View Full Version : Old Creepy Guy! (Warning to any classifieds sellers)
10-05-2005, 10:50 PM
Ok i thought i would just warn all of you guys that have or plan on having your car put in the paper for sale. If this old guy calls the first day your car is in the paper and asks you if you could tell he a little more about the car and he is VERY HARD to understand then ask these questions...
1. What is your name?
- if he answers, Kevin then beware!
2. Where do you live?
- if he says Wilson Ave, and his name is kevin then tell him it is sold.
3. Ask him what kind of car that he drives.
- if he says a blue escort wagon then hang up the phone and dont waist your time.
If you think that i just got scrwed buy the guy your right but i also know 4 OTHER people that he has done the same thing to in the past 3 years to now. this is what he does... he will ask for you to meet him somwhere so he can look it the car. IF you go meet him and let him take a look at your car he will say how nice it is and that it looks like its a very good car or some kind of shit like that. He will ask if he could take a test drive but he WILL NOT want to drive it he will want you to drive the car he just wants to ride along with you. he will keep saying one place inperticular that he wants you to drive, (for me it was the interstate that he wanted me to drive on and for another friend of mine he wanted him to dirve buy the airport) he will keep syaing the one place that he wants you to dirve over and over. He is in his 50's i think and if you see him he is a creepy looking guy! he WILL SAY that he wants the car and to tell people that it is sold and that it will take a bit to get the money together. Before you guys say goodbye he will do one VERY IMPORTANT THING, he will offer you MORE thats right MORE money then what you are asking for it. For me he said he would give me $200 more then i was asking and for my other to friends he offered $400 more and $500 more. If you STILL stay in touch then he will call you the next day or have you call him the next day "so you guys can get together and go over some stuff" DONT GO OVER TO HIS HOUSE! he is not going to buy your car he justs wants to talk to young men and ride in cars with them. I did however go to his house one morring and his house is a crap hole and the floors are sticky and the house smells like PISS! if any of this happens to you then just leave him alone.
If anyone has delt with this guy PLEASE post here and let every one know. so far he has done this to 4 people, 5 including me. if any one else has had a call like this or have delt with this guy tell us about it here. And if you get a call from this guy then DO NOT MEET HIM!
If you have any more questions to ask me let me know. i just wanted to tell every one else this so this stupid shit doesnt happen to any one eles.
10-05-2005, 11:07 PM
i talked to colton and the guy did the same thing to him when colton was selling his white turbo talon. I didnt know colton knew him but he told me a couple days ago.
10-05-2005, 11:28 PM
Everything that you are sayin sould really familiar!!
My friend Jon was selling an Escort ZX2 about 5 years ago. He got a call on the car and we drove to Wilson Ave. the house was a lil small and white w. a 1 car garage and small driveway and this little man seemed overly happy by our presence and he looked at the car and said the same shit. He wanted the stock rims and radio.. I dont remember too much about the guy, just that he lived on Wilson, small house, small guy, the house was on the right side as you were going towards 6th st. Somewhere near where 33rd ave pops out..
Oh well sorry for the shitty luck.
Fire Hawk
10-06-2005, 05:56 AM
He did that too me when I was trying to sell my firebird a couple years ago... Everything you said is exactly how it sounds. He actually wanted to take me out to breakfast also but I was like ummmm no. He offered more for me to hold it and kept calling when I didn't want him too.
Then another time when I was trying to sell the Camaro in the paper I got a call from him again and did not want anything to deal with him.
Is there anything that can be done to stop him doing this?
10-06-2005, 07:34 AM
This sounds like the guy that one of my firends had a few run ins with.
From his site
So I was selling my 87 honda accord right? Still am. A guy called about it I called him back and he talked really fast and he was kind of old. This was saturday. He wanted to test drive it so he had me drive it over since he didn't have a car. he tests drives it for a few blocks and says he wants it. Later that day he calls back and says that he is interested in the honda and wants to test drive it on the highway again, alone with me this time. Monday comes and he calls and wants the manual. But when I'm en route to bringing it over he asks me to pick him up a couple mt. dews and he'll pay me back.
When I get to his house and go inside to give him the book and the pop I notice his walls are covered with HUNDREDS of clocks. All working, all in perfect time.
We after sipping on the mt dews (which he pays for in dimes and quarters) and talking about the weather, he wants to take another test drive. Only this time I'm supposed to drive. We do and I tell him I need to get going. He says he has a bank appointment at 3 to get a loan and he'll get the car tomorrow (tuesday).
