View Full Version : Iowa Speedway
logans dad
09-16-2006, 09:25 AM
Logan and I went to see the Hooter girls and ok, the race also. That place is so kewl. The racing was good also with the banking cars were passing high and low and running side by side all night.
You people need to go to at least one race to check it out. It is the nicest place of all speedways.
I know it wont be long until the Nascar guys are scheduled for this track.
Hell Random, I should of asked if you wanted to go with us!
If you go pig out before you get there as food was expensive and a pop and the adult beverages, thats beer Random, Was 5 bucks. A water was 3.50.
Glad I can say I was there.
Dustin Duster, You want to see some nice butts You need to check it out lol. Even the old ladies where looking sexy. Bad thing was I didnt see any Goth chicks Witch I like to see.
There was a gay section for people like Random to sit together. Just kidding Random.
09-16-2006, 09:54 AM
1. dude im 21, i know what an adult beverage is. i knew what one was when i was 5.
2. i built most of the signs you see up there. the place where i work had the contract.
logans dad
09-16-2006, 10:42 AM
21 and been to college, What for 1 year lol. You must have a bachelors degree then by now.
I will still compare pay checks, Did I say I work for ADM, one of the highest paying places in C>R>.
And if you recall, you drew first blood, Thats from the movie Rambo, Random.
And I cant help it that my dad and mom where brother and sister.
And you went to college to make signs, Interesting.
I went to college for machine trades and tool and die myself Random but like what im doing and thats driving a semi. And I make more then if I worked in a machine shop at 25 to 30 an hour.
09-16-2006, 03:08 PM
And if you recall, you drew first blood, Thats from the movie Rambo, Random.
the quote was actually
"they drew first blood, not me"
09-16-2006, 03:34 PM
Did I say I work for ADM, one of the highest paying places in C>R>
General Mills is the highest
Rollin on Dubs
09-16-2006, 04:01 PM
21 and been to college, What for 1 year lol. You must have a bachelors degree then by now.
I will still compare pay checks, Did I say I work for ADM, one of the highest paying places in C>R>.
And if you recall, you drew first blood, Thats from the movie Rambo, Random.
And I cant help it that my dad and mom where brother and sister.
And you went to college to make signs, Interesting.
I went to college for machine trades and tool and die myself Random but like what im doing and thats driving a semi. And I make more then if I worked in a machine shop at 25 to 30 an hour.
Vic get off the crack pipe! I can tell just by what you post the reason why you are not a tool maker is because you seriusly lack the intellegents to do so. Im a tool maker (Got my ascociates in cnc programing and im only 22) And probably forgot more than you would ever know. I know what a trucker for adm makes and you are a far cry from what a journeyman Tool makers make where i work. Vic i need to meet you in person some time to heir the wealth of knowlege you have in this subject. I dont like to get off topic this much but seriously vic if you are going to start a thread and make petty remarks about someone. Dont complain when your topic gets put in the trash.
Vic you are one ignorant Sum bitch
logans dad
09-16-2006, 04:14 PM
Same right back to you Dubs, Get that check stub out bitch, It seems im pissing people off when some one does it to me first and then some of you jump on me.
And I was trained on a CNC and I know for a fact that you at your age are not making top dollar.
Come on over and yes we can talk. Most know where I live.
When I got out of college I didnt want to go through the journyman 2 year crap. I started driving a truck for 3 bucks an hour more then any journyman job, Also decided I didnt want to work in a little room. I love being outside.
And why dont you post what you think I make Dubs.
logans dad
09-16-2006, 04:16 PM
[quote="logans dad";p="111476":19aa6]Did I say I work for ADM, one of the highest paying places in C>R>
General Mills is the highest[/quote:19aa6]
Read my post again, I said one of the highest. I didnt say the highest.
Rollin on Dubs
09-16-2006, 06:51 PM
Same right back to you Dubs, Get that check stub out b*tch, It seems im pissing people off when some one does it to me first and then some of you jump on me.
And I was trained on a CNC and I know for a fact that you at your age are not making top dollar.
Come on over and yes we can talk. Most know where I live.
When I got out of college I didnt want to go through the journyman 2 year crap. I started driving a truck for 3 bucks an hour more then any journyman job, Also decided I didnt want to work in a little room. I love being outside.
And why dont you post what you think I make Dubs.
Well vic i can tell you right now, since you dont own your own truck you arent making shit for a truck driver. Most over the road drivers make between 30 and 40K a year (which is less than i gross last year), since you are a dedacated route i would guess less than that. But if you would rather sit in a truck all day than be in a 35000 (air conditoned) sq ft state of the art facility with MILLIONS of dollars worth of machines at your disposal. 2 five axes milling machines worth over 1.3 million a peice. The latest Cam and model software in the industry. Awsome benifits. Vic i might not be making as much as a guy who has been with our company 20 years. But at the age of 20 the bank had no problem handing over $120,000 for me to buy a house.
