View Full Version : Which Is Worse? Alcohol Or Marijuana?
01-10-2005, 10:08 PM
Which you believe in your own opinion is worse? If you have only drank and not had experience with marijuana, or the other way around - please do some research on either one before you post.
I'd have to say In my personal opinion......Alcohol is definantly worse for multiple reasons.
Lets Keep This Post Civilized Please!
01-10-2005, 10:30 PM
Weed is nice because theres no hangover, and alcohol is nice because its 100% legal. I havent smoked in AGES and I dont have any current plans to do so. Legality is worth a headache and being lethargic for 12 or so hours. Wouldnt bash anyone who smoked rather than drank, as long as they didnt start neglecting their life because of it. People can do the same thing with alcohol, but it seems harder to do because of the physical effects of drinking too much too often.
01-10-2005, 11:05 PM
if u look at it on a legality basis like many do marijuana would be worse to people but you have to take into consideration how many people under 21 drink alcohol, underage drinking is jus as illegal as smoking pot, but if u look at the effects during and after using both, marijuana effects u less and it exits your system alot faster and when it leaves ur system ur not left with hangovers and no puking if u smoke to much, if ur caught u can tell the officer hundreds of facts about how marijuana has less affects on ur body but bottom line is its illegal no matter what age u are, both are substances that can be easily abused and be harmfull to ur body but if used in moderation i dont think one is worse than the other
01-10-2005, 11:50 PM
alcohol punishes your body a lot more if you abuse it. personally i wont touch weed, its just not my deal. i grew up surrounded by deadheads, its just not for me is all, i hate smoking anything. i'll stick to booze.
01-11-2005, 07:56 AM
I think alochol is worse in all aspects. It puts a toll on your liver, you are more likely to do stupid things when drunk, if you do too much you barf and get hung over, it ends up being more expensive because most people can drink a lot and dont have to smoke that much.....idk. I haven't smoked for a while but latley I just dont feel like it. I would much rather drink, although if i'm drunk....i'm more likely to smoke....idk.
01-11-2005, 08:58 AM
My friends mom died of cancer the doctor told her if she would have smoked weed, she would have lived for seven more years. Marijuanna helps to relax muscles, helps skin and hair quality and obviously doesn't have the bad side effects. IE cancer and damamge to the body of alcohol. Who cares if it is illegal in this country to smoke. You are on an illegal street racing site. You think that is legal? You ever wonder why its legal in other countries to smoke. Now I know alot of pot heads and most of them are out of it all the time because they are deopressed and want to escape reality. Kind of like an alcoholic. But you can smoke since alot of people don't know your stoned and its not hard on the body. I think they should make marijuana legal as well as psyclobillan mushrooms since they have NO harmful side effects. The only problems is in southern states the shrooms are too acidic and cxan cause ulcers if you each to much at one time.
01-11-2005, 10:33 AM
marijuana effects u less and it exits your system alot faster and when it leaves ur system ur not left with hangovers and no puking if u smoke to much
Marijuana can be found in your blood 6 months after you last smoke, or as long as you keep the hair on your body, cuz it can be found in hair folical testing.
I've puked a couple times off just pot alone, when you get some crazy good expensive buds, and you take numerous pulls off of a water bong, your body doesn't want to move, if you keep pushing yourself, your head feels like 100 lb pounds. Then if it's required that you're mobile, you might end up puking. But after the puking, you're high for a long time and it's good.
Alcohol makes people fat, really fat, notice any girl that drinks EVERY weekend, you'll notice she has a little pudge to her stomach, thighs, and ass. It's not the carbs that make you fat, it's the actual alcohol itself.
I know i know, weed makes you get the munchies and you get fat that way too, wrong. You can cantrol your apetite, i just prefer to keep something to drink b/c I get cotton mouth.
Alcohol impairs your judgement to do everything, hand eye coordination is off, lots of factors, but it moderation, it's ok. But since there's an easy way to test your limit, they can allow it to be legal.
With pot, you can't gauge how high somebody is, so you cannot set any limitations on it and legalize it. I know that if I were to drive when I was bombed and about to puke, i wouldn't make it very far.
But when I smoke a few blunts, then cruise around with my buddies, there's lots of laughter. Music sounds better b/c you analyze it and sometimes hear parts you've never heard before.
No matter what anyone tells you, marijuana kills brain cells, fortunately enough, the human body re-creates these dead cells over time, thus the short term memory is affected. The lungs however suffer. One joint is comparable to 3 cigarettes. One blunt is comparable to half a pack. So there's damage to be done.
Now to my decision. If you can control your habits, either is fine. Marijuana is my drug of choice, but you must be careful, because marijuana IS a gateway drug. You begin to hang out with different people who smoke and eventually you'll meet the ones who occasionally snort rails, trip shrooms (BTW, shrooms are poison affecting your body, most definitely not safe), pop X pills, all kinds of retarded shit. If you can control your limit and smoke enough to make sure you're still on track in life, then there's no problem with it. I began when I was 14, I'm graduating college with my BA in 4 years, something that many students take 5 years to do, so I can assure you that the cards are in your hands, so you must take control of the situation.
01-11-2005, 11:02 AM
Honestly, I think its more along the lines of to each his own. I, personally, have done both. I enjoy drinking because I just get the urge to do stupid things (ie: Run around outside naked, box people, climb into boxes, hide in showers and jump out while people pee) but when Im high, I tend to just want to sleep or eat a box and a half of dry frosted mini wheats.
I dont know, I guess either one is a good time, but I just dont like it when people only care about doing the drug of their choice. My brother lost 2 jobs and dropped out of school because all he wanted to do was smoke pot. My exboyfriend whom I cared about deeply didnt go to college and he works at Hardees *yahoo* and he was led to other drugs by pot. I personally have something against pot at the moment. Im sure the time will come when I will break down and smoke it again, but like I said, as of now, Im not a big fan of it.
01-11-2005, 12:06 PM
i think trying to decide which is worse is kind of like deciding which is the lesser of two evils. personally.. i dont drink or smoke, because i think it's disgusting. i hate the smell of smoke, and alcohol is just.. yuck.
i think if you're of legal age and you do it in moderation.. alcohol isn't that bad, it's just not for me. but.. i think underage drinking is just as bad as smoking pot. both are illegal.
i suppose since i haven't done either, i'm not really ''qualified'' to decide which is worse.. i just know i'd rather steer clear of liver damage and lung cancer.. along with the fact that it really wouldn't be a good idea for me to be getting trashed or whatever all the time when i'm premed in the fall. =P
i dunno. i just think they're both disgusting, and i would have a really hard time dating or even just hanging out with people who were trashed 3 or 4 times a week or smoked. but, to each his own, i guess.
