View Full Version : Stupid Cocky B*tch in Silver Audi/Jetta??
07-28-2006, 01:41 PM
So I was drivin down 1st Ave last night seeing if anything was going on. This silver Audi coupe/silver Jetta (Couldnt tell which it was seeing as I only saw the side of it and didnt pay attention when it was in front of me.) with 3 guys in it comes up beside me, gives me some weird looks, speed past me then slow down to get beside me and continue with the looks and try to act cool and badass, then for no reason he swerves into my lane and comes within inches of side swiping my car, I knew he wouldnt hit me but it's still a bitch thing to do and completely retarded. I never said anything, just tried to ignore them and I just sat there and laughed. The driver looked REALLY familiar, I'm almost positive it was the owner of the blue Camry that used to drive around 1st Ave alot. He's had a problem with me every since I bought the Eclipse, dont know why.
I remember a while back when I had the Eclipse, I was pulling out of Taco Bell and he passes in his Camry, gives me the finger, and once again he has a passenger, seems like he only tries to act cool and talk shit when he has friends with him, wonder why. :cough:pussy:cough:
So I had to vent a little.
I know he's on this site, just cant remember the username.
Anyone else have any "encounters" with this kid before?
BTW, to mods: You can move this to the Trash if you want.
07-28-2006, 03:47 PM
there u go Foxy.... :goodman:
its ooook
07-28-2006, 05:02 PM
i think i know the kid you mean. if anyone wants an idea of how much of a dumbass this kid is....
if wanting me to race him in Marion wasnt stupid enough, the kid actually pulled up next to me at a stoplight and asked, "does that thing have a V8?"
i had my girlfriend with me, and we both just laughed at him. then he asked me if i wanted to race. the conversation went something like this:
dumbass - "hey, do a burnout!"
Dustin - "i dont think so"
dumbass - "why not?"
Dustin - "because my license means more to me than the admiration of some dumb kid"
Dumbass - "ive got two speeding tickets already, i dont care..."
Dustin - "alright buddy, you keep on not caring. im gonna keep my license."
yeah, dumbass, i hope i get a chance to talk to him face to face some day. i have a few words for him....
07-29-2006, 12:17 AM
That sucks man, I was worried when I first saw the title of the post - I drive a Silver Audi.
Glad to see it wasn't me- I couldn't have been out on 1st ave last night (was at work) and my Audi is a four door.
Heh, damn kids racing Audis/VWs... what will they think of next?
07-29-2006, 01:45 AM
Dustin your story made me laugh.
"Does that thing have a V8?"
Nathan, I knew it wasnt you, this kid is wayyy too stupid to be messin around with random people on 1st Ave and swerving into my lane. Saw him tonight while I had 3 cars around me of Jim, Nick, Jeff, and Dan so he didnt say much. :yawinkle: Little more info on the car, it is a 4 door and I think its a turbo A4, with black :bigthumb:
07-29-2006, 02:35 AM
I know the kid your talking about, he always tries to talk to K u r y i s when we're out on 1st ave. He really doesn't grasp the fact that his audi and k u r y i s' s VW have the same motor.
07-29-2006, 08:15 AM
i was riding with a friend in his dad's car (i think it was a 55' chevy, i know it had about 500rwhp). He pulled up in the camry and wanted to race claiming he had a turbo and "NOS". I instantly called bullshit, and he was like "Yeah, i know, but i'm getting it!."
07-29-2006, 08:48 AM
He pulled up in the camry and wanted to race claiming he had a turbo and "NOS". I instantly called bull$hit, and he was like "Yeah, i know, but i'm getting it!."
ahahahahahahahaha, that is hilarious. "i dont have it yet, but im getting it!" im gonna be giggling about that all day.
07-29-2006, 09:35 AM
07-29-2006, 12:43 PM
Heh, d*mn kids racing Audis/VWs... what will they think of next?
Probaly start racing ford mustangs and shit like that!
07-29-2006, 02:43 PM
most kids i know who own Audi's/VW's dont really race a lot from what ive seen. for the most part, i think if all you want is to go fast, theres a lot cheaper and easier ways to do it than the German cars, but they wont be near as comfortable or stand out near as much!
07-29-2006, 06:32 PM
most kids i know who own Audi's/VW's dont really race a lot from what ive seen. for the most part, i think if all you want is to go fast, theres a lot cheaper and easier ways to do it than the German cars, but they wont be near as comfortable or stand out near as much!
