View Full Version : Something to talk about
08-24-2006, 02:30 AM
The 9/11 5 year mark coming up, (yeah 5 years times flies right?)
Mainly.. I wanted to ask everyone's opinion on how soon they made a movie on the incident? Too soon? Has enough time gone by? Has anyone seen it? Does anyone refuse to see it? Let get this ball rolling!
I personally think it was too early to make it. I still thought that making a movie (Jarheads) about desert Storm was a little too early. (sticking to this) The main reason I think that is only because we are inessence still at war for this act.
So I have not seen it, also heard it was good. Today upon talking to a neighbor she said that ET had a news story on it (if you call that show news!) But that paramount, i believe is the company who did it. had permission from the families of the 20 survivors. So that makes it seemed they cared. But what about the 30,000 other family affect by that day.
I just feel it to early still I guess. Anyone have and light to shine on this for me??
Let's Begin!
08-24-2006, 07:16 AM
i dislike the fact that they only are giving 10% of the profits from the first 3 days open to charities for organizations taking care of victims and such. I feel as if that was a slap in the face, and I will not be seeing it because of that.
I dont think its too early... mainly because i feel as if people have forgotten about why alot of thing right now are the way they are. I cant believe people need a reminder... but in all honesty the general public really doenst care about anything that isnt effecting their daily lives. Everyone seems to simply be selfish.
08-24-2006, 07:26 AM
as shitty as it sounds, it really doesnt bother me very much. i havent really thought much about it. i had a feeling when it happened that someone was going to make a movie about it and probably get rich. it seems every generation has its one attack from one of our enemies, and the way things are today, it really doesnt surprise me how short the wait was to try to make some money off of it.
08-24-2006, 10:08 AM
well, i've seen the movie. to sum it up..
well, first off, if you dont want to know what happens to the officers at the end of the movie, DONT READ THIS =)
its based on a group of Port Authority police officers who got called to the WTC that day to help out, and more specifically, its based on the group of 3 or 4 guys who volunteered to go INTO the WTC when it was still standing to help evacuate people. long story short... they get trapped about 20-30ft down in the pile of tower 1 when it fell. then, someone who retired or served his time in the Marines hears about it (he didnt live in NY, he had to travel) and goes to the WTC to help out. 2 of the 4 trapped officers die, which leaves 2 officers trapped until its dark - after they had called the search off for the day. the Marine shows up, and decides to keep searching anyway with another marine, and they find the 2 trapped people. then this paramedic and i think a firefighter shimmy down into the pile to save these 2 officers who are trapped. and they wind up getting both officers out when they're suuuper close to death, and like when it pans out... theres like 2-300 firefighters/paramedics/police officers making this big chain to pass along the officers down to the ambulances when they're strapped to that board thing after they get rescued - i thought that part was pretty neat. anyway... at the end, it says what happens to them.. nicholas cage winds up being put into a medically induced coma for 6 weeks so he can get like 27 surgeries, and the other guy gets a lot of surgeries too, i cant remember the number.
anywayyy... it was mainly based around those 2 officers and their familes (nick cage had like 4 kids and a wife, and the other guy had a little girl, and his wife was pregnant). at the end it says 20 people were pulled out of the pile alive, and these guys were 18 and 19.
i thought it was a super good movie. and i DONT think its too early. like, seriously, i was pissed at the end of the movie. as sad as it is, like you guys were saying, i think people DO need a reminder as to why we're out there and what really did happen to our country, and i think the movie does a super good job of that.
ive seen the other movie too, flight 93 or whatever it was called, and that was really good too.
i think people are just being super hypersensitive about it.. did you guys know Spike Lee is in the process of making a movie about Hurricane Katrina? and that happened 4 years after 9/11. Granted, its not the same situation, but that was a huge diasaster with a lot of death, etc etc etc... I mean, to be honest, it's been 5 years. If you dont want to see it, don't. If those 30,000 people think the movie is a bad idea, they wont see it, and that will be the end of that discussion. Most people affected WANT people to remember what happened, and WANT people to help out and take action. and I think thats what this movie does.. helps people remember.
edit: sorry about the rant, ive argued with my mom about this when i was watching flight 93 at her house, so i had everything in my head already =)
08-24-2006, 04:47 PM
i still remember trying to get some work caught up ina computer room and this crap was happening in front of me on the news (on the computer) finally the rest of the world caught up and we watched it on tv.
idk..i like action movies with kung fu and cars, and guns. not like said movie.