Regeneration X
01-11-2005, 12:50 PM
Marijuana is tougher on your brain. Its the THC that kills the cells, and your brain cells dont regenerate.
Alcohol can damage brain cells if you drink too much. It does not give you cancer, if it did, they would put out warnings. The carbs do make you fat, not the alcohol itself...the people drink and dont excersize. if you take in a lot of carbs and dont exersize you get fat. Trust me, Im a health nut...ive reasearched it. would smoking weed make that friend live 7 years longer? Weed degrades your body, but so does alcohol. Alcohol breaks down muscles if you do it too much. your body starts getting really weak. But remember, that only happens if you abuse it.
I say weed is worse because of the long term affects. Alcohol is worse because of the short term affects.
01-11-2005, 01:05 PM
yeah alcohol doesn't give you cancer.. just liver disease.
cirrhosis, which is the end result of long term liver damage.. kills more men a year than parkinsons, and more women than cervix cancer..
21% of all psychiatric patients are admitted to a doctor or a hospital because of alcohol..
heavy drinking increases your chance of a stroke by 45%..
alcohol is the third leading cause of death..
72% of rapes on a college/school campus are from the victim being too drunk to say no or put up a fight..
women who consume, on average, 2 drinks per week, increase their chance of breast cancer by 80%..
so yeah, alcohol might not give you cancer.. but i'd say all that stuff above is reason enough to say that alcohol is right up there with smoking.
01-11-2005, 02:47 PM
I personally have done both. I didn't like weed. I didn't get stoned...but I got high and was pretty hyper for a while. Pretty much the same thing from a sugar/caffeine high.
Drinking from what I've seen can destroy lives. Both physically and mentally. My dad for instance, he's a pretty nice guy when he's had a few in him...but if he just gets home from a long day at the office and hans't had time to relax yet, he doesn't wanna say ANYTHING. Plus he has this really gross looking beer-gut. If he didn't have that, I'd say he'd look ten years younger.
However, I've seen the effects of weed on people too. At the Hardee's I worked at when I was a kid...there were at least 3 potheads I worked with that didn't graduate from high school, and came to work constantly high. It was sorta depressing.
Overall I think Ashley's comes down to being the lesser of two evils. However, I think weed is the greater evil, IMO.
01-11-2005, 03:27 PM
love is overrated. biochemically no different than consuming large quantities of chocolate.
01-11-2005, 04:02 PM
Here's something to think about though -
Whens the last time you heard of a husband beating up his wife and kids when he was stoned? It just doesnt happen, mainly because its quite hard to get that pissed at something while your high, you just wanna relax, laugh and enjoy the time spent with friends, what do most potheads do? sit around - smoke weed, play video games and listen to music - what do most drinkers do? go to parties get drunk rape girls - drive drunk - kill people - make horrible decisions - the list goes on and on, what harm to people who smoke weed really do? And to the fact that your x b/f works at hardee's, maybe he's happy - potheads very seldom do any harm, drinkers on the other hand usually always do, and to which is worse on your body, go ask a docter - I'll bet serious money he will say alcohol (ok I cheated I already asked more than one doctor), the effects of alcohol short term and long term and the fact its still legal and cannibis isnt blows me away, maybe someday people will not feeding off lie's and realize the truth, and do the person that said you got a buzz like eating to much sugar, you need to check your sources on where your getting your buds at cause that sounds like it had some tweek mixed in, normal weed never makes you extremely hyper, the first time I smoked I actually didnt get high either, but that was because it was shitty stuff, I went 4 years without smoking because I thought I was imuned, then I hit of a nice bong with some neon green hydro - I think I took 2 hits and I was gone, it was great - its all personal opinions - if you like drinking liquid that taste like ass, getting motion sickness and throwing up, not to mention doing things you dont remember, more power to you, if you like smoking some weed, watchin a movie, hangin out with your friends, listening to your favortie CD's, laughing, eating some food and going to sleep, then thats cool to.
01-11-2005, 08:31 PM
As far as alcohol making people beat their spouses etc. Alcohol is just going to bring out tendencies you already have. If you would never consider battering someone sober you wont do it drunk. I have never hit a girl or a child, drinking would never make me change that. Alcohol is no excuse for doing something like that, and anyone who uses it as such just has no real reason they didnt do it besides the fact that they lack self control in the first place.
And as far as us being on a website aimed towards people who illegally race cars on public roads being reason to not care that smoking weed is illegal isn't a valid point. Using that same analogy I could say that since you sometimes drive over the speed limit you should feel ok buying a baseball bat and beating a random bum to death. Yeah noone is probably going to notice, care, or find you and arrest you, but that doesnt mean there isnt reason to choose to do one and not the other.
EDIT: and BTW if it wasnt clear in my first post I dont believe there are any drastic physical/psychological longterm side effects of smoking weed. I also believe that alcohol when used in a moderately resposible way has no long term side effects worth losing sleep over. The short term negatives of drinking too much are less important than the long term effects of getting caught with narcotics to me.
01-11-2005, 08:38 PM
ive only puked once from being high, it was me my brother and his friend, my brother couldnt smoke any cause he had to pass a drug test for work, so i brought the rest of what i had which was about a dub and his friend has some bomb ass shit, we mixed it together and smoked almost all of it. i was riding in the back of car, i thought in my head i think i may puke, i shut my eyes and when i opened them i had my head out the door of the moving car leaving a line of puke on Edgewood road, it wasnt a perfect line tho cause i was laughing my ass off and puking, crazy things, then i left a nice little pile in front of some handimart
deffinetely a good night of fun. the only shitty part was puking up my delicious mexican food i had eattin earlier, mmmmmmm
01-11-2005, 09:16 PM
the poll should be what is worst tobacco or weed, but considering ppl dont smoke tobbacco for fun or w/ freinds or go to parties to do it , i think that the question is good
01-11-2005, 09:20 PM
well i already said which one i think is worse....but i've had my share of fun with both of them, lol
01-11-2005, 09:24 PM
01-11-2005, 09:27 PM
i only smoke tabacco for fun, like only once every few months ill bum a cig from somebody gives u great buzz but i hate the taste not sumthin i could ever do on a daily basis but i guess its like beer its gotta grow on you the first time or if u havent done it for a while its gross
01-11-2005, 09:39 PM
yeah most ppl smoke tobacco caz they are hooked and some ppl drink alcohal caz they are depressed anmd shit
01-11-2005, 10:01 PM
yeah, at the worst, i'll vent all my frustration and depression when im drunk. if i smoked weed, than i would just sit at home, soaking in my depression. i'll get it out, thanks.