I didint jump in on your argument with radom hero because i like him or dislike you. I spoke up because when i see someone running there mouth and talking a bunch of bullshit. I set it straight.
logans dad
09-16-2006, 08:31 PM
well 30 to 40 a year is far less then I make know it all. And a lot of drivers with there own trucks are selling them because if the truck breaks down it takes a big big hit out of your profits. I want you to know I have fun with this and most the time it doesn't tick me off but is fun seeing what you people know. True some of the older guys might and probably do make more then me but Like Ive said before, Im buying a house we race a stock car and I have the money pit GSX that Ive put lots of money into, You dont do this on 40 or 50 a year and you do have your scum bag trucking companies that hire bad drivers. I have a 99 Z-71 pick up that Ive had for 5 years as I will never buy a new vehicle, My wife drives a 2000 mountaineer.
As far as benefits, You know nothing about what mine are, I have blue cross blue shield, Dental, A 401 k that matches 100 % up to 5 percent then 50 % after that, they also have a retirement plan besides all that.
I have to laugh again at the 30 to 40 a year. Do you know guys in the plant make 60 to 70k a year. You said you know what drivers make and you are so wrong and dont have a clue lol.
And 1.3 million dollar machines lol, ADM is making a 430 million dollar Alcohol plant if you want to compare what companies spend. ADM is a corporation, Not some piss ant machine shop and my truck has air lol. And I love driving. Truck driving isnt like it use to be. Also its been years since I only made 40k.
09-17-2006, 01:38 AM
and you only now just buying a house?
logans dad
09-17-2006, 07:07 AM
lol, Our house is almost payed for. You see, How did you get that from what I typed Mel. I didnt even say we just bought a house I said we are buying a house.
And Im not bragging about money but Random brought up the college thing so thats what thats all about. I went to college but didnt have to use it to make it in life.
And again most the time Im having fun with this stuff even know you people think Im ticked off.
Rollin on Dubs
09-17-2006, 07:09 AM
well 30 to 40 a year is far less then I make know it all. And a lot of drivers with there own trucks are selling them because if the truck breaks down it takes a big big hit out of your profits.
Vic most guys who own there own trucks set aside and calculate in large truck expenses. If a guy sells his truck because it breaks down, it means he is in over his head already.
True some of the older guys might and probably do make more then me but So you just admit that you were wrong about saying that a tool maker makes less than you. You could have just told me that and it would be over.
we race a stock car and I have the money pit GSX that Ive put lots of money into
Vic you race a fucken hobby stock. They are not expesive cars to maintain, they made the rules around affordabilty. Especially a hawkeye downs hobby stock! My frend who races a modified makes less than that and has no problems. Vic didint you say that you have to work on your gsx in your driveway or the street? Most of the people i know would usually get the garage to work on the car in before they start throwing a bunch of money at the car.
Do you know guys in the plant make 60 to 70k a year. You said you know what drivers make and you are so wrong and dont have a clue lol.
Your right guys in the plant who have an education, engineers, chemests, maintnece, guys who are skilled labor do make 60 -70k a year. Not just some route driver.
And 1.3 million dollar machines lol, ADM is making a 430 million dollar Alcohol plant if you want to compare what companies spend.
Good call dumb ass! 1.3 for a cnc machine is a big chunk of change. I never said that adm spends less, I said that we have a state of the art Mold shop.
Also decided I didnt want to work in a little room. 35,000 sq ft isint a little room dumb ass.
430 million dollar Alcohol plant
Yah a plant that the state of Iowa is paying for.
truck has air lol. And I love driving. Truck driving isnt like it use to be. Also its been years since I only made 40k
Oh trucking has changed over the years. But not much, especially not for what you do. OTR drivers use alot of new tech to track productivty, but a guy who drives a route?
Vic you are un skilled labor, and im not trying to say thats a bad thing but (you guys keep the country going) but when there is millions of guys out there who could fill you spot easly, Adm isint going to pay you 6 figures to do your job. Its a simple supply in demand pricipal.
and you only now just buying a house?
kind of what i was thinking!
logans dad
09-17-2006, 08:08 AM
[quote]well 30 to 40 a year is far less then I make know it all. And a lot of drivers with there own trucks are selling them because if the truck breaks down it takes a big big hit out of your profits.
Vic most guys who own there own trucks set aside and calculate in large truck expenses. If a guy sells his truck because it breaks down, it means he is in over his head already.
Im not stupid on this and know that, but have you heard of people buying lemons and whan that happens the money set aside goes fast. Most drivers with 1 truck dont make a whole lot more then I do.
True some of the older guys might and probably do make more then me but So you just admit that you were wrong about saying that a tool maker makes less than you. You could have just told me that and it would be over.
I wasnt talking about a tool maker but people on this board like Allgo And Ed is an electrician and some of the others on here, I wasnt even thinking about a tool guy lol.
we race a stock car and I have the money pit GSX that Ive put lots of money into
Vic you race a fucken hobby stock. They are not expensive cars to maintain, they made the rules around affordability. Especially a hawkeye downs hobby stock! My friend who races a modified makes less than that and has no problems. Vic didint you say that you have to work on your gsx in your driveway or the street? Most of the people i know would usually get the garage to work on the car in before they start throwing a bunch of money at the car.
Ok, know it all, We dont race a hobby stock but the super stock class. Big, big difference. The last race we had a special where the stock cars or super stock started behind 12 hobby stocks and all the supers almost lapped the hobby stock field. We have over twice the HP of the hobby stocks. and can add suspension after market parts and the Hobbys cant do this, We have over twice as much in our cars stupid.
