View Full Version : Team CR:U
07-27-2005, 10:12 AM
CR:U Members,
Recently, one of our members (DragonUSMC) brought up the idea of having a car club for CR:U. However, it has come to our attention that we are not quite ready to have a full-fledged car club. The idea is good, but it is apparant that CR:U needs some more time to develop before we can take that step. So first of all, a big thanks goes out to Jay for making that suggestion and doing the research for it.
Upon discussing it, we stumbled onto another idea that was brought to us by Lil Murk. The idea is simply that we create a small team of cars that do track racing. This would give many of us a reason to come out to the track and spectate, and would give other members something to shoot for.
Basically, there would be a limit to how fast a car must be in order to be able to respresent CR:U as a part of "Team CR:U." For starters, I think we should put the limit at a 14.5 second quarter mile. This would make it so we should have at least 2 or 3 cars that could represent us, but still leave the limit at an achievable level for many people who are just shy of that mark. (Exe: the old man! Logans Dad who has been pulling lowwww 15's from what I hear but should be creeping into the 14's soon)
I realize 14.5 is a pretty high number, and maybe later we can tighten it somewhat, but let's face it guys: Cedar Rapids is not known for their fast cars....YET. If we can get the ball rolling on this, it would give people something to shoot for. I think it would add incentive for a lot of people to mod their cars and run some faster times.
The only requirement for the team is that they represent CR:U on their car is SOME way. A windshield banner will be highly recommended (and paid for by CR:U), but even a pair of the small CR:U stickers on your rear windows will do just fine. There would be no liability within this team at the present time. We would just ask that you make attempts to show up at the CR:U events.
Remember, as a member of Team CR:U, you would be representing us everywhere that your car goes! A certain level of class would have to be shown when you are in public!
Maybe we can boost the growth of the import scene in this town? What do you guys think?
07-27-2005, 10:28 AM
That sounds kick ass, I might be able to quiet down a lill bit more with this.... Kinda like Team Drag source... I think you should get some window banners for front windows to... I think somone needs to get this goin asap
07-27-2005, 10:29 AM
Not a bad idea, also would get a little more of a track image vs people thinking people on here only street race.
07-27-2005, 10:29 AM
A few more minor touches on my car and i'll be ready, you wont see me at the drag strip, but at some SCCA events.
Any stipulations on things for the others that arent interested in drag?
07-27-2005, 12:35 PM
I wanna move to CR now I was born there Family should of stayed there. Stupid poor parents.
lil krumm
07-27-2005, 12:50 PM
there should be an auto-cross section of this team too. i just hope my car can break into 14.5s, but i know it cant :(
07-27-2005, 01:04 PM
You KNOW i'm down for this Zac. George and I were talking about this earlier. I would gladly represent one of the "faster" cars once i get some parts swapped over :)
07-27-2005, 01:26 PM
Yeah we'll have to have an auto cross section too... cause the only "strip" you'll find me on, is the kind ya shove one dollar bills on.
Bauw - chicka - bauw - wow!
Regeneration X
07-27-2005, 02:30 PM
Maybe we can boost the growth of the import scene in this town? What do you guys think?
import only?
07-27-2005, 02:41 PM
Maybe we can boost the growth of the import scene in this town? What do you guys think?
import only?[/quote:51c41]
No. There are too many of us that don't have imports that are plenty worthy of being a part of it.
07-27-2005, 03:09 PM
i say all cars... i am a car enthusisest, all kinds I feel are welcome.
10.5 is the way to be
07-27-2005, 03:26 PM
I think you should get some window banners for front windows to... I think somone needs to get this goin asap
i agree! :supz:
10.5 is the way to be
07-27-2005, 03:49 PM
btw, although i dont have a running car, i would say only modded cars, in any way stero's w/e or rare stock cars, like a rx7 or a supra- i just, dont think a car club should have some1's mini van with hub caps spinners if you get my drift
07-27-2005, 04:14 PM
I was kinda goin for this, but sounds like its not what im interested in.. Good luck and have fun with this...
07-27-2005, 04:50 PM
Well why dont you elaborate on what your looking for. I agree they need to be moded cars, I didnt mean "all are welcome" in the sense that a mini van or fiesta is going to do anything. I think there should be guidelines on each specific disipline.
07-27-2005, 04:56 PM
Well why dont you elaborate on what your looking for. I agree they need to be moded cars, I didnt mean "all are welcome" in the sense that a mini van or fiesta is going to do anything. I think there should be guidelines on each specific disipline.
I think there should in a way seperat teams like For atocross, for street and drag racin, and for show.. But in a sense all be one big team, just kinda have sections. And i think every section should have strict guidlines so they know who can get in and who cant, that way we dont have a bunch of fonys in there... like for example for the street and drag racing crew, i think you should go atleast 13.50s or faster, and have like a 7 car street/track drag racin crew. And for like the autocross, let those people that know more about that set those guidlines! Have seperat teams, but when it comes down to bein a car club, we are all one big Team!! Thats my looks on it. :supz:
07-27-2005, 06:06 PM
I think thats exactly what everyone is thinking. ONE team, SEPERATE sections. For exactly the reasons you stated. I wont see a drag strip but maybe once or twice just to see what i run for shits and giggles, but i'll do that on my own time.
Where as others have no interest in auto-cross or drifting, there for that seperate section would have its own guidelines to adhear to. I believe now that people like the idea of a team we should get some people that would want to be key players together and set up guidelines and such.
07-27-2005, 06:09 PM
Second thoughts...
Even on top of that, each section could be broken down into smaller groups depending on size. So that different events could be covered simutaniously.
Example: JDI could be doing a drift event at X location where as ASSCLOWNS could be doing an auto cross at Y location.
Same goes with Drag and so fourth.
07-27-2005, 06:18 PM
No Fiesta's? lol guess that means the metro is out...*giggle*
07-27-2005, 06:37 PM
metros never counted in the first place.. :P jk
07-27-2005, 06:57 PM
I wouldn't mind notching it down to 13.5 eventually, but I think there are only a couple people on the site that run faster than that who would be interested in this.
I mean, we have quite a few cars here running under 10 second 1/4 miles, but they most likely would not be interested as most of them are in their own clubs already.
07-27-2005, 07:19 PM
If I wasn't going to Ames for college I would be down for this. I'm sure the daytona could run pretty quick without my interior and subs.
lil krumm
07-27-2005, 07:33 PM
dang i cant get into 13s till i build a new engine and a new head.
