View Full Version : Why im not buying Trevors DSM
07-26-2005, 01:55 PM
well its come down to it and i cant afford it... i just got some statements for my business and im really really in a lot of trouble as far as fincnces go.. so i have two choices.
a.) Buy the Talon Es-T and go into the red. live in the hatch of the car and eat ramen noodles (uncoooked of course) for the next year and a half
B.) dont buy the car. keep on making it by with what i have.
i think this is an obvious choice for me... well since trevor was nice enough to hold onto the car.. he now wants to keep the talon and swap all the parts off... so.. i would like to oplogize to trevor... here for everyone to see.. it wasnt my choice what happend... you know if i could do it i would have a week and a half ago... so. thats about all ihave to say.,
07-26-2005, 02:07 PM
your business?
07-26-2005, 02:53 PM
your business?
Bullshitters Inc. is the name, Bullshitting is the game!
07-26-2005, 03:24 PM
Why im not buying Trevors DSM.... I had a feeling this was gonna happen.. judging by the history of posts I've read in the past. Everyone understands if you can't afford it, that's a normal situation. If you already knew you'd probably not be able to afford it, you should've saved yourself the embarrassment of backing out by not even thinking about claiming that you're buying it. Too many times you've made all sorts of claims that didn't happen and acutally it's making your name/word not very credible to anyone.
Off the top of my head:
-the truck that you were "almost done building" when it was actually on Ebay.
-getting a free engine for your Prizm
-moving over the the dark side (DSM) but you don't have it now.. for whatever reasons, sold it to a friend...
-buying TbTalons car, even starting a new name Dragsource as TbTalonES,
-bidding a roofing job for me at $30 a sq. ft!!
There's probably more stories that I haven't heard of and now you're starting a new business?
You should try to save what's left of your credibility. Credit is everything these days.... without it, you'll be asked to prove everything first before anyone will believe what you say.
07-26-2005, 03:32 PM
wait.. he made a name ''tbtalones"? tb is trevor's initials lol..
edit: wait, i also have another question. i started reading posts on dsource. tucker.. in one thread where you were trying to sell your prizm, you said it was a 2000. then, when you told everyone what cars you supposedly have.. you said it's a 2001.
07-26-2005, 08:47 PM
hey people make mistakes... who the fuck doesnt!?!? get off your high horses and see the shit that you do yourselves... all theses bullshit posts you have made here basically serve ONE pourpose.. to make you look that much better than me.. and honestly.. if im as bad as you all say i am... who the fuck cares to compare you to me??? and YES i do run a business... im a framing subcontractor... and shit rys i told you i was joking with that price.. i dont do roofs. sure ive made some mistakes... but honestly who the FUCK are you to sit back behind your computer and tell me who i am? say it to my face... i hate all this drama you guys stir up on here its really what makes this whole "scene" a bunch of lameasses. this was a simple apology to trevor cause i felt like shit... i didnt know i coudlnt afford it till today. you want me to feel guilty for all the things i have done in the past? i already have tenfold. so in closeing... you really dont know me half as well as you say. and untill you do.. stop judging me. it isnt your place anyway.
07-26-2005, 08:58 PM
thats jesus' job. ...and your screwed LoL jk.
i was pretty sure this purchase wouldnt happen. i tried to tell trevor, but he's to trusting of a guy. nothing against you, just i know how kids do things these days...i've had lots of people say "oh, yeah i'll give you more for your car then your asking." uh, they never show up.
07-27-2005, 12:07 AM
or they give you half, than the other half 2 months later.
10.5 is the way to be
07-27-2005, 12:38 AM
you made a good choice, ramen noodles suck.
07-27-2005, 12:44 AM
hey people make mistakes... who the fuck doesnt!?!? get off your high horses and see the shit that you do yourselves... all theses bullshit posts you have made here basically serve ONE pourpose.. to make you look that much better than me.. and honestly.. if im as bad as you all say i am... who the fuck cares to compare you to me??? and YES i do run a business... im a framing subcontractor... and shit rys i told you i was joking with that price.. i dont do roofs. sure ive made some mistakes... but honestly who the FUCK are you to sit back behind your computer and tell me who i am? say it to my face... i hate all this drama you guys stir up on here its really what makes this whole "scene" a bunch of lameasses. this was a simple apology to trevor cause i felt like shit... i didnt know i coudlnt afford it till today. you want me to feel guilty for all the things i have done in the past? i already have tenfold. so in closeing... you really dont know me half as well as you say. and untill you do.. stop judging me. it isnt your place anyway.
WHOA!!!! easy there cowboy. No one's "judging" you so quit jumping to conclusions. I know everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone blatently lies about things. This has nothing to do with the fact that you're not buying TbTalon's car, it's about all the BS you post on here, and I KNOW the roofing bid was just a joke. The funny thing is, all your lies don't really matter to me, I don't give a fuck what you say, it's just words on a screen...My post above was just a constructive criticism post saying that you've lost credibility in what you say. It was to help you build character by knowing what can improve on. I've NEVER flamed you about anything on this site til now... I don't even hardly read the same forums you post in.... but when I see one of your post there's always some claim you make and it's usually never true. Actually I'm not even the first one to mention this... A while ago there was some girl on here (melhoneybee or someone) who called you out on everything you say... I didn't see you getting all defensive about that
And that comment you said about people making posts to just to make themselves look better than you, come on you honestly think everyone's got it out for you? who's on the "high horse" now?
You act as though I'm sitting behind a computer talking shit like these other fools....if you really want to me to say it to your face... all I need is an invitation. Do you even know me or my background?
but honestly who the FUCK are you to sit back behind your computer and tell me who i am? say it to my face Would you like to have a man to man meeting and discuss this, if so make sure you're at least legal age to participate. I'll say no more to you about this unless it's in person the way you want it... that way I can't be labeled some e-thug
07-27-2005, 08:16 AM
...its true. all that^. but now im curious about your background rysbrner...were you a killa?
07-27-2005, 08:33 AM
...its true. all that^. but now im curious about your background rysbrner...were you a killa?edit...I'll talk to you about that in person. But be willing to bet me and my crowd have been through more than Prizzo ma nizzo. and my stories are real It's a culture thing... something most people wouldn't understand. The only person who would is probably noryss... he used to live by TbTalon.
07-27-2005, 08:55 AM
...its true. all that^. but now im curious about your background rysbrner...were you a killa?
Yeah he is...cold hearted gangsta slangin lead to all those that be steppin. An that shit is real..and the streets.
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