And whats with the I said I have to work on it in the drive way or street, I chose to work on it beside our heated and air conditioned garage because I knew it would be down and we work on the stock car in the garage stupid.
Then your friend that runs a mod, You cant tell me that if he only makes less then 40 thousand a year that he is competitive. The guys running in the front have well over 10,000 in those cars and have to buy new tires about every othter race at a 100 a pop to be competitive. So I take it your friend is one of those last place cars lol, Thats always fun being last place stupid.
Do you know guys in the plant make 60 to 70k a year. You said you know what drivers make and you are so wrong and dont have a clue lol.
Your right guys in the plant who have an education, engineers, chemests, maintnece, guys who are skilled labor do make 60 -70k a year. Not just some route driver.
Here we go, those guys make well over 100000 a year. Again blowing shit out your ass that you know nothing about. And you know nothing about a route driver. I made over 50 a year hauling steel and ADM is far better.
And 1.3 million dollar machines lol, ADM is making a 430 million dollar Alcohol plant if you want to compare what companies spend.
Good call dumb a$$! 1.3 for a cnc machine is a big chunk of change. I never said that adm spends less, I said that we have a state of the art Mold shop.
Also decided I didnt want to work in a little room. 35,000 sq ft isint a little room dumb a$$.
Dumb ass, ADM spread over 40 acres and has the best moon shine ever made
430 million dollar Alcohol plant
Yah a plant that the state of Iowa is paying for.
You dont think ADM has to pay for that and I doubt the state is paying for it. Do you know what a corporation is? ADM has plants all over the world and I highly doubt the state is helping. ADM got it for log book violations and it cost a half million to them, A drop in the bucket.
truck has air lol. And I love driving. Truck driving isnt like it use to be. Also its been years since I only made 40k
Oh trucking has changed over the years. But not much, especially not for what you do. OTR drivers use alot of new tech to track productivty, but a guy who drives a route?
If you dont think ADM has the new tech in there trucks to track you know less and less every time I read one more quote you do.
Vic you are un skilled labor, and im not trying to say thats a bad thing but (you guys keep the country going) but when there is millions of guys out there who could fill you spot easly, Adm isint going to pay you 6 figures to do your job. Its a simple supply in demand pricipal.
Ok, Im old school and didnt have to go through a stupid class to drive. We at ADM have trouble finding drivers with good driving records. And drivers are in high demand so the pay is so much more now know it all. We have cross country drivers and I make as much as they do. As far as owning there own truck, ADM has owners that are dedicated to us and more and more are selling their trucks and driving our trucks because they can almost make as muck and dont have the hassle of owning. Our jobs cant be filled easily. Oh, unskilled. I took tool and die also so yes Im unskilled lol. I also took auto mechanics and did I say I was always on the deans list for grades
and you only now just buying a house?
kind of what i was thinking![/quote:2ca82] already posted on this one to honeybe.
Im beginning to see with the acception of a few that most on here know nothing about life. Ive been there lived it and know it.
Like Zac and his women. Trevor, and a select few others have there act together, But like you that think you know it all have a lot to learn. Come back with more and I will have an answer to it.
Oh a friend of mine at Nash Finch and has worked almost a year and will he thinks make about 60000 this year. Oh I forgot, He is unskilled lol.
And forgot to say that the super stocks have more in there engines then what a turn key hobby is worth.
Another thing, I wish I could meet people in person as you get a different perspective on a board never meeting them. I know most of you are good people but I also love a good debate and dont care if some think Im a Dumb Ass. I bet if I met Random I would like him. I dont know if Ive ever Talked to him on the street. If I have I didnt know it.
I keep thinking of things to add lol. Ok, Logan calls our garage the shop. Air tools, Big compressor, Cutting torch, Stick welder, wire welder. Drill press. Enough tools to not be able to find what we want. Tv with cable, Body air tools, and I know im forgetting things but Id say Our garage is state of the art compared to most, I did mention air and a efficient house heater. I can get the garage hot enough at 30 below to sweat. A nicer stereo then most have in their house. :butthead:
One more interesting thing is we have like 4 cranes that get paid 100 or more an hour on call in the parking lot for when there needed on the spot. some times they sit for days and are not needed but still sitting waiting. On the spot construction crews. About every construction company in CR has trailers at ADM. Now tell me this corporation cant pay me over 40 k a year.
Calling yourself a tool maker makes you sound, well you know. If I would of stayed as a machinist thats what I would want to be called, A tool maker makes it sound stupid.
And Im a fright moving engineer, We have been reclassified lol.
Rollin on Dubs
09-17-2006, 05:48 PM
Vic- Your right. You have a state of the art racecar shop and a state of the art Parking pad for your car.
(cause stick welders have only been around for the last Hundred years or so)
And i never thought that i would be in a debate with a guy twice my age and drives a truck for a living. Arguing about how much he makes.
Vic- If i wanted to be as cool as you I would just quit my job, sell my house, Move into a trailer and do a bunch of drugs. So that one day i can get onto a web fourm and brag to a bunch of people who are Half my age about how i did a buch of drugs back in the day and how im independetly wealthy i am, (speaking in a Redneck tone) And i work fore a corporation wif benifits.