Regeneration X
07-27-2005, 07:59 PM
i dont think we should have a street racing gang. that just gives us a bad rep w. cops and cR:U isnt supposed to support it. drag and autox are fine, but i think street racing should be left out.
i mean what is the public gonna think when a car gets pulled over with a big "" sticker on its window? they are gonna point the finger right at us, and blame us for all the street racing. plus window stickers are kind of ricey, the big ones at least. maybe a small one would be ifne.
ill def. do autox/drag/road course. but def. not street racing.
idk if im making sense to you guys or not, but do you catch my drift?
lil krumm
07-27-2005, 08:07 PM
window banners arnt ricey. whats can be ricey about them is when people get banners that paste the model/crand of car, its like no shit your in a grand am!!!!
but if its a banner repretentin a site, or some kinda of high performance parts on yout car, its fine.'
but the reason it would look bad on your car is because its a old domestic.
Regeneration X
07-27-2005, 08:23 PM
window banners arnt ricey. whats can be ricey about them is when people get banners that paste the model/crand of car, its like no shit your in a grand am!!!!
but if its a banner repretentin a site, or some kinda of high performance parts on yout car, its fine.'
but the reason it would look bad on your car is because its a old domestic.
everyone is entitled to their own opinion. i even think a parts company sticker is ricey.
07-27-2005, 08:25 PM
Well firstly, nobody said anything about street racing as far as I know.
And if a cop pulls over, say MonstaTalon and he's sporting a "Team CR:U" windshield decal, then they can visit CR:U and see what Team CR:U is all about. And then they will see that it is not a street racing group.
Although....we can't control what members of Team CR:U do on their off time. That's really none of our business.
So what's up Monsta? You might be up for this? If so, we could have you and Trevor on the same team. 2 DSM's good for some 12 second runs at least with room for improvement. All we would ask out of you is that you tone it down at the track so as to keep the group respected and not despised.
Autocross would be good too! I think we need to get the ball rolling on this. I will need to talk with Chad at Precision Tint to see if he could give us a deal on windshield banners (or whatever else you guys want for decals). Otherwise I can get them through the same people we guy the CR:U stickers from last time. They're decently priced.
Anyone who wants the windshield decals, I believe they will say "Team CR:U" in large lettering with "" in smaller letters underneath it. I'm sure the same decal could be made a little smaller to be placed elsewhere on the vehicle if you prefer.
As far as ricey goes? I don't think a windshield banner representing a performance car club is ricey. I think you're being a little too closed-minded about "rice." Now for your vehicle, maybe something smaller and more discrete would be more appropriate since you own an older domestic. Any member of this team would need to represent the "Team CR:U" sticker in some way though. Even the MSCA has stickers and their cars are all badass.
Regeneration X
07-27-2005, 08:32 PM
what about tshirts?
07-27-2005, 10:12 PM
how about having the stickers going up/down the a-pillar instead of across the windshield? good/bad?
i think this is a step in the direction of getting a more positive outlook on CR:U!
07-27-2005, 10:13 PM
i would rock a banner on whatever my next car is and i would wear a t-shirt all the time
07-27-2005, 10:22 PM
ill take a large Team Cr:U and a large die cut decals (for your windows).. something to replace my velocity and apc shit.. lol id put the Team Cr:U on the front and The website on the back. shoot me the price Zac.. when you get it... thanks...
Or maybe "Tucker@Cr:U" ..... it would be cool to get that... you know what.. fuggit.. if you could hook me up with the company that did the last decals just shoot me their digits and ill get it myself.. i dont wanna have you bustin your ass to do this for just one person.
lil krumm
07-27-2005, 10:30 PM
i would rock a banner on whatever my next car is and i would wear a t-shirt all the timeme too, i jsut want a cool t-shirt
lil krumm
07-27-2005, 10:32 PM
i need to get a faster car so i can rock the banner :)
07-27-2005, 10:35 PM
we should have tshirts for whoever, not just for the fast people. because my truck sucks, and its freaking slow, but i love rockin tshirts. and we should be able to put our names on the back or something (not necessarily our screennames, but whatever). yeah. that would rock. i like tshirts with names on them. lol.
07-27-2005, 10:36 PM
Heres what im thinkin
For the drag section... Drag source decals say dragsource , Can ours for the drag section say CR:U and thats it for the front... That way cops wont look at the site in a bad way
i mean we dont have to advertise street racing... Drag source street and track races and they dont have problems.. I mean the shirts could say on the front and maby our Screen names on back.. :supz:
lil krumm
07-27-2005, 10:44 PM
thats good idea, i like woudl put cr:undergorund on front, and my s/n on back window
10.5 is the way to be
07-27-2005, 10:52 PM
i dont kno if the screen names would be a good idea, i mean if you want to do it ok, but for some reason it will remind me of a pokemon team and all the members have nicknames, idk just wht i think
lil krumm
07-27-2005, 10:54 PM
i dont kno if the screen names would be a good idea, i mean if you want to do it ok, but for some reason it will remind me of a pokemon team and all the members have nicknames, idk just wht i thinkyou dont have a car you dont have a say!!!!!!! hehehe j/k man
10.5 is the way to be
07-27-2005, 11:01 PM
im gonna change my name on CR:U to "dRaGoN_lOv3R_666", cuz it will look good on the back of my car
07-28-2005, 12:02 AM
Well firstly, nobody said anything about street racing as far as I know.
And if a cop pulls over, say MonstaTalon and he's sporting a "Team CR:U" windshield decal, then they can visit CR:U and see what Team CR:U is all about. And then they will see that it is not a street racing group.
Although....we can't control what members of Team CR:U do on their off time. That's really none of our business.
So what's up Monsta? You might be up for this? If so, we could have you and Trevor on the same team. 2 DSM's good for some 12 second runs at least with room for improvement. All we would ask out of you is that you tone it down at the track so as to keep the group respected and not despised.
Autocross would be good too! I think we need to get the ball rolling on this. I will need to talk with Chad at Precision Tint to see if he could give us a deal on windshield banners (or whatever else you guys want for decals). Otherwise I can get them through the same people we guy the CR:U stickers from last time. They're decently priced.
Anyone who wants the windshield decals, I believe they will say "Team CR:U" in large lettering with "" in smaller letters underneath it. I'm sure the same decal could be made a little smaller to be placed elsewhere on the vehicle if you prefer.
