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View Full Version : CR:U Gains Two New Admins!

09-05-2006, 12:10 AM
Congratulations to DustinsDuster and TbTalon94 for earning administrative positions here on CR:U!

I awarded these positions to these two guys due to their excellence (and neutrality) in moderating and the ALMOST SICKENLY FREQUENT amount of time they spend here!

So give them all a congrats for being such great contributions to CR:U! So you can contact these two guys for ANYTHING that you ever could contact me about, including (but not limited to)

-Complaints about posts
-Complaints about people
-Suggestions for new forums
-Username Changes
-Rank Changes
-Questions about how to alter your profile/personal information

A huge reason why we made this choice is to give you, the CR:U members, more people to turn to in the event of a question, problem, or suggestion. So between myself, Ashley, DustinsDuster, or TbTalon94, just contact whoever you feel most comfortable contacting with any questions!

Everyone please take a moment to congratulate Dustin and Trevor. Both have been with CR:U basically since it was started and are HUGE reasons why we are still alive and kicking today.


09-05-2006, 01:25 AM
congrats guys... (i like the bright blue color of there names now!)

zac and ash nice choices...

09-06-2006, 07:53 PM
Congrats they deserved it!

09-06-2006, 11:35 PM
i really appreciate it Zac, and i'll do my best to do whats best for the site.

P.S. - you'll need to get that page up explaining what everything does on that admin panel, heheheh