View Full Version : Kirkwood Democrats=Idiots in Large Groups
10-02-2006, 11:21 AM
I'm going to vent on you guys, and I know a lot of you are Democrats, so try not to take too much offense to this:
Okay, I walked out of class today to go to my car and what do I see? About 2,000 or more Jim Nussle signs completely painted all over the parking lot at Kirkwood (along with approximately 15-30 Chet Culver signs placed by the Kirkwood Republicans)
I was driving home and thinking to myself: "Why is it that with SO much effort that Democrats still can't hardly seem to beat Republicans in the elections?" Then it hit me. I estimated at least 2,000 signs on the Kirkwood parking lot. Figure at least 50 cents per sign so we're talking about $1,000 spent on signs that will probably get taken down and thrown away before the day is up. You can get a decent advertising promotion on Z102.9 for a month for as little as $500.
Not to mention that $1,000 spent on signs was probably detrimental to Nussle's campaign at Kirkwood. The first thing I think of when I see 2,000 signs is : "okay...not voting for that guy. Look at the idiots who support him."
Democrats need to learn that the correct way to campaign for the election is to speak the facts. Expose your candidate's agenda for what it's worth, STRATEGICALLY place your signs (I think ~100 signs in that parking lot would have been more than enough, then you'de have 1,900 more signs to place elsewhere where they can get more exposure) and overall spend less time trying to ruin the other candidate's campaign (these nussle signs were first placed infront of all the culver signs before they painted the lot with them) and focus on making YOUR candidate look good.
Things like that show the immaturity of the entire Demoratic party. And just imagine, the person calling the shots (the chair of the kirkwood democrats) will probably be a politician one day. Honestly that's not the type of person I want to be making ANY decisions regarding my country.
Sorry for the rant...but I've been trying to stay away from politics. I didn't even know (and still don't know) the difference between Culver and Nussle nor did I even know which party either of them were affiliated with until I looked more closely at one of the Nussle signs. All I know is the first thing I said to myself when I walked out and saw that was : "Jim...Nussle. Okay...don't know what party he's in but I'm definitely not voting for him."
So anyways...yeah. That's my rant. I was just so incredibly pissed when I saw that complete waste of time, money, and effort on something so stupid and idiodic as trying to ruin the other party's campaign.
10-02-2006, 12:27 PM
They went WAY overboard with their signs. I seriously laughed and said that I wouldn't be voting for that jackass this year when I drove by the signs this morning. I hate politics, especially the tv ads that are geared toward tearing the other candidate down. Come on, why don't you show a little maturity and grow the f up! /rant
Btw Zac, are you in my Business Calc. class?
10-02-2006, 12:55 PM
I believe I am... I'm the nerd that sits in the front all by himself because my buddy dropped the class last week.
Where do you sit? Are you the guy who sits right behind me?
10-02-2006, 02:26 PM
Nah I sit all the way on the right in the second table from the front. I guess I'll say hey on Wednesday. That sucks your friend dropped the class! I hate classes where I don't know anyone, it's very boring. Luckily I've been in my math classes with the same group of guys the entire time I've been at Kirkwood, makes things interesting.
10-02-2006, 05:58 PM
Yeah, but at least the democrats aren't sending out nasty e-mails to young boys like the good ole' Republicans. They are almost as horny as the Catholic priests.
10-02-2006, 06:56 PM
^ hehe
On my way out to prarie today i saw all of those signs, at first i had forgot about the debate they are having there tonight so i was just amazed and curious about why the hell there were so many signs, then on the other side of the raod, chet culver, then I saw some guy walking down bowing taking out all of the jim nussil signs...
they went way overbored with it, maybe a big banner and a couple signs would of been ok
10-02-2006, 09:51 PM
you go to prairie?
i'm sick of all the stupid commercials.
i'm not voting either. but if i was going to.. i'd vote nussle. woo.
10-02-2006, 10:04 PM
no i go to wash, i have a class out at prarie though
10-02-2006, 11:11 PM
lol I think I have mixed up nussle and culver now.
