View Full Version : Are you voting in the upcoming election?
11-03-2006, 01:12 PM
November 7th is our mid-term election. Are you voting?
I personally will not be voting, simply because I don't feel like I know enough about each candidate to make an honest educated decision. Obviously my tendancies would lead toward the Republican Candidate largely because I feel rebublicans are the best party to care for not only our economy, but our safety as well. I support the immigration laws and national defense, etc.
But like I said, I don't really know enough about each candidate. So I won't be voting this time.
11-03-2006, 01:26 PM
I'm not, I with you on I don't know about them, and well so much can change on my view points in another 2 years, its kinda silly!
logans dad
11-03-2006, 01:27 PM
Zac. First, web site is working great and I think more people will get on again now. Second, I dont know a lot about the candidates also but I'm afraid if The Democrats get the majority they will pull the troops to soon and all hell will break loose in the middle East. So for that Im voting and hope you change your mind and vote also.
11-03-2006, 01:46 PM
if i was 18 i would be voting. Vote for Culver!
11-03-2006, 01:59 PM
haha I was going to make this a "who are you voting for" thing but you know how nasty I get about politics.
I am very hardcore into politics. But this election really snuck up on me and I was never able to truly do my research. There needs to be more people like me. If you don't know your candidates...all of them... you should not be voting.
Vic: I understand where you're coming and believe me, my fingers are crossed as well. Just remember we will have a president in the white house who has the ability to veto anything that lands on his desk. It's not as important right now as it will be in 2 years if a democrat is in the white house.
But everyone: For the record, this election is much more important than the presidential election, IMO. These are the people that create and pass the bills that the president signs into law. If you can, you should really vote after taking at least a moderately long look at your candidates.
I may vote.... I need to find out where I need to go. I think I probably still have to do it in Ely. If I vote on Tuesday, I will need to take a look at what both candidates have to offer. Obviously I will vote for Nussle, I know enough about him to know that he's who I want. But at the same time, I owe the democratic party at least enough to read what their candidates want to accomplish with our great state.
11-03-2006, 08:31 PM
Yeah to me politics are to the point. I don't think Dem vs Rep.. I think person vs person make sense?
11-03-2006, 11:30 PM
nussle ftw!!!!!!
im not voting, just felt like voicing my loud opinion
11-03-2006, 11:43 PM
11-04-2006, 11:58 AM
nope wont even be in the state and politics bore me
11-04-2006, 12:21 PM
If I was a registered voter I would be voting for Chet Culver.
BTW, how do you register to vote? Can I do it online?
11-04-2006, 12:54 PM
idk i did it when i got my full license when i turned 18. they asked if i wanted to be registered to vote, and i said yup.
actually i do know. ... _vote.html (
go there, fill out a voter registration card, sign it, send it to the county auditor (linda langenberg if youre in linn co)
i think you can probably just drop it off at her office on monday... 930 1st st SW in CR, across from penford
11-04-2006, 04:10 PM
Ashley you know it all and you are my idol! (sometimes anyways) lol
11-04-2006, 06:57 PM
i <3 google
11-04-2006, 11:30 PM
you should have a 4th option on the poll that says "theres an election?" cause i would vote for that
11-04-2006, 11:37 PM
yeah.. but then only semi-mentally retarded people would pick that option, due to the fact that 97% of the commercials on radio and tv are political, along with everything in the news EVERYWHERE is about the upcoming elections.. and i'm pretty sure our population of semi-mentally retarded people is pretty small.
11-04-2006, 11:39 PM
11-04-2006, 11:39 PM
oh matt... I think that's a buh buh buh BURN. haha.
But some people don't watch TV and don't really listen to radio. In that case you might not have any clue :)
11-04-2006, 11:41 PM
i dont pay any attention to politics, never have never will.
11-04-2006, 11:55 PM
Some would say you're a very smart man, Matt. Sometimes it's better to just live your life rather than be concerned about what "the man" is doing. I think half the reason I am into politics is just to try and help people realize that just about the biggest thing politics can do you you is raise and lower your taxes. and I think everyone knows which party raises them and which party lowers them. Outside of that IMO you've got what's coming to you. If you chose to be in the military, a republican is more likely to put you to work. If you chose to be the owner of a company, a democrat is more likely to try and force you to distribute more of your wealth to your workers. But the average Joe is only going to see differences in their own personal income.