Tuesday comes and goes. I call in the morning and no one answers. No call from him until 10pm. "Sorry I got called into work I didn't forget about you. Give me a call back." I call him this morning and again, no one answers. He calls me back at 5 or so and says he had to work some overtime and he got called in early too but he wants the car tomorrow morning because the bank should give him the money by then. Ok I say. He then proceedes to ask me to drive him over to his friends house or something when I get off school because he doesn't have a car. I tell him well I dont get out till 10 so I'll call you if its not to late... A polite way of impling, "you've crossed the line. I don't know you. I'm not a taxi." He calls me back at 8pm. "hey I was just wondering when you get off school. Give me a call."
10-06-2005, 07:45 AM
This is very creepy. This all sounds like the same guy and I remember Micah talking to me about him because I was considering buying his firebird at the time.
He told me he didn't want to sell to this guy because he seemed "creepy." lol. Is that the same guy Micah?
10-06-2005, 08:23 AM
Is this house about a mile or so away from the railroad tracks? If so, about 6 years ago I was selling my red Laser RS-T and this guy called. I had to drive around for a test drive cuz he doesn't know how to drive an manual. He said he loved the car and would be willing to pay more if I waited longer for him to save up more cash. It was a small house and had a one car garage. At the time, the guy was driving an old Ford Escort. I bet this is the same guy I should drive by and take a pic of his house.
BlackVR6, maybe you can take a pic of for us all, it was so long ago I don't want to accidently take pic of the WRONG house. I bet this guy just does this for fun... or he's got some mental problem. It was the first time I've ever had to take MY car to the potential buyers house... usually the buyer will meet the seller at home or the Mall or something.
10-06-2005, 08:47 AM
yes this is they guy! he had me drive to his house to show him my talon. It was smelly, small and covered in clocks and other random stuff. He was very very creepy, and i definatly want him to get a mental evaluation.
Mabye thats the only way he can talk to people? idk, i'd like to think theirs an excuse, but he definatly needs help.
Eric take a pic for us i cant remember exactly which house is his, but thank gof my bro came along with me. IDK what would have happened.
and yeha its after the tracks on your left if your headed towards edgewood.
10-06-2005, 10:35 AM
Ya that allsounds really creepy, you would think that there should be something you could do. I guess he hasnt hurt anybody yet but why wait till something like that happens.
10-06-2005, 11:07 AM
we "victims" should get together and all go up to him and confront him. He could be some psycho and doin this could save someones life. What if some girl (your sister, cousin, friend or whoever) showed up with her car and and he takes her into his creepy ass house... and he snaps......
10-06-2005, 11:12 AM
we "victims" should get together and all go up to him and confront him. He could be some psycho and doin this could save someones life. What if some girl (your sister, cousin, friend or whoever) showed up with her car and and he takes her into his creepy ass house... and he snaps......
yeah.. i read this and its actually kind of scary. like theres not exactly a lot of girls on this site, so who knows if he's doing it to girls too. but.. i'd be super scared if it happened to me, esp because.. little guy or not, he's prolly bigger than me, and most other girls. eek.
10-06-2005, 11:43 AM
lets leave a flyer on his doorstep. i could make a legit looking flyer.
title it "young boys and girls selling cars"
as rediculous as it sounds, it would be hilarious, and i think he would actually call the number on the flyer.
