View Full Version : Cedar Falls Raceway *UPDATED WITH VID*
09-03-2006, 12:57 AM
Edit: Heres the video from that night a few passes BEFORE my motor took a shit :-p ... 1270129147 (
Real Shitty night for me, was expecting AT LEAST 13's and the motor did wanna cooperate and I think my P.O.S.( fuck meineke never go there ) Exhaust is holding my car back so this week im gonna have 3" dual exhaust put on so it can flow. Spent $1300 on a motor thats running the same times it did before it was rebuilt, im pissed and a little bummed. We brought the slicks up there as well for it, and it turns out my lugs on the car didnt fit the fucking wheels either. Got rained out anyway, shitty night overall for me. Fucking cars...
Best time ran that night on a 355 THATS SUPPOSED TO BE close to 400horse ballpark range is a 16.8.
logans dad
09-03-2006, 07:08 AM
what did you exspect from a 1300 dollar engine. It had to be used, you should of bought gears, headers, and a good cam and you would be faster.
Rollin on Dubs
09-03-2006, 07:39 AM
Good luck with the 3" duals the floors on those cars suck
09-03-2006, 09:45 AM
Good luck with the 3" duals the floors on those cars suck
ditto that comment. dual exhaust on 3rd and 4th gen F-bodies is terrible. gonna kill your ground clearance. talk to Deimos if youre gonna do it though, im pretty sure thats what he had on his car, maybe he can give you a couple tips...
logans dad
09-03-2006, 09:50 AM
Mufflers and more in marion on 7th ave is good with tight pipes. Give him a call and tell him I sent you.
09-03-2006, 04:38 PM
Which shop did you go to? And what day. Cause I know everyone's schedules there and you might not have gotten the best person on the job.
Fire Hawk
09-03-2006, 05:43 PM
Caleb ( on Micahs Computer ):
what did you exspect from a 1300 dollar engine. It had to be used, you should of bought gears, headers, and a good cam and you would be faster.
The engine came out of a Chevy Blazer and the previous owner had changed the cam and pistons on it and it only had about 10,000(engine not the cam/pistons) max miles on it. And then I decided to spend $1300 on getting new heads, cam, intake, headers etc... I didn't buy the engine that way Vic. Its been rebuilt twice. And the 3" exhaust im getting IS Jakes old exhaust, at this point I don't care for ground clearance since this is mainly going to be a summer car. Micah my bro had Jakes old exhaust on his Camaro and I know exactly how touchy it can be if you dont hang them right. And the underbody of my car for being 21 years old is in excellent shape to my standards. I will get something figured out here soon. Gonna be replacing alot more shit. And theres no way in hell im putting gears in a stock rear-end. You can call me a dumbass all you want about the exhaust but that wont change anything. Im desperate to get my car running right.
Which shop did you go to? And what day. Cause I know everyone's schedules there and you might not have gotten the best person on the job.
It was the one on Johnson Ave, we looked at the underside of it, and my headers have a 3'' opening, and they took 2.25 piping and welded it on the INSIDE on the 3 inch opening like fucking idiots. And of top of that, when you look at the piping below, its dented and all that crap, and I believe their job was so bad on doing it, theres a slight exhaust leak @ the welds. And when we went down there and let them know how bad it was, they said they won't touch it and thats bullshit. I didn't pay them money to do a piss poor pathedic job.
09-03-2006, 06:45 PM
Well, I know they just fired a guy. For what, I can't say. Since I've last worked there, they hired 2 or 3 mechanics (one replaced me). Did you ask to talk to the owner? The managers hands are sort of tied if its defective workmanship. On the invoice, or I think it is, there should be the initials of the mechanic who performed the job. If you can find that for me great. I could talk to the ower too if you'd like. Just let me know or PM me if you'd like because I can take and talk things further than anyone on here can about the shops.
09-03-2006, 09:57 PM
I personally like to use the place on 16th Ave , next to where Pazour's used to be , My minds blank on the name at the moment? I've had a few vehicles done there , they were always decent to me. All have been 2.5" systems . Only 2 times refused me service, once on a 82 Chevy truck that I wanted duals, said they couldn't because of cat convertor. Told me to remove it , then bring back. Did a good job 2.5" w/ flowmasters. The other time was to get a broken hanger replaced & fix a exhaust leak, because I had a small fuel leak( didn't know it until they showed me!) fixed leak and returned, fixed no charge and I didn't have the original work done there in the first place. I don't know the managers name, but I beleive he's the one with the bushy mustache ,seemed to be more than fair.
