View Full Version : Are You A Republican - Democrat - Down The Middle?
01-23-2005, 11:37 PM
I'm gonna take a guess and say the majority who vote will be republican.
I'm Neither
01-23-2005, 11:48 PM
I vote for the best person who I believe has the most amount of morals in common as I do.
Pro-death penalty
I'm not a conservative, I'm not a liberal. I'm a nationalist. I favor limited government and balanced budgets, but at the same time, I favor busting someone in their goddamn grill if it serves our best interests to do so
01-24-2005, 08:32 AM
last time we had a post like this, it sparked pages and pages of argument. are you guys sure youre ready to do that again?
01-24-2005, 09:28 AM
especially considering we've had a LOT of threads like that lately.
01-24-2005, 09:35 AM
well.....I am not 100% if I will be republican every election, but for this one I def without a doubt supported Bush. (plus hes so cute! lol)
01-24-2005, 09:55 AM
4banger the political party that pretty much supports your "political" (LoL) viewpoints would be the Libertarian party. I'm against the legalization of pot....BUT I do happen to think the Libertarian party has many outstanding goals and I've even considered doing some work for them in the next election.
I am pretty much Republican. I always seem to be able to find a lot of merit in the republican candidate's theories over a democrat's theories. I personally think that the Republican party will continue to gain a stronger following and people will begin to realize the broad scope of things.
Republicans generally favor big business. There are those of you who think that it's so horrible to give all these big businesses breaks when they tax the hell out of small businesses. Trust me guys, I can see where you're coming from....especially considering I am a Business Administraton MAJOR! lol.
BUT! Look at the big picture here. What are big business? Would you believe that the top 10% of businesses supply the united states with over 75% of it's american made products? Wal-Mart is a big business. Best Buy is a big business. MICROSOFT is a big business. CR:U would not exist today if it weren't for support of big business. In fact, the internet itself would be a scarcely-used thing without big business.
I am also a fan of the right to bear arms. I will never vote for a president who feels otherwise. My dad has many guns. We keep them in a fire-proof gunsafe in my basement. There are presidential candidates that would like to make it illegal for my dad to keep his guns, even in his gunsafe. Is that right? My dad and I like to shoot that a crime? I've never shot anyone nor do I have the intention. I beleive in gun-control laws, but anyone who wants to make guns illegal is completely oblivious to all the things that guns can do to help them.
I'd like to see an anti-gun person get their house broken into. I'll bet they wish they had a gun then.
01-24-2005, 01:02 PM
on the political spectrum i ranked at a Moderate Democrat, thanks to Mr. Berg
01-24-2005, 01:11 PM
Matt you must not have paid attention very well. LOL. From what you just described, you would rank "Moderate LIBERAL." The political spectrum is between Conservative and Liberal. It just so happens that democrats and republicans fall at the opposite ends of it.
LOL.....nobody listened to Berg anyways. haha
01-24-2005, 01:15 PM
I wonder if there's a test or questionaire online that will help you decide if democatic or republican may be for you.
01-24-2005, 01:25 PM
hehe what can i say, i failed the class first semester
01-24-2005, 10:51 PM
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