Yeah german cars are "Driver Cars"
07-30-2006, 04:42 PM
His name is CJ he is the queer that use to have the camery.. He tried talking shit to me once at tri state but i put him on his ass.. Then the other night him and his buddy pulled up next to me and his buddy started talking shit and i got out of the car to choke him and they freeked out, rolled the window up and ran a red light.
For sure he is homo!
07-30-2006, 05:13 PM
His name is CJ he is the queer that use to have the camery.. He tried talking shit to me once at tri state but i put him on his ass.. Then the other night him and his buddy pulled up next to me and his buddy started talking shit and i got out of the car to choke him and they freeked out, rolled the window up and ran a red light.
For sure he is homo!Thats funny^^
07-30-2006, 06:51 PM
His name is CJ he is the queer that use to have the camery.. He tried talking sh*t to me once at tri state but i put him on his a$$.. Then the other night him and his buddy pulled up next to me and his buddy started talking sh*t and i got out of the car to choke him and they freeked out, rolled the window up and ran a red light.
For sure he is homo!Thats funny^^
No wonder why he never goes to the races anymore, too many people wanna beat his ass.
07-30-2006, 07:24 PM
haha, you gotta love queers like that.
07-30-2006, 10:04 PM
George, i sometimes wish i was 17 again so i could do shit like that. thats pretty freaking funny
07-30-2006, 11:24 PM
Hey i thihnk he did mannage to spray hist Riced out camery into the 18s though. LOL
07-31-2006, 12:34 PM
Hey George....didn't you talk to him on my cell phone?
08-06-2006, 12:44 AM
Wow, this kid's a dumbass.
First of all I'll tell the funny part, he was driving around last night alone, seen me in a parking lot and drove past me while driving, didnt say shit.
So I was driving Mindy's red Integra around tonight along with Mindy, Jayk, and Adam. We pass Walgreens on 1st. while turning onto the road that goes right beside it off 1st, the kid with the Audi is there talking to the owner of a Camaro. We look straight at eachother, I didnt think anything of it, a couple minutes later Jayk notices a car coming up fast from behind, lucky us it's the Audi. He flashes his high beams and gets real close to me while I'm trying to speed up. So he follows me for a while, eventually he passes me and his little friends yell some stuff, they get in front of me, once we get through a stop light they slow down and get me to stop, once we're almost to a dead stop one of his friends jumps out of the car, I turn around in a driveway, by the time I turn around there's already 2 cars behind me which is good, it took them god damn forever and a half to turn around, I get back to the stop light, take a right, take my first right after that, pull into a driveway, suprisingly they drive down the same street and once they pass I see their brake lights so we all get out of the car and run on foot, nothing happened after that.
Now this is really starting to piss me off, I didnt have much of a problem with it before but once they attempt to wreck my friends car and try to beat us up it gets to the point that it's fucked up. I now dont have a problem with taking a baseball bat to his precious Audi. :yawinkle: I also have no clue what this kids problem is but it's really getting out of hand.
On the plus side, I outran a turbo Audi. Damn kid. :bigthumb:
08-06-2006, 01:05 AM
These are all good reasons why I don't hang out on first avenue anymore. Cruising isn't just cruising anymore. It's like there's actually "baggage" to cruising these days.
I swear for the first year I was cruising on 1st avenue almost 5 years ago, cruising was actually pretty fun and it was almost a rarity to have somebody messing with you (notice I said ALMOST) and it was overall a lot more enjoyable.
I went to taco bell on 1st avenue during my break from work on friday night at about 9pm... and I saw more dumb stuff going on during my quick 2 minutes on that road than I've seen for a long time on the ave.
In fact I think it's my experiences on 1st avenue that honestly made me lose motivation to care about my car or even care about getting a new better car.
If you guys want to know why the street scene is dead in CR this summer... there's your answer.
08-06-2006, 01:21 AM
These are all good reasons why I don't hang out on first avenue anymore. Cruising isn't just cruising anymore. It's like there's actually "baggage" to cruising these days.
I swear for the first year I was cruising on 1st avenue almost 5 years ago, cruising was actually pretty fun and it was almost a rarity to have somebody messing with you (notice I said ALMOST) and it was overall a lot more enjoyable.