Trying to explain someting like this to someone so stupid is too mcuh for me. By means of frustraion you won.
logans dad
09-17-2006, 08:14 PM
I know I won!! You think you know it all but you dont. No matter what you say it doesnt hurt me a bit. I think its funny. You know What all truck drivers make and you know all about stock cars and you know all about me. Well you dont. Your the one that got it going again. If you cant handle it to bad. You shouldnt of said a word then.
You think you can tell me about my self and what I do and be wrong and me not say anything?
Logan got in here and seen how stupid a lot of the post are. and said why do you do it. Thats why you dont see him in here. I think im going to listen to him. I was on the wage thing to prove a point to Random He said something about going to college so I came back at him with that.
Rollin on Dubs
09-17-2006, 08:52 PM
I know I won!! You think you know it all but you dont. No matter what you say it doesnt hurt me a bit. I think its funny. You know What all truck drivers make and you know all about stock cars and you know all about me. Well you dont. Your the one that got it going again. If you cant handle it to bad. You shouldnt of said a word then.
You think you can tell me about my self and what I do and be wrong and me not say anything?
Logan got in here and seen how stupid a lot of the post are. and said why do you do it. Thats why you dont see him in here. I think im going to listen to him. I was on the wage thing to prove a point to Random He said something about going to college so I came back at him with that.
Vic- You said that a trucker makes more than a Tool die maker / Mold builder. And that is wrong. But im not going to contiue to argue with you about something that petty. I never claimed to know anything about you other than what you type on this board. Which to most would be a past that most professonal people wouldint reveal.
I have never claimed to know alot about stock cars. I know what class your kid races in and a little about the particuar class. (and it is not an expensive class to race in, even to be competive)But im around cars that are much more comeptive than an asphalt beginner class. And truthfully i could care less what you son thinks either. He seems to be a "chip off the ole block" so his opinion is probably just as skewd as yours.
Rollin on Dubs
09-17-2006, 10:31 PM
Dumb a$$, ADM spread over 40 acres and has the best moon shine ever made
Quote: › ‹ Select ›‹ Expand ›
430 million dollar Alcohol plant
Yah a plant that the state of Iowa is paying for.
You dont think ADM has to pay for that and I doubt the state is paying for it. Do you know what a corporation is? ADM has plants all over the world and I highly doubt the state is helping. ADM got it for log book violations and it cost a half million to them, A drop in the bucket.
An article a frend of mine pointed out to help you understand! maby
It was wrote by John Stossel, about the Biggest crooks in the world. (the ones that depend on the government the most to stay afloat)
The Biggest Piggie?
When public interest groups compile lists of corporate welfare recipients, a company called Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) is usually at the top of the list. You may never have heard of ADM, because its name rarely appears on consumer products, but it’s huge. Its products are in most processed foods.
ADM collects welfare because of two cleverly designed special deals. The first is the government’s mandated minimum price for sugar. Because of the price supports, if a soft drink maker wants to buy sugar for its soda, it has to pay 22 cents a pound -- more than twice the world price. So Coca-Cola (and almost everyone else) buys corn sweetener instead. Guess who makes corn sweetener? ADM, of course. Now guess who finances the groups that lobby to keep sugar prices high?
ADM’s second federal feeding trough is the tax break on ethanol. Ethanol is a fuel additive made from corn, kind of like Hamburger Helper for gasoline, except that it’s more expensive, so no one would buy it if government didn’t give companies that use ethanol a special 52-cent-a-gallon tax break. That costs the treasury half a billion dollars a year. ADM produces half the ethanol made in America.
Why does ADM get these special deals? Bribery. OK, it’s not technically bribery -- that would be illegal. ADM just makes "contributions." Through his business and his family, former ADM Chairman Dwayne Andreas gave millions in campaign funds to both Mondale and Reagan, Dukakis and Bush, Dole and Clinton. President Nixon’s secretary, Rosemary Woods, says Andreas himself brought $100,000 in cash to the White House. He even paid tuition for Vice President Hubert Humphrey’s son. Republicans, Democrats -- it doesn’t matter. ADM just gives.
It also flies people around on its corporate jets. When we contacted Andreas to ask for an interview, he arranged to fly us to ADM’s Decatur, Illinois, headquarters in one of ADM’s jets. I’ve seen private jets before, but ADM’s was a step above. A flight attendant served us excellent food on gold-plated china. The camera crew and I loved it. Bet the politicians like it too.
A limo took us to Dwayne Andreas’ office. Once the cameras were rolling, I brought out the questions about "corporate welfare." I foolishly thought I could get him to admit he was a rich guy milking the system. I thought he’d at least act embarrassed about it. Fuggeddaboutit. He was unfazed.
Stossel: Mother Jones [magazine] pictured you as a pig. You’re a pig feeding at the welfare trough.
Andreas: Why should I care?
Stossel: It doesn’t bother you?
Andreas: Not a bit.
I still wonder why he granted the interview. I asked him about his bribes -- I mean, contributions. For example, Andreas gave the Democrats a check for $100,000. A few days later, President Clinton ordered 10 percent of the country to use ethanol.
Stossel: And the purpose of this money wasn’t to influence the president?
Andreas: Certainly not.
Stossel: So why give him the money?
Andreas: Because somebody asked for it.
Because they asked for it? Give me a break.
logans dad
09-18-2006, 02:59 AM
I love it. And nice home work. Just part of the reason they can pay a good wage and if you dont think your company looks for any break they can get you give me a break lol.