As far as ricey goes? I don't think a windshield banner representing a performance car club is ricey. I think you're being a little too closed-minded about "rice." Now for your vehicle, maybe something smaller and more discrete would be more appropriate since you own an older domestic. Any member of this team would need to represent the "Team CR:U" sticker in some way though. Even the MSCA has stickers and their cars are all badass.
Im feeling up for this, Me and trevor could start the Drag racing section, but im going to chat with him tommorow about guidlines.. Here is how i feel..
For this to happen, i ask that the shit talking between site members stop 100% if people dont like somone or somthing, i ask that they keep it to thereselfs so we can all get along.. If poeple want drama keep it between opponents.
And i was thinking that if we start off with like a 14.20s ish et to get in, that way it gives people a goal to work for, and not just any one can be in that way, just getting a fart can and a cone filter wont put you in. buy doing this,it will show you are dedicated to what you love. I also feel that if you put the effort to go that fast to get in, you deserve every right to have your spot..
I also think that haveing a window banner for the front that said.. CR:U And for our shirts, we could have and some cool desighn on the front, and our screen names on the back.. I was also talking to Andrew, about filming and editing, and we were wondoring what kind of support we could get to buy a video camera, and editing software.. we figured we could all throw down $10 or some sort of donation, for a cru camera..
Them are my ideas for now, tell me what you think and i will talk to trevor, and we can go from there, but its getting late in the summer, so i think we should get somthing rolling soon!
George :supz:
07-28-2005, 12:12 AM
Also i thought i might add that my gf works at best buy so we could prolly get a damn good discount on a good digital camcorder and software. (Plus i always take good care of my stuff, nothing would happen to the camcorder in my possession) :supz:
Regeneration X
07-28-2005, 02:26 AM
[quote="10.5 is the way to be":7df61]i dont kno if the screen names would be a good idea, i mean if you want to do it ok, but for some reason it will remind me of a pokemon team and all the members have nicknames, idk just wht i thinkyou dont have a car you dont have a say!!!!!!! hehehe j/k man[/quote:7df61]
10.5 has a point. im with him on this. the banner would be good, but window stickers of our screen names? thats a little too far.
07-28-2005, 06:02 AM
i like the idea of being able to support the site, but at the same time, im afraid of the stereotypes that might come with it, or even having to live up to expectations. i'd probably do it anyway, its not like cops dont already know my car pretty well. i dont know if im so much for a window banner, but id definaly run the stickers on the side windows if you wanted me to be a part of it Zac.
07-28-2005, 06:27 AM
I think it would be best to design a few different “molds” for banners. By mold I mean shape, size, and font of the design. That way there is like 3 different sizes. Small, med, and giant banner. But don’t purchase them… just set the design up with what ever company you go with, and then we can go in and get appropriate color matching on said banner.
This way if say I want two small ones for my side windows and a giant banner then all I have to do is walk in and tell them the color. Color matching = classy =)
07-28-2005, 06:43 AM
Obviously if you had a certain section of that group as your designated drag cars such like dragsource I doubt many minivan's will be participating. You should have a miles per hour limit of like 13.99 or faster. You leave it in the 14's most stockers can do that.
07-28-2005, 07:18 AM
i might be getting into autocross, i havnt driven in it myself yet, but i've always wanted to do it, and that may be possible soon.
...what will i be driving???:P
07-28-2005, 07:27 AM
once i get my car paid for i will make it nicer and hopefully take it to some shows. me and blues can take car of the car show scene.
07-28-2005, 07:46 AM
next year i cant wait, only got a few left this summer/fall, but next summer is going to be a whole new story. Ive got plans that are waiting on plans that are waiting on plans, just gotta get step one done first, im hoping for big things next summer if all goes well.
07-28-2005, 08:06 AM
hopefully by the end of the summer i will have a front lip, but i want some nice chrome wheels and get the fucker lowered. lamborgini doors would be cool too but everyone and their mom has that now. :butthead:
lil krumm
07-28-2005, 08:29 AM
hopefully by the end of the summer i will have a front lip, but i want some nice chrome wheels and get the fucker lowered. lamborgini doors would be cool too but everyone and their mom has that now. :butthead:gullwing doors, back to the future style mang
07-28-2005, 10:59 AM
I talked to trevor and we came to terms.
Rules & Regulations
1. You must have to run 14.20s or faster to get in ( Over time that number will get smaller)
2. We would like the banner just to say CR:U And you must run that on your front window.
3. You must wear you shirt at events, and they should say on the front and your screen name on back if you would like.
4. We will start this off being a 7 car team, and we have two spots open, we have the first five filled. So if you meet the requirements, let us know.
5. We will participate in Street & Track events, allong with car shows and other get togethers.
6. We will have to buy a camera and softwear so we can make videos showing our progress..
Thats what we decided for the drag racing section, just because them our the rules for our section, dont mean that your head runners cant decide on different rules, for different sections.
Thats about it..
George. :supz:
07-28-2005, 11:34 AM
who are the first 5?
07-28-2005, 12:09 PM
who are the first 5?
Im going to go chat with dart today about joining!
2 spots left.
07-28-2005, 12:10 PM
Me: 92 GSX
George: 94 Tsi
Andrew: 96 GS-T
Michael: 93 5.0L Mustang
Marc: 92 GSX
07-28-2005, 12:20 PM
ok i dont know micheal or marc and is Andrew in the 14s yet? Trevor you still gotta peice together what you have. George is the only one on that list that i know for a fact runs lower than a 14. plus their are a ton others on here that car very fast. Heres just a few i can name off the top of my head:
DustinsDuster - low 13's high 12's
Rysbrnr - 12s??
Allgo - Fast as shit
90 Notch - Fast as shit
Anyone from MSCA with CRU account
Stg4raddo (Tyler) - im guessing mid 14's maybe
StalkerWS6 - 13s
Trent - who knows, but quick.
those are just the ones i can think of just sitting here.
07-28-2005, 12:31 PM
ok i dont know micheal or marc and is Andrew in the 14s yet? Trevor you still gotta peice together what you have. George is the only one on that list that i know for a fact runs lower than a 14. plus their are a ton others on here that car very fast. Heres just a few i can name off the top of my head:
DustinsDuster - low 13's high 12's
Rysbrnr - 12s??
Allgo - Fast as shit
90 Notch - Fast as shit
Anyone from MSCA with CRU account
Stg4raddo (Tyler) - im guessing mid 14's maybe
StalkerWS6 - 13s
Trent - who knows, but quick.
those are just the ones i can think of just sitting here.
