View Full Version : what do you hate?
09-13-2006, 10:37 PM
the title says it all. this is the thread where you can vent about any and every pet peeve you have. so have at it!
off the top of my head, i hate:
people who just drive in the fastlane on the highway. seriously, get out of the way. shows how lazy America is getting, we cant even get out of one lane.
those f-ing ribbon stickers that are on almost every car saying "Support the Troops". i am all for helping out, and caring for those who are fighting for us, but i think too many people think they can buy a sticker, and their conscience is clear. and even worse, these assholes you plaster their car in these stickers, like they care about the troops more than the guy with one sticker. fuck all of them. if you want to support our troops, send over a case of booze, im sure theyd appreciate it more.
and third, Journey. i hate this band. i want to stab Steve Perry in the jaw. issue closed.
i'll think of some more later, theres a lot of things i hate.
09-13-2006, 11:34 PM
The Steve Perry thing to me kinda like a chick flick, I tolerate it in mixed company but not by myself.... many ladies like Steve Perry with his touchy feely na na na stuff...
I hate to be serious all the time... I did it too long and don't like ppl to be all hung up and serious.. Sure there are times to be all serious,,, to not worry if you cut your grass or put your makeup on just right or wear the latest clothes... make your neighbor or friend laugh, it will be better and more thought of eventually.
09-14-2006, 07:35 AM
I hate GF's... current and old... I think I'm just supposed to be a ski bum the rest of my life and just have a dog and porn for a companion.
09-14-2006, 01:50 PM
My biggest pet peeves are...
A) Liars
B) People who eat loud
C) People who drive more than 5mph UNDER the speed limit
D) When you ask for no tomato on your chicken filet from Wendy's and they give you the tomato any...
logans dad
09-14-2006, 02:29 PM
I hate that I type before I think and have hurt some good people!!
And that I take things to personal when someone might just be having fun or dont see things the way I do.
Edit- And when people pull out in front of me, Go a block and turn and no one is behind me.
I also hate it that I had to ask my wife if she knew Steve Perry and she did and I forgot that I should of known him lol.
I hate chicks that wear thongs so you can see that they have one on then I have to come home to Granny panties.
I hate Random hero!!
09-14-2006, 07:40 PM
part two:
i hate dumbasses at auto parts stores who think they know everything.
i hate being owed money from friends and you cant ask for it without getting a guilt trip.
and also, i hate it when people hear songs like "Mony Mony" or "Margaritaville" and have some stupid chant that they yell out during the chorus(i.e. "hey, hey, whaddya say, lets get fucked" or "wheres the salt? wheres the god damn salt?"). the song was better before you got drunk and decided to add your artistic touch. go fall in a fire somewhere.
09-14-2006, 08:28 PM
-I hate that my car burns so much oil that when I go to change the oil after 3,000 miles there is only about 2 quarts left. (I think it's burning it anyway because it doesn't leak anywhere)
-I hate kirkwood Internet courses that require you to post to a forum periodically throughout the week (wasn't the point of internet courses so that u don't have to go to class and listen/read discussions?)
-I hate it when you purchase a home, and as soon as you put in an offer and it gets accepted, the realtor ignores your phone calls.
-I hate when my car does weird shit that is hard to explain...such as the other day when I stopped at a stop light and it just turned off for no reason. I put it in park and started it right back up and drove away.
-I hate when i'm on my way to school on a hot day and realize there is a R-134A leak in my car.
-I hate when i'm on my way to work and my tire goes flat.
-I hate when i'm changing ashley's oil and I have drained all the oil out of the car and removed the oil filter only to realize that instead of buying the oil filter that fits her car, I bought an oil filter for MY car.
Hmm... I think that's all for now. Ah well... I hate making up shit just so I can stall doing homework.
lil krumm
09-14-2006, 08:53 PM
-i hate greedy bastards that act like there broke so that they cant give you a raise when they drive 3 brand new cars, 2 that have a ls1!!
theres more, itll come out when i get more pissed off.
- and i hate getting parts with no instruction and when you check there site they have no tech support!
09-14-2006, 09:14 PM
- I hate the fact that mediacom has neither the NFL network nor anything similar to DirecTV's "Sunday Ticket" (which televises all NFL games) DIRECTV IS SUPERIOR TO MEDIACOM IN EVERY WAY! Not to mention for less money you get more channels.
- I hate that Mediacom has good download speeds but upload speeds no faster than my DSL in Ely! Ridiculous. In this age of gaming and file sharing, upload speed is sometimes just as important as download speed.