My wife is self employed and we get anything we can when we do our taxes. Thats the American way. All companys pay in taxes so do you blame them for taking back anything they can.
Hey drink some pop today, I need payed. And if you look on food products Cornsweetner is on a lot of it. Eat up, I need payed.
09-18-2006, 03:16 AM
lol, Our house is almost payed for. You see, How did you get that from what I typed Mel. I didnt even say we just bought a house I said we are buying a house.
I only asked because most people say "buying" when they are in the market for purchasing.. since that's a present tense thing. Most poeople who have baught a house.. would say baught... even if they have a loan with the bank.
09-18-2006, 03:20 AM
Im beginning to see with the acception of a few that most on here know nothing about life. Ive been there lived it and know it.
Like Zac and his women. Trevor, and a select few others have there act together.
I also kinda take offense to that. (I know it was directly directed at me, but it wasn't not directed at me either) This only does offend me since I have graduated college, I have purchased a place. I do hold down a full time job, and I do take care of my responsiblities. I have also been through other aspects of life also besides the milestones listed there..
Rollin on Dubs
09-18-2006, 06:40 AM
I love it. And nice home work. Just part of the reason they can pay a good wage and if you dont think your company looks for any break they can get you give me a break lol.
My wife is self employed and we get anything we can when we do our taxes. Thats the American way. All companys pay in taxes so do you blame them for taking back anything they can.
Hey drink some pop today, I need payed. And if you look on food products Cornsweetner is on a lot of it. Eat up, I need payed.
Vic it just proves that you have no clue what your talking about, you claim that adm paid for there 430 million dollar plant, which i proved wrong.
And if you think that a company that is worth alot or makes alot pays there employess alot, think agian. Usually its the other way around. Wal mart for example, one of the wealthest companys in the world, but at a store level they pay there employees little above minimum wage! Yor philosophy on net worth / employee compensation is dead wrong.
But i do have to thank you! A few of my co workers decided to read through your topic, And your stupidty gave some great topic for conversation.
But keep buying pop from bottles, or using cars or anyting that has plastic on it for that matter. Because my company makes the molds that your plastic products are made from. So keep up the good work, us Mold builders need paid!
Vic why dont you just post a pay stub. You practically told everyone what you make, post the proof and prove me wrong!
Rollin on Dubs
09-18-2006, 06:45 AM
[quote="logans dad";p="111511":5ead5]
Im beginning to see with the acception of a few that most on here know nothing about life. Ive been there lived it and know it.
Like Zac and his women. Trevor, and a select few others have there act together.
I also kinda take offense to that. (I know it was directly directed at me, but it wasn't not directed at me either) This only does offend me since I have graduated college, I have purchased a place. I do hold down a full time job, and I do take care of my responsiblities. I have also been through other aspects of life also besides the milestones listed there..[/quote:5ead5]
those things dont matter to vic. Appearantly you need to talk about doing drugs and what kind of underwear your wife wears (or in your case your husband) on a forum to a bunch of people who dont care.
Now thats livin
Vic you tell me what about my life i dont have together?
logans dad
09-18-2006, 05:41 PM
[quote="logans dad";p="111548":5fc82]I love it. And nice home work. Just part of the reason they can pay a good wage and if you dont think your company looks for any break they can get you give me a break lol.
My wife is self employed and we get anything we can when we do our taxes. Thats the American way. All companys pay in taxes so do you blame them for taking back anything they can.
Hey drink some pop today, I need paid. And if you look on food products Cornsweetner is on a lot of it. Eat up, I need payed.
Vic it just proves that you have no clue what your talking about, you claim that adm paid for there 430 million dollar plant, which i proved wrong.
And if you think that a company that is worth alot or makes alot pays there employess alot, think agian. Usually its the other way around. Wal mart for example, one of the wealthest companys in the world, but at a store level they pay there employees little above minimum wage! Yor philosophy on net worth / employee compensation is dead wrong.
But i do have to thank you! A few of my co workers decided to read through your topic, And your stupidty gave some great topic for conversation.
But keep buying pop from bottles, or using cars or anyting that has plastic on it for that matter. Because my company makes the molds that your plastic products are made from. So keep up the good work, us Mold builders need paid!
Vic why dont you just post a pay stub. You practically told everyone what you make, post the proof and prove me wrong![/quote:5fc82]
logans dad
09-18-2006, 05:43 PM
[quote="logans dad";p="111509":d95c3]lol, Our house is almost payed for. You see, How did you get that from what I typed Mel. I didnt even say we just bought a house I said we are buying a house.
I only asked because most people say "buying" when they are in the market for purchasing.. since that's a present tense thing. Most poeople who have baught a house.. would say baught... even if they have a loan with the bank.[/quote:d95c3]
Your right, I didnt word that good.
logans dad
09-18-2006, 05:46 PM
[quote="logans dad";p="111511":446f7]
Im beginning to see with the acception of a few that most on here know nothing about life. Ive been there lived it and know it.
Like Zac and his women. Trevor, and a select few others have there act together.
