View Full Version : My Space threats!!
logans dad
10-16-2006, 05:44 PM
Not trying to start a bad thread but its weird That the school post was locked but a good idea and I heard this on the radio.
Just heard on the radio today where a kid had "kill Bush" on his "My Space" and he got a visit by either the secret service or the FBI for it and spent the afternoon with these nice guys and his parents at the police station. They didnt say how they found out tho.
Just posting this so you people know how serious this can be.
10-18-2006, 01:21 PM
Any form of public threats to any member of government infrastructure is taken EXTREMELY seriously. There will be no “oh it was a joke” or “you cant believe that I was actually serious” They do not care. There is no bargaining, community service, or settling for a lesser crime. When they say “punished to the full extent of the law” they are more then serious.
Personally, I think its hilarious. I want to see the kid thrown in jail for 20+ years… The more stupid people we can keep from breeding, the better this place will be.
10-18-2006, 03:37 PM
Its freedom of speech...let the kid say what he wants. People are too serious these days. If that same kid typed " I'm going to gut a Nazi like a pig and wear his skin as a coat" no one would care. But since he writes something about Bush (whose grave I would personally piss on) now it becomes some huge problem? The problem with this administration is they think they can tell people how to live and act like its their country, not ours. Hate to break the news to them, but its the citizens that give them the power, not the other way around. If they don't like it, tough. Maybe they should spend more time not wasting taxpayer money just because the schoolyard bully called them a name.
logans dad
10-18-2006, 05:52 PM
Its freedom of speech...let the kid say what he wants. People are too serious these days. If that same kid typed " I'm going to gut a Nazi like a pig and wear his skin as a coat" no one would care. But since he writes something about Bush (whose grave I would personally piss on) now it becomes some huge problem? The problem with this administration is they think they can tell people how to live and act like its their country, not ours. Hate to break the news to them, but its the citizens that give them the power, not the other way around. If they don't like it, tough. Maybe they should spend more time not wasting taxpayer money just because the schoolyard bully called them a name.
You have a lot to learn, And by the way, Do you know the economy is better then its ever been right now. I dont care how bad you hate a president, You dont bad mouth them with threats.
Last I knew freedom of speech doesnt include threats!!
10-19-2006, 03:08 PM
Apparently you are the one that has a lot to learn smart guy. IF you knew anything about political science you would know that anything that happens in a president's term in office has been statistically proven to be because of the president in office two terms before them. You should know your politics and your legal jargon before you open your mouth. And to say the economy is the best its ever been just shows you don't know anything you're talking about. We have the biggest deficit in US history. At least I do some research before I pretend to know something. My family has always been Republican and I still think Bush sucks. And yes, threats are actually a form of freedom of speech. Just the term "threat" itself is in the eye of the beholder. For example I could say I want to kill my dog. Is that a threat? Maybe to someone like you. But do I actually want to kill the dog? Probably not. Anything said is freedom of speech. Hence the term. Until it turns into actions, no one should be allowed to tell anyone they can't do something. I'm sure you never got mad at anyone in your lifetime and told them you wanted to strangle the life out of them or kick their ass, etc etc. When you hear that sort of talk from people, no one cares. Just because he is a President doesn't make him any more important than Joe Blow down the street in my opinion.
logans dad
10-19-2006, 10:39 PM
Like I said, You have a lot to learn and growing up in my eyes.
10-19-2006, 10:48 PM
Wonderful comeback for someone who just got schooled....
10-19-2006, 10:53 PM
The problem with this administration is they think they can tell people how to live and act like its their country, not ours.
I'd hate to break this to ya, but I have a feeling that Bush...nor anyone affiliated with the white house had anything to do with that kid getting arrested. Most likely a good citizen saw it and reported it to the police, who are required to act on a written threat on any specific person's life. Someone could write "kill zac fields" in their myspace, and if someone saw it and reported it, that person would get arrested as well. I know this because something similar happened in high school with our principal and a student creating a website that was making fun of him.
IF you knew anything about political science you would know that anything that happens in a president's term in office has been statistically proven to be because of the president in office two terms before them. You should know your politics and your legal jargon before you open your mouth.
Okay, I'm going to pretend that this one is true. Okay, so by your statement, our country's debt was caused by Bill Clinton. Cool. Because I thought people were blaming that on Bush but since you have educated me otherwise, now I know the truth.