01-11-2005, 10:01 PM
01-11-2005, 11:01 PM
Drinking a case of Michelob Ultra low carb and Budweiser heavy will both have the same effects on your body. Alcohol has a certain percentage of caleries reguardless of carbs.
01-11-2005, 11:06 PM
I dont drink because i'm sad...i drink cause its a freaking blast.
I partied every weekend 1st semester of college this year and I only gained like...2lbs. granted, i only drank vodka....but i think now that i can drink beer i've gained a lil more weight, i love beer....but only bud light.
01-11-2005, 11:59 PM
it seems like a good chunk of the people on thise site how come we all haven't gotten together for one big drunk, fun night? i think it needs to happen. it would be awesome.
01-12-2005, 01:50 AM
because you havent called me and told me about a huge party with everyone from here yet.
01-12-2005, 06:29 AM
"Marijuana can be found in your blood 6 months after you last smoke, or as long as you keep the hair on your body, cuz it can be found in hair folical testing."
Wrong if you have never smoked before you could smoke a blun the night before your test for the police department and pass with flying colors. It also depends on water intake and exercise but usually if a pot head who smoked 5 times a day gave it up it only takes a month. Now follical testing is flawed because if you go to a concert it can absorb it through the air so you got a defense testing there.
Now alcohol one glass a day is all that is good any more and it is harmful.
"No matter what anyone tells you, marijuana kills brain cells, fortunately enough, the human body re-creates these dead cells over time, thus the short term memory is affected. The lungs however suffer. One joint is comparable to 3 cigarettes. One blunt is comparable to half a pack. So there's damage to be done."
Your body is born with a set nu,mber of brain cells. You do not regenerate them. Once your out tyour out and you started to get stupid. You tlaking about tar and not other harmful shit. Because you compare nicotine to marijuana it is way worse.
"BTW, shrooms are poison affecting your body, most definitely not safe"
make sure you read my comments, they were not open to debate I was giving you facts from reserach done in college. :drinkers: :weedman:
Regeneration X
01-12-2005, 07:21 AM
"Marijuana can be found in your blood 6 months after you last smoke, or as long as you keep the hair on your body, cuz it can be found in hair folical testing."
Wrong if you have never smoked before you could smoke a blun the night before your test for the police department and pass with flying colors. It also depends on water intake and exercise but usually if a pot head who smoked 5 times a day gave it up it only takes a month. Now follical testing is flawed because if you go to a concert it can absorb it through the air so you got a defense testing there.
Now alcohol one glass a day is all that is good any more and it is harmful.
"No matter what anyone tells you, marijuana kills brain cells, fortunately enough, the human body re-creates these dead cells over time, thus the short term memory is affected. The lungs however suffer. One joint is comparable to 3 cigarettes. One blunt is comparable to half a pack. So there's damage to be done."
Your body is born with a set nu,mber of brain cells. You do not regenerate them. Once your out tyour out and you started to get stupid. You tlaking about tar and not other harmful shit. Because you compare nicotine to marijuana it is way worse.
"BTW, shrooms are poison affecting your body, most definitely not safe"
make sure you read my comments, they were not open to debate I was giving you facts from reserach done in college. :drinkers: :weedman:
Deimos, im pretty sure weed resins can be found your body for quite sometime. Its a proven fact.
And Chris,
Most people who go home and beat the shit out of people or rape them, are usually alcoholics. So clear this up, are we talking about social drinking, heavy drinking, what? Or what about weed, we talkin about getting really fucked up and smoking as much as you can w.o dying or we talkin about hittin it up with a couple friends every now and then? Each way has its own effects. So you gotta be specific as to which type of smoking and drinking.
April, vodka doesnt have the carbs like beer, so you wont get fat. You prolly got those 2 lbs from that damn college food crap. I hear that stuff sucks. Also, if you are out partying every are you surviving in school? Isnt that killing your grades?
01-12-2005, 10:48 AM
Marijuana can be found in your blood 6 months after you last smoke, or as long as you keep the hair on your body, cuz it can be found in hair folical testing."
Wrong if you have never smoked before you could smoke a blun the night before your test for the police department and pass with flying colors. It also depends on water intake and exercise but usually if a pot head who smoked 5 times a day gave it up it only takes a month. Now follical testing is flawed because if you go to a concert it can absorb it through the air so you got a defense testing there.
You might be able to pass a UA if you smoke just once, but you'd want to drink lots of water. But like I said, it can be found in a BLOOD test for up to 6 months, even if you chiefed once. I supposed it's possible for it to absorb for hair folicle testing reasons, but i know it enters the hair through live hair cells developed in the folicles.
01-12-2005, 02:56 PM
ok..... i think that Marijuana is just a wee bit worse. i found some facts about weed that you guys seem to not be able to agree.... here are just a f ew thing i found... i will give the site i found this info at the end.
Q: How long does marijuana stay in the user's body?
A: THC in marijuana is strongly absorbed by fatty tissues in various organs. Generally, traces (metabolites) of THC can be detected by standard urine testing methods several days after a smoking session. However, in chronic heavy users, traces can sometimes be detected for weeks after they have stopped using marijuana.
Q: Is marijuana sometimes used as a medicine?
A: There has been much talk about the possible medical use of marijuana. Under U.S. law since 1970, marijuana has been a Schedule I controlled substance. This means that the drug, at least in its smoked form, has no commonly accepted medical use.
THC, the active chemical in marijuana, is manufactured into a pill available by prescription that can be used to treat the nausea and vomiting that occur with certain cancer treatments and to help AIDS patients eat more to keep up their weight. According to scientists, more research needs to be done on THC's side effects and other potential medical uses.
Q: What are the long-term effects of marijuana use?
A: Findings so far show that regular use of marijuana or THC may play a role in some kinds of cancer and in problems with the respiratory and immune systems.
It’s hard to know for sure whether regular marijuana use causes cancer. But it is known that marijuana contains some of the same, and sometimes even more, of the cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per day may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day (15) .
