View Full Version : Pictures of our new condo!!
10-19-2006, 08:15 PM
Welllll we're finally all moved in, and have our internet set up, so we were able to update pictures of our new place! We're basically completely moved in, we just have little stuff to do.. put stuff up on the walls and all that jazz. Enjoy =)
10-19-2006, 08:25 PM
looks good so far besides the dining room, looks bland, which i am sure will get better once you get the rest of that jazz out.
10-19-2006, 08:27 PM
yeah the dining room is pretty boring right now, and the living room is too, sort of. we just need to get some stuff on the wall i think and it'll look a little better.
10-19-2006, 09:37 PM
You have food! omg omg omg
10-19-2006, 10:08 PM
yeah, zac eats a lot, so we had to stock up so he doesnt starve =)
10-19-2006, 10:21 PM
hellz yeah we got food!
You guys like our pad? It's pretty nice so far. I like living in a condo just because I don't have to mess with mowing the lawn or shoveling snow or any of that shit. I have so little time that having to mow a lawn would really honestly be difficult for me to fit into my schedule between work and school.
Everything is working out okay. I'm just glad we have the internet now. I was getting sick and damn tired of leeching off of somebody else's line that was slow and unreliable.
We'll definitely get some more pictures up later when we get some more stuff. The $800 LCD Flat Panel TV we bought, the $150 shower door, the $250+ on fish tank accessories and fish, and well over $1,000 on miscellaneous food, supplies, and etc that we have needed thus far have taken first place in our priority list, but over the winter and spring we will be polishing off the decorative stuff like paintings/pictures for the wall and such.
We've got some fun stuff up our sleeves. We have plenty of leftover money every month (this is why we bought a condo instead of a more expensive house) so we'll keep you guys updated on the fun stuff we think of.
I was reading Popular Science yesterday and I saw this picture frame i'm going to get. It's an LCD screen picture frame that you load like 200 pictures onto and you just sit it on your end table or wherever you put pictures...on the wall or whatever, and it just flips through the pictures like a slideshow. Kickass.
10-20-2006, 09:17 AM
everything looks awesome you guys!! Definatly looks like a nice and enjoyable place to live. It will be much better then livin at home let me tell ya! Remember the trailer i moved into with COlt right out of man that shit was great. Lookin good though guys :bigthumb: only concern is....the camera on the tri-pod in front of the bed. WHAT have you guys been doin...huh huh :suspect:
10-21-2006, 08:37 AM
Yeah, I noticed that too. Looks like you guys got a great place.
10-21-2006, 10:59 AM
Ha Ha very funny you 2!
Nah I just like the way it looks to have that nice camera sitting out on the tripod. Plus I have this weird problem with putting stuff away in a closet or something and then never using it again. At least if it's out all the time i'll remember to use it.
10-21-2006, 12:17 PM
looks awesome man. cant wait till i get my own place. apartments dont count.
10-21-2006, 12:49 PM
It's just nice owning your own place, and I'm sure that Trevor would definitely concur.
I don't like a lot of the fixtures in my home. I don't like the stove, so we're getting a new stove soon. I don't like that vent fan above the stove, so we're going to install an over-the-range microwave there with built-in vent fan. I don't like the fridge, so we'll replace that too. Otherwise, I don't like almost all of the light fixtures, so very soon we are going to start replacing all of them with more modern looking fixtures. I was thinking of trying out some LED lighting in the closets and the pantry as they have LED bulbs out now that are 90% more energy efficient than regular bulbs. Umm... we're getting new blinds and drapes in the front rooms.
We should have all this done before the end of next summer so the idea is that by then, (along with repainting and recarpeting most of the rooms) we are hoping to have a near-fully customized home with everything having been chosen by us to suit our needs and desires.
And regardless of what people say, in the grand scope of things it's honestly not a whole lot more expensive to own a home than to rent one. If you buy a condo, you should be able to sneak away with at MOST $650/month on a decent 2 bedroom and that includes everything except your utility bills and such. If you are lucky enough to find a good one-bedroom as Melisa has, you could shrink that payment down to between $300-$400/month before utilities if you're able to get a 30-year loan on it. Melisa's payments aren't that cheap though but I think she did a 15 year loan on hers...didn't you Mel?
Anyways. We will be keeping you guys updated on all the new fun things we do to our home over time. We'll post it all in this topic and you all can watch the progress. I just wish we had pictures of that nasty accordian style shower curtain thing that was in there before I ripped that out and installed the door.
PS: Seriously guys... if anyone wants to stop by for dinner sometime or something, don't be scared to talk to me. Our days off are Tuesdays and Thursdays and we'de be happy to have people over for dinner or something. So if you have any desire to stop out, just PM me or let me know and we'll figure out a Tuesday or Thursday when we're not doing anything and you can stop out and chill for a while.
10-21-2006, 05:08 PM
man, you two are getting pretty domesticated. now all you need is a dog and a boat and you'll be really super domesticated.
congrats on the place you two, looks pretty nice!
10-21-2006, 11:17 PM
the dog is next on my list =)
i saw a little dachshund puppy at a pet store the other day, it was sooo cute. i want one. haha.
10-23-2006, 05:24 PM
"suburban life"-cotton mouth kings
hey if you want any help with interior design hit the email...this is my 3rd year of design and believe me it doesnt just apply to computer generated stuff.
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