The truth is, the overall economic trend is set about 4-6 years in advance. Meaning changes you make now will start to reflect in the economic condition in approximately 4-6 years. 2 terms prior is too much.... you're saying that it takes more than 8 years for the economy to respond to decisions made now and that's untrue. As I said, if you are correct, then thank you because George W. can't be counted responsible for anything for at least 2 more years.
I'm not trying to start shit :) I understand what you're saying sandmanssi, but I had to make fun of the wording because it left a lot of doors open :)
10-19-2006, 10:57 PM
yeah yeah, I see what you're saying Zac....but by saying 2 terms before would actually fit into that 4-6 year period you are talking about...which is what I was saying...which means....we're saying the same thing...Now I'm confused.
10-19-2006, 11:02 PM
i was thinking 4 year terms so I was thinking you were saying like 8 years. Bush has been in office for 6 years now methinks.
haha... I flipping HATE political arguments. there are so many twists and turns to take.
Technically though I do share your 1-2 term idea. That's why I think we'll never know truly how well Bush has done until we've got another president in office for at least one term to see how the economy is trending.
anyhow...not important anyways. heh. I understand that people don't like the president, but some of these anti-bush people need to keep it real. "Kill Bush" protest signs just.... that's a little much. lol
10-28-2006, 08:18 AM
Bush sucks end of story. The economy is not the best it's ever been. That is the most ignorant statement anyone has ever said. Anyways anybody voting republican in this upcoming election should go in for a psych eval. for being mindless chattle. Bush is a bad president plain and simple and a very horrible speaker. How did that dipshit say it... "If I thought Iraq wasn't a threat to national securityu I would send our troops home tomorrow" hmm last time I checked we were the ones who fought Iraq in DS not them coming over here to fight us. So what does this war prove? Number one we never went after supposed terrorists (it was a half ass weak effort), but manage to find and capture Sudam who had no weapons of mass detrustion no bodies in the desert and no chemical warfare. I believe in not voting for a party and voting for the person, but the damn Republicans got alot of crooked mother fuckers in office.
10-28-2006, 11:03 AM
That's right jake. Write all that stuff on your picket sign and get out there with all the fags and chicks at the protest.
I will always vote republican. I enjoy the right to bear arms, I enjoy paying less taxes. Next time any of you democrat supporters get your tax return, I want you to write a check for $1,300 and send it back to the government. And those of you who have children, add $300 per child to that amount. That is approximately how much more it will cost you in extra taxes per year once the democrats get into office. That's how you get out of "national debt" really fast as the democrats are so concerned with.
But for those of you who don't know, it's not a secret... democrats support high taxes for everyone. rich people, poor people... they support high taxation in order to have more money to get out of national debt and for government projects. I don't know about you guys but i've got plenty to pay for as it is.
10-28-2006, 11:24 AM
Bush came to iowa to help campaign on behalf of jeff lamberti and he called him dave lamberti. lol....
10-28-2006, 12:43 PM
zac i was on the list for people she wanted to kill back in highschool. i talked all kinds of shit to her, she sent some boys out to my house to destroy my mail box, i chased after them with one of my own bats. she used the ip address's to find my home address. but couldnt figure out which house it was, just street, so a lot of mailboxes got hit...but none after mine.
10-28-2006, 12:54 PM
yeah... she was a bit on the crazy side. lol.
10-28-2006, 04:53 PM
I don't need a picket sign. That duche bag fucked up and he knows it. He will be out of office soon enjoying all his vast investments in worldwide companies, and all the non-educated party voters will battle it out again. Yeah for idiotic dogma. I voted both Demo and Repub last election amazing how taxes breaks with republicans affect people with money. In the end it doesn't matter Bush is still evil and the world still turns. But people posting stupid shit pisses me off.
10-29-2006, 01:38 AM
Jake, let's not continue this argument and I have a good reason why... You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to politics, the economy, or anything related to it.
Remember about a year ago when you got in here and started telling us that the gas prices were going to hit $5.00 a gallon or more soon and even $7.00 per gallon, and that it was going to be because Bush was trying to increase his profits from his oil companies?
As I recall, gas barely got over $3.00 per gallon and that was the end of that. Every other gas crisis since then has been temporary and putting gas in the 2.80 region.
Didn't I bet you a steak dinner that you were wrong? That you thought all that up while you were smoking reefer one day in your basement?
Where's my steak dinner biatch? You took me up on that bet. I think you still got a few years to go though... I think I remember the terms being until Bush is out of office. So we'll see what the gas prices do for the next 2 years.