Of course...that is outside of schools and roads and such that honestly still don't have an impact on my life. Never once have I complained about driving on a crappy road even if the road really was crappy. Also never once have I complained about being in an "overcrowded" classroom.
logans dad
11-05-2006, 06:17 AM
messed this up so deleted it, sorry.
logans dad
11-05-2006, 06:19 AM
[quote="ZacFields";p="113551":7f28b]Some would say you're a very smart man, Matt. Sometimes it's better to just live your life rather than be concerned about what "the man" is doing. I think half the reason I am into politics is just to try and help people realize that just about the biggest thing politics can do you you is raise and lower your taxes. and I think everyone knows which party raises them and which party lowers them. Outside of that IMO you've got what's coming to you. If you chose to be in the military, a republican is more likely to put you to work. If you chose to be the owner of a company, a democrat is more likely to try and force you to distribute more of your wealth to your workers. But the average Joe is only going to see differences in their own personal income.
Of course...that is outside of schools and roads and such that honestly still don't have an impact on my life. Never once have I complained about driving on a crappy road even if the road really was crappy. Also never once have I complained about being in an "overcrowded" classroom.
Good post Zac, I called my parents a couple days ago and they are die hard democrats and we talked about republicans lowering taxes but all they where worried about is when we got our cut the rich got a bigger check and will take more home because of it.. Im like but they make more and so sure they will get more back but it got to the point I said OK time to stop talking about this lol.
The way I like to understand the Republican, Democrat difference is the Republicans are for any working person and the Democrats are for people that want hand outs. The working Democrat wants it given to them but doesnt want to give. I dont need handouts, Just dont give my money to lazy people. I dont mind helping the Handicapped tho.
11-05-2006, 09:50 AM
I agree with you on that one Vic. That is a very good synopsis of democrats versus republicans. Republicans believe that if the work/risk that you do is worth the money that you're making, then you should be able to keep that money. For instance, if you put your house, car, life on the line to own a business, you're entitled to make a crap-ton of money. After all, if that business goes under, YOU are the one that loses your house and every piece of belonging that you have an every dime that you own, not anyone else in the company. People forget the amazing risk that business owners have to endure. Democrats don't want business owners to make much more than the people who work for the business. To me, that's not fair. If a business goes under, the workers just lose their jobs...that really pales in comparison to the bank taking away your house, cars, and all your belongings and putting your ass out on the street. And even then, still, you will probably owe them millions of dollars that you might never be able to pay off. There have been a lot of business owners in the world that went into bankruptcy and never got out for the rest of their lives.
That's a big reason why I prefer to have a repub in congress and the house. I'd like to think one day I'll own a business and finally be able to make enough money to have a really nice home, a few cars, a boat...etc. I'd hate to think after all that hard work of starting up a business and making it successful that I couldn't have my piece of the pie from the outrageous taxation.
11-05-2006, 12:09 PM
im not registered to vote, and dont see myself doing much to change that, this year anyway.
to be brutally honest, i purposely stay out of polotics. i dont know much about any of it, so dont really want to vote for someone on the limited knowledge i have of them.
11-05-2006, 12:21 PM
Dustin honestly that's the way it should be. It's a well-known fact that people who don't understand politics tend to vote for the Democratic candidate. Why is that? Because if they don't know politics, then all they know is what they see on the news, which is generally geared to make democrats look good. Democrats fall more under the freedom of speech and press ideas...freedom to protest. Stuff like that.
So honestly people who don't understand politics are making the responsible decision by not voting. I think that's admirable, honestly. Some people just see a bunch of shit on the news and then they wanna go vote...and that's just no reason to vote IMO.
11-05-2006, 10:48 PM
If you don't know your candidates...all of them... you should not be voting.
Sorry dude, but what you stated above is BS, anyone and everyone that is of legal-age to vote......... should vote,..... it is their constitutional right and duty to do so,.... if they chose NOT TO VOTE.............. then they have no right to complain about the way things are or will be in our country,... becuse their vote,... if they had voted could of been the vote that changed the way things are , or going to be. I've been voting in every election since the age of 18 ,... I will be 49 in January, because I voted in every election since coming of age that gives me the right to complain and say anything I want about the way our country is being ran !
I am a Democrat and proud of it :biggrin: and here's one FACT that the Republicans can not deny or lie about,.... we had a huge surplus ( in money) built-up ( thanks to President Clinton ) but once Mr. George W. Bush stepped into the oval-office as commander -and -chief , he and his Republican party that controls the House of Reps., and the Senate had thrown away all that surplus that Clinton had managed to build-up for our country and pushed us way into the RED-ZONE (= "-" ), whereas our children ,grandchildren and possibly great-grandchildren will be paying out the a$$ for years to come just to try and dig us and them out of the hole that Mr. Bush and his buddies put us in.