Lungs and airways
Lungs and airways—People who smoke marijuana often develop the same kinds of breathing problems that cigarette smokers have: coughing and wheezing. They tend to have more chest colds than nonusers. They are also at greater risk of getting lung infections like pneumonia.
Immune system
Animal studies have found that THC can damage the cells and tissues in the body that help protect against disease. When the immune cells are weakened you are more likely to get sick.
Q: What are the short-term effects of marijuana use?
A: The short-term effects of marijuana include:
problems with memory and learning (11);
distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) (6);
trouble with thinking and problemsolving (5);
loss of motor coordination; and
increased heart rate.
These effects are even greater when other drugs are mixed with the marijuana; and users do not always know what drugs are given to them.
there are more Questions and Answers on
i know reading all of that isn't the funniest but a lot of people think oh its just a type of herb or that if it grows from the earth then is safe... thats not always true. i use to smoke weed, and i didn't like the taste and it made me cough a lot cause i just smoked once in a while ( maybe once twice or maybe 3 times a month). but at the end i liked the happy feeling, you really could tell when i'm high, i mean when i'm really high i will start laughting for no reason and wont stop for a half hour and trying to make myself stop laughting made me laught more. i have never got sick after smoking but there was once i really felt like i was going to. i was lucky about one thing though, a lot of people when they smoke, their eyes would be really red.... mine never turned red even when i was extremely i no longer smoke weed cause of a promise i made to a friend and for some other reason i don't want to discuss. however when i smell weed i do kinda of miss it. but anyways i have talked to much so i will shut up now.
01-12-2005, 05:11 PM
yeah, at the worst, i'll vent all my frustration and depression when im drunk. if i smoked weed, than i would just sit at home, soaking in my depression. i'll get it out, thanks.
You dont get depressed of cannibis, thats what alcohol does bud, how many people commit suicide when there stoned.
01-12-2005, 05:18 PM
I never get depressed while drinking. If you do it must be your own feelings or the people you drink with causing it.
01-12-2005, 05:20 PM
actually, they have recently proved that marijuana does not cause cancer, they tested it with animals since the mid 80's, I'll try and find the site, there finding out every day the marijuana isnt as harmfull as everyone thinks, its not 100% harmless, but people make it out to be if you smoke it, your gonna be less smart, die sooner, and prolly die of some sort of cancer, which is totally false, I'll see what I can dig up.
01-12-2005, 05:23 PM
I find Dustin's comments funny, you openly admit you drink because your depressed, doesnt it suck when you sober up all those problems are still there? All alcohol is in that use is a temp. fix, if you drink for that reason you should definantly stop and seek some kind of help to get you over those hard times, everyone goes through them - it does suck but you'll get over it.
01-12-2005, 05:24 PM
So do you guys consider it still worse than alcohol if the marijuana is mixed with food or vaporized? Thats gets rid of quite a few of the bad things people name off.
01-12-2005, 07:19 PM
Alcohol: the cause of and solution to all of life's problems. :bigthumb:
01-12-2005, 07:29 PM
.. why were those 3 seperate posts?
and according to the Drug Enforcement Administration..
*The Institute of Medicine conducted a comprehensive study in 2001 to assess the potential health benefits of marijuana and its constituent cannabinoids. The study concluded that smoking marijuana is not recommended for the treatment of any disease condition. In addition, there are more effective medications currently available. For those reasons, the Institute of Medicine concluded that there is little future in smoked marijuana as a medically approved medication.
*Harvard University researchers report that the risk of a heart attack is five times higher than usual in the hour after smoking marijuana.
*Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals, including most of the harmful substances found in tobacco smoke. Smoking one marijuana cigarette deposits about four times more tar into the lungs than a filtered tobacco cigarette.
*There are also many long-term health consequences of marijuana use. According to the National Institutes of Health, studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.
*Smoked marijuana has been shown to cause a variety of health problems, including cancer, respiratory problems, increased heart rate, loss of motor skills, and increased heart rate. Furthermore, marijuana can affect the immune system by impairing the ability of T-cells to fight off infections, demonstrating that marijuana can do more harm than good in people with already compromised immune systems.
*Marijuana users are far more likely to use other drugs like cocaine and heroin than non-marijuana users.
Hmm.. I'd say that they just proved it's just as harmful as I thought it was. In fact, I'd say it's far from 100% harmless. And honestly.. are you going to argue with the DEA? yeah i dont think so.
01-12-2005, 11:30 PM
Not everything you read is completely truthful unfortunately :-\ Its sad it has to be that way, but many of the statistics you read and hear are skewed to fit what the group conducting the survey wanted. Its not hard to segment and find certain things if thats what you are looking for. Theres too much conflicting information for it to all be right. And as you should know 100% of all statistics are bullshit ;-)
01-12-2005, 11:38 PM
even if it's not 100% truthful.. the point is still the same. as much as people want to get on here and post and spice it up and say pot isn't ''all that bad for you'' or ''isnt as bad as people think''.. i'm calling bullshit. it's bad for you, no matter how you slice it.
01-13-2005, 08:03 AM
I find Dustin's comments funny, you openly admit you drink because your depressed, doesnt it suck when you sober up all those problems are still there? All alcohol is in that use is a temp. fix, if you drink for that reason you should definantly stop and seek some kind of help to get you over those hard times, everyone goes through them - it does suck but you'll get over it.
im depressed either way, it just makes it easier to vent it all out when im drunk. im not the kind to do everything i can to forget why im so sad. i try to hang on to it, remind me what i shouldnt do. the more fresh it is in my mind, the better chance i wont let it happen to me again.
01-13-2005, 08:40 AM
For my own personal reasons I think Pot is worst... but thats because of shit that happened in my family.
01-13-2005, 09:13 AM
Marijuana can be found in your blood 6 months after you last smoke, or as long as you keep the hair on your body, cuz it can be found in hair folical testing."
Wrong if you have never smoked before you could smoke a blun the night before your test for the police department and pass with flying colors. It also depends on water intake and exercise but usually if a pot head who smoked 5 times a day gave it up it only takes a month. Now follical testing is flawed because if you go to a concert it can absorb it through the air so you got a defense testing there.
You might be able to pass a UA if you smoke just once, but you'd want to drink lots of water. But like I said, it can be found in a BLOOD test for up to 6 months, even if you chiefed once. I supposed it's possible for it to absorb for hair folicle testing reasons, but i know it enters the hair through live hair cells developed in the folicles.