In the meantime, save your brain cells for working on cars man. Politics and the economy is not your gig. At least take some economics classes or something at kirkwood if you're going to come back up here and make economic foresights.
10-29-2006, 01:19 AM
"And who the f*ck ever said wealthy people didn't work just as hard for their money as any of you democratic hippies?"
Number one who said I didn't have money? Number 2 when have I ever claimed to be democrat.
"My dad makes over 100k/yr so a democratic tax increase would hurt him a lot. Then again he puts in over 85 hours per week in a factory and comes home with crap all over his clothes exhausted as hell after a 15+ hour day just in time so he can go to sleep and do it all over again the next day."
It's your dads prorogative if he wants to work that much in a week doesn't lead much for a life outside of work.
"So when some pu$$y democrat comes into the office and takes money out of my dad's pocket so washington can have some extra dough saved up for a rainy day you can bet i'll be pissed off. "
Considering the national debt is owed to the people and foreign countries... Hmm The Saudi's alone could crash the economy.
"And if you knew sh*t about anything Jake you would know that you WILL pay more taxes when there is a democrat in the office. Plain and simple that is just the way it works. And if your a$$ ever had children I bet you would miss that extra $300 per child you get in tax cuts come tax return time."
Now when you pay taxes for your first year on your condo you can talk about taxes. I have paid taxes since I was 10 years old. Owning a house for a few years yeah that 1,300 a year is alot. Yeah the fact that I have 6k taken out in wages for taxes is alot. Democrats believe in starting funding for people with medicare and medicade and nice shit like that. I don't agree with some government spending but we also don't need to spend 280 billion dollars a year on defense which happens to be quite a bit more than anything else the government spends their money on. Challenge me on this one I know.
"I'm not defending Bush... WTF do you think you're going to get from a different president?"
I don't know maybe a person that see's the war in Iraq as the next Vietnam and pulls the troops out for fighting a losing battle which was way FUCKING POINTLESS that we even went over there in the first place. HMMM ALL THE REASONS WE WENT OVER THERE WEREN'T EVEN REAL!!! There's something to wrap your mind around. Last time I checked Iraq hasn't bombed the US and wow we even gave them supplies in the 80's to fight communism. So when Bush says that he thinks Iraq is a threat of terror to the US maybe now that we attacked them I would be miffed too if someone bombed my city and killed my loved ones.
"oh and all the middle eastern terrorists laughing that america finally voted in a president pu$$y enough to withdraw all troops
Check it! We HAVE NOT CAPTURED THE FUCKING TERRORISTS The troops should not have been in Iraq in the first place.
"so the terrorists can overthrow the iraq government and have their very own country to establish their own government and form a stronger coalition."
I don't think terrorists can "overthrow" a governemnt. Do you remember how terrorists started? With the olympics. It is more of a shock value than an all out war. The religious soldiers we are at war with supposedly are terrorists factions of Islamn.
"Then all those soldiers who died in battle will have lost their lives for nothing."
Yeah I believe that already and it makes me mad that I lost friends because of STUPID ASS SHIT!
"Oh and Jake, I just remembered about a year ago you getting on CR:U and throwing all your political hoo-hah at us about how Bush was going to bump those gas prices up above $5.00 per gallon to pad his know...since he owns all the oil companies. I'm still waiting on that steak dinner that I bet you that it wouldn't happen."
According to business week OPEC was forming a monopoly to raise gas prices and get more money. Who knows it may still be in the works that was an estimate for 2007 and it's not here yet so we will see. Sure the price of oil would make Bush good money. Not as good of money as he is making right now from kick backs from the Saudi's.
"I believe we did say one year...hell I don't remember anymore. I just remember betting you a steak dinner that gas prices would not reach $5.00 per gallon. Hell I'll even extend it to include the rest of the Bush presidency."
Texas Roadhouse baby I am down.
"When it comes to the economy and things that are controlled by the economy... I am educated. I'll talk to you in 2008 Jake when Bush is done in office. Unless you want to admit your $5.00 a gallon estimate that Bush was going to cause was just another political pipe-dream like everything else you say. "
Read above about gas. As for being educated in the economy then you should also know that right now it's CRAP!
Thanks for playing and we will see on that steak dinner come next summer. My predictions will be by summer it might peak again at near 4 dollars a gallon. That is a Jake estimate not business week. If I wrong. You can order the prime rib for all I care.