Sorry I just remembered those.
*Edit* Mediacom's standard package upload speed is actually slower than the slowest southslope upload speed. The accelerated package by mediacom is actually much's also $60/month.
09-14-2006, 10:02 PM
I hate QuickTrip Im quitting soon, I HATE WORKING AT QUICKTRIP
09-14-2006, 10:42 PM
^ amen brotha, i quit QT about a month ago. well, i'm ''working holidays'', but we'll see how that really goes.
i hate a lot of things guys, so watch out, this could get nasty.
1) i hate people who are unbelievably geeky and stupid, but act like they're this huge badass in front of other people.
2) i hate that my car leaks water from the windows.
3) i hate that the black trim on the top of my car above the window is peeling off.
4) i hate people who have nothing better to do on a saturday night than call Nordstrom and be perverted. get a liiife.
5) i hate when people talk to me like im a retard. seriously, im pretty flipping smart. dont talk to me like im an 8 year old.
6) i absolutely hate being wrong.
7) i hate people who try and be in control, and then back out or are unorganized or irresponsible.
8 ) i hate verizon wireless service in ely. i can get service anywhere in ely.. except for my house.
9) i hate being shy. and mostly, i hate when people think im being snotty or bitchy because i'm not talking.
im sure i'll think of plenty more later.
09-15-2006, 12:05 PM
There are alot of things here
- Ash I know what you mean.. my TA tee- tops leak.
- Dog Hair... but I love the dogs
- Stupid retired neighbors! Get a life.. travel you retired for a reason.. not to snoop over the fence to see where my dogs are taking a shit!
- Stupid drunks at my karaoke shows... I have all the books put away a and its 1:45... "can I sing another please please, I know you stop taking request" Don't you think i did that for a reason!
I can keep going but thers a good place to stop!
09-15-2006, 04:57 PM
third installment:
i hate Brittish men with obnoxious Queen's English accents. i want to punch Monty Python in the face.
i hate dumbass guys in bars who start shit with people for no reason, then act like people are afraid when they dont want to fight.
i also hate cheese.
09-15-2006, 05:16 PM
I hate:
-when people don't take their hats off when they enter the Memorial Union here and walk threw the Gold Star Room. Dammit people, those people on the wall died so you could live your life as it is now so show some respect.
-design students. I just hate them.
-how the Navy ROTC Commanders stalled for the who knows how many times for a tri-service POW-MIA retreat and decided not to.
-people who see someone on campus in uniform and make snyde remarks.
-how in Air Force ROTC, a lot of things are based upon whether you are in Arnold Air Society. I like my Sunday afternoons and I have enough on my mind.
-people who think it's still cool to be preppy in college. Oh, you're dressing so nice and the person next to you is in sweatpants and slippers.
-people who do not pay money owed in a decent amount of time.
Well, that's all I can think of right now. There will be more, I promise.
09-15-2006, 05:56 PM
i hate MTV and pretty much everyone on it anymore.
09-15-2006, 06:13 PM
i hate waiting 5 days for a background check.
09-15-2006, 09:17 PM
one of mine got deleted, so im going to put it in a less personal way and just say.... i hate whores, they're stupid.
i also hate packing. i hate trying to decide what i want to keep and what i can throw away.
i hate waiting for things. like moving. im ready to move NOW, i dont want to wait 3 weeks.
09-15-2006, 10:27 PM
I hate not haveing a dishwasher.. .didn't realized how much I loved it till I didn't have one!!
09-17-2006, 04:18 PM
automatic to 5 speed conversions :)
09-17-2006, 05:03 PM
automatic to 5 speed conversions :)
did you guys run into problems or something?
i hate califlour(sp?) too
automatic to 5 speed conversions :)
Do you want to borrow my tranny Jack?
I hate punks that don't know where the volume knob is while driving through residential neighborhoods.
09-17-2006, 09:38 PM
Naw just took a long time, I'm not looking to the 6 speed conversion on my car I'm about to do, glad I have friends that are willing to help.
Zee, bring that jack over, it can't hurt to have it on stand by.
Now back to the post,
I hate pea's....
09-17-2006, 11:45 PM
Naw just took a long time, I'm not looking to the 6 speed conversion on my car I'm about to do, glad I have friends that are willing to help.
Zee, bring that jack over, it can't hurt to have it on stand by.
