View Full Version : Another Democrat Governor... barf...
11-07-2006, 09:31 PM
:Hangman: It's over; time to get our taxes hiked and watch our schools go further down the tubes for the benefit of the teachers' union. God I hate this state. :banghead:
11-07-2006, 09:42 PM
Yeah. Not surprising in the least though. I'm not happy about it, but then again as I said i'm not surprised.
I think the GOP will still have the senate, which is a huge deal. I was also watching CNN and they said a lot of the democrats that are being elected into the senate and house are actually very very light liberals (I believe that is the correct term) meaning that they share many of the same beliefs as conservatives. They even said a lot of them could have even run the election as a republican just as easily.
That's not the case with Chet Culver, though. I just thought it was an interesting tidbit about the election.
But like I've said a million times, I really think people are going to notice very little change after this election, assuming the senate is still majority GOP (if that happens) and still a GOP president. The bills have to pass through the senate and the president in order to become law.
I'm okay with a democrat governor. Taxes really aren't too bad in Iowa so unless Culver starts hiking them I think I'll be okay. Outside of my taxes he can pretty much do whatever he wants and see if I turn around to watch.
11-07-2006, 11:46 PM
seriously, i think polotics are completely despressing in general. thats why i usually stay out of it....
11-08-2006, 12:20 AM
That's true...
and have you ever noticed that it always seems to come down to the wire? There's always those two or 3 states that take an extra couple days to finish tallying up the votes...and they are always the states that are "win or die."
It's got me so pissed off. I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories but the last 3 elections I've followed have been just like this and it's getting old. I'm telling you the media has a contract with these guys so they can draw out the election for about a week before everyone can know the final results.
11-08-2006, 02:32 AM
That's true...
and have you ever noticed that it always seems to come down to the wire? There's always those two or 3 states that take an extra couple days to finish tallying up the votes...and they are always the states that are "win or die."
It's got me so pissed off. I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories but the last 3 elections I've followed have been just like this and it's getting old. I'm telling you the media has a contract with these guys so they can draw out the election for about a week before everyone can know the final results.
Amen to that.. Its almost rediculous.. let it be florida in GWB first election... or Ohio (i blieve???) the second time around... and now this gimmie a break... there's a system set up in place for a reason!!
11-08-2006, 06:27 AM
Ok guys you don't have to vote, but you can't complain about the government you get then.
I used to not waste time with voting. It's quite a hassle to tell you the truth. Yesterday I wound up at 3 different schools because the idiots kept sending me to the wrong one to vote :mad: It must have taken an entire hour out of my day.
But that's how our country works. If you don't like something you go to the ballot box on election day to change things. I actually have to hand it to democrats. I think most of them were sick and tired of Bush and the repulicans (so am I for different reasons) and did something about it.
11-08-2006, 07:30 AM
^ Hey, you'll never hear me complain about government. Just about the only thing I believe in as far as government goes other than I am on the conservative side is that I am an Anti-Bitcher. Nothing pisses me off more than to see somebody bitching for 4 years about who got elected into office. Just like people who just can't get over that Bush is our president, he's been elected twice, and he WILL be our president until 2008. I wish people would just get over it.
Why do I feel this way? Because bitching isn't going to fix it, that's why. Protests accomplish nothing but make people look dumb. It just doesn't help!
If we have a democratic-controlled congress, so be it. You won't see me complain. I'll support them as long as they aren't doing something that directly makes my life very difficult. I am nervous about taxes just like you, and I predict there will be a lot of people kicking themselves for how they voted once they realize what it entails, but I won't be one of those people to be complaining non-stop until the next election.
I've got better things to do :)
logans dad
11-08-2006, 08:31 AM
I'm okay with a democrat governor. Taxes really aren't too bad in Iowa so unless Culver starts hiking them I think I'll be okay. Outside of my taxes he can pretty much do whatever he wants and see if I turn around to watch.
Zac,Zac,Zac, I thought you knew politics better. Iowa is in the top 40 for high taxes. I voted last night and like the judges I did not vote that part but only the parts where I know the candidates.
Did I see it right where Kennedy got beat? I hope I saw that right. Just caught the last few seconds of what I thought said he is out.