Does anyone remember which one was plastered all over? There was one candidate that was kinda moderately placed around and another candidate that was plastered. I thought it was Nussle that was plastered everywhere but I could be wrong.
Either way.... which-ever candidate's party who went way overboard with the signs needs to be shot. Republican or was just an amazingly annoying amount of signs.
10-03-2006, 06:07 AM
I just want a regular joe blow to run for offices... Because seriously. The politicions we have now cannot be the best we've got.
If i was running... I would make a commercial like
Hey, I’m Jay, I work here, and I’ve got a Siberian Husky that drives me nuts. But I’m not here to tell you about my dog. Some of you think that I’m running for some office… Actually I could care less either way… What I really wanted to tell you is Look at these people. Look at these candidates and these extremeist left and right wingers. Is this it folks? These Ivey league Political Science majors; this is the best our country has to offer? Why is it about these people who are in this clique that are the ones that get to run for offices? Didn’t this thing start off as “WE THE PEOPLE”.
Look… I don’t want you to vote for me, I just don’t want you to vote for these mud slinging candidates. I would like to see some young guy or gal who likes to analyze things and take into consideration all types of things and not just focus on themselves. I don’t think its too much to ask…So please… just think about everything… Shiet Vote for my dog! He is consistant, listens most of the time, likes to go outside, really likes frosty paws, he is friendly to good people and mean to bad people, and to top it all off he is really cute… so there you have it folks… Do something, just don’t listen to the crap the crazies are trying to tell you.
I work in the fancy dinning room right inside the Mansfield center there, and i watched them set those signs up all day. It was actually very amusing to me and some of my classmates. Like zac said, "um, im not voting for that guy." In all honesty I have very little knowledge about this election and I don't plan on voting because i'll most likely be sleeping (I work 3rd shift). I don't know whose better than who so i personally knocked down about 25 signs walking to my car after class. The look on their campagne crew were giving me funny looks, but oh well, those damn signs were in my way.
10-03-2006, 09:27 AM
Nice one! I was contemplating doing the same, but with my car. Just driving with one side of the car on the grass taking out signs as I go. Lol, I wish I could have seen their faces when you did that. At least all of the signs are down today.
Did anyone watch their "debate" last night? I swear Chect culver is a moron. Every two seconds he would say something along the lines of: "uh, um, uhhm" If you are going to be on tv at least be prepared with your answers you bafoon. /Rant. As a side note I have no knowledge on where each candidate stands on topics, I just felt like bashing Culver a little.
10-03-2006, 11:08 AM
hahhahha Stro thats why i love you
10-03-2006, 11:23 AM
For the sake of the few here that will be voting, (and since I generally tend to go republican) I will post up some of Nussle's stances on subjects later today.
Which side is blue and which is red, i can never remember that......jk. But now i'm even more confused, all the signs were GREEN???????
Politics, i tell ya what.....
10-03-2006, 01:07 PM
i love stro you SOB, its on MF!
coug is that pretty boy in the back zac, you'll see em'. hahaha jm
dude, i hate sears.
10-03-2006, 02:29 PM
Haha Colton. How's UNI? Are you working at the Waterloo Sears?
Dude, I hate Sears too. At least you didn't have to setup CHRISTMAS stuff last Sunday. Seriously it's October, put that stuff away for another month!
10-03-2006, 03:35 PM
na i may end up working at the sister company though. its a lot closer. UNI...well its no kirkwood, i sure didnt think i would be learning so much. I actually spend every day doing school work.
and yeah christmas stuff has been out in places since august. this is outragious. we have 2 more big holidays first.
10-04-2006, 02:50 PM
Yeah, but at least the democrats aren't sending out nasty e-mails to young boys like the good ole' Republicans. They are almost as horny as the Catholic priests.
Ahhhhh, Mark foley, it seems that he's been perp-in for at least 11 years after those young boys from what MSNBC is saying today. Foley's lawyer has given two different excuses for Foley's behavior, Foley claims "he was sexually abused as a kid by a clergyman..... I guess that is as good as an excuse as any considering theres no way to comfirm it and since everyone knows that there has been claims (some founded ) of sexual abuse done by clergymen and priests in the past, but I must say that not all clergymen and Catholic priests are perps only some are but not all.
