I was just wondering what everyones opinion was about me going to the Army was. I don't think that anyone knows me but im going to the dinner at buffallo wild wing so maybe i will get to meet some of you.
05-10-2005, 05:27 PM
most absolutley not, unless you like getting yelled at all the time and getting mentally broken down and rebuilt like they want you to be.
05-10-2005, 07:13 PM
go navy , then your on a boat and just party most of the time when your at port. my cousin is in the navy when state side he works from 6 a.m. to 10a.m. , when they leave port its tweleve hour shifts but he is on the USS ENTERPRISE so i dont know what the shifts on smaller ships are :drinkers:
05-10-2005, 08:12 PM
Being in the military will be an experience that you'll never forget. I would love to say I helped out in the war against terror but unfortunately the war will probably be over by the time I get out of college (which is the soonest I would consider enlisting).
I think there are a lot of things that people believe about the military that are false. As Dustin proved, a lot of people think you are "brainwashed" in the military. Yeah....maybe in the movies. Ask Rabbit (who just got out of boot camp) boot camp is not anywhere near as hard as they portray on the movies.
I personally have never noticed any change in a person coming out of boot camp other than that they have a little more self-respect and a lot more confidence in themselves. My cousin came to my grandma's in mississippi about 2 weeks after his boot camp and he was exactly the same..just a little tougher and more respectable than he was before.
I say do it... We could always use another soldier especially in times like this.
05-10-2005, 08:58 PM
I plan on serving the country. For me, it will be different than what most people around here do. I am going into the Air Force as an officer, not as an elisted. The Air Force officers go through something similar to boot camp, they call it Leadership Camp. I can't wait to get into college and participate in Air Force ROTC. I'll probably end up as a communications officer.
05-10-2005, 09:05 PM
I plan on serving the country. For me, it will be different than what most people around here do. I am going into the Air Force as an officer, not as an elisted. The Air Force officers go through something similar to boot camp, they call it Leadership Camp. I can't wait to get into college and participate in Air Force ROTC. I'll probably end up as a communications officer.
If I go into the marines it will be as an officer. I just need to get into the platoon leadership course before my senior year (in college) if I decide to do that....among many other things i Have to do.
05-10-2005, 09:12 PM
I was in the US Army. My parents felt that if I didn't straighten myself out, I'd end up in jail or worse because of the stuff I was doin and the friends I have. Even the military doesn't help with that either. Out of the 4 friends & cousins of mine in prison, 1 was a US Marine.... so that's like a 25% chance still!
The military just wasn't the place for me. I didn't like being told what to do by some other guy whom was less intelligent than I. Only cuz of his rank was he allowed to boss me around. fuck that!
I felt I could better succeed in life by living in the civilian world rather than the military. Most of the people in the Army were dumb, no joke. During my senior year I scored 94 or 95 on my ASVAB test. I didn't even try hard. My recruiter told me that few people score in the 90's. WTF? That shoulda been a warning to me of the type of people I'd encounter. If anything I shoulda went to ROTC during college instead.
To me, most of the guys in the Army seemed like the type of guys who had no other "post high school" alternative. If you've tried everything else after high school (labor force, college, bumming around, etc.) and still didn't get no where.... then the Military is the place for you. When you've got no other alternatives, you can always go to the military where you'd have a good chance of advancing. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of smart people in the military but they joined with intentions of attaining high rank and doin big things, not just to get a free ride and G.I bill for college.
After a while I decided full time military was NOT for me and was a huge waste of time, I transferred into the reserves where I could be a civilian and part time soldier. I can tell you this now, If I were to still be active Army right now, I'd be playing a LOT of catch-up to be where I'm at now in life.
05-10-2005, 09:17 PM
If you honestly want to.....then do it...but in my opinion....thats a bad idea.
05-10-2005, 09:39 PM
in all honesty i wouldnt enlist unless they brought it here.. then itd be on like Aunt Jamima on waffles...Gurrilla miltia style Suckkas!!
05-10-2005, 09:58 PM
in all honesty i wouldnt enlist unless they brought it here.. then itd be on like Aunt Jamima on waffles...Gurrilla miltia style Suckkas!!
.. guerilla?
05-10-2005, 10:04 PM
i say do it, like zac said before its something that you wont forget and boot camp doesn't really change people that much. when tony went to boot camp i was afraid he would be the same guy when he lift... oh was i wrong, he didn't change that much, he is more respectable then he was before which i like. one think i would suggest is if you are dating anyone, talk to them about it, don't just tell them one day that you are leaving in a month for boot camp. tony did that to me, i was not at all happy about it, well one reason was i was 2 months pregnant when he told me. but make sure they know you are thinking about it. if you do go, i hope you have fun and enjoy it.
05-10-2005, 11:00 PM
Joining the Army has been one of the best experiences of my life. I joined 6 months after of the war in Iraq started even though i'm still in college and not going to graduate for a couple years. Kudos to anyone that joins the military during these times. We need all the support we can get.'s not as bad as people think or the movies portray.
05-10-2005, 11:32 PM
armed forces are not for me. why whould any one want to be in them?
05-10-2005, 11:33 PM
I am also in the army, been in for almost 3 years now. Gotta say its the best thing i have done. BCT (basic, i dont like people calling it boot camp) is actually pretty easy, just do what your told and things will be fine. You will have alot of fun memories after training.
But dont join just cause someone tells you, think of all the positives and negatives of it all. Do you want to go active, reserve or national guard?
One big negative is the phrase "Hurry up and wait" basically sometimes you will do a whole lot of nothing but sitting or standing around. (do this during reception before BCT aswell) Its about the only downfall really I think.