Wrong want to prove me wrong its been 1 week since I last smoked, lets go give me a bloog test in say another week bet you its gone. I know my shit when it comes to illegal drugs.
01-13-2005, 01:30 PM
even if it's not 100% truthful.. the point is still the same. as much as people want to get on here and post and spice it up and say pot isn't ''all that bad for you'' or ''isnt as bad as people think''.. i'm calling bullshit. it's bad for you, no matter how you slice it.
Exactly, marijuana damages familes more than alcohol.....ok, dont automaticly dismiss marijuana as being not medicly useable, smoking isnt the only way to introduce thc into your system, smoking anything isnt good for you but I'd like for you to tell me some things that marijuana does bad on your body when ate or vaporized, compared to normal otc drugs such as asprin or how bout morphine? Marijuana is harmless to your liver and body compared to those drugs, people just dont talk about those drugs because there legal, kinda like alcohol.
01-13-2005, 03:32 PM
i have a lot of friends who smoke, and even more friends who drink. one thing ive learned along my way is sometimes, even though you think youre helping, telling a person about their bad habbits constantly isnt always good. most of the time, they realize what theyre doing. they realize its not good for them, but they do it anyway. for the most part, i feel what people do is their business, and i think most of the time theyre smart enough to know better, but just dont care. what makes me so high and mighty as to proclaim something someone else is doing is wrong?
01-13-2005, 04:13 PM
Its just to bad cause there still to this day isnt strong stable evidence that marijuana causes everything people come to say it does, nobody has ever died off smoking marijuana, plenty have off alcohol, yes marijuana does affect your short term memory and reactions but they have proven that the effects only last as long as your body is under the influence of thc, same as alcohol. I personally dont understand how someone could state that marijuana is worse than alcohol but thats just my opinion. When marijuana is indroduced other than the way of smoking the bad effects get cut in half. The whole story on one marijuana joint containing as much chemicals as 10-15 ciggarettes, ect - is completly false and is only a fictional opinion, packaged ciggarettes contain most of there chemicals not found in pure tobacco, there added in to keep the leaves fresh and to add taste, if you were to smoke actual tobacco with no additived it would cut your chances in half of getting any kind of cancer. They have no evidence up to this date of anyone who only smoked marijuana and ended up coming down with lung cancer, so dont bring up false so called facts about it when it has never been found to be true. Also If marijuana has no medical use then explain to me why 11 states have so far accepted that is can be used for medicinal use? Marijuana has been proven to work better than any other otc and prescribed drug out there when dealing with Glaucoma,Headaches,Aches And Pains, Upset Stomachs, and also is used to help women cope with there the monthly cycle ache's and pains, I could go on and on, no marijuana is not harmless but what drug is harmless? Aspin sure isnt harmless to your liver, caffiene also, but if you total up the good vs bad, the good effects of marijuana definantly outweighs the bad.
01-13-2005, 04:51 PM
.. why were those 3 seperate posts?
and according to the Drug Enforcement Administration..
*Smoked marijuana has been shown to cause a variety of health problems, including cancer, respiratory problems, increased heart rate, loss of motor skills, and increased heart rate.
Somebody read that part out loud. Now what kind of professional article would repeat itself in the same sentence. Kinda sounds like they don't know what they're talking about.
Deismo's, I cannot guarantee you 100% that it will be in your blood, but i've been told it many many times growing up, and haven't had anyone disgree until now, so that's why I'm persistant with it.
BTW, why are you holding out on me, you know how to get a hold of me, :weedman:
01-13-2005, 09:38 PM
Somebody read that part out loud. Now what kind of professional article would repeat itself in the same sentence. Kinda sounds like they don't know what they're talking about.
yeah, cos apparently no one is allowed to make mistakes anymore, right?
01-13-2005, 11:29 PM
personal opinion......Alcohol is definantly worse
I work on a Alzheimers unit and take care of 3 people that have Alcohol Dementia. They have drunken themself stupid!!!!!
You cant go by what the FDA puts out, shit they put drugs on the market that kill people and give them other dieases. So I really dont trust them .
I like aclohol but I like the green stuff and I use it more for a medical use anyways. Medical marijuana is being used today for alot of differnt things from migraines to cancer to crhonic pain. Yes somking is bad but there are other ways of consuming it. Like eating it or vaporiz it. See a vaporizer is a device which releases marijunas active ingredients and oils for inhalation, without compustion. By vaporizing, the active ingredient (THC) is boiled into a mist and then inhaled. Left behind are tars and unwanted plant material.
I will stick to my :weedman:
01-14-2005, 01:28 AM
right now i saw "alochol kicks ass" i love my bud light. but seriously.....both pot and alochol have bad effects, neither is better.
01-14-2005, 08:20 AM
Anyone else on here ever notice that the "preppy" people who dont exactly fit in with anyone except the people that shop at the gap will always come back and say alcohol is better than weed because for one alcohol is the cool thing to do in college and hey who doesnt get drunk every weekend right (that was sarcism btw) Or they have been brought up to believe that marijuana is dirty by there alcoholic parrents, and the only people that smoke weed are lazy white trash that never go anywhere in life? I'm starting to think I see quite a few on this site, some people need to be more open minded and experience things before they comment.
01-14-2005, 09:19 AM
I disagree with you.....I know a lot pf "prep" people who smoke pot...well actually....they are more into coke. Where you shop and how you dress dosent mean a single thing, thats for sure.
01-14-2005, 10:31 AM
the only preppy people I know who smoke weed are only doing it because its "cool" to be bad nowadays.
01-14-2005, 12:33 PM
preps only get into it cuz its "cool" then they keep doin more cuz they think its so badass to do drugs or they bash on everyone who smokes but they are drunk everyweekend and thnk its "cool" to get busted at big parties, i jus wanna hang out with a few freinds n smoke n i get called a pothead cuz i dont wanna get busted or into harder drugs
01-14-2005, 02:01 PM
preps only get into it cuz its "cool" then they keep doin more cuz they think its so badass to do drugs or they bash on everyone who smokes but they are drunk everyweekend and thnk its "cool" to get busted at big parties, i jus wanna hang out with a few freinds n smoke n i get called a pothead cuz i dont wanna get busted or into harder drugs
Hey somebody agree's with me - Well said
01-14-2005, 02:17 PM
i look up to my borther more then anyone knows, his senior year he got into smoking weed and dealing weed, he did this his whole senior year. he never got caught or anything but did mess up his life finanically, he was always asking my for money and i stopped giving it to him cause i knew what he was going to spend it on, but anyways.... he no longer does it as far as i know, but because he tryed it i wanted to see what it was like. i tryed it once, didn't really like it too much. when i did it again i like the feeling it gave me, i was soo happy its was unbeleivable. when i was younger i always said that i would never do durgs, well i was wrong. i think its a stupid thing to do but i'm sure we all have our stupid moments, i know i have stupid moments a lot! ( i'm NOT saying who ever does weed is stupid, its just a stupid thing to do) i'm sorry if that comes acrossed you in a wrong way or doesn't make sence. but anyway, i think thats enough.... i'm not sure if it even makes sence.
