View Full Version : Remember the white-T gang?
09-07-2006, 06:22 AM
If you dont remember a few months back we were talking about gangs, such as ms13 and the white-t gang. Well it doesnt look like they have left. Early Sunday morning the white-t gang led by Isaiah Dickson (who attended prairie highschool) showed up to a local CR house and began beating everyone inside with baseball bats and golf clubs for reasons unkown. The gang has since not been seen. One of CRU's own had to be airlifted that night to the University hopsital as well as another for intensive care.
I believe thats about all the detail that i can give you. If even this is allowed, which i hope it is, because if you see these guys, call the cops!
09-07-2006, 08:21 AM
Dear gang members,
We would like to formally invite you to a "challenge" of toughness... Please inquire inside building
203 Rock Island Arsenal
USMC - GSM Co. 4th Maint. Service Bn.
Feel free to bring what ever "tools" you may require for this "challenge", as we are more then prepared to accommodate you in any way. We also have a full staff of medical personnel strait from the US NAVY; these corpsmen specialize in sucking chest wounds, severed limbs, and toe tags. They would be happy to assist you with any of above medical services you will require after completion of said "challenge".
Please feel free to stop by at any time. As we are always open.
The Devil Dogs - Meanest, toughest sons of bitches that walk the valley.
09-07-2006, 09:26 AM
i saw brianna at kwood yesterday and she told me all about it. how stuuupid. she told me the one kid i know had to go to the hospital, but she didnt say there was two.. who was the other one? and she said isaah came back bc the stupid kid punched him.. but really.. beat up a house full of people just bc one kid punches you, and then i think brianna said they didnt even touch dylan... how stuuupid.
EDIT: removed names.
09-07-2006, 09:30 AM
Not sure that any names are to be in there ash. except for isaha (idk how to spell his name). you didnt know the other guy but he took the brunt of this shit aparently. I would have to if my girlfriend just had a bottle broken on her face.
I would like to join this party you are putting together jay. sounds like a blast.
ash PM or call if you would like more details. But i gotta check and see what is not supposed to be out.
09-07-2006, 01:49 PM
I have a friends Brother that was in the house too. She told me that they have 2 people in arrested for it already. This kid is pretty bad.. everything from fractured back to bleeding on the brain..
(left names out too)
09-07-2006, 02:25 PM
jay in ass kicking mode = a great sight to see on these's quite interesting lol...but i would like to see that rumble that jay is proposing.
09-07-2006, 03:37 PM
their is plenty of back up dont worry bout that lil z-tony.
I know my friend was unconcious choking on his tongue and had internal bleeding and a swelling brain. These guys were just winding down from a party, so keep that in mind ;).
shit i got a man in ATL whos willing to come back...
my buddies rule
09-07-2006, 03:48 PM
sweet = ) have them come down, i wanna see this brawl..that'd be a sweet on to get on video camera = ).
09-07-2006, 05:09 PM
their is plenty of back up dont worry bout that lil z-tony.
I know my friend was unconcious choking on his tongue and had internal bleeding and a swelling brain. These guys were just winding down from a party, so keep that in mind ;).
sh*t i got a man in ATL whos willing to come back...
my buddies rule
he got to go home monday, Zach talked to him and saw him, he doesnt remember much if any of the whole night. all he recieved is a concusion, nothing visible excapt a cut on his head from where he was hit.
as for Dylan, he got hit by Isaiah when Dylan and the other kid jumped him. hes got a nasty black eye, when i went back into the house he was be carried up stairs by his girlfriend and than he preceeded to lock himself in his room (good thing) where he avoided the whole ordeal.
on another note.. wtf Isaiah started a gang called the white t gang? what a homo.
Isaiah was arrested that night or morning i guess after the inncident but released. the blood around the house was tested and so was the blood on Isaiah's shirt so there is DNA evidence right there.
the victims mom told my bro the police told her that some of the guys are facing up to 25 years in jail.
that is all i know right now, all i have to say is im glad me and my brother left when we did cause i guess they came no more than 30 mins after we left.
another thing..... if the police to not take action alot of people have already formed and will take action.
09-07-2006, 05:32 PM
hehehe, more people than you know mathew!
and the white t gang as been around for a while. he just joined it...what else is he gonna do? play basketball! ha
09-07-2006, 05:38 PM
yeah... never under estimate the "power" of pussies in a large group.
I would like to see someone run up in my house with some bats and shit... I have a
Tec-9 and a couple 50 round magazines that say i wouldnt be touched!
09-07-2006, 06:07 PM
never underestamate the power of white people!!!
09-07-2006, 07:22 PM
what the hell did they have to prove? a bunch of botha's with bats beating up drunk white kids. They wouldn't have won if it was an EVEN fight, but thats how they fight... with numbers cuz lord knows its not BRAINS!
09-07-2006, 07:28 PM
i want them to read this. i will personally teach them how to read, just so they can feel stupid.
09-07-2006, 09:00 PM
I think it's sad that I've never heard of the "White-T" gang. Anyone care to explain?
Sucks that some of your friends got beat up, hopefully they recover fully.
09-07-2006, 09:19 PM
long story short, guys in gangs are wearing huge white tshirts partly because its ''cool'' (listen to ''white tee'' by dem franchize boyz.. dumbest song ever) .. and partly because when they commit a crime, and youre describing them to the police... ''it was a black male, about 6'0'' in a white tshirt and jeans''... where are the police gonna start? lol. its just a way to make them all ''blend together'' so that no one ever gets caught.
09-07-2006, 11:46 PM
the words "suck fest" come to mind...
seriously, does it make you feel tough to outnumber people? i dont get it.