In the mean time Bush still sucks.
logans dad
10-29-2006, 04:50 AM
Deimos, I love it when a young person thinks he knows it all and not going to right a book here but would be nice if you did your post so It was easier to tell who is who.
As far as WMD, You say he had none, BS, He killed his own people with gas stupid. He could of taken them to other countries or buried them in the sand and there is a lot of sand there.
Did you know that more people were killed in the towers then at Pearl Harbor? And you think we shouldn't of went after some country. You are the pussy!! Iraq had terrorist training camps.
It really scares me that we wouldnt of done shit to anyone if Egore or that crazy ass Kerry was in.
I think we should of said all you countries with terrorist get them caught in a year or two or you getting nuked. Im just glad we are there now before they gets nukes and millions get killed. Yes I hate to see our guys get killed but its a few now or a lot later.
Terrorist Hate us for our religion and the freedom we have. Not because of our military or Bush. Since your a know it all tell us what you would of done after the towers went down.
Just remember all the civilians killed in the towers.
6k taken out in taxes lol, For someone so smart on everything I only wish I could say thats all thats been taken out of my checks.
I just looked at my pay stub and thanks to Democrats Ive had almost 16,000 taken out of my checks for taxes and ss that I might not see thanks to all the welfare programs that Democrats came up with.
Much rather see our money go to world peace then to lazy people wanting my hard earned money.
10-29-2006, 08:25 AM
As far as WMD, You say he had none, BS, He killed his own people with gas stupid. He could of taken them to other countries or buried them in the sand and there is a lot of sand there.
Did you know that more people were killed in the towers then at Pearl Harbor? And you think we shouldn't of went after some country. You are the pu$$y!! Iraq had terrorist training camps.
I think we should of said all you countries with terrorist get them caught in a year or two or you getting nuked. Im just glad we are there now before they gets nukes and millions get killed. Yes I hate to see our guys get killed but its a few now or a lot later.
Iraq didnt have any WMD, they had nothing to do with 9/11 and we went after the right country that had Ossama first and we still are stuck in afgahistan. look now Iran and North Korea have WMDs wtf now?!
logans dad
10-29-2006, 10:13 AM
WTF now, Let me say dont have any kids because it will get worse before it gets better. And if we did nothing it would really be bad.
Tricky, whats not to understand that they did have them before we went in. And they had terrorist camps. All those countries in there suck and have terrorist. If Iraq becomes a Democratic country our government is in hopes other countries civilians will see this and want a safe country. Those countries are in the stone age.
Bush has done things that piss me off but I think if Gore or Kerry was in things would be worse. I am actually independent and if Someone comes up and says he will ship all illegals back and keep taxes low I will vote for him, Democrat or Republican.
The thing that sucks is most teachers are Democrats and drill the wrong shit into your heads and make the Republicans look like the bad ones. My dad is a die hard Democrat and gives me shit for being Republican and I tell him when he votes he can debate with me but he has never voted. Then yet he is so conservative its unreal he cant see the light, Like a lot of you.
10-29-2006, 11:07 AM
[quote="logans dad";p="113217":1b72c]
As far as WMD, You say he had none, BS, He killed his own people with gas stupid. He could of taken them to other countries or buried them in the sand and there is a lot of sand there.
Did you know that more people were killed in the towers then at Pearl Harbor? And you think we shouldn't of went after some country. You are the pu$$y!! Iraq had terrorist training camps.
I think we should of said all you countries with terrorist get them caught in a year or two or you getting nuked. Im just glad we are there now before they gets nukes and millions get killed. Yes I hate to see our guys get killed but its a few now or a lot later.
Iraq didnt have any WMD, they had nothing to do with 9/11 and we went after the right country that had Ossama first and we still are stuck in afgahistan. look now Iran and North Korea have WMDs wtf now?![/quote:1b72c]
First, the way the Iraq war started (if anyone remembers) is that Iraq had made some threats to America and how we were dealing with the terrorists. Then when the UN sent out people to search their country for weapons of mass destruction, Iraq refused to let them in.
So let me ask you: You have a country threatening to be violent with you. Then when the UN sends people in to make sure that "violent" will not include weapons of mass destruction, the country refuses to let them in. It's called biting them before they bite you.
Otherwise, as I've said many times over. Ask someone who has really been to Iraq how the Iraqi people feel about us being there. No, not what CNN tells you...the way it really is. Jay has some excellent pictures of some of the soldiers giving toys to Iraqi kids who are underprivileged.