10-06-2005, 12:44 PM
Yeah his house is right after the train tracks across from the 30mph speedlimit sign, and he has a really steep ass driveway then it levels off at the bottom. This guy called me a few weeks about my car, and had me meet him at his house because he was having someone clean his carpet. ok, so I pull into the driveway, and scrape my front lip cause it's steep. there is a new neon in the driveway, and a guy standing outside his front door, so I walk up, and its a neatly dressed black guy, so I'm like hey, and the guy rings the doorbell, and says what the fuck, I was just in there trying to sell him this vaccum, and I went outside, and he dissappears, (well, he's selling kirby vacums which are like $2800 so i'm like thats kind of funny, the guy got his carpet cleaned and locks the guy out) well, the door is open, just the screen door is locked, so I look inside and there are a shitload of clocks, and dogs in cages, and just walking infront of the door i can smell the piss. Well, i'm like wtf, and walk over to my car, and talk to the guy as he starts to put the vaccum in his car, and the creepy old guy comes out the back door, and he's dressed in nasty sweatpants, an old t-shirt, and an old pair of shoes that he either cut the backs off of so theyre like sandals or just didnt put them on all the way.It looks like he had been painting or something. he tells the vaccum guy he doesn't want it, and asks we if we can go for a ride, and that I can drive because he hasn't drove a manual in a while, ok. he gets in and i look over at him and there is some nasty growth on his forehead,
and his clothes are just dirty, he hasn't been painting. Whats left of his hair is all nasty. He asks me to take it on the interstate, so I do and I get of on the 5th ave exit and turn left on 6th street to head back to his house, the whole time he's telling me how much he likes it talking all fast and goofy,telling me how he works at the gazette, what delivering papers? and on 6th street I slow down to like 5mph to go over the train tracks, and it's still rough, and the guy tells me my car rides like a cadillac. AN F-ING CADILLAC! well I drop him off at his house and he says he really likes it and will let me know by he weekend, oh and in his driveway infront of his one stall garage is his escort wagon.
there needs to be something done about this guy, he's a f-in wackjob.
10-06-2005, 01:19 PM
I'm considering printing this entire thread off and giving it to one of my friends who is a CRPD. If nothing else, so they are aware of the situation at hand.
"Just waitin' for the paperboy to come bring me some good newsssss"
10-06-2005, 01:21 PM
i remember bout a year ago i was selling my cadillac and this guys calls about it and my mom handed the phone to me cuz she couldnt understand him, i talked to him a few mins and he sounded drunk or sumthin..he said he was interested in the car but he wanted me to pick him up at the donutland on wilson ave the next day at like noon..i told him i had school so we would have to do it later, and he was ok with that, he kept calling my cell ohone like 10 or 15 times a day for the next two days..the car sold b4 i talked to him again so he called like a week later and i told him it glad it never got to me havin to meet him, he woulda creeped me out and i prolly woulda had to kill him and dump him off on the side of the road sumwhere....than no1 else woulda had any good stories ...sorry guys
on a budget
10-06-2005, 02:32 PM
people are messed up
10-06-2005, 10:27 PM
I Think I remember someone saying he had a bunch of toys and what not all over his car... like glued to the back window and shit. If this is the same guy, I do believe hes come in for a oil change at walmart a while back, and me and justin (blue SRT-4) where driving down 16th Ave towards DJ Auto and I swear to god I saw this guy, we where both like WTF is all over this dudes car, and he looked goofy as shit. Makes me not wanna ever sell my car in the news paper!!!
10-07-2005, 12:26 AM
I'm considering printing this entire thread off and giving it to one of my friends who is a CRPD. If nothing else, so they are aware of the situation at hand.
"Just waitin' for the paperboy to come bring me some good newsssss"
Ha Ha Zac, I know where your getting that paperboy thing (family Guy; that crazy old guy.)
Taken for Family Guy:
Machine: You have 113 new messages
[Phone starts to beep]
Lois Griffin: Oh my!
Old Man: Uh, yeah, I was just wondering, uh... where the newspaper boy was.
Old Man: Haven't seen the newspaper in a couple days. Wonderin' if he ever gonna come back.
Old Man: Guess who? Sorry to leave you so many messages. Just lonely here. Thinkin' about the muscly-armed paperboy. Wishin' he'd come by and bring me some good news.
Old Man: Where are you?
Old Man: Ah, you're starting to piss me off, you little piggly son of a bitch. Call me.
I love that- yeah just wanted to say that.
10-07-2005, 06:48 AM
Yes he did have clocks on there wall and i did see one dog in a cage by the frount door. It is right across for the 30mph too. colton i dont have a camera to take a pic but if you are ever in town and have your camera give me a call and we can take a pic. i wasnt expeting this many people to know him. this guy really pisses me off and needs to be stoped! I should post his number and let people herass him...
10-07-2005, 07:00 AM
zac do it. theirs not really proof, but none of us made this up im sure, because 3 differetn people made comments to derek, then derek was telling me..and i was like WOW, i delt with him.
10-07-2005, 07:15 AM
and there are some people on here that i havnt even meet or talked to and they know the same thing.
2027 Wilson Ave. SW
10-07-2005, 10:00 AM
wow.. thats nothing but disturbing.. I wonder if he would even pull this with a girl.. cause I've had car for sale in the paper but nothing like that happened to me... but then again I couldn't sell the Friebird so I told people it was sold already..
