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logans dad
09-04-2006, 10:06 PM
I see its ok for you to tell me you might break the old mans hip but you come on a thread that I do bad mouthing me and I respond and thats not ok. Then give me a yellow, Kick me off Random, You have said stuff on my post before that was uncalled for.
I think Im ok here but when someone says something on a post I do being a smart ass, Yes i do get ticked off and respond.
09-04-2006, 10:08 PM
vic, i trashed this. i'm taking away your yellow card.
you and matt just BOTH need to knock it off, esp considering one of you is a moderator.
play nice. =)
09-05-2006, 04:35 PM
sweet i have a thread dedicated to me, im honored
logans dad
09-05-2006, 07:57 PM
See, there you go and people wonder why I get ticked.
09-06-2006, 05:02 PM
boo hoo
logans dad
09-11-2006, 04:39 PM
Ive got your boo hoo hanging bitch.
lil krumm
09-11-2006, 05:08 PM
and they said i was immature.........
09-11-2006, 05:26 PM
im not sure i understand the last few posts.
lil krumm
09-11-2006, 06:04 PM
im not sure i understand the last few posts.
09-12-2006, 09:34 PM
Vic is old and takes everything waaaaay to seriously, maybe hes strung out or tired of watching Wheel of Fortune reruns.
09-12-2006, 09:41 PM
who changed kents post?
because if it was not kent, i want whoever did so to PM me or post about it in the correct forum.
logans dad
09-12-2006, 11:29 PM
I hate wheel of fortune, Vanna is getting older then me.
lil krumm
09-13-2006, 09:21 AM
who changed kents post?
because if it was not kent, i want whoever did so to PM me or post about it in the correct forum.
i fixed a spelling error and then edited my second post because it then didnt make sense.
09-13-2006, 10:35 AM
ooo.. i thought it was funny =) i thought someone changed it bc they didnt like it. so neeevermind.
09-13-2006, 10:44 PM
I hate wheel of fortune, Vanna is getting older then me.
The Price is Right is the only gameshow worth watching anymore in my mind. at least until i get that GAS channel and can start watching Double Dare and Legends of the Hidden Temple again...
09-15-2006, 11:02 PM
who changed kents post?
because if it was not kent, i want whoever did so to PM me or post about it in the correct forum.
um last i checked you cant edit posts in the trash forum unless your an admin, duuuh
09-15-2006, 11:16 PM
congratulations, you know how to be a smartass. feel better now?
09-15-2006, 11:18 PM
yes do you?
09-15-2006, 11:20 PM
i just think its funny that you got worked up over some one editing Kentons post in the TRASH SECTION, but didnt stop to think that none of us could edit except Admins and the poster their self.
you said you hate being wrong, i like pointing out when people are wrong.
one of my favorite things to do.
09-15-2006, 11:21 PM
yes. and kent told me it was him... i said it was funny and he should have left it, and that was the end of it. no need to bring it back up. esp considering i realized admins could only do it before kent even posted that.
09-15-2006, 11:24 PM
i fixed a spelling error and then edited my second post because it then didnt make sense.
yes he did!!!!!!! YAY!!!! the war is over we can all sleep soundly at night and not worry!!!! YAY!!!!
09-15-2006, 11:53 PM
I got a simple solution to the problem. Ashley, consult me before you go accusing people of things because chances are I probably have the tools to tell you outright if there is a problem or not. And matt, you just like to get under people's skin and we all know that. Not a good idea to get under her's though because that's how these things get started.
09-16-2006, 10:00 AM
i just didnt like the fact that she took away Vics yellow card, a few of us were talking about this last night and figured it was stupid to take it away. he should have recieved yellow cards a loooong time ago. its like getting pulled over and the officer has to consult his sergant and come to a decision as a group for you to get a ticket or not. its fuckin stupid i think.
09-16-2006, 11:16 AM
Matt that's not really a valid comparison. The thing I think you and whoever you may have been talking to fail to realize, is that after 3 yellow cards, the person actually gets banned from the site. Now that might be a valid argument if after 3 tickets, the person was banned from driving forever. Also the yellow cards are displayed in the "information" area of all of that person's posts, which is embarrassing enough in the first place.
Also, like I've said before, there is no need to rush into these things. When an officer issues a ticket, he has about 5 minutes to make that decision as he's running the license through his computer. If he lets that guy go, there's no turning back now and he can no longer issue a ticket.
Also, officers issue tickets for blatant violations of laws. We have a set of CR:U guidelines, and I allow you guys to be fairly free. If you post something up in the moderator forum saying "so and so" needs a yellow card and you give a good reason that is just a straight up violation of the rules, and not just some bickering match between you and a particular person, then I would have no problem letting you give the yellow card.
Like I said matt, nobody is forcing you to be a moderator. If you don't want to be one, all you have to do is tell me. But the bottom line is that CR:U will NEVER be like all the other forums out there that censor everything you say, delete any objectable posts, constantly have moderators in the members faces, etc. If we had 15,000 members 5,000 active daily posters that would be different. This is not your average car forum and I think everyone here understands that for the most part.
09-17-2006, 01:42 AM
Legends of the Hidden Temple again...
yes I use to love that show!!!!
09-17-2006, 09:27 AM
yeah my parents have the GAS channel, its pretty much the greatest channel ever. i used to love legends of the hidden temple, and global guts. woo.
09-17-2006, 11:54 PM
i still do love LOTHT, and i havent seen it in a decade.
09-20-2006, 10:36 PM
i use to like Hey Dude on there too (not GAS but Nick) but that was a good show!
09-21-2006, 12:50 AM
i use to like Hey Dude on there too (not GAS but Nick) but that was a good show!
i know all the words to the theme song off the top of my head. theme to "David the Gnome" as well, proven that to many non-believers in late night bars.
09-21-2006, 06:36 AM
"Hey Dude" was a pretty good one. Over time I created a love for "Salute Your Shorts" on Nickelodeon though and I was really bummed when they cancelled that one.
My all time favorites on nickelodeon were Doug and Rugrats though. Nickelodeon made a huge mistake by waiting so long to make and release a rugrats movie...that show was losing popularity a lot...long before they made that movie. If they would have made it when i was a little younger it would have gotten so much more money in the box office.
09-21-2006, 07:53 AM
i lived for nickelodeon when i was little. i loved.. are you afraid of the dark, salute your shorts, eureka's castle, david and the gnomes, clarissa explains it all, angry beavers, rocko's modern life.. yep. i loved nickelodeon on saturdays. lol.
09-21-2006, 11:03 AM
yeah... NIck was our generation for sure... Now the Disney Channel has kinda taken over..
09-23-2006, 06:12 PM
i was more into Ren and Stimpy myself. and double dare.
by the way, i believe its "David the Gnome", not "David and the Gnomes"
09-23-2006, 09:43 PM
yeah idk, i couldnt remember, i just remembered david and there were gnomes.. lol. so. david and the gnomes. but yeah, i looked it up on (best website EVER, visit it. often) and they have it as ''the world of david the gnome''. so eh. whatever works. =)
yessss. haha.
09-25-2006, 11:18 PM
it wont work for me... boo
09-26-2006, 07:03 PM
are you using IE or firefox? i cant get it to work w/my firefox, but it will work with IE
10-06-2006, 11:58 AM
I guess I missed that generation...none of those sound familiar....
I do however remember, "The Dinosaurs" where the baby dino hits the dad with the frying pan saying 'not the mama'. Of course I didn't really watch too much TV when I was a kid. I was more of an outdoors type of guy.
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