Theres 2 spots left.
MSCA guys have there own club, so i doubt they want in. Rysbrnr is very busy so i doubt he will want in, and stalkerws6 could be a option, they are all welcome!!
07-28-2005, 12:39 PM
why do you have to just have 7 spots? i mean if theres more than 7 people who are quick enough and want in.. why can't you have more spots?
07-28-2005, 12:41 PM
why do you have to just have 7 spots? i mean if theres more than 7 people who are quick enough and want in.. why can't you have more spots?
we were going to kinda head for that, but we were going to start out small for now, and besideds i think we just set goals for people! Your right, if there is more people who are running the numbers and want in.. I guess they have earned there right.
07-28-2005, 01:06 PM
yeah i guess im kinda wondering why its limited to 7... but this falls into my other idea...
Yes we have our sections. Now if you want to roll with a grp of 7 monsta thats cool, we can have smaller groups inside of a main section. That was kinda my idea with the auto-cross section... JDI will be our own group but will also be CR:U Kinda breaks down like this
Not saying that EVERYONE cant go to the same event. but this way if there are more then one event going on each little group can go represent the team on their own. And then come together for bigger ones. That way we will have competition amongst ourselves a bit to help stay on top. Because of our little groups, kinda like Platoons... or mini-teams
07-28-2005, 01:23 PM
:supz: :supz: :supz:
lil krumm
07-28-2005, 01:24 PM
i dont understand the group of 7?? i dont know whay you would restrict it so much, if oyu have the cars on this site, make it 10-15 cars.
07-28-2005, 01:39 PM
No murk ya missed my point... Say Monsta's got 7 buddies he ALWAYS rolls with. Ok so not they are "team loud mouth" lol sorry JK JK... smile with me it was funny. Team LM is part of Team CRU in the Drag section. There is "Team LiL Gangstas" also in the drag section. They have 23 people in their group.
In a seperate section of auto-cross you have "team captain super hardcorps" and there is only 5 people in his group and so on.
the "leader" or what ever of Team Loud mouth and LiL gangsta get together to let eachother know about the event they heard about. But Team LM only has 3 people that can make it, so Team Lil Gangsta says, hey i got 4 guys who cant go to my event but can make yours.
Its like an easier way for everyone to communicate about things... and see who is going where and doing what. And if there is only one event then EVERYONE goes... who cares right?
07-28-2005, 01:43 PM
Alright we don't have to limit it to 7 people. I just didn't realize a lot of people wanted to be in on this. Plus all those people that you mentioned Matt are always really busy or never want to come out and "roll" with us on the "streets" if you catch my drift. Right now this is a seriously chopped up list of people in the group. You are right though, George is the only one currently meeting the requirements. Mike is my remember him. He has a 93 white 5.0. Andrew just started to modify his car...and you know DSM's they aren't hard to run low 14's or high 13's. Marc is George's cousin which has a GSX that already ran mid-low 14's with a slipping clutch. We will all meet the requirements when it comes to ACTUAL "events" so to speak.
If anyone wants to be a part of this then all you have to do is contact myself or george (monsta talon) and let us know.
We won't be limiting the group to 7 people but i gurantee we won't have all 15 members or so "rolling" together on the weekends, cuz simply i don't go bar hopping or to strip this is what i do on the weekends.
07-28-2005, 01:46 PM
I think they are just setting a goal for themselves to find at least 7 people...or at least that is how I am thinking of it.
I would like to talk to Chad at Precision Tint to see if he can give us some sort of deal on some windshield banners if I tell him that we're probably going to need like 15-20 when it's all said and done at least.
LoL Guys honestly I didn't think that this would blow up like it did. Does anyone have a problem buying their own banner? If there is anyone that simply can't afford it, I will see what I can do but we definitely don't have enough advertising/donations money to take care of all these banners.
As for the camera......eek that is going to be really really expensive. I think a decent, not used digital cam is going to be $600+.
Right now, the CR:U account has $51. I will contribute $50 to the account whenever we start purchasing so basically right now we've got about $100 to play with. lol.
Buying your own banners would help, then we just need to figure out how to get enough money to purchase a video cam. I have an analog video cam and a connection that turns it into digital on my computer, but it's not really great quality. But we could use it for starters if we had to.
07-28-2005, 01:53 PM
Zac i just say talk to the guy and tell him whats going on. Set up a few designs, see if he will get us a deal, then the "leaders" per say can take their group down and get what ever styles or color combos they choose for their group.
But this could be a good step in setting up a sponsorship through your guy there. I can see alot more buisness comming his way from us if this takes off.
07-28-2005, 03:36 PM
I think they are just setting a goal for themselves to find at least 7 people...or at least that is how I am thinking of it.
I would like to talk to Chad at Precision Tint to see if he can give us some sort of deal on some windshield banners if I tell him that we're probably going to need like 15-20 when it's all said and done at least.
LoL Guys honestly I didn't think that this would blow up like it did. Does anyone have a problem buying their own banner? If there is anyone that simply can't afford it, I will see what I can do but we definitely don't have enough advertising/donations money to take care of all these banners.
As for the camera......eek that is going to be really really expensive. I think a decent, not used digital cam is going to be $600+.
Right now, the CR:U account has $51. I will contribute $50 to the account whenever we start purchasing so basically right now we've got about $100 to play with. lol.
Buying your own banners would help, then we just need to figure out how to get enough money to purchase a video cam. I have an analog video cam and a connection that turns it into digital on my computer, but it's not really great quality. But we could use it for starters if we had to.
Zach can you make sure our banners for our group just say CR:U and also why dont we all make a paypal donation to the acount for this, plus we do need shirts. Just for starters.
07-28-2005, 03:45 PM
We don't HAVE to have shirts George. I would like the banner to say Team Cr:U in some way....i was thinking like
07-28-2005, 04:15 PM
I think that a TEAM CR:U sticker would be better just because it would show that you aren't just rocking a sticker for somebody, that the sticker actually means that you are part of a team.
It doesn't matter to me. Just let me know whatever you guys decide. If we get enough donations we coudl probably buy the tshirts and the banners at least for the drag team for starters.
We're going to need quite a few donations though. Unless we get one hell of a deal on the banners, we're looking at AT LEAST $21.95 a piece, and that is through for a 3" by 35" windshield decal.