As far as "staying the course" in Iraq,.... it's very easy for any and all to say that it's the right thing to do when they are either
1) in college = deferment= not being drafted= just like Dick Cheney pulled 5 deferments to keep him from being drafted into service for the Vietnam war,
2) you have children under the age of 14 yrs = don't have to worry about them joining/ being drafted into service and forced to go into a war,
3) you don't have kids at all or your kids are grown and to old for the service.
Last of all, just because a person does not know the candidates that are running for office really doesn't mean squats, all a person really needs to know is who ( Republican or Democrat ) is running the Gov. right now, and who has the voting power in the Senate and House of Reps., (Republican or Democrat ) to pass bills that the Oval Office wants pasted;
1) If whoever is in charge now is running our country for the benefit of it's citizens and
A) If their doing a excellent job
B) If their not doing things to endanger the citizens of the US and their way of life
C) That they are not throwing our Troops into a war of convience for the few,........... instead of a war in defence of our country
So everyone really needs to ask theirselves ( the one's that are of legal age to vote )
1) Do like the way the job market is?
2) Do you like the fact that most of the large companies that paid awesome wages have closed-up here in the US and took the jobs over-seas so they can pay low wages and bring the stuff back to the US to sell to the US Citizens, that they took the jobs away from in the first place ?
3) Do you enjoy the President and his party that are in control using the FEAR Tactic to keep you inline ?
4) Are you willing to give-up all your Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights to just a "Few" in control ? ( They've already stripped you of most of your Constitutional rights that protect you ,.. it was just done here recently )
If you don't like the way things have been going/ are being done since 2001, then you need to vote to make a change for the better.
I could go on and on about this because I pay attention to whats going on,............. and I DON'T LIKE IT !!!
I've already voted in this election :biggrin:
11-05-2006, 11:03 PM
just because you vote democrat in this election because you want a change doesnt mean change for the GOOD is going to happen, that is not true. you NEED to know the candidates and what they plan to do if you plan on voting. otherwise dumbasses who know NOTHING about how this country is ran or politics in general are going to be voting and basically just saying ''eenie meenie minie mo, lets just pick someone''... because thats all your really doing if you're voting for someone you don't know anything about.
theres a lot to argue that entire post over. don't like the job market? the employment rate in october 2006 was 4.4% across the country, and as low as 3.4% in iowa. thats the lowest it has been since May of 2001. Wages are also up 3.9% in the last 12 months, and average hourly wage is over $16.90 an hour. the job market doesnt sound so bad to me.
Taking jobs overseas... nothing different than paying mexicans to do the work here in the US. pay them dirt as cheap, and hike up the prices when it gets sold back to us. People (democrats) are so worked up about sending jobs overseas, but nothing seems to get said about illegals taking jobs in our own country, in fact I've taken classes were teachers were actually CELEBRATING our illegal immigrants.. about how they're trying to ''better themselves''... if they really cared, they'd be legal instead of sponging off of our government and sending all the money back home to mexico.
the bottom line though, is that you should understand the candidates before you vote.
11-05-2006, 11:38 PM
Anita, plain and simple, what you said is wrong.
If you don't know your candidates, you should NOT vote. I didn't even read your entire post because after you said your initial comment that anyone who is 18 should vote, I lost all respect for anything you say about politics.
Why would you blindly vote for somebody just because they are affiliated with a particular party. That is dumb. Not all republicans feel the same about every issue, just like not all democrats feel the same about every issue. Did you know that John Kerry (a democrat) voted YES to go to war against Iraq?
Sounds to me like not all democrats are equal. Just like there were republicans that voted NO on the war. It's a true story. Isn't that something you should want to know about before you vote democrat? If you're against the war, why would you, in your wildest imagination even think about voting for a person who voted to go to war in the first place?
Come on now... please think responsibly before you blindly throw your vote at somebody just because you're affiliated with their party. I helped with the Bush campaign, I could be considered a hardcore republican by a lot of people. But I don't believe I am familiar enough with Mr Nussle or Mr Culver to vote for either one of them.
Am I saying that you just shouldn't vote, NO. I am saying that you should do your homework, make sure you understand where the candidates stand on the issues, and THEN go vote.
Do the right thing. At least give your candidates and your country enough respect to at least know SOMETHING about the people you're voting for.