Now back to the post,
I hate pea's....
give me a call if you want some help, id be down.
i hate it when Kelli has to work really early, so i stay up later than her, but she has trouble sleeping because im typing the whole time.
im pretty sure i hate Ashton Kutcher too. sad to say hes from the same town as me.
09-18-2006, 03:21 AM
I hate it when I can't sleep at night... damn ensomia!
09-18-2006, 05:29 PM
i know i implied "things" people hate instead of people, but there is someone else im pretty sure i hate.
Scott McGill on 100.7 the Fox. the guy is an idiot, makes terrible jokes that no one laughs at, and laughs so hard at not-funny comedians. he annoys me, i with hed just move to Canada and leave everyone alone.
09-18-2006, 05:34 PM
Rant (not so quick reply),
I hate punk's in Fbodies that won't stop when you try to flag them down to help tell them why thier back brake lights aren't working right, but their third brake light does...
Try to help them out but hey, I'm waiting for the accident now and when they are at fault for thier brake lights not working right....
Dustin if you wanna help the more the marrier I'll have beer on hand and the TV is still in the garage for game day :)
Beer!!? When? Tranny Jack is ready.
09-18-2006, 07:32 PM
I'm starting Sat morning bright and early, if I can get the console and pedals maybe sooner
09-18-2006, 07:51 PM
i hate it when you do a burnout retiring old tires u have get it on video tape but someone calls the cops on you, and gets friends arrested cuz of it. cuz my friends cant keep their mouths shut in the presence of a sherrif and got hauled to jail. but yeah i hate that
09-18-2006, 08:08 PM
Pet Peeves...
People that don't know how to drive.
The sound of pouring water into a cup.
My dad's jaw bone when he eats.
Stupid people.
People that you show them how to do something and they say "I knew that." If you knew it then why in god's name didn't you do it.
that's it for now.
09-18-2006, 10:33 PM
i hate spelling mistakes. and lack of punctuation.
Rollin on Dubs
09-19-2006, 02:47 PM
i know i implied "things" people hate instead of people, but there is someone else im pretty sure i hate.
Scott McGill on 100.7 the Fox. the guy is an idiot, makes terrible jokes that no one laughs at, and laughs so hard at not-funny comedians. he annoys me, i with hed just move to Canada and leave everyone alone.
Mark Pits, the guy who used to do the night show is even worse. I guess a dry sense of humor is a requirement
I hate stupid comericals, Allen Kia mostly. Drives me insane.
I also hate the band "JET" and "Wolfmother" and the fact that there played so often makes me want to choke the shit out of myself until i pass out (at least until the song is over)
09-19-2006, 08:26 PM
I also hate the band "JET" and "Wolfmother" and the fact that there played so often makes me want to choke the sh*t out of myself until i pass out (at least until the song is over)
i just hate Rock 108 in general.
09-20-2006, 09:43 PM
I hate people who pine for equal rights but want special priveledges. WTF?!?!? You want to be equal and special, bah, you can only have it one way buster.
09-21-2006, 12:13 AM
i hate narrow-minded Bible thumpers. you can see when they talk, they never listen. they dont hear a single word. just wait for their turn to talk.
i also hate it when people dont answer their phones and never call back. i just dont understand the mindset.
and whatever the opposite of "punctual" is, i hate that.
09-21-2006, 07:18 AM
and that bothers me, too. i'm always early. i hate when people cant manage to get places on time, especially if they're a part or contributing to whatever it is they're late for. it's not THAT hard to get out of bed, or leave your house a couple minutes early in case something happens.
edit: and i hate hate hate waking up at 745am for class... then realizing you dont have class because you took a test the last class period. BOO. back to bed, i guess.
09-21-2006, 09:40 AM
lol sorry ash.
I'm one of those people who is always late = D! I always feel I have time to get one more thing done!
Oh well
I hate work called 15 times before I'm suppose to be in. I just want to ask them if they know how to wipe there own asses!
09-21-2006, 07:44 PM
Wow, good topic for me.
I Hate........
Most Police.
People That Think America Is Everything.
Fat People That Whine About Being Fat.
Stupid People In General.
The Corporate World.
Trend Followers.
Cocky People.
Ignorant People.
Fast Food.
Emo Kids.
I could probably go on, but I'll stop......I feel better now, thanks Dustin! ;o)
lil krumm
09-22-2006, 11:38 AM
-stupid fucking whores...
09-23-2006, 06:06 PM
i hate 15amp fuses when i need 25amps.
kindof wasted a trip to the strip over that.
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