The shirts IDK about at all. The ones dragsource has are pretty cheap. I'll bet we could sneak away with about 15 shirts for under $200.
Regeneration X
07-28-2005, 04:45 PM
Since George's group is mainly imports, maybe we can have a Team CR:U Domestic for drag?
Im hoping my car will run low 14s when im done, and dustin has some quick cars. Marc (Deathinnovember) had a 13sec ws6 and stalker has a 13sec, and soon to be faster. Maybe we can split it up into categories? Domestic and Import? Then maybe the domestic drag team's banner can say "Team CR:U" with "Domesitc" under "Team CRU" in smaller letters? thats kinda waht i was thinking.
im not saying i wont race with imports, shit most are faster than me, well right now yea cause my car doesnt run...yet. haha but i think it would be neat to have a little domestic group, dsm group, and some other groups (like honda, euro etc etc) and stuff like that.
07-28-2005, 04:55 PM
Well the key to getting this project to take off initially is a term I learned in my Macro-Economics course:
K.I.S. (Keep it Simple...or as my teacher said, K.I.S.S = Keep it Simple Stupid.)
The idea behind this is that initially you don't want to make things too complicated. In business terms, an example would be putting a down payment on a DYNO for a car shop that you haven't even started yet. Or even for building a car....buying a turbo for a car you don't own yet.
This applies to our car group in many ways. You don't want to over-do it in the beginning. Keep it simple at first, and see what interests you have. It's really easy to SAY online that you are interested in this, but when it comes down to "okay everyone be at CFR at 8pm on saturday" you will find that a lot less people are "interested."
I say we start out very simple. Drag-AutoX-Show. 3 groups with everyone intermixed. After all, we don't officially know how many people will be interested in being in each group.
Now lets summer we find out that there are 14 people that meet the requirements of 14.2 or higher in the quarter mile for the drag team. Lets say that 7 of the 14 are DSMs, and there are 3 other misc Imports and there are 4 domestics. Then it might make more sense to split up into a DSM Team, Imports, and Domestics.
I think the idea is good, but I truly believe it would be better for each of the 3 categories to start off together and then we can re-evaluate at a future time.
Regeneration X
07-28-2005, 04:57 PM
why dont we just have one big drag group, and slip that group up into smaller teams based on times?
07-28-2005, 05:03 PM
I wouldnt want to split it up based on times simply for this reason. Say there are two events at different locations. I believe it would be best for it to be about even. Splitting it in that manner means a broader range of competition rather then our one group owning in the one spot.
I'll photochop some cool fonts i have for the banner and see what people think. Give me a couple hours
07-28-2005, 08:30 PM
Let's just do what Zac says and KEEP IT SIMPLE. We will have one Drag GROUP. Domestics or Imports. Fast or slow. We are a TEAM either way. If it grows big enough that we actually can split up the cars in a fationable manner....then so be it. Let stuff take it's place as it happens.
07-28-2005, 08:58 PM
well i think these are all good ideas
07-28-2005, 10:25 PM
KISS for sure.
absolutely no need to split up for a while.
i have access to millions of fonts, and can design my own if you want my input. if not..i'll just go to sleep now.
07-28-2005, 11:31 PM
How about we start a sticky or another topic for those who are interested in becoming part of the AUTOX team, Drag team, or the show team. I think thats smart. Me and mike drew some designs we thought looked good. Just a nice plain banner not over fancy or anything. ill try and make her tonight and post it up before i go to bed. Ill also make some new stickies or topics.
07-29-2005, 12:14 AM
heres a basic crude idea of what me and mike came up with. Color matched to our cars. This would be mine. My car is two tone. Red with gray around the bottom so mine could look like this. Or red trim and grey lettering. Whatever looks better when the guys making it and show me a pic.
07-29-2005, 07:12 AM
Mike also had the idea of having TEAM CR: in like white and the U in RED. That way it kind of stands could look good. I still need to design my idea. I think it would be good for Side window applications or rear window applications.
07-29-2005, 07:21 AM
um.. out of sheer curiousity, why dont you just have them be all white? ive seen people with colored banners and stuff, and its kind of hard to read. and if your ordering them specifically to match everyones cars (like andrew's two toned one) it's prolly going to get semi-expensive. all one color would probably be alot cheaper, and i think it looks nicer. just an idea. =)
07-29-2005, 07:25 AM
i will not rock a red banner, sorry. either white, silver or chrome.
07-29-2005, 07:30 AM
Andrew was talking about color matching it obviously you would have white. Or you can do whatever you want.
07-29-2005, 07:37 AM
You color match because its classy… Well that’s what I think anyway. I still think everyone just pays for their own right now. Cause honestly the only other way is charge like team membership dues. And I don’t see anyone wanting to do that for some reason.
I’ll make some banners tonight. I fell asleep last night early after watchin season 3 Red vs. Blue
07-29-2005, 08:27 AM
Dues and rules are reason why I don't like clubs or organizations. I am more of a drive where I want, when I want, and do what I want. I told Monstatalon I would be a cohort for racing but the RS won't be out until fall and won't be fast until winter.
07-29-2005, 09:21 AM
Here is what I think:
Banners and T-Shirts are a good idea, but at this point in time they aren't totally important. I say if you want a banner, or any kind of sticker, we will set up what we all want them to say "team CR:U" or whatever if you are getting a windshield banner, and for a decal in your rear window, maybe Team CR:U with the web-address at the bottom?
I can go to Chad at Precision Tint sometime and have him design something for me. Then all you guys would have to do is go in there and tweak it anyway that you want and they can make it for you and you can pay for it.
I don't think the stickers are a necessity at this point...what I DO think is a necessity is that we get this video camera.
I am considering selling the analog one I have and donating the money to the CR:U to help fund this. I am also willing to buy a new computer and deal with the editing of movies.
Obviously since the camcorder would be owned by CR:U and not me, it could be loaned out to a select few people (just to assure it is taken care of)
But in the mean-time, we will be taking donations. Anyway you can get the money to me, it will be greatly appreciated. I have a member already interested in putting forth $100 towards this project. And with the $50 I put in, and probably $150 I can get for the video camera I already have, we would just need anywhere between $50 and $200 to get a camera ($500+will get us a nice one that will make our videos look kickass!)
In fact, here is a deal for you guys: If CR:U can raise $400 for a video camera. I will take care of the rest by myself and we will have a very nice video camera. Something along the lings of $600 (which will get a very decent video cam) So you guys raise $400, and we will have an awesome video cam.
