View Full Version : somethins up at kennedy
10-12-2006, 01:10 PM
this is what i was told! DO NOT QUOTE ME OR ANYTHING!!
Didnt get much info and have no way to Prove what i heard is true. a girl friend of mine called and said they basicaly have the school on "lock down". Apparently there was a threat that "no one is safe, and all will die" or something like that. Also i was told that someone found some shot gun shells in the restroom?!?!? Cant prove any of that but i did drive by and see 10+ cop cars as well as a few K-9 units and a news van or two.
EDIT: I guess the principal told the students it was a bomb threat and that the shot gun shells are unrelated. I dunno, i guess if its worth worrying about they willl put it on the news.
10-12-2006, 01:32 PM
Apparently something is going on in Ottumwa also. . . (
10-12-2006, 03:34 PM
Dumbass ghetto kids. This is Iowa, not Chicago Illinois. If you think you're tough, go there. Its kids like those that make me shake my head every time I see a high schooler driving around town like they are "hard." Growing up on the mean streets of Iowa makes for some real thugs these days. I mean, the oppression they receive in their upper middle class homes where mom and dad let them drive their cars and give them lunch money. They have to fight to survive everyday, I tell ya.
10-12-2006, 04:04 PM
its just sonny trying to get attention cause his parents dont give a crap and let the tv raise them.
10-12-2006, 09:34 PM
Dumbass ghetto kids. This is Iowa, not Chicago Illinois. If you think you're tough, go there. Its kids like those that make me shake my head every time I see a high schooler driving around town like they are "hard." Growing up on the mean streets of Iowa makes for some real thugs these days. I mean, the oppression they receive in their upper middle class homes where mom and dad let them drive their cars and give them lunch money. They have to fight to survive everyday, I tell ya.
Very true ^
This is why I wanted to leave the school so bad. (I left in the middle of my sophomore year and went to Metro High, long story) Half the people there are either dickhead jocks or wannabe gangsters, and the other half is either preppy cheerleaders or people who get picked on constantly, it's common in that me. It can, however, be quite amusing seeing a student get arrested and beg for bond after attempting to scare a whole high school by writing a threatening letter. :roll:
10-13-2006, 04:22 PM
this reminds me of "Friday". "you win some, you lose some, but you live. you live to fight another day". it seems everyone is just out to prove how tough they are so people will think theyre cool. its pretty sad really.
10-14-2006, 10:28 AM
I don't like the emo kids that walk around in the halls all depressed with tons of bands around their wrist andmake up around their eyes...I see them wanting to kill everyone yet it gives everyone a good laugh around the school so its ok. High school is pretty lame, guess it all depends on where you go and who your friends are
10-14-2006, 01:35 PM
I go to kennedy. Here is the skinny.
Some dumbass wrote the "everyone is going to die on 10/12/06" on the wall in the bathroom, so they decide that our safty was there #1 priority. They had about 15 cops hanging out there all day, and have recently hired a rent a cop to hang out there for now on. The shot gun shells is just a rumor that is not true that went around.
10-14-2006, 10:47 PM
do you guys have emo kids? Nothing exciting happens at my small school...darn
10-15-2006, 12:17 AM
Highschool is gay, I want nothing more then to graduate and get away from all the posers and wanna be thugs
10-15-2006, 04:04 PM
i didnt play any sports in school, didnt come from a rich family or any of that. i also wasnt in a band, didnt wear all black and listen to whiney depressing music, but that didnt stop anyone from being alright with me, including the football players, cheerleaders, goth and emo kids, and anyone else. and i went to Linn Mar for Christs sakes!
i didnt care much for high school either way(didnt love it, didnt hate it), but one thing i always hated to see was anyone getting picked on. if youre a dumbass, and someone calls you out, im all for it. but i really hate seeing kids being put down constantly for no reason other than the kids putting them down are trying to look "cool".
i hate the cliques in highschools, even though i didnt have a problem with any of them.
10-15-2006, 04:24 PM
Some dumbass wrote the "everyone is going to die on 10/12/06" on the wall in the bathroom,
hehe i know who did it, but im sworn to secrecy.
Edit: it was ment to be a joke to get a rise out of a few people, there is no meaning behind it except for stupidity.
10-15-2006, 10:13 PM
its not really a funny joke?
theres been like 2 school shootings in the past 2 weeks or so, reeeeal good timing to joke about it.
or maybe i just dont have a sense of humor.
logans dad
10-15-2006, 11:53 PM
Not a good thing, and then to have a gun in your signature could get you a free trip to the cop shop. Do you think I care to see your pistol after saying you know who did it. Someone could call the police to look at your post and we could see you going on that little trip.
Not good to joke about!!
10-17-2006, 04:47 PM
My school was in lock down today b/c a kid who dropped out said he was going to come back and shoot up the place.
10-18-2006, 03:43 PM
Oh please...the cops can't do jack because he has a gun in his post. I've got a gun. I've got a few guns. I read his post. Therefore the cops should come pick me up for questioning too.....
10-18-2006, 04:15 PM
Not a good thing, and then to have a gun in your signature could get you a free trip to the cop shop. Do you think I care to see your pistol after saying you know who did it. Someone could call the police to look at your post and we could see you going on that little trip.
Not good to joke about!!
wouldnt be the first time ive been there
logans dad
10-18-2006, 06:03 PM
Sounds like your proud of it also.
lil krumm
10-18-2006, 09:09 PM
Sounds like your proud of it also, Maybe I will call the cops and tell them you know about it then Smart a$$.
vic call down, matt couldnt hurt a fly
10-19-2006, 03:51 PM
kents right, flys are too hard to aim at
10-19-2006, 04:02 PM
find yourself a horse fly and have fun
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