3" exhaust on a mild 355 small block is over kill , even if you were gonna spray the HELL out it.
Got a buddy (co-worker) with a Anniv. edition 99 TA' 382 LS1 making somewhere around 530 hp runn'in thru headers to single 3.5" and single crossflow flowmaster dual 2.5" tailpipes - runs mid 11's
I also was diappointed because of the weather , I didn't make it up to CFR until just before 11, pretty big turnout , got about halfway thru the staging lanes, started to sprinkle , didn't even get 1 run in ! They did give out vouchers though, unless you got 3 or more passes in.
09-03-2006, 11:04 PM
I don't think 3" is overkill, gives it a nice sound and leaves room for improvement down the road. Sure by having 3" you lose low end torque, but high RPM wide open throttle it flows really well. Should help me with my 1,500-6,500 RPM band. I'll prolly have the exhaust on here in a couple of days and ill be heading back up to Cedar Falls this Friday for another race night and see how much of a difference its gonna make compared to the shit I had before.
And sorry if I seem like im ranting on here, just venting frustration, don't mean to come off as an asshole, if you put yourself in my situation where you spend X,XXX amount of money and rebuild a engine with better way better parts ( Other than stock ) and have expectations that it will perform better and its runs the same it did 4 months ago. I know you'd get a little disappointed as well. Oh well hopefully I get the bugs worked out here sometime soon and can have fun with it 8)
Theoretically this is what its supposed to do: ... index.html ( - Edelbrock Performer RPM 350 section.
09-03-2006, 11:31 PM
Hey , I can understand you being frustrated. I looked at your reference to EDE. I had a similar set up in my old 82' monte , except it was a 383 with victor jr. about the same cam they list for the 350, but my lobe separation was 114. 2 1/2 "pipes thru flowmasters , had 373 gears, 2800 stall w/lockup/700r4, on 255/60/15 McCreary(been a few years ago) . Consistently ran 12.60-12.70.
I understand if you want a certain sound ? The thing is it's about the combination, and getting the 60' times down, if you good ET's . Unless your after MPH? Later, Al
09-04-2006, 08:29 PM
just walk into the shop and talk to jake. Little things can be overlooked to easily. someone with experience with a specific car is always handy.
09-05-2006, 01:12 PM
Bring it over sometime, I want to see your car, chris said you drove it to work last week. I'll take a look at it, I tunned mine and it seems to run alright.
09-05-2006, 04:04 PM
ive been told that single 3" exhaust flows better than dual 2 1/2" exhaust. just something to keep in mind.
personally, i dont think you should change anything. Steve ran 13.9 in his S10 with a STOCK 355 save for a swapmeet carb, intake, shorty headers and an RV cam. he even had the stock open rear end and stock gears. yeah, his truck was probably a few hundred pounds lighter than your car, but still.
my personal opinion, you need to match your setup. what are your cam specs? torque converter stall? rear gears? what intake are you running? carb? how much timing are you running? have you been checking your sparkplugs to see how its running?
figure out what in your setup isnt matched to the rest of it, then fix that thing. until then, try to optimize how ir runs in current guise.
i'd be willing to help out sometime if you wanted. if you dont want to post all your specs on here, you can pm them to me, or not do it at all. just offering.
09-05-2006, 07:51 PM
Dustin, theres very few things that I should change, I said I was running the Edelbrock Performer RPM package and everything it comes with. Matching Intake, Cam, and Heads, again all matching. I personally just think I need a 700cfm carb instead of a 600cfm and the exhaust needs to open up more for it run evenly. But only time will tell.
Intake: ... toview=sku (
Cam and Lifter Kit: ... toview=sku (
Heads: ... toview=sku (
(Believe those are the right heads.)
Crane Roller Rockers: ... toview=sku (
And the Carb was a standard Edelbrock Performer 600cfm Carb that we ran, im assuming we could go bigger considering the dyno tests for the motor shown on that link they used a 800cfm to make that kind of horsepower. But yet you wanna flow better with a larger carb.