11-05-2006, 11:44 PM
im not registered to vote, and dont see myself doing much to change that, this year anyway.
to be brutally honest, i purposely stay out of polotics. i dont know much about any of it, so dont really want to vote for someone on the limited knowledge i have of them.
I've got two questions for you.
1) Do you honestly feel that the police should have the right to stop you for any reason at all ,even when you know you haven't done anything wrong ?
2) Wouldn't you like to have a good paying job, a new/newer car of your choice, a nice house of your own or possibly your own business,........... some day ?????
If you answer "NO" to the first question and
"YES" to the second question
Well, I'm here to tell you that the First question is already been done !!! The police can do WHATEVER they want to YOU, Zac, Vic, or anyone else if they want to and there's not a damn thing you can do about it ! They can arrest you and put you in jail without letting you have a lawyer or going infront of a judge because they can keep you locked-up for as long as they want to and not give the reason for doing it,........... Thanks to the REPUBLICANS , and that's a fact :mad: GW Bush signed into law a bill that gives the police the rights to do this to anyone for any reason !
As for the second question I asked you,...... the two "url's" below say's it all !
Oh, and Zac............... you've got it all backwards, it's the Democrats that have done everything possible to help ALL citizens of the United States and that includes building their own businesses, not the Republicans............... anyone can look-up the facts and what "party" has done what for the Citizens of the US and what "Party" has been against helping small businesses and the Citizens of the US.
The Republicans have ALWAYS been known for Helping theirselves, their buddies and the people that pay them to vote bills through that ONLY benefit the people that pay the Republicans for Favors and passing of bills that never would of been past by the House of Reps and Senate that didn't beleive that it would be good for the country and it's citizens to benefit from
It would be/is easy for young people to get their politics mixed-up as they have not been around long enough to know what is what, and which party (Democrat, Republican) is really for ALL the Citizens and not just the "few" .
The fact is; the Democrats have always been for the all the American people, and the Republicans are only for theirselves,buddies,and the people that bribe them !!!
Don't beleive me,............ look it up for yourself !!!!
11-06-2006, 12:13 AM
I'm not arguing this. Bottom line is if you don't know your shit, stay out of the booth. That's all that matters.
If you don't feel that way...fine. I honestly don't care. I have a good life, a decent paying job, I own my own home, all while i'm in college full time... oh and I've never been arrested for anything. All while a republican has been in office. That's about as much as the president affects my life. If your life isn't as great...then fine, blame it on the guys up front and vote blindly even though you don't know what your candidate brings to the table.
But don't get in here and lecture people about who is evil and all this conspiracy shit. Democrats are like a broken record...everything you've said so far...I've heard it hundreds of times from every other democrat I've every talked to.
Here's the bottom line, there is a good chance democrats will take this election. If you think your life is so much better in 6 months because having a house and congress full of demmy-crats gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside then more power to ya, lady.
and as much as I'm enjoying the post count increase and all that. I don't have time to continue this argument. I have school in the morning and frankly I don't have time to continue this argument tomorrow. So it ends here.
Anita when you want to have an educated, well thought out, honest political discussion with me I will welcome a PM. But if you're going to come in here like some extremist and try and offend everyone....well I will just say I thought you were a lot better of a person than that.
11-06-2006, 12:16 AM
Oh and BTW Anita: I am going to school to learn how to start and operate a business. I don't need hand-outs from anyone to start my own business. I'll just get educated and do it myself.
I didn't need handouts from the demmy-crats to get CR:U where it is and I won't need handouts from the demmy-crats to get CR:U where it's going.
I believe in working for your things. You work hard for your money, you work hard for the things that you have in life, and you work hard to get a business (or a non-profit organization) off the ground. I don't want the government's help... I just don't want to be taxed at an 85% rate when I am making the money I deserve by creating and running a successful business.
I would NEVER expect the government to hold my hand through life. I can take care of myself just fine. All I ask is that they don't step on my toes just for being a successful person.
11-06-2006, 12:28 AM
Topic Locked
Time to move on with our lives. I don't think we need YET ANOTHER political debate about the same shit to last for 10+ pages like it did the last election.
This is what happens when you have extremism in politics. This is why I would never ever in my entire life EVER be involved in a protest. I hear talk talk talk but I see nothing worth-while resulting from it.
So the election is on Tuesday. Vote if you want to, and if you dont' want to, well it's also your right NOT to vote, so by all means stay at home.
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