01-14-2005, 02:36 PM
Smoking cannibis and dealing drugs are 2 different things, just because your brother made nothing of himself prolly doesnt mean that everyone who smokes weed will do the same, I can almost bet even if he didnt smoke weed or sell it he still would of got to the same place in life as he did, dont let him or anyone else make marijuana look like the whole reason he is where he is.
01-14-2005, 02:45 PM
Anyone else on here ever notice that the "preppy" people who dont exactly fit in with anyone except the people that shop at the gap will always come back and say alcohol is better than weed because for one alcohol is the cool thing to do in college and hey who doesnt get drunk every weekend right (that was sarcism btw) Or they have been brought up to believe that marijuana is dirty by there alcoholic parrents, and the only people that smoke weed are lazy white trash that never go anywhere in life? I'm starting to think I see quite a few on this site, some people need to be more open minded and experience things before they comment.
who are you talking about on this site? i can only think of like 2 or 3 people on this site who are ''preppy'' and say that alcohol is better.. but probably not because it's the ''cool thing to do'' in college. and i really don't think there's too many closed minded people on here, so i guess i'm confused as to who you're referring to.
you dont necessarily have to experience things to have an opinion on them. do i need to live in china to know that i wouldn't really like it? nah, i dont think so, i pretty much know i would hate living in china. but i've never lived there.. so does that mean i shouldn't think that? i guess i dont understand what you're trying to say.
01-14-2005, 02:49 PM
when he started doing that shit... thats when he changed into someone else... and i'm not saying that everyone will do the same as my brother i was just saying what we have been through. i don't really care if you think he would end up in the same spot as he is today if he didn't do weed, you are mistaken, for one you don't know my family and our strugles, weed was the main one, weed does change you and hurts families, we would have been a more happier family if he didn't do weed. he wouldn't still be in college if he didn't do that shit, he would have graduated college and making some big bucks a year ago. i love my brother so much, and we are suprisingly close from all our problems we have been through. what done is done and we can't change that now.
01-14-2005, 06:55 PM
i have done both, i'll stick to alcohol because of the legality of it.
01-14-2005, 10:46 PM
Meet one of my buddies
01-15-2005, 07:35 AM
blah - keep using marijuana as a crutch - I'm going to school for computer engineering and chip design and I smoke on a regular basis - btw them there is some nice buds ;o)
01-15-2005, 09:09 AM
i deleted 3 of your posts, nitrousjunkie, since you posted 4 times and they all said the same thing. just so you know. or something.
01-15-2005, 09:17 AM
when he started doing that shit... thats when he changed into someone else... and i'm not saying that everyone will do the same as my brother i was just saying what we have been through. i don't really care if you think he would end up in the same spot as he is today if he didn't do weed, you are mistaken, for one you don't know my family and our strugles, weed was the main one, weed does change you and hurts families, we would have been a more happier family if he didn't do weed. he wouldn't still be in college if he didn't do that shit, he would have graduated college and making some big bucks a year ago. i love my brother so much, and we are suprisingly close from all our problems we have been through. what done is done and we can't change that now.
Soemthing was wrong before he started smoking. Its just a sign to look at for. Now I stopped smoking weed and never finished college because I didn't like it. Man weed does not make you do things. Never blame bad things on drugs its the people and their lack of will power or anything else. Because your brother lacked self motivation don't blame that on weed.
Sonoma: Also there is no such thing as preppy people they grow up and work in fast food joints and I laugh at them. Thinking you buy clothes makes you hot. You can only polish a turd so much.
01-15-2005, 11:38 AM
when you said that weed doesn't make you do things that you noramlly wouldn't, that a load of bull shit. when i was under the influence of weed i did a whole lot of stuff i normally wouldn't do.
and then when you say to never blame bad things on durgs its the people and their lack of will power, if they are doing durgs, the drugs are lacking their will power to do things (it makes sence in my head, not sure if it makes sence on here).
and lastly how can you sit there and say my brother lacked self motivation when you don't even know him or know what he is capable of? i'm not going to sit here and listen to people who say things about other poeple when they don't even know them.
01-15-2005, 01:17 PM
when you under the "influence" or weed what did it make you do? Rush to hardee's as fast and possible because you feel like you may die if you dont get a western bacon double cheeseburger?........ Well thats how it was for me anyway :tonqe: - thanks Sonoma I dunno why I posted that many. times.
Chris :weedman:
01-15-2005, 01:21 PM
no..... on prom night i went to a little party at a hotle.... and ended up having sex in the hall by the ice mechine. yeah not the greatest moment of my life, i would never do that again, well i don't smoke weed anymore so i wont do that again
01-15-2005, 01:34 PM
Sonoma: Also there is no such thing as preppy people they grow up and work in fast food joints and I laugh at them. Thinking you buy clothes makes you hot. You can only polish a turd so much.
I wasn't the one who orginally said it.. nitrousjunkie was talking about how he thinks there are preppy people on here who think alcohol is better because it's the ''cool thing to do'' in college.. so i was just wondering who he thinks that about, because i dont really see anyone on here like that, and i'd like to think i know *most* people on here good enough to know that type of thing about them. =P
01-15-2005, 01:34 PM
i wanna smoke weed do wanna get drunk do it. who cares if one is bad for you? I dont really care. you only get this one life to do it so go ahead and have fun. just dont drink and drive.....thats stupid.
01-15-2005, 09:18 PM
thats how i viewed it. one life to live... dont hold back do what you need to do to have fun, if that involves doing something bad then just do it. however for me that has changed a little. i mean i still want to go out and drink and party like i use to but now i'm taking a break. after june i want to try and go out and drink again but i have to be more careful of what i do when i'm drinking, i need to live for my baby i can't just do something stupid and maybe end up dead or hurt somewhere.
i'm going to miss my drinking and party life!