My torque Converter Stall is a Stock 1,500.
I'm not one bit afraid to post what im running cause I could care less of what other people think, im just looking for ideas on how to get this P.O.S. running right. Again, I think it has something to do with carb and exhaust for one right now.
And Aaron, I will try bringing it over after I get somethings swapped on it for proper tuning. If you did all the tuning yourself to your car, it runs really badass.
09-05-2006, 08:20 PM
what kind of rear gears do you have? Could be a big factor.
Carb shouldnt be that big of an issue unless it isnt tuned correctly, i had a 360 sbc in an 85 monte i know it would do 13's with 660 cfm carb and it had all stock components execpt cam and pistons.
800 cfm carb is definetly overkill for a 355 imo.
09-06-2006, 01:47 AM
what kind of rear gears do you have? Could be a big factor.
Carb shouldnt be that big of an issue unless it isnt tuned correctly, i had a 360 sbc in an 85 monte i know it would do 13's with 660 cfm carb and it had all stock components execpt cam and pistons.
800 cfm carb is definetly overkill for a 355 imo.
3.08's Sir.
Rollin on Dubs
09-06-2006, 07:03 AM
Caleb your right you should be running alot better than that! A little bit more carb would help, 750 would prob be about right, But 800 wouldint be out of the picture, I would also suggest that a bigger converter might be a good option too. ( i have a 2800 that you can try out) but the gears are more than likely holding you back as well. That would be what i would suggest if your engine is actually tuned and running properly (not saying that you did something wrong ) But a few things to check would be , if you have any rocker arm interference. If your running big aluminum rockers you might be having interferece issues not letting your valves close properly, or too short of pushrods. Possible timing issues ( you need a good advace light to get total timing.) But second guessing your exhaust is a great place to start.
A frend of mine had a third gen simalr to yours with exhaust simlar to yours with a mild 406 in it. The best he could run was 13.60s he cut the exaust off and ran it and went 12.69. And his was a Meineke special too.
Pm me if you are interested in the converter. or need another opinon.
Fire Hawk
09-06-2006, 02:01 PM
Yeah, we definitely need to do one more hot adjustment on the rockers, the left side of the motor has a very shallow chatter, they seem like a few a less than half a turn off. But a 2800 stall sounds like it would be straight up my alley way. Its gonna take a little bit of work and time to get it ro run right. And it definitely needs to be tuned properly. Sucks doing the same thing over and over again heheheh.
Fire Hawk
09-06-2006, 08:10 PM
Right now he's running the 700r4 for the transmission. Don't know if it matters for the stall there off the top of my head. His exhaust looks like it's 2.25" and it was all shrunk inside welds instead of outside welding like it should of been. I just have a feeling that thing is being restricted.
The motor feels strong as hell but I don't think it will reach it's full potential until the restrictions are let up. As for the rocker arms Edelbrock recommends a a push rod that was 7.9 in length vs 7.8 for use with their kit and roller rockers which we have also. The roller rockers are also a stock 1.5 ratio which was recommened also. I tried my best to make sure it was a 1 time buy to make it work together. If anyone is good at tuning and doesn't mind sometime helping out before friday here or friday day before cedar falls racing that night I'm sure we'd be up for getting another opinion.
And just for clairification: Meineke does have a few guys that do know what they are doing and I have seen what a couple can do so this isn't exactly a bashing thread.
09-06-2006, 11:43 PM
if i can get some free time this weekend, i'll give you a call. i wouldnt mind swinging over, helping you set the timing and maybe play with some jetting.
one thing i'll suggest is to be very careful around that 700R4, the 1st to 2nd jump in gear ratios in that transmission are devistating.
Rollin on Dubs
09-07-2006, 10:36 AM
I figured you were running a turbo spline. Thats what this converter is for. (700r4 is different)
As for the rockers im refering to the inside of the rocker just above the trunion. If your running Large dia springs you can still have some interference problems. Regardless of what edelbrock reccomends.
Give me a pm if you want a second set of eyes.
09-07-2006, 03:21 PM
Got the Exhaust Redone at the 1st ave Meineke and its 200% better than it was before, major props to Gary for redoing it and Mike allowing it to get redone. Even Gary said it was a piss poor job the first time around. But the car is already flowing and running better and less hesitant torwards the top end. Still need to see if our vacuum is properly set and we'll be readjusting the rockers one more time tonight.