I went to taco bell on 1st avenue during my break from work on friday night at about 9pm... and I saw more dumb stuff going on during my quick 2 minutes on that road than I've seen for a long time on the ave.
In fact I think it's my experiences on 1st avenue that honestly made me lose motivation to care about my car or even care about getting a new better car.
If you guys want to know why the street scene is dead in CR this summer... there's your answer.
Very true. Most of the people on 1st Ave are either...
A) People who like to vandalise the property theyre on
B) Yell at cars driving by for no reason
C) Being fucking retarded and chasing people around town for no reason
I feel bad for the people that actually still enjoy cruising and then having some idiot talk shit. Things have changed in a REALLY bad way.
08-06-2006, 02:19 PM
i would really like to have some words with this kid in the Auid. i thought i saw him coming to the picnic yesterday, but it turned out not to be him.
the kid is a douchebag. a serious bag of douche. he really needs to get some sense slapped into him.
08-06-2006, 03:28 PM
Man, why'd you run from his ass? You should have gotten out of the car , walked right up to his window and popped right where he sat. He's a fucking punk. And having his friend get out to do his work just proves how much of a punk he is.
08-06-2006, 04:26 PM
Ya that f**k is getting whats coming to him I was on my way home from the CR:U BBQ and just going around the s curve down town. This audi gets up on my ass and starts flashing his lights. Then whips up beside me and starts reving and trying to get me to race f**k ricer I shake my head no. So he revs more than I start to laugh then he honks his horn 3 times and then starts to swerve at me and goes back in his lane. Then he starts reving again trying to get me to race. Now Im starting to get pissed f**k heads trying to run me off the road. So I down shift to slow down and he swerves right in my lane so I'm like this is gonna f**k hurt. So I lock up my brakes. He justs misses me by mabey half a foot. this idiot is gonna Kill some one. Next time i see that f**k stoped some where Im gonna have some f**k words with this f**k ass hat
08-06-2006, 06:08 PM
wow. sounds like some people should get his plates and tell the cops..
it doesnt do anything at first, but when one complaint after another comes in on the same plates something will be done.
08-06-2006, 10:19 PM
i say we work on that. the next person who sees him should get his plates written down.
then post them in here, and we can all register a complaint with the police.
08-06-2006, 11:03 PM
We were planning on getting his plate number last night after he chased us but couldnt find him. I know his name is CJ, nothing else. I didnt get out of the car because I didnt want my friends car getting fucked with and I cant fight worth shit. Everyone look out for this kid, pretty much if youre a guy, and youre anywhere around him, he'll fuck with you. We had a parking lot full of people at Bank of the West on 1st Ave, all of the people were waiting for him to pass by/pull in so they could settle some stuff.
EDIT: Found out from a reliable source that this kid works at Fish O Rama, he was supposedly wearing a shirt today that said Fish O Rama Staff. Where's that at????????
08-06-2006, 11:22 PM
Seriously, who the hell does this kind of stuff?? I don't understand why people feel the need to mess with every car they pull up next to.
I hope he tries to pull that shit with me, that'd be a fun time following him while on the phone with the police. I've done it before and I'll do it again so long as it takes an idiot off of the streets. lol.
08-07-2006, 01:40 AM
He works at the Jiffly Lube off of 1st Ave right across from Dairy Queen.
08-07-2006, 09:14 AM
I talked to him on his buddys phone last night and tried to get him to come out to race me for $$ last night his excuse is your CRX is to Light what kind of excuse is that??
08-07-2006, 03:16 PM
So Brent and I went and had a little chat with this kid at his work. Basically to sum it up we both agreed that if anyone I was with yells something at him, then he'll do stuff, same with the other way around. So suprisingly, him and I are okay, not exactly on eachothers good sides but there shouldnt be any problems between us anymore, hopefully.
08-07-2006, 10:06 PM
i think im gonna tell him his car is a slow piece of shit next time i see him....
see if any of his little friends want to try chasing me around!
08-08-2006, 12:02 PM
That makes me want to go to cr and whoop this kids ass with my 1.5L! Ha... Your car is too light. Doesn't he also know that you have like 110 hp?
08-08-2006, 05:03 PM
youd have a better chance of scoring with an excruciatingly ugly girl than beat him; but not by much.....