I also kinda take offense to that. (I know it was directly directed at me, but it wasn't not directed at me either) This only does offend me since I have graduated college, I have purchased a place. I do hold down a full time job, and I do take care of my responsiblities. I have also been through other aspects of life also besides the milestones listed there..[/quote:446f7]
i didnt want to type a bunch of names but when I did type that I wasnt even thinking about you, Yes you are one that has your act together also.
logans dad
09-18-2006, 06:08 PM
I see your as bull headed as I am but you still dont get it. Our class is not an entry level class but I guess you know it all so what ever. Go buy one or ask what people have in there super stock, Not a hobby stock, but I know your saying that just to try and get under my skin. You buy a turn key hobby stock and not change the engine And I will bet you any amount you want that all the super stocks will pass your ass.
And have a sence of humor. The panty thing was said to be funny but whatever.
And I havnt done drugs in years. But if you would of lived in Marshalltown and didnt you would get your ass kicked so I joined the club.
And I know what I spend and wht I make and its good. I dont need to post a check stub, Again Im sure youve talked to people and know we get paid good.
All a machinist is is a laborer. If I can pass the class it must not be that hard, right?
You come on a thread that I started and then said something about arguing with a guy twice your age. You didnt have to. I see I cant make you see the light so im done with your know it all ass.
To me things that you have said tell me you know a lot less then you think you know.
With the acception of buying your house at your age. That was a good move.
Rollin on Dubs
09-18-2006, 07:55 PM
Our class is not an entry level class but I guess you know it all so what ever. Go buy one or ask what people have in there super stock, Not a hobby stock, but I know your saying that just to try and get under my skin. You buy a turn key hobby stock and not change the engine And I will bet you any amount you want that all the super stocks will pass your a$$.
Vic you guys run in the "Stock car Class" it is an entry level class with a 425 dollar claim on the engine. THe reason they have claim classes is to keep the cost down. Your kid does run good but like i said Your not in a class where it takes a ton of money to race.
Again Im sure youve talked to people and know we get paid good.
I dont doubt that, its just not what a Tool maker brings home, so dont bullshit everyone.
All a machinist is is a laborer. If I can pass the class it must not be that hard, right?
I have my doubt that you did go to school, But obviously getting an education and then applying it became something you couldint do.
As far as a machinst being a laborer, Well Most of my time is spent Behind a pc, working with surface and wire models, Doing alot of Trig and sending programs to my machine. All the hard work is done by my machine, I just tell it what to do!
09-18-2006, 10:40 PM
And I havnt done drugs in years. But if you would of lived in Marshalltown and didnt you would get your a$$ kicked so I joined the club.
ok you know im sure alot has changed since you live here but drugs are still a bad problem. and im 21 and never touched a drug in my life. so i think that is a bs excuse you cant stand up for yourself. and i have never heard of someone gettin in a fight cuz someone didnt do some drugs.
and you should come race some dirt track in mtown
logans dad
09-18-2006, 11:48 PM
[quote]Our class is not an entry level class but I guess you know it all so what ever. Go buy one or ask what people have in there super stock, Not a hobby stock, but I know your saying that just to try and get under my skin. You buy a turn key hobby stock and not change the engine And I will bet you any amount you want that all the super stocks will pass your a$$.
Vic you guys run in the "Stock car Class" it is an entry level class with a 425 dollar claim on the engine. THe reason they have claim classes is to keep the cost down. Your kid does run good but like i said Your not in a class where it takes a ton of money to race.
See you dont know what your talking about, where are you getting this from. That is the claim amount of the Hobby Stock but not the stock Car class. We do have a claim in our class also and people are pissed we have so much in our motors and it can be claimed also but to be competitive you have to have 2500 and up in the motor or your going to run in last place. Go buy one that is competitive and your going to pay at least 6000 and then you have just a car and no extras.. You can Buy a hobby for two to three thousand. Again you dont have a clue to what your talking about.
Again Im sure you've talked to people and know we get paid good.
I dont doubt that, its just not what a Tool maker brings home, so dont bull$hit everyone.
All a machinist is is a laborer. If I can pass the class it must not be that hard, right?
Do some more home work and maybe we will agree that you dont make what I make.
I have my doubt that you did go to school, But obviously getting an education and then applying it became something you couldint do.
If you dont believe me so be it. I could care less, Do your home work, call the college in Marshalltown and see.
As far as a machinst being a laborer, Well Most of my time is spent Behind a pc, working with surface and wire models, Doing alot of Trig and sending programs to my machine. All the hard work is done by my machine, I just tell it what to do![/quote:5942e]
If you didnt think I knew this, What ever, If You need a lesson in math Get with my son, Straight A's in math and other then language arts all his other classes are math this year. He is going to be a mechanical Engineer, Something you couldnt handle. So you went with the easy machine trades class lol.
logans dad
09-18-2006, 11:51 PM
[quote="logans dad";p="111569":3106a]
And I havnt done drugs in years. But if you would of lived in Marshalltown and didnt you would get your a$$ kicked so I joined the club.
ok you know im sure alot has changed since you live here but drugs are still a bad problem. and im 21 and never touched a drug in my life. so i think that is a bs excuse you cant stand up for yourself. and i have never heard of someone gettin in a fight cuz someone didnt do some drugs.
and you should come race some dirt track in mtown[/quote:3106a]
Oh, I can handle myself quite well now after 3 years of martial arts. That I took with Logan who won the Diamond nationals both years we went. He has 6ft trophies in his room to prove it. I chose not to compete so I could watch him kick ass. Might not be able to kick head high anymore but what ever.