Biohazard, thank you very much, were more than happy about the exhaust and my dad already called and thanked your dad. :supz: :supz: :supz:
09-08-2006, 12:55 AM
I'm glad to hear that your exhaust dilema is corrected, your the customer , you should be satisfied with the work.
A quick way to tell if your valve lash is too tight ,(open the throttle plates on the carb ,look down into the plenum , if you see an oily residue, there too tight ) I generally run them 1/2 turn , instead of the usual 1 1/2 .
With a 1500 stall,& a 3.08 gear, anything bigger than a 650cfm properly setup is gonna be more than you need, especially if you were to use a double pumper. . Bigger not always better! It would MPH likely , but ET's are going to suffer . Check around for transmission supply outlet , get a convertor from like a Monte SS or Corvette (85-87) I think they were somewhere around 2200-2400 rpm stall for 700r4. Last time I bought 1 ,it was about $120.00. Been a couple years , but I think they would still be under 200. This would be your biggest noticable improvement, next to a set of 3.73 or 4.10 gears , if everything else is cosher.
Fire Hawk
09-08-2006, 10:56 PM
Went to Cedar Falls tonight...exhaust opened it alot better and I was trapping speeds of 93-98 mph. Motor was still hesitant and then at the end, spun a bearing on the crank and the motor is out of commission and due for another rebuild of the lower end. On the brightside I will be getting a personal loan to get this all fixed and start building credit. I just got the car up and running less than a month ago, and now this has to happen, thats life I guess :roll: .
09-09-2006, 12:27 AM
if you were truely anywhere near 400hp, you shouldve been over 100mph. i still say it needs to be tuned....bad. worse than my car even. i'll try to get some free time this weekend to come help...
Fire Hawk
09-09-2006, 05:37 AM
if you were truely anywhere near 400hp, you shouldve been over 100mph. i still say it needs to be tuned....bad. worse than my car even. i'll try to get some free time this weekend to come help...
It'll need to be tuned after a tear down and rebuild.
Well while we were up there in the pits, after the 1st pass my dad thought he could see the distributor cap arching and that'd explain the hesitating at different points in the run. The pass where they ran a 98mph, I don't know exact numbers but the 60ft on that run I think was up around 4-5 seconds and then it took off from there just looking very nice.
As for the bottom half of the motor we didn't know anything other then it was still good before doing the top half... it was just going to be a matter of time if it wasn't built to go up to 6,500 rpms.
10-09-2006, 09:12 PM
bump for video
10-10-2006, 10:05 AM
Get that thing rebuilt and runnning, and me and Chris will go up to the track with you next spring. I am good luck, things never break when I'm around. Maybe chris will even have the gimpala running by then. He is hoping for the Mid 19s.
10-10-2006, 03:50 PM
Haha sure thing Aaron, I need to talk to my grandmother about co-signing for a loan so I can buy gears, 750cfm carb, big aluminum radiator and what ever the engine needs for the problem it has right now. Pay off some other stuff. But yeah, thats how it ran that night, slow and like ass but that was like the best pass it did. Sounds nice though 8)
10-11-2006, 07:02 PM
Haha sure thing Aaron, I need to talk to my grandmother about co-signing for a loan so I can buy gears, 750cfm carb, big aluminum radiator and what ever the engine needs for the problem it has right now. Pay off some other stuff. But yeah, thats how it ran that night, slow and like a$$ but that was like the best pass it did. Sounds nice though 8)
i have a buddy who im almost positive is selling at least one of his 406 SBC motors. let me know if youre interested.
10-12-2006, 08:46 AM
If Caleb isn't interested i might be. Price, Specs ?
10-15-2006, 01:36 PM
not sure exactly how much he wants for it, but i know its apart right now. Eagle 4340 crank, H beam rods, forged 12.5:1 pistons. i believe it had Sportsman 2 heads. i think he also had a mostly stock 400 sitting around somewhere too, i'll try to get ahold of him to see how much he wants for that stuff.
10-19-2006, 12:52 PM
Yes the guy who owns muflers and more is good at what he does
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