10-10-2005, 09:28 AM
Ok this guy's name is Joe? If it is then this SAME guy harassed this girl i use to work with at the Kernals a few years back. He was a very weird old man and you could barely understand him. He was always dirty as hell and he always came to our stand to talk to her. He wanted pictures of her and tried talk to her constantly. He even followed her out to her car a few times. In the end we had to have management talk to him and ban him from the park. It was creepy as shit. I hated that guy.
---If this isn't the same guy Joe....then nevermind----
but it was still creepy.
10-10-2005, 09:58 AM
i think he told me his name was kevin
Fire Hawk
10-10-2005, 10:03 AM
This is very creepy. This all sounds like the same guy and I remember Micah talking to me about him because I was considering buying his firebird at the time.
He told me he didn't want to sell to this guy because he seemed "creepy." lol. Is that the same guy Micah?
Same exact guy that I Was telling you about then Zac. They should have the police set up a fake ad and see if he calls on it and does the same shit that's he's been doing. Bust him for something.
10-10-2005, 11:31 AM
i am the one who back vr6 is talking about in his original post. i had this very same thing happen to me about 3 or 4 years ago. kevin would call me at wierd hours of the night and leave nothing but breathing sounds on my voicemail. about a year after, my friend tony had the exact same thing happen to him. then i had a class at kwood with a cop as the teacher. i told him about it, and he told me this..." i know of the house, tell your friend to stay away, i can not tell you anymore than that, but the both of you need to stay away."
then my friend thomas had the guy call him, and give him the same line of bullshit.
quite honestly , i'm pissed off about all of this. this old perverted fuck is using us in his sick fantasies and whos to know when he goes further. i once watched a show on discovery chanel where this convicted serial killer was interviewed and he said he'd stop on the interstate and act as if he was broken down to lure his victims to him. he said he did it over and over again before he finally went through with it. i think everyone who has ever been "touched" by this man(kevin) need to get together and do something about it. i for one would be down for a little surprise trip over to big Kev's house for a wake up call.
let me know what you guys think.
10-10-2005, 03:46 PM
ya something really needs to be done about this guy before he really hurts somebody. has anyone ever called the police and made an official report?
10-10-2005, 10:39 PM
Ok this guy's name is Joe? If it is then this SAME guy harassed this girl i use to work with at the Kernals a few years back. He was a very weird old man and you could barely understand him. He was always dirty as hell and he always came to our stand to talk to her. He wanted pictures of her and tried talk to her constantly. He even followed her out to her car a few times. In the end we had to have management talk to him and ban him from the park. It was creepy as shit. I hated that guy.
---If this isn't the same guy Joe....then nevermind----
but it was still creepy.
trevor that is not the same guy i know who you are talking about and these are TWO different guys. Joe was wierd but this Kevin guy is 5 times worse!
10-10-2005, 10:43 PM
i agree with dredge somthing needs to be done about this guy.
1. he has been doing this for years and shows no sign of stoping.
2. what he is doing is just wrong and scary and who knows when he might find he perfect man... if would be nice if the cops could do somthing about this or give us some information.
again he is really messed up in the head and idk if he is any good for society.
10-14-2005, 04:27 PM
wow...this is creepy. o_O
something does need to be done about this guy. regardless of him having a mental problem or not.
This sounds like a kidnapping waiting to happen.
10-14-2005, 11:11 PM
Not to mention he's screwing people out of selling their cars. Gotta remember the important facts guys. lol. Cops can't bust somebody for being creeply. haha
10-18-2005, 10:57 AM
Not to mention he's screwing people out of selling their cars. Gotta remember the important facts guys. lol. Cops can't bust somebody for being creeply. haha
maybe the cops arent the solution here, i was thinking more along the lines of a baseball bat to both knees. :axe:
10-18-2005, 11:39 AM
I can offer my services... usually i charge some sort of fee, but for special occasions such as this i will offer a discount of about $10 (price for a pack of bullets) =)
10-19-2005, 09:15 AM
I can offer my services... usually i charge some sort of fee, but for special occasions such as this i will offer a discount of about $10 (price for a pack of bullets) =)
$10- sounds kind of expensive, what type of gun will they be filling?
my AK-47 uses 7.62*39 and a box of russian military hollowpoints is only about $2.00 a box.
we need to be careful talking like this, it might cause people to think a little to much about what we're saying......hahaha, i'm only joking tho, some old delapitated perverted fuck would never be worth spending the rest of my life as a "pin-cusion". i'll save that for someone special, someone who actually fucks with my family.