And when I lived in Marshalltown people really didnt fight about it but when maybe 90% of the school did drugs to fit in you did them or hung out with the nerds from the band.
Rollin on Dubs
09-19-2006, 06:42 AM
See you dont know what your talking about, where are you getting this from. That is the claim amount of the Hobby Stock but not the stock Car class. We do have a claim in our class also and people are pissed we have so much in our motors and it can be claimed also but to be competitive you have to have 2500 and up in the motor or your going to run in last place. Go buy one that is competitive and your going to pay at least 6000 and then you have just a car and no extras.. You can Buy a hobby for two to three thousand. Again you dont have a clue to what your talking about.
IMCA Stock Car
Revised Nov. 16, 2005. Revisions/clarifications are underlined, recommendations are italicized.
25. ENGINE CLAIMING RULES: Refer to 2006 Official Rule Book for claim eligibility requirements.
(A) $425 cash, or $50 and exchange, claim on engine, flywheel and balancing plates ($25 of this goes to wrecker for pulling each engine). Claimed driver has option of accepting cash, or exchanging engines with claiming driver.
(B) Claim does not include - 1. clutch, 2. pressure plate, 3. bellhousing, 4. headers, 5. carburetor, 6. starter, 7. motor mounts, 8. oil/temp. sending units, 9. carburetor spacer, 10. fan and pulleys, 11. clutch ball, 12. clutch arm, 13. throw out bearing, 14. dip stick, 15. water pump, 16. fuel pump, rod and plate, 17. distributor, 18. plug wires, 19. water outlet and restrictor, 20. breathers
Paragraph 25 section A of the IMCA Rule book. $425 I dont care what you think of the rules or how much you have in your engine. You guys run in an economical class. Get over it. Like i said before your kid runs good and im sure he can run good even if he jumps up to a more competitve class. No matter how you break it down its still an economical class.
Rollin on Dubs
09-19-2006, 07:04 AM
If you didnt think I knew this, What ever, If You need a lesson in math Get with my son, Straight A's in math and other then language arts all his other classes are math this year. He is going to be a mechanical Engineer, Something you couldnt handle. So you went with the easy machine trades class lol.
Vic- I dont need a lesson in math, I did great in Hight school math, and even better in college. Like i said i Apply my math every day so Trig is pretty familiar. As for me not being able to handle Mech Tech. That is false too. Ever since i was younger i wanted to be a tool Designer (my dad has worked for Plastic injection mold shops for the past 25 years) And every tool designer i talked to said that the best way to become a tool designer is to take machining schooling. Get a job at a mold shop and learn about making and assembling tools. And work your way into tool design. One of my frends (who posts on this board) is extremly smart and went to school for mechanical engineering. But Engineering jobs are extremly hard to get, even if you have connections, which is what this guy has. So that is why i am not an engineer yet. I Ran an abrasive water jet machine while i was going through school. and shortly after I got out of shcool i got a job at a desireable company that is extremly hard to get on at (Before i got hired the last time they hired someone was 4 years prior) And I couldint have asked for anything more. You seriously should quit talking out of your ass and delete this entire thread. Im embarrased that i argued this long with you over something so simple.
logans dad
09-19-2006, 04:36 PM
I was thinking the same thing but the claim has been raised for our class to a big 525. And maybe you think our class is an entry class but our car is a lot different then a hobby. I want to say this then im done also and my remark about this board only having a few good people was acually only meant 2 people but if you type to me like this I will do it back.
Ok, the difference in cars, we can run Holley carb, Aluminum Intake, Tubular A arms. Screw jacks, Headers, Any head we want and hobby is limited to like only 3 different smog heads, we run 202 straight plug heads, We can run floater rear ends, Rear disk brakes, Roller rockers, any compression and hobby is limited to 9 to 1, We can run a stroker motor if wanted, After market ignition, 400 block, hobby cant.
In reality A hobby is like a dirt b mod limited and I feel our class is like a dirt a mod. The dirt A mod has a claim also and have you ever seen them run. A lot faster then the entry b mod.
Call our class what you want but we still have a lot of money in them for being what you call a entry class. Better yet go to a track and go to the stock car guys and say hay you have an entry level class car and you will get some shit back for it believe me. Ill tell you what, if you think its an entry car get ahold of me in the spring and you can go to a practice with us on a Wedsday and I will let you drive some laps. When you light up the tires in 3rd gear comming of the corner it might make you feel different, A Hobby you just floor it off the corner because it has no power, A super stock you have to ease it off the corner.
And if I knew how to delete a thread I would, Moderators its fine with me to delete it.
09-21-2006, 12:06 AM
Vic, Dubs isnt too big on circle track racing and probably doesnt realize a few years back they changed "hobby stocks" to "super stocks" and "thunder stocks" to hobby stocks".
the class Logan runs in is pretty similar to the old "Hobby Stock" class.
09-21-2006, 06:59 AM
Dubs lets drink beer this weekend!