07-29-2005, 10:31 AM
Alright... whos got ideas for a fund raiser?
07-29-2005, 11:17 AM
Zac i already have most of not all the programs we need. (pirate fo lyfe) my computer is more than compatable for video editing. all i need is the camera.
Regeneration X
07-29-2005, 12:31 PM
i have some buddies at sears and best buy who can get us discounts.
07-29-2005, 12:55 PM
Just bought a new computer today :) thumbz up.
Matt we can dually the video stuff. I needed a new comp anyways, but we could definitely use more than 1 video editing person. Plus I still need to learn more about it. I have done a little with my computer, but lost interest because my computer was slow as hell.
New computer comes with the windows XP media edition, 512 megs of ram (which I will soon upgrade the the max) and 250GB of hard drive space and a DVD burner :)
07-29-2005, 01:02 PM
When me and Monstatalon came up with that idea. We decided i was gonna take care of the video editing. I mean im not gonna freak if i dont do it, but whoever does has to be someone who is around ALL the time. I know your awesome at that shit Matt, but i havent seen you since .... i dont even know. Like Regeneration said he's got friends and i have my gf that works at best buy. We should be able to get a hell of a camera and software for $600. Trevor is gonna upload a few more color schemes I made last night. CRU wont let me upload it so... Hes going to do it. I thought that it was clear everyone was paying for their own banner because CRU just doesnt have the money to pay for them. I just thought we were setting in stone what the font would be and then everyone could change the color schemes.
Regeneration X
07-29-2005, 01:09 PM
I can get some professional cameras from a buddy of mine too. I have to rent a date ahead of time tho. And I can only get them for probably 1 day at a time.
So if you need cameras we have to know like a month ahead of time. The catch is that only him and I can use them, so both of us will have to be free that day. But the quality will be well worth it. $2k dollar cameras :)
Just a reminder to all right now, fall i cant attend stuff because i will be busy with the football season. unless its weekends, then i can do some stuff. but during the week i am completely booked.
07-29-2005, 01:10 PM
Ya know... This is just a thought, take it how you will.
Maybe we should just do what ever. Like forget a "set" font, and "set" color. Make it so it just has to say the same thing. This way everyones different personality can kinda show, ya know?
Its just an idea.... Oh and i think we should go with
CR:UNDERGROUND for a banner, leave out the "team" i just think sayin "team" or "racing" in your name is kinda lame0rz
Regeneration X
07-29-2005, 01:23 PM
Ya know... This is just a thought, take it how you will.
Maybe we should just do what ever. Like forget a "set" font, and "set" color. Make it so it just has to say the same thing. This way everyones different personality can kinda show, ya know?
Its just an idea.... Oh and i think we should go with
CR:UNDERGROUND for a banner, leave out the "team" i just think sayin "team" or "racing" in your name is kinda lame0rz
dragsource just has dragsource, or
i also think it should be our decision to get a banner. Like we should be able to decide size/color/font/where its located. As long as we are rep'n CRU
07-29-2005, 01:45 PM
My thoughts exactly. You just need to be representing CR:U. It doesn't matter really if it's a windshield banner or if it's just a small "" sticker on your rear window. Pick what you want, and how you want to represent the site. Heck, it's your money anyways.
07-29-2005, 01:49 PM
dragsource just has dragsource, or
i also think it should be our decision to get a banner. Like we should be able to decide size/color/font/where its located. As long as we are rep'n CRU
YAY at least one person agrees with me...
My reasoning behind this is that I dont really like GIANT banners too much.. i like small indescrete things. I think Sleeper when i work on my car. Not "LOOK AT THE BLINGZ YO!!"
This way everyone can get what they want, yet we still represent the same thing. Yes i think Dragsouce's banners are very classy. and its just right there BAM! DRAGSOURCE I think its powerful, just like CR:Underground i feel is more powerful then Team CRU
OK here are a few i did...
07-29-2005, 02:48 PM
Well some of us guys on the Drag team talked. I guess its ok for you other guys to do that. We all kinda want to do the TEAM CR:U thing. So if you dont mind, i think we may go with that. About the video camera. We might need more than one....Think about it, if we have the Drag Team at CFR and the AutoX team at an SCCA event. Theres a problem... We'll have to talk about this all. If any of you guys would like to talk in person come to Old Target tonight at 10ish.
07-29-2005, 03:00 PM
i also kinda like the idea of having "team" in the banner. it shows we are something more than any other kid who just buys a CR:u sticker.
also, if im not wanted in the club, thats fine. it wouldnt break my heart, i just wanted to represent the board if i could. just let me know.
07-29-2005, 03:07 PM
fuck man if your fast enough to make what ever time they set then w00t Rock it fucker! You can ride some autoX with me if ya want =D
07-29-2005, 03:11 PM
its not that, it kinda sounded to me like George and Trevor already had their group picked out, and i wasnt one of the names. thats all.
07-29-2005, 03:36 PM
bah fuck that Dustin.
You run faster than 14.2. I think they just assumed you wouldn't be interested. Jay came up with this original idea and I tweaked it to what it is, so when it comes down to that, I would say Jay and I have the final say on that sort of issue.
But I'm sure George and Trevor didn't exclude you on purpose. They probably just didn't think you would be interested since it includes putting a sticker on your car somewhere.
But hell man, if you're interested then you're more than welcome to be a part of it.
07-29-2005, 05:49 PM
alright then, sounds good to me. let me know whats going on with it, because until i start my own club to be in or something of the sort, i would dig supporting the site.
07-30-2005, 12:35 AM
07-30-2005, 12:52 AM
Yea dont think they didnt want to include you. They only said our names cuz they knew we would be interested. This is just the beginning, we are still trying to find out who's all interested. Talk to Trevor or George. They arent going to say no.
07-30-2005, 12:32 PM
Dustin if you want to be a part of it that is fine! I wasn't even having really a "set" group in mind. I was naming off people that we had found and were interested. That is all. I am sorry if it seamed like i wasn't including you for any reason, or anyone else for that matter.
07-30-2005, 01:01 PM
my prizm runs 16's all day long on pump gas and all season tires!!!
07-30-2005, 02:10 PM
Yeah, I know that my car won't run 14.2... hell it proabably won't even run like a 17 :) But I was just wondering if there is any kind of sticker that already exists that just simple advertises the board. I would love to buy one if there is. Just let me know.