08-13-2006, 10:18 AM
Actually He will prolly beat the Audi they are heavy and it has about 180 BHP and is front will drive the audis stock with a bov if i beat a awd a4 he can defentally take the fwd one if he got his clutch cable fixed
08-13-2006, 10:19 AM
so you think 110
08-13-2006, 11:42 AM
A4's are slow. And they have 150hp stock
08-13-2006, 12:02 PM
bov a big upgrade or something? leak and need a better one to add boost. or was a bov just a random upgrade someone had?
"is front will drive the audis stock with a bov if i beat a awd a4 he can defentally take the fwd "
commas, periods, anything would help.
08-15-2006, 11:46 PM
BOV's are worse than stock. They make the car run rich. And he's running stock boost....bad...
08-16-2006, 11:22 AM
My Bad.
08-22-2006, 08:01 PM
Wow, this kid's a dumbass.
First of all I'll tell the funny part, he was driving around last night alone, seen me in a parking lot and drove past me while driving, didnt say sh*t.
So I was driving Mindy's red Integra around tonight along with Mindy, Jayk, and Adam. We pass Walgreens on 1st. while turning onto the road that goes right beside it off 1st, the kid with the Audi is there talking to the owner of a Camaro. We look straight at eachother, I didnt think anything of it, a couple minutes later Jayk notices a car coming up fast from behind, lucky us it's the Audi. He flashes his high beams and gets real close to me while I'm trying to speed up. So he follows me for a while, eventually he passes me and his little friends yell some stuff, they get in front of me, once we get through a stop light they slow down and get me to stop, once we're almost to a dead stop one of his friends jumps out of the car, I turn around in a driveway, by the time I turn around there's already 2 cars behind me which is good, it took them god d*mn forever and a half to turn around, I get back to the stop light, take a right, take my first right after that, pull into a driveway, suprisingly they drive down the same street and once they pass I see their brake lights so we all get out of the car and run on foot, nothing happened after that.
Now this is really starting to piss me off, I didnt have much of a problem with it before but once they attempt to wreck my friends car and try to beat us up it gets to the point that it's f*cked up. I now dont have a problem with taking a baseball bat to his precious Audi. :yawinkle: I also have no clue what this kids problem is but it's really getting out of hand.
On the plus side, I outran a turbo Audi. d*mn kid. :bigthumb:
What you forgot to mention duetsch bag is that you are a faggot and that you never really raced some " turbo audi:....oh did and "you out ran him" with your powerful dick-lickin duetsch bag suckin semen bag....oh wait you had some teggy with some fuckin rainy day paper bagger. fat bitches in the back with their high IQ of 6.2345647. Do me a favor and jump offv a high low water cliff......better yet,,,walk your ass into oncomming traffic you some of a bitch wfucking queeer. I got a crazzzzzzzzy a clutch for a fast car....then goout and buy some fucking upgrade for a poorly manufactured shit box and race that shit till it blows the fuck up 200 inches later. If I were you'd I'd kill myself twice....Once for myself and being the dumbest mother fucker ever and twice.... for being the stupest bitch to ever walk the face of the planet...actually, three times for never understanding engineering when you see it....wait, 4 times....wait....5 for never scoring with someone worth are a dumb ass and shlould kill yourself....
08-22-2006, 08:55 PM
judging by the attitude/spelling/punctuation/not making any sense whatsoever.. i'd say someone needs to lay off the alcohol before they post.
08-22-2006, 11:52 PM
Wow, that was nice.
First of all it wasnt my Integra, it was my friends ex girlfriends, which I got to drive home for her. So, for me....being the responsible one, thats all I have to say instead of pointlessly talking shit, because this post was more to inform people about an idiot on 1st Ave rather than talk shit about him, but you go ahead and talk your shit and think you're proving a point, have a good night.
If you're by any chance NOT intoxicated, know that this fight between him and I has been over and done with more than a week ago, this thread can be deleted for all I care.
08-23-2006, 02:04 PM
judging by the attitude/spelling/punctuation/not making any sense whatsoever.. i'd say someone needs to lay off the alcohol before they post.
I was extremely intoxicated....Thanks for
08-23-2006, 09:47 PM
i figured, thats why i didnt flip. =) haha.
08-23-2006, 11:17 PM
its cool Dan, it happens to the best of us. did you think Fox was talking about you? because i know at least I was talking about the dumbass in the SILVER Audi
08-23-2006, 11:37 PM
i know at least I was talking about the dumbass in the SILVER Audi
Same here
08-24-2006, 02:40 AM
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