10-19-2005, 10:26 AM
somebody make a list of the people he has fucked with. If theirs a complaint with signatures of more than 10 people the cops HAVE to do "something"
10-20-2005, 10:08 AM
1. me-(harvey)
2. my friend Tony
3. my roomate Thomas
4. Eric-the guy who started this post.
*theres 4 right there.
Fire Hawk
10-20-2005, 10:31 AM
Just found this piece of paper with:
2027 Wilson Ave S.W.
10-21-2005, 09:00 AM
we should have a contest to see who can be the first person to get a pic on here with themselves and kevin in it. the winner would win a dinner paid for by everyone who has ever been victimized by the notorious K.E.V.
10-21-2005, 02:38 PM
Whoa, I remember this guy. He's been doing this for a while, I remember when I sold my first Camaro and I went to his house, he even specified that he wasn't a pervert...
10-21-2005, 03:34 PM
It seems as those someone should bring this to the authorities attention or give him some old fashion lynch mob justice
10-27-2005, 01:21 PM
logans dad
10-27-2005, 02:29 PM
I think he is an old perv that goes out in these cars and when he gets the right vib he goes to work on them for some perv activities if you know what I mean.
We need someone that might still have his number and call him and set up a ride to check their car out and have ppl waiting on a gravel road and beat some knots on his face. Not put him in the hospital but beat the piss out of him. If one of you guys selling a car gets a call from him need to tell him to give you a couple days and get it set up.
Then if he calls the cops just say hay he wanted me to pick him up to check my car out and wanted me to drive then he put his hand on my balls so I fucked him up!!
10-28-2005, 05:00 AM
Well that was a good plan til you posted it on the internet for all to see :)
10-30-2005, 07:23 PM
HAHAHA I had this problem with this guy a year ago when I sold my grand am. Thank god I made my mom deal with it. I saw the guy once and laughed so fucking hard. Someone should go put hot wheels cars all around his hosue.
12-24-2005, 03:34 PM
This freak has been doing this crap for at least 10 years. He called on a car I was selling back then, and since then when I've put a car for sale this dude has called. Most recent was this past fall.
12-30-2005, 12:23 PM
let's all call the number, and leave messages of just us breathing on his answering machine like he did to you guys. then do the same to his cell phone. then drive to his house, and write "I like boys and cars" on his house with spraypaint.
logans dad
12-30-2005, 01:48 PM
97 contour, Do you bowl sat. morning at may city?
12-30-2005, 01:58 PM
yeah he does, i used to but i stopped two years ago or so when i got busy with work n school n stuff. =)
logans dad
12-30-2005, 02:08 PM
I bet Ive seen you then Ashly, Logan bowled with Brandon Novac and talk about a kick ass team, They won 2 years in a row. Brandon was a super good bowler. Logans bowled there for 5 years.
on a budget
12-30-2005, 04:06 PM
vic can i suggest a dentist for your family? ;)
logans dad
12-30-2005, 05:01 PM
Dentist just cost money Tubbed, Just let em rot lol.
So yea i'm selling my Mustang and this guy calls, says his name is kevin and he'd like to see my car and could we meet at the mall or something. I'm like ok, ya know i've had car sitting with for sale signs at lindale for sometime now and i figure he had seen my car. This guy kevin calls me later and tells me his car is broken, and he lives over near westdale and he wants me to come show my car to him. So when i get there theres 50 year old guy in a Ford escort just sitting in the middle of the old biglots parking lot. He gets out and we shake hands and right away i can tell some thing is weird here. He tells me his full name and asks me about the car, he constantly repeats himself, forgets things then suddenly remembers them later and in general is odd. He tells me he needs dog food and so i drive over to dollar general and he goes and gets the dog food. When he comes out he asks to drive the car and so i let him, meanwhile he tells me he works for the paper in the ad department. I ask him is that where he saw the ad for my car and hes like yea. At this point i'm totally f*cking weirded out, i mean its a Red 99 Mustang, fricken pretty car and i dont think he even knew what it looked like. What kind of person calls in a on a car that he doesnt know anything about it? Well cause i'm a cheap ass were running low on gas so finally he turns around and heads back to his car, after showing me his werid little white house on wilson. When we get back to the parking lot he gets out and tells me to come look at his car. So i do, and HIS WHEEL IS LIKE at a 30 degree angle!!! What kind of idiot drives with their car that fucked up!? Well anyway the next day he calls me back and i call him back but we dont have time for him to "drive the car again". The next day he calls and i tell him my mom wants to come along on the next ride and he tells me he will call me back and never does. Well 1 day later i'm at work talking to Mokes0801 and he tells me about this thread and i'm like HOLY SH*T he was a pervert! This was all like thursday and friday of last week and i'm still scared of phone calls on my car... which btw i still need to sell...