But in the end, I'm not defending the war in iraq either. I'm not defending Bush and I'm not defending the war. Y'know why? Because it doesn't affect me. My whole family is military and 3 of my family members have been to Iraq and back and everyone in my family supports the war. Then again, these are the guys fighting the battle so what do they know? Knowing them and knowing how things really are couldn't influence my decision making at all :)
And Jake, I do apologize that you lost friends. I really do. And I don't want to say this any more than you want to hear it, but I'm sure if they joined the military, they were prepared to go to war and die. One should never join the military if they're not prepared to fight. The military is meant to go to war. Sometimes over things that you and I may not agree with, but that is why they are there. My grandpa went 30 years in the Navy and was never involved in a war... and I can't tell you how proud he is of my uncle and my cousins who have had the privilege of going to Iraq. For the rest of their lives they can always say they fought for their country.
As far as your disagreeing with me that the terrorists can overthrow the Iraqi government...I just hope that Bush makes sure the job is done before he gets out of office and the democrat pulls them all out on his second day in. I don't know about you, but I really don't want to find out if i'm right the hard way. I'd rather just play it safe and give Iraq the opportunity to build up their government and military enough to sustain itself before we take off. If we leave and Iraq is a democracy and their people are free from the former tyrannical government for good, I think that is victory.
You know I like you as a person Jake. We used to BS around a lot back when I was a couple years younger but for some reason when you talk politics it pisses me off. Probably because u generally just bash and never really provide any factual evidence. In fact, I hear so little factual evidence coming from anti-bush people that it blows my mind when someone who is anti-bush actually says something that makes sense. I had a friend at work the other day say something that just made me speechless...i just didn't have any response for it. Mainly because there really aren't a lot of intelligent anti-bush people that know anything other than "bush sucks."
10-29-2006, 11:16 AM
all i have to say is..
i <3 dubya
10-29-2006, 01:44 PM
BTW: Not sure why I need to have lived in my condo for a full year to understand what taxes are? I work full time, and when it's all said and done I get about $5,500/yr taken out for taxes (that includes social security and state tax and such) and I'll have to look through my paperwork for this condo but I think 6 months of tax was paid at the closing, though it might just be factored into my monthly payments, IDK. But the first thing I did when I moved into this condo was buy all my groceries, all the necessary things I needed for the home (well over $1k worth of shit) and a big flat-panel LCD TV and then I paid my mortgage up through december. So either way I've paid some tax... I am comfortable with the amount that is taken out of my check right now. I get approximately 78% of my paycheck before I deposit another 6% into my I only get 72% of my paycheck when it's all said and done.
Then I'm paying over $50/month right now for CR:U, not including the t-shirts, BBQ, and all the other swag. Mortgage, insurance, cell phone, utilities. I've got a lot of shit to pay for just like everyone else but I get by just fine. Even if I wasn't getting by just fine... I'd be blaming myself and not the president.
Like I've said before... It's not like I'm just some Bush advocate who supports bush 100%. Even when there's a democratic president in the office and people are giving him shit...I'll be pissed off because people are always looking for somebody else to blame for their own fuck-ups. Take that to the bank. 2009 I will be just as pissed off when I hear somebody blaming the president for something they should be a man and take the blame for themselves.
I've even questioned how much of a republican I really am in the last couple months. I don't support pro-life, I don't support sending jobs overseas, I fully support stem-cell research as long as we're not promoting abortion to do it, and I completely 100% support alternative fuels of any and every kind just as long as they're completely grown and manufactured in the United States. That's just a few things that I disagree with. But as I said, I believe in taking responsibility of your own actions. Regardless of what you read in the magazines or watch on the news... you control your own destiny. Quik-Trip sold their gas stations in Cedar Rapids. I didn't blame bush or the government. I blamed the owners of Quik-Trip, and I found myself a new job. Simple as that. I didn't spend months sitting my fat ass on the couch throwing beer cans at the TV when bush was making a speech whining about how he fucked up my life.
Anyways... lets stop bickering back and forth. Doesn't do anyone any good and my fingers hurt from typing too damn much.