01-15-2005, 09:24 PM
This went from decided what is worse between alcohol and weed into whether or not weed has negative effects on people.
Marijuana is a downer, therefor it's not going to get you all pumped up to do stuff. It isn't a motivating drug, infact, it usually has the opposite effect and people sometimes are lazy.
Either you control the pot, or let the pot control you.
This also applies to alcohol, where do you think homeless bums who spend any handouts on alochol come from??
Pot has made many people paranoid of cops while driving and many people have improved on driving because they obey the traffic laws to the full extent.
01-16-2005, 01:39 AM
Pot has made many people paranoid of cops while driving and many people have improved on driving because they obey the traffic laws to the full extent.
But on the other delays reaction times and impairs judgement, so I wouldnt necessarily say it improves driving abilities. I'm sure it's fine on some country road, but if I was stoned I wouldn't want to be in some high traffic at risk of an accident situation.
I'm sure that the paranoya "improvement" is more than offset by the reaction times/impaired judgement.
01-16-2005, 12:49 PM
I think drifting technique may be improved, lol.
01-18-2005, 09:35 AM
Here's something to think about though -
Whens the last time you heard of a husband beating up his wife and kids when he was stoned? It just doesnt happen, mainly because its quite hard to get that pissed at something while your high, you just wanna relax, laugh and enjoy the time spent with friends, what do most potheads do? sit around - smoke weed, play video games and listen to music - what do most drinkers do? go to parties get drunk rape girls - drive drunk - kill people - make horrible decisions - the list goes on and on, what harm to people who smoke weed really do? And to the fact that your x b/f works at hardee's, maybe he's happy - potheads very seldom do any harm, drinkers on the other hand usually always do, and to which is worse on your body, go ask a docter - I'll bet serious money he will say alcohol (ok I cheated I already asked more than one doctor), the effects of alcohol short term and long term and the fact its still legal and cannibis isnt blows me away, maybe someday people will not feeding off lie's and realize the truth, and do the person that said you got a buzz like eating to much sugar, you need to check your sources on where your getting your buds at cause that sounds like it had some tweek mixed in, normal weed never makes you extremely hyper, the first time I smoked I actually didnt get high either, but that was because it was shitty stuff, I went 4 years without smoking because I thought I was imuned, then I hit of a nice bong with some neon green hydro - I think I took 2 hits and I was gone, it was great - its all personal opinions - if you like drinking liquid that taste like ass, getting motion sickness and throwing up, not to mention doing things you dont remember, more power to you, if you like smoking some weed, watchin a movie, hangin out with your friends, listening to your favortie CD's, laughing, eating some food and going to sleep, then thats cool to.
Seriously, what the fuck is the point in asking me MY OPINION if youre just going to tell me its wrong? Who are you to tell me why I shouldnt feel the way I do. You asked a question, I responded. I dont think you quite understand what youre getting in to. This isnt something that Im just going to be okay with. I was for a while and it started ruining peoples you say that stoners dont do harm to people, huh? THE SAME exboyfriend that works at hardees also got in a car accident a few months ago in which he broke his pelvis as a result of having it slammed up against a tree. Why did this happen? HIS FRIEND WAS STONED AND DRIVING! Again, rewind...Right after me and my ex broke up he slammed his car into a tree...WHY? BECAUSE HE WAS STONED! Hes lucky there was no one else involved in the accident but the next time you want to argue about this kind of shit, you really should make sure you know just exactly who you are going to piss off. If you wanted to make a point, you should have thought of a different way to get it across. Asshole.
01-18-2005, 09:54 AM
Bottom line, Alcohol and Marijuana are both bad for your body. I can't count on both hands how many friends I have who are alcoholics who are in denial and think they are not alcoholics.
Some of you guys that think it's okay to be a drunk should come into QT and work with me for a day. You'll see what you're going to end up like in 20 years. I have a 45+ year old man that comes into QT 3 times per day and each time he comes in he buys two 40 ounce bottles of budweiser. That lasts him about three hours before he's back again. After his third trip he goes home and passes out waiting for the next day.
That is one example of the 20-30 old drunks I deal with every day. It is gross to see somebody after they've been keeping themselves drunk 24-7 for months. They stop bathing, stop brushing their teeth, stop changing their clothes. There was an old lady in her 50's that used to come in and SERIOUSLY hit on me. She would stay in the store for 15 minute telling me how gorgeous my eyes were and random other compliments before she stumbles out the door and walks home.....crosses the road without looking so she almost gets hit every day.
That is why I'm not a drinker. I've never seen a CLEAN 40 year old drunk.
As far as smoking weed. You guys need to get real. That shit will turn you retarded. At QT, the old weed-heads are the guys that collect cans on the side of the road and bring them to QT to get the deposit money so they can eat everyday. There are as many of these guys as there are drunks.
Note to self: You will NEVER get a decent job if you are a weed smokerAlmost any job that pays bills either has a mandatory drug test before they'll even hire you. If they don't, you will most likely have to sign a form that signifies that you will be subject to periodical unannounced drug tests in the future.
One guy in his late 20's has smoked himself so retarded that he can't even form complete sentences without stopping and thinking about what he's saying. He turns in cans and bottles so he can buy himself cigarettes. Every single day we have to recite the cheapest cigarette prices for him because his mind is no longer capable of short term memory such as remembering the price of the cigarettes you BUY EVERY DAY.
Note to self, II: at least 75% of the people I see that are past the age of 25 who are either ex-stoners or current alcoholics are ALONE. Meaning they have no wife/husband, no kids, and no friends.
Where I work, we have NO weed-heads. In fact, nobody in my store even smokes cigarettes. We have one alcoholic, but he's cut down a lot from what he was doing when he started working at QT.
You guys can ask Kevin (Otakaguy) or Ashley (SonomaGirlie). If you spend some time working in a place where you actually sell people alcohol or swisher sweets (people scrape out the tobacco and use the wrappers for weed), you'll forever be VERY careful that you don't become an alcoholic or a stoner because you don't want to end up like those guys.
You guys can take offense to this all you want. I don't care. You are all my friends and I have just served you alcoholics and stoners a little "tough-love." Sometimes the truth is going to bother with it. The sooner you all realize that you ARE alcoholics and/or stoners, the sooner you can come to the realization that you are screwing your life up.