Well anyway definately need to get the word out about him.
04-02-2006, 09:56 PM
Thank you for your contribution to this ongoing "project" trying to see just how many people this guy has done this to.
What are we up to guys? Isn't it like 5 or 6 stories or more? i'm too lazy to check. I'm gunna get the scoop on this guy in the near future.
04-02-2006, 11:06 PM
Next time this guy wants to meet up with someone selling their car get ahold me, i have no problem tellin people straight when i think they are weird, perverted a**holes etc.
No one needs to fear trying to sell a car because some pervert.
Ofcourse this will have to wait a week or so, my back is all out of whack from a work injury so i'm kinda stuck at home but atleast i got some good drugs but cant drive :(
04-09-2006, 05:17 PM
Ed why are you tormenting these kids?
04-13-2006, 09:42 AM
Yeah it seems like more and more people are still dealing with this guy. i Hate him so much
02-17-2007, 01:56 PM
strangly enough sounds like a guy i tried to sell my Cutlass to years ago - probably 8-10 years ago, small white house on wilson, i had to pick him up drive him around for the test drive, go inside and write down everything about the car. I sold it later that day to somone else so didnt deal with the extra crap.
dont remember crazy clock walls, but it was years ago
02-18-2007, 09:22 AM
thats sounds like good ol kevin
03-15-2008, 04:53 PM
Does anyone have any more stories about this guy?
09-30-2008, 11:12 AM
01-13-2009, 01:08 AM
01-13-2009, 06:08 AM
So from now on, if people haven't learned yet. You don't go pick up some random guy to take it him to your car to look at it, then proceed to drive him around. That's just asking to get raped/murdered whatever. Stay away from people like that.
01-13-2009, 06:52 AM
WOW this guy is still alive? I remember back when i posted this. We should use a bate car and wait for him to call. then surround him and ask WTF!?
01-13-2009, 12:28 PM
01-15-2009, 06:47 PM
Thats the guy. I had a run in with him. I wish i could call him out on his creepyness now.
01-15-2009, 08:13 PM
I had a run in with him years and years ago. Someone needs to do something about it, its got to lead to something someday.
03-10-2009, 12:14 PM
^ very true.
Its like a drug high for him and we all know how those go. Every time you need more or to do it more offten and when that stops giving you a high you find ways of getting it by any means.
In his case just riding in sports cars with a young man or women is fine now but when that stops getting him hard who knows what he will do next and what he is capable of....
06-13-2009, 10:29 PM
This guy called when I was selling my 84 Monte Carlo in the Collins Paper. He wanted to look at the car, then He had me drive him around. We had met at Westdale mall. He had a little car with him. A few days later he called again and wanted to see the car again. So instead of meeting him, I drove the car to his house (thought it was a bit suspicious) because his car was "in the shop". He lived on Wilson Ave between the train tracks and edgewood, I know its a long stretch there, but I dont know that area very well. I never went in his house, didnt want some Silence of the Lambs shit happening to me. He stalled on paying for the car again. The next time he called, I asked why he wanted to see the car again if he said he already wants it. He was pulling some bullshit like he just wants to make sure everything is ok on it. I ended that "sale" right there.
This was 2-3 years ago. Yea, he was creepy lol
06-19-2009, 03:39 PM
yep thats the guys... westdale mall and everything. I however when inside his house... and quickly left...
Hey what's up all, I joined after I read this thread and I just HAD to report that I too had a run in with this Kevin character.