10-30-2006, 12:09 PM
I’ve stayed out of this because I don’t know… I just don’t debate it with anyone anymore. Does Iraq have Major freakin weapons? Yes they do… WMDs? Yes actually they do… I have pictures of the warheads. NOW… you must ask yourself… do you really know what a weapon of mass destruction is? No I bet you don’t, cause everyone is thinking Nukes… guess what, that’s not the only thing that falls into that category. I would rather be nuked them chem-ed. They have chem. Sheit that will cause such a slow and agonizing death I wouldn’t want to imagine. Oh by the way… if one of these big chem. Warheads was set off in like let’s just say Cedar Rapids. Right in the middle… yeah Cedar Rapids wouldn’t exist 12 hours later. On top of that any city that uses anything the Cedar Rapids River feeds into… yup 80% of them are gone too. Dead contaminated bodies now, yup that just means more spreading by carrion animals if they even survive it themselves. So WMD… yeah HUGH… one would wipe out Chi-town in aprox 33 hours.
Governments run by terrorists? Yes there are… see FUMAS or what ever their name is… Iran is a direct reflection of what a “terrorist” run government turns into over time. You’re talking about governments who place weapons, destruction of ideas not the same as theirs, and even testing on their own citizens. Do you honestly think that these people had a choice in anything in their lives? Same with Iraq… the slave owners, who worked for saddam owned everything… while the dead were thrown in a pile when they couldn’t work anymore.
For or against the war I don’t care… There are a few things I absolutely hate Bush for. One is stem-cell research. Freakin dinosaur right-wingers, too busy bible thumping to realize that science and technology has been the driving force of civilization for the last thousand years. But he doesn’t have anything to do with market and economy; if you learned ANYTHING about your 3 branches of government you would understand this. And gas is a inelastic product… so yeah, don’t debate it unless you know what that is.
Anyway… the ultimate point to this is the war and this entire state of our country is all because of one thing… Life has become a damn reality TV show for you fuks to sit and enjoy at home. (by you fuks I mean everyone from bunny huggers to bible thumpers) PLEASE KILL YOUR TELEVISION!!! War has always been this gruesome… in fact it was a lot worse… you want to know what real war is like? Stop down at your local VFW and talk to some of the old WWII and Vietnam vets… I wont even repeat some of the stories I’ve heard… guess what, that’s war. But now war is a pretty cool story to watch on TV. You can watch Johnny get into theater, be scared from the rockets, have a few laughs with his buddies, and then watch him get shredded. You can watch the metal actually sheer off pieces of his head and land on the ground with his eyes and corner of his lip still twitching from the cut nerve endings… oh wait… they don’t show that part of war… only how we kill the innocent bad guys… ooops sorry.
10-30-2006, 01:19 PM
That's been a long-time coming Jay. Been waiting for you to let that out and I agree with 100% of what you said.
I was talking to a friend of mine (Matt Wilson) in the hall at kirkwood today. The guy's got a cast on his leg because he just had surgery on it. But he was shot in Iraq by some pussy while he was sitting eating a can of beans I believe. If I remember right the bullet went into his knee and out of his upper thigh. Still all I've ever heard about him is how much he wants to go back. Unfortunately since it happened his left leg has been near useless and so they've been working on trying to get some sort of recovery from it. I believe he's already been discharged but you can bet your ass if he miraculously had use of that leg again he would re-enlist tomorrow and be on the first plane out of here.
Jay I think you provided the bottom line to this argument. I agree people need to stop getting their information from the media. Not even just the TV but the magazines and newspapers. Media just want to make a's always been that way.
So for the above-mentioned reason, I'm going to lock this topic. I feel that any rebuttal by anyone on this website who has never been in your shoes would not only disgrace themselves but it would be such a huge display of disrespect that I don't even want to think about it right now. But I definitely appreciate your thoughts on this issue as it's a side of this that the media-built society rarely ever see's.
10-30-2006, 01:38 PM
paying taxes since 10years old?
10-30-2006, 01:45 PM
haha I forgot mods can still post in locked topics. :) Mods are all cool though.
The paying taxes since 10 years old thing.... I guess I bought a few candy bars at the conoco in Ely when I was 10 so I suppose I've been paying taxes at least that long too.
As far as income taxes go, well you have to be making... I believe 7 thousand a year to be required to pay income taxes. Maybe he was making that much IDK... i'd be interested to know what legally registered job a 10 year old could do.
But since jake can't post on this topic we can argue that one in the trash. I'm just really adamant that we end this war talk. I think what Jay said is the bottom line and I would say he has the right to track down anyone that wants to disrespect him and rebut the things he said.
11-01-2006, 02:36 AM
I know we arent suppose to post but.. all I want to say (if i never have said it before) Jay I admire you for putting yourself through what you have gone through with your military time. Thank You! *BIG HUG*
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