Rollin on Dubs
09-22-2006, 06:40 AM
Hawkeye downs has IMCA rules. Last i knew there was no such class as super stock or thunder stock. They do have hobby stock and Stock car. Logan races in stock car. which is a Stock Frame style class similar to hobby but they can run Jack screws. Hobby stocks cant run jack screws. Hobbys are not as fast as a stock car but the differences are not as great as what you think. Yes the rules allow for a bigger engines in stock car but they have to run a stock head so that seriously reduces the hp output that vic seem to think they make. And as much as i hate to say i know much about about circle track, i was well educated on the Imca Rule book when i used to help my frend on his car more often.
Dubs lets drink beer this weekend!
I have to put a new Fuel pump in a blazer today, If that goes well i will call you tonite.
(saturday is out) working on the ole rental property and im sure i will be there at least all day.
logans dad
09-22-2006, 06:40 PM
I dont want to get into a stupid discusion again but we can run any head we want and we have 202 straight plug heads on ours and you can get a lot HP out of a head. Hobby's are limited to 3 different smog heads.
And HD 3 years ago went under ASA sanction and the class was called super stocks. They changed it to IMCA to try and get dirt cars to come but are lucky if 1 or 2 show up. I just used the super stock name as they are the same or were.
And the claim did go to 525 and is 425 for the hobby and every year all the guys complain because you cant do a stock motor overhaul for under a 1000 to what maybe 1500 but then if they did raise the claim people would be putting maybe 4000 in an engine, We all just hope that we dont get claimed.
Rollin on Dubs
09-22-2006, 08:55 PM
I dont want to get into a stupid discusion again but we can run any head we want and we have 202 straight plug heads on ours and you can get a lot HP out of a head. Hobby's are limited to 3 different smog heads.
And HD 3 years ago went under ASA sanction and the class was called super stocks. They changed it to IMCA to try and get dirt cars to come but are lucky if 1 or 2 show up. I just used the super stock name as they are the same or were.
And the claim did go to 525 and is 425 for the hobby and every year all the guys complain because you cant do a stock motor overhaul for under a 1000 to what maybe 1500 but then if they did raise the claim people would be putting maybe 4000 in an engine, We all just hope that we dont get claimed.
Your class only allows for stock style heads, and not including vortech heads. So the best you can get is a double hump style head. You guys cant touch the ports. So I would say that you are limited by your heads.
And yes i woud say that a 525 dollar claim is pretty cheap considering what machine shop labor costs are. But claims dont happen that often because most guys race at the same track every week and they have to be on the same track the next weekend whith the guy who just got his motor claimed, Tends to create extra tension between guys.
I know a guy who would go to a racetrack a couple hundred miles away, Race and place in the top 3 and claim the winners motor. Then never go back to that track. And then he sold the motor to one of my frends.
Worked out pretty good. Vic i might have to talk with someone in your class so i could pay 500 bucks for you kids motor for my truck
logans dad
09-23-2006, 03:47 AM
I thought maybe this would go into an adult conversation but I see you have to get the last slam in it again.
I lied, We only have 500 in it. I dont make enough to build it. The engine is going on its 4th year also so its about shot. That 525 can go to a new one.
And Camel hump 202 heads are good heads, Even the 194's are far better then smog heads.
Dustin, You are right, The hobby class got so out of hand they had to start another hobby class and change the name of our class. You see Dubs know it all and says he has never hear of thunder stocks also. Our class then went to Sportsman and they went back with a super Stock class. He thinks our cars arent that much faster, Makes me wonder how when we ran with the hobbies the last race all the OK stock cars now went right to the front. Entry level, I will agree that we are a step above entry but thats it.
Our car was the old sportsman class and ran on the half mile but then they let them put fiberglass bodies on and put the rest back on the 1/4 mile.
Rollin on Dubs
09-23-2006, 07:51 AM
I thought maybe this would go into an adult conversation but I see you have to get the last slam in it again.
I lied, We only have 500 in it. I dont make enough to build it. The engine is going on its 4th year also so its about shot. That 525 can go to a new one.
And Camel hump 202 heads are good heads, Even the 194's are far better then smog heads.
Dustin, You are right, The hobby class got so out of hand they had to start another hobby class and change the name of our class. You see Dubs know it all and says he has never hear of thunder stocks also. Our class then went to Sportsman and they went back with a super Stock class. He thinks our cars arent that much faster, Makes me wonder how when we ran with the hobbies the last race all the OK stock cars now went right to the front. Entry level, I will agree that we are a step above entry but thats it.
Our car was the old sportsman class and ran on the half mile but then they let them put fiberglass bodies on and put the rest back on the 1/4 mile.
Vic- I was kidding around about taking your motor. Yes fulies are better than smog heads. I never claimed your cars were slower than a hobby stock. All i had to say is that your in an intry level class. And lately i have herd that Modifieds at hawkeye downs are becoming more intry level with the introudction of the sealed crate motors.
But vic im not going to argue hawkeye downs with you. The only times i got out there is to watch the Sprint cars or when they have the Dirt late models out there. Otherwise im so bored watching the regular Friday night races after a couple beers im ready for a nap.
logans dad
09-23-2006, 05:33 PM
Ok, Im calling truths with you lol, I dont like arguing with people and I would drink a beer with you and talk cars.
I also know your job is a good job, I want you to know that and I wish I would of kept in it but its to late now.
We seem to both be bull headed lol.
As far as the half mile I like to watch the mods the best and Im not kidding about letting you run some laps in it in the spring.
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