A couple years ago, I was selling my Dodge Stealth R/T in the paper and this guy calls and says he wants to buy it site un-seen (weird), he asked me to take it to his house to look at it and test drive it. I show up and he tells me that he can't drive a stick but wants us to go out for a test drive so he can go show it to his Mom!?!?! I'm like alright whatever and we take off. He directs me out somewhere past the CR airport and we END UP OUT IN A CEMETARY!!! Turns out his Mother is dead but he still wanted to show her the car anyway, at this point I realize that this douchebag was just using me for some kind of Taxi ride and I proceeded to call him out on it. He claims that's not the case and that he'll buy the car from me in a couple days. He invited me in to his house where he even wrote out a "intention to buy" note. And sure enough there were clocks all over the walls and a dog caged inside and it's smelled like $H*T in there. Needless to say I never followed up with this guy as I knew he was full of it, but it did make me contemplate setting fire to his house (if only there wasn't a dog involved)
07-12-2009, 10:08 AM
Thats amazing. You should have left him out their at the cemetery. Out by the airport and a cemetery...not Blain Cemetery was it?! Would have been a gravel road.
07-12-2009, 10:09 AM
it makes me wonder if we could present some kind of complaint to the police department about this guy- seems a lot of people have had some run-ins with him.
07-12-2009, 10:22 PM
I'll talk with someone about it tomorrow if I remember.
07-13-2009, 10:51 AM
something needs to be done. as far as i can tell he is doing nothing illegal but is only a matter of time......
I don't recall which cemetary it was but I'm certain there wasn't any gravel involved (I babied that car! lol). I do know for a fact that there are alot more people out there affected by this guy because I've been told about him from others as well. It's kind of a weird story to have in common with someone and once you have it happen to you, you know exactly what somebody is talking about when they bring it up.
12-04-2009, 08:05 AM
Oh my god. I can add at least two more people to this list. When I was 17 (in spring 2005), I ran across a black 1997 WS6 for a good deal and decided to sell my 1994 TA. I got a call from this guy and we met at the Westdale parking lot. He said the car was awesome, he wanted something just to 'bring his youth back' and this was the perfect car. We drove out via 30 to 380 to the Airport and back. He just kept saying how smooth a ride it was and how he didn't have the cash today, but wanted to see it again in a week. I did so thinking thinking the car was sold. This time he wanted to go out for a 'country ride' just to see how it would do. I said 'hell no', if you wanna buy the car you'll take it today, you already had a ride. He got pissed and left. He ended up calling my phone for weeks leaving me voicemails like "I just wanna be your friend, I thought we were friends"...creepy as fuck. That is, until my old man decided to answer the phone a few weeks into it and tell him off. Never heard from him again.
Turns out, my step-brother Jared has the exact same experience with the same old guy about a year before when he sold his Supra. Creepy.
12-04-2009, 08:58 AM
lets put in a fake add for a car he would call on and jump him!!!
12-04-2009, 09:42 AM
hell yeah! put an ad up and then get as many people that he has "dealt with" as we can and have them all just hanging out somewhere. Then take the guy for a drive right to where everyoe is an done by one introduce themselves and see if he starts to realize whats up...
as for beating him, how old is this guy exactly?
12-04-2009, 10:24 AM
lets put in a fake add for a car he would call on and jump him!!!
You would want to jump him fag.
12-04-2009, 11:22 AM
Turns out to be muff
12-04-2009, 11:24 AM
Turns out to be muff
god you are gay, why dont you make another post about adding a 500 shot dickhead
12-04-2009, 12:54 PM
Turns out to be muff
god you are gay, why dont you make another post about adding a 500 shot dickhead
Think I may have tripped a nerve?
Maybe this means Old Creepy Guy has been unmasked?
12-05-2009, 10:10 AM
Turns out to be muff
god you are gay, why dont you make another post about adding a 500 shot dickhead
Think I may have tripped a nerve?
Maybe this means Old Creepy Guy has been unmasked?
ROFL. He's like mid-50s to early 60s. Kind of fat, at least acts like he has some sort of limp. If we do beat him down, lets at least humor him and bring a wheel-chair for him to wheel himself back :yawinkle:
12-05-2009, 12:06 PM
lets put in a fake add for a car he would call on and jump him!!!
You would want to jump him fag.
naw im too busy jumping your mom
12-05-2009, 12:07 PM
Turns out to be muff
god you are gay, why dont you make another post about adding a 500 shot dickhead
Think I may have tripped a nerve?
Maybe this means Old Creepy Guy has been unmasked?
ROFL. He's like mid-50s to early 60s. Kind of fat, at least acts like he has some sort of limp. If we do beat him down, lets at least humor him and bring a wheel-chair for him to wheel himself back :yawinkle:
he will just want to have a young guy push him around for a test drive before he tells you he wants it.
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