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View Full Version : Okay, this is all I ask. THE ONLY RULE!

06-16-2005, 07:09 PM
Okay, the forum is pretty much split on this idea. About half of you love it, and about half of you hate it. I personally hate this forum....and I think it does nothing but bad for CR:U.


I respect that many of you find this entertaining....and sometimes I like you guys :) so I allow this forum to be here.

I will generally stay out of this forum....so ALL I ASK is that unless I am directly posting to a topic and you are responding to me, please don't mention me, or anything about me (Or SonomaGirlie) in this forum. Basically all I ask is to leave me and Ashley out of it unless we get ourselves into the problem. Also, please refrain from critisizing CR:U as a whole, as that is essentially the same as dragging me or Ashley into it because then we feel the need to defend the website.

That is all I ask, thanks guys.