07-30-2005, 02:12 PM
yeah, we have little white stickers.. zac always has them at dinners and whatnot.
07-30-2005, 03:22 PM
Andrew -
i dont need to be around to video tape everything. just who ever has a camera, tape that shit than send it to me and i will take care of it. im sure there are people out there that has some sort of an artistic eye when it co me to some things.
Zac -
give me some burning cds and i will hook you up fa sho.
im also contemplating about using a 20gig internal hardrive and converting it to an external just to save shit on that way we can transfer the stuff easier. so like if its on my computer and zac wants to edit, ill just give him the hd, and vise versa. get the idea.
07-30-2005, 07:11 PM
Yea i got ya. What are you thinking Zac?
07-30-2005, 07:34 PM
yeah, we have little white stickers.. zac always has them at dinners and whatnot.
Cool. When is the next "get-together" so I can get one? Now that I am going to be 16 in one week, I will be able to go to these things.
lil krumm
07-30-2005, 07:36 PM
yeah, we have little white stickers.. zac always has them at dinners and whatnot.
Cool. When is the next "get-together" so I can get one? Now that I am going to be 16 in one week, I will be able to go to these things.i ve been tryin to get one since they first got em, I GET MINE FIRST :(
07-30-2005, 07:42 PM
HA HA i got mine at the CRU car show... By the way Zac i might need one more =P
How much ya wanna bet i get mine before lil murk does =D
07-30-2005, 07:43 PM
ive been tryin to get one since they first got em, I GET MINE FIRST :(
No problem, I'll just be right behind you :)
lil krumm
07-30-2005, 07:51 PM
How much ya wanna bet i get mine before lil murk does =D
$5 :)
07-31-2005, 01:35 AM
your on =P
Regeneration X
07-31-2005, 01:50 AM
I have a question for the guys incharge of this.
Lets say I want to be a part of the team, but I don want a banner stuck to my window all of the time. Can i put something up at just the events? My car is going to be somewhat of a show car, and I dont want a big banner saying CR:U. I dont want any stickers on my car (not dissing cru). So can I temporarily rep. CRU at events?
07-31-2005, 08:51 AM
I'm going to have to say "no" to your question, Adam.
I'm not mad at you, but wanting to be a part of Team CR:U and not even having the respect to rock a sticker is pretty lame. All of the MSCA guys, who have faster cars than 99% of the world will EVER own ALL have window decals on their cars. Mustangs, wagons, CHEVELLES, Grand Nationals....they all have the MSCA sticker.
So may answer to your question, is no. The entire point of being a part of a team or club is that you are allowing your car to represent the club anytime it is in public.
This is one thing I will not back down on, and every member of Team CR:U will be checked for this. You don't have to have a windshield banner, but once we get the stickers that we need, you will need to have at least the small "team CR:U" sticker on your rear window. Failure to comply with this will result in your removal from the club. Rule #1 in this club: You are representing CR:U. If you do not have the desire to represent CR:U in ANY way that you can, you don't belong on Team CR:U.
I'm not dissing on you Adam, but that's how it's gotta be. We want devoted individuals that want to get the name out everytime their car leaves the garage.
07-31-2005, 11:09 AM
HAHA. I would say people in the MSCA are faster than 65 percent of the general hotrodding persuausion if even that. There are alot of fast cars out there. The MSCA may be fast but unless the running like 8 flats than they are in the general majhority of most fast cars. Note: never said my car was fast just pointing out there are alot of fast cars out there. Guess I can't be in any team either because the only way I put a sticker on my car is if someone is paying me money and I don't foresee that happening anytime in the near future.
07-31-2005, 11:51 AM
im pretty sure he meant all cars in general, not just hotrodding.
07-31-2005, 09:24 PM
Yes Jake I was referring to all cars in general. Which would make my statement correct.
And you telling me you wouldn't put a sticker on your car does not hurt my feelings one bit. Nor does it when Adam made the statement.
There are plenty others who own fast cars that would be willing to take your place. We are not looking for the "fastest of the fast" but we are looking for any cars that run 14.2 or faster that would like to represent the site. No special treatment will be given to anyone...I don't care if your car runs a 6 second quarter mile or a 14.2 second quarter mile, we don't want you if you won't rock the sticker. What good would being on our team do if nobody knows you're on it?
If a little sticker keeps you from joining a team then it's your loss, not ours. Every respectable team in america wears some sort of logo, and this will be no exception.
Sorry you feel that way, Jake. And not dissing on you, but I'm not paying you to put a sticker on your car unless you're running 8's or faster. So if you want the CR:U dime you better get that magical Camaro out of it's 2 year shop slumber. :)
07-31-2005, 09:51 PM
i want mirror stickers. those are my favorite. but yeah...jakes a dumbass. lol dont forget, he doesnt know anything about cars either :)
07-31-2005, 10:08 PM
haha naw I like jake. He's my dawg.
Just nothing annoys me more than domestic guys that think they can't put a tiny little sticker on their car. I love domestics...maybe more than I like imports, and I can understand them not wanting to put on a windshield banner...hell I don't want one on my car. But not wanting to put a small sticker on your rear window? that is just plain being a dick if you ask me.
But like i said, I don't care if Adam or Jake's car ran 6 second quarter miles. This team is being brought together for those of us who are truly devoted to CR:U and want to get the word out about the website and have a LOT OF FUN in the mean-time. So as i said before, their loss, not ours.
07-31-2005, 10:23 PM
hooray, i think we should get together all of us and the guy doing our banners to set up the font. Cuz i think block lettering with two tone colors would look kick ass. Got it photoshopped on my car the way i designed it. And the red and grey just "revved my engine" :supz:
08-01-2005, 12:14 AM
i thought about it, and i wouldnt mind rocking a CR:u window banner. im down wit it, i like the idea of being a part of something.
08-01-2005, 12:28 AM
BTW Guys I talked with Stalker WS6 and he's down for this too.
His TA runs plenty faster than 14.2 (timeslips of 14.3 without nitrous and with engine problems...has since installed nitrous and fixed engine issues) and he said he will be visiting the track soon to prove it. Also he said he's trading in one of his vehicles for another car (I'll keep that private in case he didn't want me to tell) that is faster than his TA.
So we definitely have another good contributor.
I will talk to some people and make out a roster of who I know is doing this with us. I'll post it up for Trevor and George and Andew (I'm assuming you 3 are the ones who have taken charge of the drag team?)
