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View Full Version : WoW funeral Raid!

11-03-2006, 05:26 PM
ok, so i dont play WoW, but im friends with many who do(infact, my good friend is ranked 9th in the world). i do get a kick out of how into it some people get.

basically, what happens in this video goes like this. there was some guild of players who had a member die in real life from a stroke. they posted on some forum that they were going to have someone log her character on, and have an online visitation and funeral for her. as a sign of respect, everyone would bring down their sheilds(or whatever they call it) to show they were all there to pay their respects to her.

this other guild got wind of what was going on, and sent a spy to go to there, and check everything out. meanwhile, the rest of his guild is all running towards the funeral in full force. im sure you can put together the rest, but the video really tells the story the best, hahahahahaha.

the music really makes the video too:


11-03-2006, 05:42 PM
Oh wow.... that is so mean. lol. Kinda funny but still so mean.

I don't want to be inside the mind of whoever thought that up. heh.


11-03-2006, 06:29 PM
Oh wow.... that is so mean. lol. Kinda funny but still so mean.

I don't want to be inside the mind of whoever thought that up. heh.


yeah, it is mean, but you have to think of it like this, no matter what you say, no matter how much you church it up, its just a game. sometimes you gotta lose. sometimes you'll run into assholes. its all part of the game. if youre going to drop all of your defenses, dont make a post on an international forum telling what youre going to do!

the skatman at the end made it all the more better too, hahahaha.

11-03-2006, 07:06 PM
yeah I understand that. I've been a pretty big Enemy Territory online gamer for a few months now. I actually am an admin on one of their servers. I haven't played much lately though.

It all comes down to the fact that most of the people who play the games are young kids, and older guys who still have young kid habits...think about it.

I was pretty impressed to see the amount of people they had in each guild though. On Enemy Territory, those guys usually get about 10 people...tops. Usually only 8 of them can play at a time anyways if they're in a tournament or something because most of the servers are only about 16 people or less.


11-03-2006, 07:23 PM
I have no idea what any of that was.
oh well... only a couple minutes of my life...

11-04-2006, 05:45 PM
the only thing that sucks is sometimes those gamers forget the real world compared to WoW.. so they probablly really took offence to it..