has spent all of it and now our state has a big deficit.
Is it Branstant lol, I always thought it was Branstead ?
11-11-2006, 09:25 AM
its branstadt.
logans dad
11-11-2006, 11:22 AM
thanks Ashley. I knew there was a d somewhere at the end lol.
11-11-2006, 11:34 AM
Zac: Just like the owner of Walmart could lay off every single worker in every single store .....
Not true, Walmart is a corporation, the ceo runs day to day operations with the approval of the board of trustees, directors what ever you want to call those ppl. And who elects them? The stockholders. So that protects the stockholders at least it suppose to from the ceo doing dumb stuff.
Enron's ceo violated law by making up his own plans for his own enjoyment along with his cohorts to cook the books. So there are checks and balances.
Ford's board basically told bill ford to step down as ceo, a co. his family founded. This here cr u is a private held entity about all we could do would be to hound Zac for letting us down... I would expect the moderators to give him a hard time.... :yawinkle: I would anyway, as I like raising questions about cars and whatever....
And someone check iowa constitution does it not say we have to balance the budget? So you want more money to spend you need more income coming in?
I am not against any co. making more money as long as you spread it around some esp for those that work hard to make the co. profitable. The workers then can spend more helping others keep their job very simplistic but true. Besides you want the best workers so to retain them gotta do something or they go elsewhere.
11-11-2006, 09:09 PM
Republicans generally don't like the media. I can't stand the media.
I hate to point this out to you but it's a well known fact that most media, Network stations are owned by a Republican (s), Mr. Rupert Murdoch, for instants. ... d_politics (
[edit] Murdoch and politics
Murdoch is seen as either a political neo-conservative or simply an opportunist, who will regularly back an expected winner regardless of principles. In the early 1970s, Murdoch actively supported the Australian Labor Party. Since 1975, however, he and his newspapers have generally supported the Liberal Party of Australia (which is a center-right party). In the US he has been a long-time supporter of the Republican Party and was a friend of Ronald Reagan. Regarding Pat Robertson's 1988 presidential bid, he said, "He's right on all the issues." However, Robertson's social conservatism seems very different from Murdoch's social liberalism; many Christian conservatives were dismayed when Robertson sold his television network to Murdoch. Murdoch's papers strongly supported George W. Bush in both the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. In Britain, he formed a close alliance with Margaret Thatcher, and The Sun was widely credited with helping John Major win an unexpected election victory in the 1992 general election. However, in the general elections of 1997, 2001 and 2005, Murdoch's papers were either neutral or supported Labour under Tony Blair. This has led some critics to argue that Murdoch simply supports the incumbent parties (or those who seem most likely to win an upcoming election) in the hope of influencing government decisions that may affect his businesses; though it should be noted that the Labour Party under Blair had moved significantly to the Right on many economic issues prior to 1997. In any case, Murdoch identifies himself as a libertarian.[7]
In a speech in New York, Rupert Murdoch said that the UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said the BBC coverage of the Hurricane Katrina disaster was full of hatred of America. Mr. Murdoch is a strong critic of the BBC, which he believes has a liberal bias.
Murdoch's British media outlets generally support eurosceptic positions and generally show contempt for the European Union. Murdoch's publications worldwide tend to adopt anti-French, pro-Israeli and pro-American views. During the buildup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, all 175 Murdoch-owned newspapers worldwide editorialized in favour of the war.
Then there's the FOX NEWS that you keep bringing up as the ONLY reliable station to listen to,..... only in the eyes of a Republican or someone that don't know any better would think FOX is the "bomb" after all it's owned and operated by Republicans .
It's easy enough to find out what political party owns what business as far as TV stations,Networks, Newspapers, anyone with internet can find the truth out on their own if they really wanted too.
The only thing I'm gonna say to you when it comes to this Politics thread is this
Only certain people pay attention to "Rush" or "Fox News", they look to these two as god-like , just as they look to Dubya as God-Like, and the opionion I will share with you about those two and Bush is this
It's like the Blind leading the Blind.
Anything else,.......... I'm not getting into because Republicans have their way of thinking and so does us Democrats,...... besides I was asked not to .
Sorry Baby (Rob ) I just couldn't help myself this time.
11-11-2006, 09:28 PM
and democrats think CNN is god. same difference. you cant point fingers in one direction and not take blame in the other direction.
media is media. some are going to be more conservative while others while be liberal. either way, 90% of what they say is bullshit.
logans dad
11-11-2006, 09:56 PM
I don't listen to Rush that much and watched that Bill Mathews dude on Hbo I think it was last night, This guy is just nuts and most the liberals he has on.
But still no one has taken on my first question. Rob said something about balancing the budget but still didn't say what happened to the money Iowa had when Vilsack came to office.
11-11-2006, 11:27 PM
I don't listen to Rush that much and watched that Bill Mathews dude on Hbo I think it was last night, This guy is just nuts and most the liberals he has on.