11-08-2006, 11:20 AM
Well vic I didn't say where we stand in taxes. I'm talking on a personal level. I feel as though my taxes are okay. Mainly because I usually get a decent tax return at the end of the year so it really evens itself out. Not to mention my state least on my paycheck is next to nothing. They could double it and I probably wouldn't notice's the federal tax that kills me.
Don't worry I will always be a conservative, but like I said a million times, I am an American. I'll support whoever is in office and I will support the House and Senate. If I have a problem with it, rather than join in on a protest or something, I'd rather call or write to our congressman and offer my opinions.
Remember guys, the #1 goal of any congressman is to get re-elected over and over until they're ready to stop. If the people of Iowa want something, and that congressman votes against it, they can kiss their re-election goodbye often-times. So for all of us republicans who want things certain ways: Write to your congressman in a mature and well-thought out letter how YOU believe he should vote on issues. Does that mean he's going to do it? Not necessarily, but you know it will help a whole lot more than standing on the side of the road on first avenue with a damn picket sign :)
11-08-2006, 11:20 AM
which kennedy? mark kenndy lost, ed kennedy won.
11-08-2006, 12:47 PM
To the voting Republicans on this forum, I am sorry that you are upset at the outcome of the election, I understand that feeling very well since 2000 --> up till now. I am very happy at this point that the Democrats won the house and most likely the senate but after seeing part of Pres. Bush's news conf., today I will be contacting the Democratic party and insisting that they follow through with what they said they would do if they gained control,.... if they don't listen,.............. I am DONE with my party and I'm positive that there will be more voters following right behind me. In other words if the Dem's don't follow through with what they said they'd do,..... there's going to be a lot of upset people that will de-fect the party come next election.
But again guys, I'm truely sorry that your upset.
11-08-2006, 01:03 PM
Some issues that WILL affect us one way or the other:
Tax cuts of 2003 - They will be alowed to sunset with this heavily blue congress. There's no way it will stay alive. Those of you who make more than a minimum wage better start saving now because your take home pay will shrink considerably starting in 2009. This will also have a direct effect on the economy as well. Business have less money and they WILL start to lay off workers.
Amnesty Bill - Even George Bush wanted this bill to pass. The only thing that stopped it was the republican congress. It is a sure thing now. This is going to attract even more illegals knowing they'll become a PERMANENT CITIZEN once they get here. :mad:
The takings clause - If you remember our democrat governor vetoed a bill this year that would make it difficult for local developers to condemn and take YOUR land if they provide more tax dollars. Now that we've got a more liberal state house and senate this constitutional right may be in jeopordy if it comes up again in legislature.
I just want to make a point that these are real issues that will most likely affect you, indirectly if not directly.
which kennedy? mark kenndy lost,
ed kennedy won.
That's Ted Kennedy ;) and he'll be there till he's dead.
11-08-2006, 01:08 PM
I didn't get a chance to see the president's speech today. I turned on the TV right when he said "Thank you all for your interest" and walked off.
They were recapping a little bit about how the President wants to work with the Democrats to find a good medium on all the issues. Is this what you're referring to? I think the reason why that makes so much sense is because of how close the house and especially the senate are. The democrats may end up with majority, but it'll be by like.. maybe a few seats. So it's going to be a lot of arguing and bickering in the senate for a couple years I think and the bills that get passed through are probably going to take a lot longer to resolve.
I'm honestly not unhappy. I saw today that Bush decided to get Rumsfield out (though he voluntairly left, Bush also said he decided we need a new perspective) so I assume that could definitely be assumed as a nice gesture to the Democrats who all wanted a change there. Also, you will see a lot of changes in Bush over the next 2 years as well since he really needs to turn some heads if we hope to get the GOP back in the next election.
To be totally honest, I'm willing to give it a chance and see what happens. Ever since 1994 this has been a Republican controlled country at least as far as the house and senate goes. So there's no doubt there will be changes... So I guess we'll just all stay tuned and see what those changes are. I just really hope they take it easy on the taxes unless taxation is going towards ways to make our lives less inexpensive such as reduce the price of gas and other important American needs.
So we'll see. As I've said I will support our government always. I've said it a million times I'm not going to complain until I can make a direct connection between a decision the government has made and a decrease in my quality of life.