Also join because you wanna be a soldier and not out for the college money or think its the easy way to get outta what you have done with your life. These people never succeed and only bring down the troops around them.
05-10-2005, 11:44 PM
I am also in the army, been in for almost 3 years now. Gotta say its the best thing i have done. BCT (basic, i dont like people calling it boot camp) is actually pretty easy, just do what your told and things will be fine. You will have alot of fun memories after training.
But dont join just cause someone tells you, think of all the positives and negatives of it all. Do you want to go active, reserve or national guard?
One big negative is the phrase "Hurry up and wait" basically sometimes you will do a whole lot of nothing but sitting or standing around. (do this during reception before BCT aswell) Its about the only downfall really I think.
Also join because you wanna be a soldier and not out for the college money or think its the easy way to get outta what you have done with your life. These people never succeed and only bring down the troops around them.
Well said,
Basic was actually fun for me. And yes don't join cuz someone says so....I joined for my parents sake, but it didn't hurt me to join. Hurry up and wait.... fucking hated that with a passion... sitting in reception, waiting for the 5,002,304,238 shots they need to give you sucks. The worst times you hear about would prolly be from reception to Basic to AIT. After that, regular active duty is nice.... you wake up, go to your job and go home at the end of the day... I got used to it But still, military life was not my thing.
05-11-2005, 12:49 AM
I thought about joining after high school... but like someone had said... wiegh out the negatives and postives for yourself... everyone is different.. for me the negatives outwieghed the positives... so its your own choice man... good luck!
"Do you want to go active, reserve or national guard?"- warchild145
YA i'll probably go active duty straight out high school.. i have alot of friends in the army that i go to school with right now. i was going to join this summer (early enlistment) but my birthday was on the 6th of april and the deadline was on the 1st of april. oh well i guess i'll keep working out and party this summer and join on my b-day next year
05-11-2005, 01:15 PM
personally, i dont think i could deal with getting yelled at so much. im very stubborn at times. but at the same time, if i got it in my head that i could make it through, i might be too stubborn to not make it through. i dont know, but either way, you wont see me in the armed forces unless they draft me.
05-11-2005, 02:48 PM
I guess for me I look at it like, how much is your life worth to you? It really gets on my nerv's when the US has these commercials for the military and they make it look all fun. They dont show you the bloated dead bodies you see on the side of the road or getting shot at every day and having your life on the line - I dont even feel bad for when I see news on the TV about troops getting killed, it was there stupid mistake to join in the first place. I look at it like, once you join the are the goverment's bitch (not like we arent already) - But Now they do fully own you.
05-11-2005, 02:56 PM
rofl. i completely disagree with that entire last post.
BUT, i dont want go get in a pissing match, so i'm just going to ignore and give my two cents.
my dad was in the marines, and he's never regretted it for a day in his life. he doesn't regret being the ''governments bitch'' (rofl).. theres SOO many people who join the military and dont regret it.. if it's good enough for them, then why not for anyone else?
05-11-2005, 07:37 PM
i dont disagree with the army at all. i believe its necisary to have, and i think some people are pretty much made for the armed forces. i just am not one of them.
05-11-2005, 08:49 PM
Did you know there's a pretty high percent of military and police individuals who abuse there wifes and children? I'm trying to find the study they did on it.
In my opinion the military distorts your mind, and I feel very bad for the young men and women who come back to the US with mental problems like PTD and many others - Its just sad most of the young people that join the military dont realize what there getting there self into, all they see is free college and whatever else the US uses to reel them in, while making joining the military look like so much fun.
EDIT: Here's one Writeup - Not exactly what I was looking for but the same point it brought across.
05-11-2005, 09:10 PM
yeah and there's people who aren't in the military who abuse their family as well.
have you actually been in the military? i dont think you have. but considering i have family members who have been in the military - hell, my grandpa was in WW2 and there's nothing wrong with him, or the rest of my family members - i'm going to go on a limb and say it's not as bad as you think it is from what you read in your anti-Bush crap.
did you know that doctors and dentists have the highest suicide rates of all careers? does this mean that people shouldn't be doctors or dentists? no, it means it's a hell of a stressful job.
people come out of the military screwed up because it's hard work (physically, and mentally if you're actually in war) and they aren't mentally strong enough to deal with it. that doesn't mean the military is bad or the government is brainwashing people.. it means they couldn't take it.
EDIT: sorry if that sounded mean or inconsiderate. i'm pretty pro-bush and pro-the war in iraq, so this topic kind of sets me off. lol. i've said my piece, so i'll try and keep out of this argument from now on. =)
05-12-2005, 01:32 AM
Ask your grandfather about the nightmares he has and get back to me.
05-12-2005, 04:06 AM
LOL come on NitrousJunkie....lets not make this another "alcohol versus weed" topic. You have your own opinions.....great.
I wish you did live in a country with a weak or non-existant military. HAHA. You'de be another dead Iraqi on the side of the road. Don't take it for granted just because it's not your thing. Those guys save your ass....they are the reason you are sitting here on this website right now reading this. Some people lose focus of that.
If there weren't any "government's bitches" then all of us would be the "WORLD's Bitches". I know you're going to respond to me and try to tell me that America ACTUALLY would be what it is today without those "government's bitches" and that you actually think that we don't need a military....but please do me and anyone else with common sense a favor and don't even try to persuade us in that argument. Here is the bottom line....and really all you needed to say:
Hey man....I wouldn't ever join the military, it's not my thing.
End of Story....and the post is locked :)
05-12-2005, 08:08 AM
i've talked to him a million times about it ... he'd go back in a heartbeat, and there was no nightmares. but nice try. =)
locked again. bahaha. =P
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