View Full Version : WELCOME BACK TO THE CR:U!
11-02-2006, 10:10 PM
If you're reading this topic right now, it means that I didn't mess it up! That's right, you're now viewing CR:U on its' new server! Pageloads are much better here and there is tons of room for growth.
You may also notice a little bit of tweaking of the design of the site. Get used to it! We'll be giving CR:U a total face-lift over this winter and we've got stuff in store that you never would have thought of.
Now that we've broken the 6 month hibernation of slow page-loads and crashed servers, we have a lot of catching up to do... and don't think for one moment that we'll be wasting any time doing it either! Our mods and admins are working very hard and we expect rapid growth over this next year!
11-03-2006, 07:18 AM
Definatly!! The site is MUCH faster and will allow us to make some drastic changes to give this place a face lift for sure. GOOD WORK ZAC!!!!
11-03-2006, 07:32 AM
damn good work Zac. the site is definatly faster than before. cant wait for you to start loading up new content and what not.
11-03-2006, 07:44 AM
And the coolest part?
When/if the site does go down.... I, ZacFields, can single-handedly bring it back up by pushing a button. :)
I was doing some optimization stuff last night before the site was moved over and the SQL server crashed. So all I had to do was go into my server panel and restart the SQL server. Took like 10 seconds. No more calling the host to complain and waiting forever for them to fix it.
11-03-2006, 08:36 AM
It's still a little laggy, but this is defenitely an improvement over what we were running on before! Great work Zac.
11-03-2006, 09:02 AM
Shouldn't be laggy at all. Every now and then you'll be browsing through and one page will take about 10 seconds to load but that's normal on any website that is running as many SQL processes as we are.
90% of pages should load in under 3 seconds most of the time. Most pages for me are loading in just a shade over 1 second. But it also partially depends on your connection speed too.
11-03-2006, 09:16 AM
By the way, if you're seeing the new logo (which a lot of you probably aren't due to the cache on your computer still logging the old logo) you'll notice a completely kickass new logo.
Thanks goes to DRIFTE for designing that for us. Very very nice. I modded it with the web address on it... only because I couldn't think of a good slogan. If anyone can think of a good slogan let me know.
and J99Coug... I flipping forgot to study for business calc!!! Was too busy doing this shit yesterday. lol
11-03-2006, 10:33 AM
Great work zac!
11-03-2006, 11:07 AM
Yeah... I didn't sleep hardly at all on Wednesday night. I was up until past 4 am getting backups of the site and database, and then at about 4am the server was set up for me and I made a feeble attempt to configure it so I could go ahead and start loading the database up but I was too tired to think so that didn't work out.
So then I woke up at about 11 and configured it and loaded the old database up and everything was working. So then I spent the entire afternoon loading all the files up and then I closed the site down and took a database backup and I loaded that up while I went out for dinner with Ashley.
Then here we are :) It was a long day yesterday and I think I failed my business calc test today but we're all set up now. Now I just need to move over my other 2 websites and I should be all set.
11-03-2006, 01:21 PM
Im so excited.. and Drifte good job like always.. kinda looks like the writing from COPS!
11-03-2006, 04:11 PM
wow mucho faster
11-04-2006, 12:19 PM
and J99Coug... I flipping forgot to study for business calc!!! Was too busy doing this sh*t yesterday. lol
That sucks big time, I had to go in for extra help on the homework on Wednesday so that helped me a little bit. It was a tough test though. You can call me Justin you know. :biggrin:
Oh and I think the reason for the lagginess that I experienced was because of my Linksys cable modem taking a dump on me. I think it was on it's last legs when I was typing last time because now it is completely dead. Doh!
11-08-2006, 12:55 PM
11-08-2006, 01:27 PM
Pretty quick site now-a-days, eh Jay? In fact it looks like our page loads are getting a little above 2 seconds I might have to restart the SQL server late tonight!!! (takes like 10 seconds and i'll wait until there's nobody online)
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