08-24-2006, 06:18 PM
Theres no way it's too early....wanna know how I know this?
After watching the movie... I walked out of the theatre wondering what the fuck happened to the United States about 6 months after 9-11. It reminded me of how I felt to see what happened...and it reminded me of why I once wanted to join the military (specifically the Marines :) ) . Because on 9-11, everyone wanted to see heads roll. On that day when President Bush promised we would avenge this, nobody disagreed. Everyone I know who was in uniform was ready to suit up and go over there that day and bring back a tally sheet of how many terrorists they were able to kill.
Boy how America forgets these feelings. I see people today...who I distinctly remember laughing on 9-11 and saying how the US Military is going to go over there and turn the middle east into a wasteland...a lot of those same people are the ones who are whining about withdrawing troops and all that shit.
Not only was it great to see from the inside how it looked and felt when that first tower went down....(and amazingly enough when I watched that tower fall on TV back on 9-11, I didn't even think once about the people inside and what they were experiencing at that exact moment) but you all need a taste of what you felt that day. You need a taste of how those families felt because a bunch of fucking pussy terrorists decided they would fly a bunch of planes into a building. I'd like to see any of you anti-war whiners go talk to John McLaughlin (spelling might be wrong), who is the real guy who lived through being crushed under a bunch of rubble and survived from the time the first tower fell all the way until the next morning when they finally got him out. Go tell his family your mumbo-jumbo about how we should have never put troops in the middle east. You go tell them how you would have avenged the 9-11 attacks by having a fucking tea party with those towelheads and trying to solve your problems by singing songs and giving them tele-tubby dolls or some shit...see what they have to say about that.
PS: Sorry I get caught up in the moment and get heated. The movie really has restored my rage for the people responsible for those attacks. Terrorists....and every country they live in are fair game in my book. The the country isn't fighting them, somebody has got to be. In case nobody has noticed...they're not just fighting American's over there, they're fighting innocent Middle Easterners too. Riding car bombs into restuarants and stupid crap like that.
When will those idiots discover the remote control car. Don't get me wrong, nothing makes me happier than to see on the news where an idiot terrorist ran a car bomb into a restuarant and hurt like 3 people and the only person who died was the idiot inside the car...hell yes, but I'd rather see him get a bullet in the temple.
It's about time there was a movie. It is sad, but America needs a reminder. It's always kind of pissed me off that the public has forgotten why we are at war. I know it's not practical, but the footage of the towers falling should be shown everyday to keep those emotions alive to keep the public from going soft on what needs to be done to keep terrorists from walking all over the US.
08-24-2006, 07:53 PM
I can totally see where you guys are coming from on the reminder issue.. A lil parade every year might remind.. but doesn't bring those feeling to surface again. Like Dustin said I knew they were going to make a movie on it. I want to see the movie.. maybe after seeing it I won't think its to ealry. I would just hate to be a family member of someone who died it in, see the preveiws even and have that pain come rushing back, just like our hatred has come running back.
To the general public, i totally agree with you guys. I think I just have some sympathy to those who are still in pain... then again maybe those same people think it's a great tribute too. Eh, just thought I would see what everyone thought..
(plus the forums been dead so we needed something to talk about!)
08-24-2006, 08:29 PM
^ Agreed! And thanks for making the post. A huge reason the forums are dead (still averaging over 50 posts a day though!) is because we don't have people starting good topics anymore. A little innocent flaming (where we're not flaming eachother) is definitely a good thing.
I can understand some people thinking it's too soon, but at the same time I think a lot of people who were involved are happy to see the story being told again and again. But just remember, this movie is really focused on just a couple individuals. There were only 20 people pulled from the debris (alive) and the guys from the movie were number 18 and 19 I believe. The amount of work involved in getting them out was amazing as well. Those guys were pinned down there...neither of them could move, and they could only see a little bit of light about 20 feet above their heads.
But like I said in my last post....I think that when it was going on I wasn't even really thinking about the people inside the building when it fell...and when I went to bed that night I wasn't even thinking anything about the probably 50+ people that were still in there clinging onto life while I was sleeping.
I recommend to anyone to see the movie. It is a frame-of-mind changing movie that will at least temporarily give you at least a little more patriotism. I wish they would have released it before the 4th of July.
08-25-2006, 04:42 PM
ive saw the movie, it more of a movie on the 2 police officers rather than on a movie about the reflection on the incident
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