09-08-2006, 06:16 AM
Things like this just make me want to implament my plan more and more. I’m not going to say that gangs run rampant, but I look at it this way… They want to play tough, they sell drugs to little kids which basically funds their operations (yeah that’s tough huh) other petty crimes, etc. They listen to their gangsta rap (generalization) and praise their “bling” and other violent acts.
I say, if they want to run around an pretend they are tough guys… then I say cool. If they want to pick on innocent people and screw up their lives… again I say cool. But we need to go a different direction when it comes to counter gang activity. Ultimately, they are embedded terrorists, and therefore leads to only one solution. SEND IN THE MARINES… I know a lot of Marines who would love to get their rocks off killing gang members. Shit I’d sign back up if they made a unit specifically for counter gangs!
Only rules are, we don’t arrest anyone, there are no prisoners only bait. All drugs are destroyed immediately. Don’t ask anything about how we operate, and finally… 10% of the drug money colleted gets split up amongst the Marines in this unit, 10% goes to what ever community was cleaned up. 40% goes to disabled veterans, and the last 40% goes to immediate family members who lost loved ones while in the line of duty.
09-08-2006, 10:26 AM
word sign me up.
how bout listen to "in my pink t"
seriously dl it
09-08-2006, 12:09 PM
Give me a gun, permission to use it and some in-site on were to snipe them and i will sign up too.
I'm like a circus show sniper myself, I aim for the juglar. get my drift.
09-10-2006, 12:38 AM
Man, stuff like this makes me think about highschool and what people would be like when they graduate- granted its only been like a year but still.
Sadly I'm not surprised in this stupid bs- first off I have no problem seeing Isaha (spelling?) in the gang.
Secondly whats the challenge of beating up drunk kids with bats? Its pretty low.
Granted I was never one for getting into fights; could I take them no, could I take them when there tied to a chair, knocked out and I had a gun... maybe. Heh heh, yeah... thats sad. But thats why I own a cop issue 9mm Beretta, a Ruger P90- semi auto, 2 shotguns and a (now) fully auto .22 rifle with night scope. I hunt so hey its not that creppy!
Well when you think about it some people never grow up- remember Mt. Vernon rd? yeah the guy (Ilean) is turning 30 this tuesday and he will be in jail for racing- racing at 30... WTF?
Some people just never learn. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink- so you hold its head under the water; it will A) drink or B) die.
Wow, when I read over what I wrote it sounds like a drunken ramble... oh well its 1:30am and I don't care to redo this.
09-10-2006, 10:33 AM
But thats why I own a cop issue 9mm Beretta, a Ruger P90- semi auto, 2 shotguns and a (now) fully auto .22 rifle with night scope. I hunt so hey its not that creppy!
cept those guns are in your dads name so techniclly......
09-10-2006, 11:59 AM
fully auto .22? not leagel unless you have a permit to have one. If you have a fully auto .22 then that rocks! i always wanted two fully auto hand guns, yeah that would be sweet, yeah.
09-10-2006, 02:15 PM
it is illegal to own a fully automatic anything
09-10-2006, 03:36 PM
09-10-2006, 04:20 PM
how did you convert it?
09-11-2006, 10:07 AM
how did you convert it?
i dont know about him, but i got the full auto conversion manual for my Tec-9 off of limewire! they have them for a ton of different guns. Not the best quality but thats to be expected when someone scans pages of a book and attempts to "reassemble" them into a "manual". However you do get all the info you need as well as a bunch of pics and other misc info.
09-11-2006, 04:17 PM
i just applied for a hand gun permit today. watch the fuck out. for those who know me imagine me now with a gun, scary huh.
lil krumm
09-11-2006, 05:09 PM
i just applied for a hand gun permit today. watch the f*ck out. for those who know me imagine me now with a gun, scary huh.
not at all
09-11-2006, 05:11 PM
i just applied for a hand gun permit today. watch the f*ck out. for those who know me imagine me now with a gun, scary huh.
i'll just call you up next time i need some hired muscle. you can be in my entourage. Drifte, you can carry the boombox.
09-11-2006, 05:18 PM
i got a baseball bat. but i lost my knife, this worries me a little. because it was in my car.
i don't care if i get anything else i just want a bullet proof vest, to wear on the outside of my clothes.
09-12-2006, 08:17 PM
i don't care if i get anything else i just want a bullet proof vest, to wear on the outside of my clothes.
yeah, that way they know to shoot you in the face right...
i seen some tool with a black tank top over his regular t-shirt tryin to act like he had a bullet proof vest on. WTF!?!?
09-12-2006, 09:38 PM
/\ now thats ghetto
It was kind of a joke, but whats the matter, I can't pretend i'm cool. :(
Oh well, props to ya if you get the permit, im gonna apply as soon as i turn 21.
09-13-2006, 10:04 AM
what for peanut, you got your guns already?
09-14-2006, 04:16 PM
Any updates on MS-13?
09-14-2006, 07:12 PM
havnt heard anything about them in a long while
hopefully that means our police are doing their job.
09-14-2006, 08:34 PM
Matt Stro I just wanted to put on record that I was walking to school this morning when I realized I'm really thankful that you weren't at that party.
For those who don't know Stro's has some bad health problems in his life and some amazing recoveries that all his friends and family have had to endure. (I won't get into detail in case you're not comfortable with that Stro)
But to make a long story short, there would have been a good chance Stro probably wouldn't be here right now if he were at that party.
That's random and strange, I know. But I'm glad that Alex is okay and I know that there could have been a lot more people I know at that party, which reminded me that Stro could have easily been there.
So for all you (I think matt barry, colton and brianna...maybe a couple more?) who were there that night but luckily weren't there at that point.... I'm glad you guys are all okay. :)
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