But still no one has taken on my first question. Rob said something about balancing the budget but still didn't say what happened to the money Iowa had when Vilsack came to office.
I'm doing some research for your question, I've already looked up some on Terry Branstad that I'll have for you give me a bit while I look for Vilsack, ok, because I'm not afrraid to search the internet for the answers that people seek on these type of questions.
11-11-2006, 11:29 PM
I believe the iowa constitution says the budget must be balanced each year.
So it is your representatives and senators that determine where the money goes, the gov. signs or vetoes or might make some suggestions or some kind of deal, tit for tat. There are always deals on local, state or fed levels or private industry.
11-11-2006, 11:30 PM
and democrats think CNN is god. same difference. you cant point fingers in one direction and not take blame in the other direction.
media is media. some are going to be more conservative while others while be liberal. either way, 90% of what they say is bull$hit.
Not really Ashley, I like watching any channel that has to do with,politics,world news,our gov., :biggrin: and I'm a do or die Democrat.
11-11-2006, 11:35 PM
Okay. The more I'm involved in this topic the more angry I get.
"Blind leading the blind" Seriously...this has got to be the most annoying conversation I've ever been involved in. Anita you have some decent knowlege about politics but I could never see you being a politician. You are very closed-minded and truly believe that there is absolutely NO green grass on the other side. I hope you do decide to go back to school for politics because I think it would open you up to some new ideas. You can't really call yourself knowlegable about politics if you can call one political party "blind."
As far as walmart being able to lay off all its workers. Trust me, if the owner of walmart wanted to bring that corporation down he can do it very easily. I have been a stockholder in dozens of different businesses and they send me packets in the mail periodically with what is basically "absentee ballots" for what the stockholders get to vote on. They give you the right to vote for very very little that goes on in the business. You do get to vote for board members and stuff...but the problem is that most people just pick a random guy. How are the stockholders ever supposed to know anything about who they're voting for? It's like "Here is John Smith, former CEO of Wacky-Tacky toys and he went to school at Harvard." But I have no way of knowing if he will run the company into the ground.
Wal-mart has laid off entire stores of workers before. I remember once the workers formed somewhat of a union and went on strike, so wal-mart laid off the entire striking group and hired new people. It's a supply and demand world. You start demanding too much and they will supply themselves with new workers. If they can do that so easy, those kids that went on strike deserved what they got. You don't strike when you work at walmart and the company can replace you in about 2 days with someone who can do just as good of a job.
Just some fun facts in case you're ever on jeopardy one day. But I hate how little control you have as a stock-holder. If you want to have major control over a company, become a majority stockholder. They'll eat grapes off your toes because if you sell your stock, the company will suffer heavy losses that they could possibly never come back from.
11-11-2006, 11:55 PM
Okay. The more I'm involved in this topic the more angry I get.
Anita you have some decent knowlege about politics but I could never see you being a politician.
I never said I wanted to be a politician :rolleyes:
You are very closed-minded and truly believe that there is absolutely NO green grass on the other side.
That's the furthest thing from the truth,..... Zac. One thing I am not is "closed minded" asked Rob,.... he talked me into giving Bush a chance, the first four years that Bush was President and I did give the man a chance,... a benefit of doubt,.... but he went and screwed that up by lying to all of us about Iraq,.... I knew he was lying when he was doing it , that's when I became closed-minded about BUSH and CHENEY and their bs
I hope you do decide to go back to school for politics because I think it would open you up to some new ideas.
Zac, did I say anything about going to college for politics ???????? Nope, I surely did not.
zac, my major in college was " LAW " :biggrin: . I said my two passions were Law, and politics,..... big difference........ don't ya think :biggrin: .
11-11-2006, 11:59 PM
Okay I've decided to lock this topic.
Reason: This is not a discussion, this is a closed-minded shit flinging party.
Bottom Line
The democrats are in the house and senate right now. Nobody on this forum can predict what will happen. Maybe they will accomplish some things. Maybe some things will backfire and we could find ourselves more screwed up than supposedly we already are.
There are the goods and bads to every situation. Just like the idea of stem cell research is a great idea on paper. However, the idea of abortion being an accepted alternative to having a baby and putting it up for adoption definitely sounds like a bad idea. Can you see how stem cell research could backfire and cause a lot of problems?
So lets just see how things are. Now it's the Republican Voters to sit back and see what happens when the democrats have control. maybe it will be a good thing, maybe it will be a bad thing. I can definitely see the good things that can/will happen but I just hope the anticipations I have of how the way some things will effect our economy in the long run don't happen.
We all want what's best for our country. No matter what it is. Agree to disagree. byebye :)
Moderators are instructed to move all shit flinging politics topics to the moderator forum. Let's focus on cars, and other topics that don't suck. :)
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