Did you know that President George Bush Sr. was a perp that liked young boys too even though he was married ? He was seen paying for a young black child (male) at a party he was attending in Ill when he was still president, it was told about in a book about George Bush Sr but was an un-authorized bio.,.
Here's something I found last night about 9/11 that an eyewitness recorded the day of 9/11, you can hear numberous explosions coming from the twin towers before they fell,......... interesting to listen to and watch. ... 6802308548 (
10-04-2006, 09:27 PM
I'm going to vent on you guys, and I know a lot of you are Democrats, so try not to take too much offense to this:
Okay, I walked out of class today to go to my car and what do I see? About 2,000 or more Jim Nussle signs completely painted all over the parking lot at Kirkwood (along with approximately 15-30 Chet Culver signs placed by the Kirkwood Republicans)
I was driving home and thinking to myself: "Why is it that with SO much effort that Democrats still can't hardly seem to beat Republicans in the elections?" Then it hit me. I estimated at least 2,000 signs on the Kirkwood parking lot. Figure at least 50 cents per sign so we're talking about $1,000 spent on signs that will probably get taken down and thrown away before the day is up. You can get a decent advertising promotion on Z102.9 for a month for as little as $500.
Not to mention that $1,000 spent on signs was probably detrimental to Nussle's campaign at Kirkwood. The first thing I think of when I see 2,000 signs is : "okay...not voting for that guy. Look at the idiots who support him."
Democrats need to learn that the correct way to campaign for the election is to speak the facts. Expose your candidate's agenda for what it's worth, STRATEGICALLY place your signs (I think ~100 signs in that parking lot would have been more than enough, then you'de have 1,900 more signs to place elsewhere where they can get more exposure) and overall spend less time trying to ruin the other candidate's campaign (these nussle signs were first placed infront of all the culver signs before they painted the lot with them) and focus on making YOUR candidate look good.
Things like that show the immaturity of the entire Demoratic party. And just imagine, the person calling the shots (the chair of the kirkwood democrats) will probably be a politician one day. Honestly that's not the type of person I want to be making ANY decisions regarding my country.
Sorry for the rant...but I've been trying to stay away from politics. I didn't even know (and still don't know) the difference between Culver and Nussle nor did I even know which party either of them were affiliated with until I looked more closely at one of the Nussle signs. All I know is the first thing I said to myself when I walked out and saw that was : "Jim...Nussle. Okay...don't know what party he's in but I'm definitely not voting for him."
So anyways...yeah. That's my rant. I was just so incredibly pissed when I saw that complete waste of time, money, and effort on something so stupid and idiodic as trying to ruin the other party's campaign.
lmao u know that culver is a democrat right?!? and nussle is a republican...
10-04-2006, 10:19 PM
that would be why he posted later that he couldnt remember which sign was which
10-04-2006, 11:18 PM
Yeah actually it was culver signs everywhere infront of the nussle signs. I did clarify that in a different post :) What can I say? I haven't followed politics since the Bush election. I keep watching what Bush does but outside of that I'm none too concerned honestly.
I'm a 6-month political junkie on election year.
10-19-2006, 11:45 PM
The Mike Whalen and Bruce Braley ads top the cake in my book. 1 The ads run all the time on kcrg sometimes back to back. 2 They are mostly false bs. The real facts imho are because of some things not going so well for the Bush admin and Foley iming the boys, other scandals (Jack Abramoff), it is dog eat dog for some seats which could change the majority in congress. Now this Jack Abramoff makes the Foley crap look small if you bother to look it up. Yea Foley is a demented turd no doubt.
Whalen/Braley ads
A sad but comical take on Jack A.
10-20-2006, 10:33 AM
bruce braley = worst candidate EVER for anything.
along with chet culver.
BOO to them.
10-20-2006, 02:32 PM
Culver FTW!!!!!
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