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11-07-2006, 11:21 PM
So I feel like being gay right now and ask you all:
How was your day today?

My day was pretty good. My mom woke me up at 9:30 by calling me and asking me something about burning a movie for her... I can't remember the conversation because I was sleeping but apparantly I got through it okay. Then right when I got off the phone with my mom I started to wake up...then Eric (BlackVR6) texted me something about "I'm going to call you in an hour and if you don't answer I will hunt you down" to which I responded something like "alright biotch."

Eric and Matt S. (stro) came over and Eric got his CR:U t-shirt and we sat around and watched Family Guy for a little bit. It was cool to finally be around my friends for a little while. Between full-time work, full-time school, and full-time keeping this bitchin' site running I don't ever get to see anyone.

I browsed around CR:U for a little while longer. I'm still so stoked that the new server is running so fast. If you guys had any idea how much load this website puts on a server you would be impressed. We had almost 36,000 hits yesterday alone...and when you do about 50-75 SQL queries for every page load it's pretty crazy how hard the SQL server has to work.

I got on Myspace and peddled the CR:U myspace around. I added like 100 people from Cedar Rapids. A lot of people added us back, but doesn't look like anyone has really came over to check us out. I did notice us in the top 12 friends of some girl though. I was pretty excited about that. So, girl, if you're reading this, thanks! '

Umm, I went grocery shopping. $150.... and it better last us all month too because that's a crapload of groceries. Not like it really matters but it's the principle of the thing... I just shouldn't need $150 of groceries in one month!

And now... now i'm watching beavis and butthead.

So what did ya'll do today?


11-07-2006, 11:44 PM
i worked all day, got into a mini music war with one employee i dont always like very much. crappy work all day, but after work, my buddy Bill(Aephid) and i hit up Taco Tuesday at Taco Johns.

i had to drop off some spare sparkplug wires to my uncle after that, who lent me an awesome WWII book and i got to play with his brendal pitbull a bit.

then came back home, waited until Kelli showed up, and watched TV with her(until she fell alseep on me).

thats about it man. good to hear youre completely settled in domestic life yo!

11-08-2006, 12:24 AM
Oh I'm settled alright. A little too settled me-thinks. Ash and I are the youngest people in our building (and most of the condo's around here) by at least 30 years and I think they're rubbing off on me! (They are all very nice and good people though, BTW)

However, I must have pressed a sequence of buttons to turn on the start timer for my car alarm, because my car keeps starting itself it seems every 6 hours or so. Let's see if taking the battery out of the remote will fix it. I think all that stuff is stored in the remote.


11-08-2006, 02:37 AM
um I didn't do much today.. I didn't have to work.. so I went and voted.. finished cleaning my place..

went out to eat with the neighbors (cause in my condo we are all closer to my age.. lol sorry kids) baught Cars on DVD, went to Appleby's for a mudslide.

Came home to let the dogs out, went to Jakes (Demois) to watch Car with a few friends over there.. and now I'm home!

11-08-2006, 07:16 AM
Oh I love the fact that everyone here is old. It's quiet, I never have to worry about someone breaking into my car, egging my car, keying my car, etc. I don't have to worry about parties or any of that stuff. Very peaceful out here. They never complain about noise either because Ash and I are actually very quiet as well. It's a perfect fit :) Part of the reason we moved out here.


11-08-2006, 07:18 AM
hmm yesterday...

I worked 8-5 as usual. Got off and went home meeting the wife there. Then we went to Ihop for some great breakfest/suppper! After that we went over to my mom's house where she (girlfriend) colored my mom's hair. That took about 2 hours, and they watched Dancing with the Stars during. Then proceded to go to the girlfriends house but I had to stop by my house to let out the dog, and feed the dog/cat. I also had to fix a coupler that had slipped off one of my upper charge pipes quick. I then proceded to her house and helped her finish her project for school...then we went to bed.

Pretty good day lol.

Zac if you think your domesticated....live a day in my life. 8-5 every day, dinner soon after work...watch tv or a movie for awhile...go to bed...do it all over again!


11-08-2006, 07:57 AM
yesterday.. went to school from 8-12, came home, got zac, went grocery shopping. came home, cooked meatballs (yum), took a nap. woke up, ate some deelicious steaks zac cooked. watched some ''family guy'' and poked around on the internet. then at about 9, started watching election stuff on tv. then went to bed.=) funnn.

then today.. school 8-9, and i'm about to take a nap til zac gets home at 12. woo.

11-08-2006, 07:31 PM
Zac if you think your domesticated....live a day in my life. 8-5 every day, dinner soon after work...watch tv or a movie for awhile...go to bed...do it all over again!


i know how you feel man. i dont own my own home(yet), but i work 9-5:30 every day. come home, eat some dinner, wait for Kelli to come over, either watch a movie before bed, or maybe go out for a bit(i have pool league on Mondays), then sleep with my darlin.

i used to have reoccuring Zombie themed dreams. i thought i was slightly obsessed with them for a while, but after a bit of research i found out its often a sign of being stuck in a routine in life. so now i ask, do you guys ever have zombie themed dreams?

11-08-2006, 08:07 PM
nope dont think i ever had a dream involving zombies

my day pretty much consists of waking up, going to watch a construction crew for awhile then back the hotel.

11-08-2006, 08:30 PM
school 8-4, breaks inbetween classes, do hw. visit the site. thats it.

11-08-2006, 09:24 PM
worked 7-5, went home, ate, showered, visited wife, went home, went to bed. i do this monday through friday. sometimes saturdays 7-noon. fun fun.

11-09-2006, 01:51 AM
man my days are never the same... involve the same things.. just not always in the same order..