08-01-2005, 08:57 AM
Yea Zac you can just let one of us know. This is great. I hope everyone follows through with it and it works out!!
08-01-2005, 09:16 AM
Well I think a KEY thing is to get as many people as we can that can run faster than 14.2. That way whether or not EVERYONE comes out on a track day, we can still have a good showing because we have so many team members.
08-01-2005, 09:32 AM
08-01-2005, 09:46 AM
so Trev what are the numbers the "team" runs now
08-01-2005, 09:58 AM
im dizzy
08-01-2005, 10:02 AM
so Trev what are the numbers the "team" runs now
hahaha, i just realized, i think george is the only one allowed on this team.
08-01-2005, 10:03 AM
so Trev what are the numbers the "team" runs now
What do you mean by numbers? like how many people are there? I haven't taken a Head count, but i think Andrew has.
As for time varies a lot.
08-01-2005, 10:10 AM
i know it varies alot. im saying you made a regulation as to how fast you need to be to be on the drag team. i know George meets it, Dustin meets it and Stalker meets it. Once you transfer your shit you hopefully will be. Who else on your roster meets the regulation? Get what im saying. Colton does.
08-01-2005, 10:12 AM
Colton...awesome banner. that font looks really good.
Matt, when the team is set, everyone will be running 14.2 or faster. We will take everyone's word for it right now, but at some point we will establish a time-frame needed for everyone on the team to prove what they run. If they can't run 14.2 then they will have to keep working on their car until they can.
But trust that everyone on the Team CR:U roster will run 14.2 or better before we go to the track to race as a team.
08-01-2005, 10:12 AM
i understand
08-01-2005, 11:51 AM
wow colt that font looks really good... good idea for the photochopping it on to the window too... I'll do that with a few of my 2374 fonts i have =/ I went DL crazy a while ago and got a little too many.
08-01-2005, 12:04 PM
Hey dude, props on your car it looks bad ass!! Now i wish you would bring it out... :supz:
08-01-2005, 12:08 PM
Unless I am way out of the loop, that's not colton's car.
08-01-2005, 01:16 PM
If it is his im going to give him a big hug, he deserves it!
I also really like that Banner Font. I would definatly sport that. Then again anyone can just go out and get a CR:Underground sticker, it's gotta say Team or SOMETHING!!
Keep em commin Colton.
Also Matt the plan is that anyone that is on the drag team has to run atleast 14.2. The members are obviously not set in stone and are just people that PLAN on being members, but rules are rules. I will even step out of the "ring" if i don't run 14.2 or faster. If i don't i will kick myslef in the head.
08-01-2005, 01:19 PM
oh im not worried about you. you have more than enough parts to make that happen. im just not sure how a fwd auto is gonna run. hint hint.
08-01-2005, 01:39 PM
that hurts. Dont worry about me ill be running lower than 14.2 :finga: BTW: im jk around
08-01-2005, 01:40 PM
oh im not worried about you. you have more than enough parts to make that happen. im just not sure how a fwd auto is gonna run. hint hint.
Lol now Matt play nice. Thing is he will be getting one of my spare turbos laying around and's MY cousin. You don't think I can get his car in the low 14's. It is still a turbo DSM. I can bet you if he swapped in my turbo and got full exhaust he would run 13's. :)
08-01-2005, 01:41 PM
I still dont think it needs to say team if it just says CR:Underground. I think im going to rock it like colt posted in his photochopped pic. That just looks clean and classy to me.
08-01-2005, 01:46 PM
I still dont think it needs to say team if it just says CR:Underground. I think im going to rock it like colt posted in his photochopped pic. That just looks clean and classy to me.
Yea maybe your right. It does look damn good. Plus i have a white car so it would match perfectly :)
08-01-2005, 01:49 PM
im just fucking wth you Andrew i know your car is slow.
08-01-2005, 01:50 PM
Well it will all be up to personal preference. I personally don't care about the windshield banners. If the windshield banners say CR:Underground or Team CR:Underground doesn't matter to me.
Now the smaller rear window decals I reallly think should say "Team" on them though. A winshield decal is really big so that's personal preference, but the little rear window decals are small.
08-01-2005, 01:52 PM
love you too man :goodman: lol It most likely wont be auto when we come back next year. (unless i have a huge change of heart ...or just go bankrupt) I figure that we prolly wont get this going this year. Its prolly gonna be next year. By that time ill have some new things done.
08-01-2005, 01:55 PM
Here: This is my idea. Something like this except with cooler fonts (like yours colton) and some designs or something around it.
08-01-2005, 02:57 PM
LOL, that stuff between andrew and matt is hilarious. i actually use illustrator so i can customize my fonts. and preferences just tell me. i tried out the vertical passenger side banner, but that just doesnt work out well. if i wrote 'team' in really shirt but wide it may lok ok, but i like the idea of it on the back more.
oh and no thats not my car sorry guys. im cookin somethin up you can always count on that.
08-01-2005, 03:01 PM
Well the vinal place in the QC here can do the fade look like in my earlier posts... here they are... i think im going with something like this. Probably the top one.
08-01-2005, 05:07 PM
i like a plain clean look for a banner, but the 2nd one has a swet font.
11-04-2006, 01:28 AM
11-05-2006, 11:25 AM
i dont know, the more i think of it, the less i think of CR:u as a car club. i think were a great community and good group of friends. while this is a good thing, it doesnt seem like the greatest criteria for a car club.
just my .02
11-05-2006, 11:49 AM
I think eventually one day we could do something like this. It's definitely worth talking about. I just think we need some time to rebuild (as we've gotten a very good start to since moving to the new server, over 125 posts yesterday) but as of right now Dustin is right. People are here because we are a great community, and in my opinion no matter how many similar sites come out, nobody will every be able to touch that.
But this is not a bad idea to keep in the back of the mind for a future date.
11-05-2006, 12:57 PM
What about CR:U banners? i would totally rock one.
11-05-2006, 01:04 PM
Ye ask and ye shall receive. We'll take a poll and see what kind of interest we have, and we'll get some banners. I'd thought about it before but just ended up getting those little window stickers. If I order some banners, I'll probably just go out to Precision Tint and just have them make me 3-5 of them for now and tell them just to save the design on their computer. They did a kickass job on those big vinyl banners to we'll see what they can do for us with windshield banners.
11-05-2006, 01:41 PM
ill take two little window stickers zac when i go pick up my shrit
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