I think we'll be okay. Thanks for your consolations though Anita it has been a dissapointing Tuesday-Wednesday even though I think for the most part it was expected.
11-08-2006, 01:12 PM
well considering his name is edward... i call him ed. i dont care what he goes by, ted should not be short for edward. lol.
11-08-2006, 01:16 PM
zz4 you do provide good points. I had heard of those things before but not in as much detail.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. The GOP just plain and simple got beat yesterday and so we'll have to see what measures they can take to get themselves back in the game next time. I am confident once this war is finally over that it won't be that difficult to get it back again.
However, like I said the points you brought up are real and if/when these things happen to the US citizens will definitely allow people to make a clear distinction between what happens when the GOP is in control and what happens when the democrats are in control. We've seen the bad from the GOP, and I'm sure there will be some bad with the democrats. So we'll see which side people see is the worse evil and I think the presidential elections in 2008 will give us a crystal clear picture.
11-08-2006, 01:29 PM
used to not waste time with voting. It's quite a hassle to tell you the truth. Yesterday I wound up at 3 different schools because the idiots kept sending me to the wrong one to vote It must have taken an entire hour out of my day.
There is a solution to that issue, get a absentee ballot. Then If You Do Not Know enough about a candidate you can look it up at your leisure via the power at your disposal... Another thing is You Do Not Have to Vote for All Candidates only Those You Care About or Know About...
Of course this takes some phone calls (auditor office) to get the ballot, but it will come to your residence... You make your choices and mail it off...
11-08-2006, 01:51 PM
I might add that generally speaking the idea of checks and balances is the best practical idea. Take this car site would you want it to be dominated by stang guys that lock you out every time you state your view? And so on? So for the health of this car site you would want moderators of all cars and a owner that can rise above his views sometimes for the betterment of the site. We have differences but we can sometimes agree to disagree and eat our pride. Not saying that a good debate isn't necessary, quite the contrary.
Look what happens when one group has dominance sure it is most efficient right away but maybe not the best long term and the record may come back to haunt you, just look at history... The winner always tries to rewrite history but ppl tend to remember when stuff is bad.
11-08-2006, 02:05 PM
zz4 you do provide good points. I had heard of those things before but not in as much detail.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. The GOP just plain and simple got beat yesterday and so we'll have to see what measures they can take to get themselves back in the game next time. I am confident once this war is finally over that it won't be that difficult to get it back again.
However, like I said the points you brought up are real and if/when these things happen to the US citizens will definitely allow people to make a clear distinction between what happens when the GOP is in control and what happens when the democrats are in control. We've seen the bad from the GOP, and I'm sure there will be some bad with the democrats. So we'll see which side people see is the worse evil and I think the presidential elections in 2008 will give us a crystal clear picture.
Well said Zac :bigthumb:
11-08-2006, 06:45 PM
Barack Obama in 08!!!!!!
11-08-2006, 06:58 PM
Barack Obama? Sounds like an Iraqistanian :)
11-08-2006, 07:17 PM
Barack Obama? Sounds like an Iraqistanian :)
Wouldnt it be crazy if he ran for president and Hilery Clinton was the vice president or the other way around?
11-09-2006, 02:13 AM
Really if we think about it.. it might be Dem ruled now... but I don't know how more evenly split the house and the senate could be... now the dems kinda ran away in the gov's teritory! =)
11-09-2006, 06:57 AM
I wanna know if Hiliary gets in the office, will she have an intern under her desk? I mean... the guy would have to be REALLY desprate, and probably paid a butt load of $$.. =P
11-09-2006, 01:29 PM
I wanna know if Hiliary gets in the office, will she have an intern under her desk? I mean... the guy would have to be REALLY desprate, and probably paid a butt load of $$.. =P
Don't p-ss her off look what happened to mr. vince foster.... Ok he committed suicide..... I am a pragmatist and I can see much dirty laundry in her closet... she will not make it... what is one mans trash is another mans treasure... it should be substituted persons instead of mans though. They make as many mistakes as us... :biggrin:
11-09-2006, 02:57 PM
Im a democrat but i cant stand hilary clinton, if it came down to here and republican John McCain for president i rather vote for McCain.
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