Disclaimer: By "alcoholics" and "stoners", I am not referring to those of you who use these substances sparingly. In my opinion, if you get drunk more than once per week, you may be considered an alcoholic. In the case of marijuana, the general rule of thumb in my mind is that you are a stoner if you use marijuana more than once every other month. If you do not fit into either of these categories, then this post was/is not directed towards you.
01-18-2005, 09:58 AM
lol......he shouldnt of been driving - that was dumb - same with many rx drugs, you just dont drive - thats his fault he drove not like the cannibis, he made the decision to get in the car and drive, nobody made him do it -so dont take one person and think every other person out there that smokes on a regular basis is the same, I smoke with multiple professional people that would never do that, and I even know a few responsable drinkers, your pointing fingers and using examples from the wrong crowd of people.
01-18-2005, 10:32 AM
Alcohol vs MaryJane. My opinion stems from my own personal experiences as well as family genetics. I come from a long line of alcoholics. Out of my mom's 7 brothers and sisters, 4 are alcoholics, which has also been passed onto their children, being my cousins. My grandfather and his brothers were alcoholics as well as their father. Over the years I have watched my family wilt away. One of my uncles is a diagnosed schizophrenic w/ bipolar, which was manifested by a bad early childhood experience, drinking by the age of 14, followed by chronic drug use. He is now divorced and he cannot interact with his 3 wonderful children. My other uncle is currently at a treatment center in Arizona- he has been batteling alcoholism for about 18 years. Because of this he has lost his wife and three great children.
The children that I speak of have experienced things that no child should every have to endure- such as finding their father almost dead, watching the violence that occurs after thier father had been drinking, spending christmas without their father and knowing that he is not there because he is not sober. These kids are 12 years old and younger.
My cousin Tim is the oldest, first born, grandchild in my family. On August 2, 2004 his brother, my cousin, found him dead in his apartment. Tim was an alocholic and had been drinking heavily... he had gotten into the bad habbit of snorting caffene, which he justified as being legal so it would be okay. He did not realized how much he had snorted and he blew up his heart. His brother, my best friend, John is also an alcoholic. He has been batteling it since he was 15 and he is now 26. He has been in the er over 15 times, he has been admitted to treatment facilities, psych wards, and he has been in jail at least a dozen times. When his brother died he could not fathom that it was the addiction that killed him- all he could think of was all the good times that he and his bro had getting trashed and he was so glad that he had those memories. What he did not see was that he is next... Last but not least, my father.... he was suposed to move to Iowa with his family, but he forgot. Was it the alcohol, the money , or the new boobs wife? Who knows....
The point is that alcohol has torn my family apart. People say that weed is a gateway drug, but in my family alcohol was the gateway drug. Alcohol is the root of everything that is evil in my life.So when it comes to alcohol vs maryjane- well I think you all know where I stand.
That is my story... and my first real post. Sorry to blah, blah, blah- it's kind of a sore subject for me.
01-18-2005, 10:34 AM
What do you think makes someone an alocholic or a pot head?
01-18-2005, 10:46 AM
i think if people drink more than 2 or 3x a week.. or they feel they *have* to drink to have a good time.. i think thats considered being an alcoholic, even though 2-3x a week might not seem like a lot to people on here. but my aunt was an alcoholic, and it caused *a lot* of problems with me, my parents and her family *zac knows about all of it, hes even been through some of it with me, so he can back me up on this lol*
so.. i might be more oversensitive about it than other people, but i dont think it takes much to be an alcoholic. if you do it regularly, and do it knowing that its bad for you, but you still do it because you think you have to or because your friends expect you to.. i'd consider that being alcoholism.
with pot, i figure it probably goes the same way. if you do it on a regular basis *as in ~2 times a week*.. i'd consider that being a pothead, i guess.
01-18-2005, 10:58 AM
pot head i would say someone that smokes 8 or more times a week
sonomagirlie-i disagree with you on the alocholic thing. I drink more than 3 times a week and I dont think i'm an alocholic.
01-18-2005, 12:00 PM
pot head i would say someone that smokes 8 or more times a week
sonomagirlie-i disagree with you on the alocholic thing. I drink more than 3 times a week and I dont think i'm an alocholic.
like i said.. my aunt was an alcoholic and it affected me bigtime. i've been around alcoholics, i've had them in my family, so thats what i believe is the point where it starts to affect people. if you're in school, you stop going to classes, or do badly on homework/tests, and just overall do shitty in school. if you work.. you might go out drinking one night and have to call in sick the next day because you're either still drunk or hungover. and trust me, it Does happen, because i'm the one at quiktrip who has to come fill in for these people. but okay. i really dont care if people disagree with me. i know what happened in my family and with people i know, so thats why i decided what i did.
01-18-2005, 04:49 PM
pot head i would say someone that smokes 8 or more times a week
sonomagirlie-i disagree with you on the alocholic thing. I drink more than 3 times a week and I dont think i'm an alocholic.
like i said.. my aunt was an alcoholic and it affected me bigtime. i've been around alcoholics, i've had them in my family, so thats what i believe is the point where it starts to affect people. if you're in school, you stop going to classes, or do badly on homework/tests, and just overall do shitty in school. if you work.. you might go out drinking one night and have to call in sick the next day because you're either still drunk or hungover. and trust me, it Does happen, because i'm the one at quiktrip who has to come fill in for these people. but okay. i really dont care if people disagree with me. i know what happened in my family and with people i know, so thats why i decided what i did.
I never said you were wrong....i dont know if there was much to get defensive about. I just stated that I didn't agree with you, thats all.
01-18-2005, 04:57 PM
i wasn't being defensive. i was explaining to you why i said 2-3x a week. i'm the one who has always gotten screwed over when people decide to drink, so thats why i have a low tolerance for people who do, which is why i dont think it takes much for people to be an alcoholic.
01-18-2005, 06:01 PM
I think if you drink more than once per week you're an alcoholic. And I'll still stand by the fact that you're a stoner if you smoke weed more than once every other month.
If you ALWAYS have marijuana in your blood and you'll never pass a drug test because of it, then you are a stoner.
The alcohol's very hard to classify yourself as an alcoholic. Humans naturally don't want to admit that they have an addiction. If you crave alcohol at any point in time, I believe that makes somebody an alcoholic.
I've had alcohol before...but I never crave it, ever. That's the difference between somebody who drinks and somebody who's an alcoholic. And in my mind, if you're willing to spend the kind of money it costs to drink alcohol more than once a week, then you probably crave it, and i personally think it would make somebody an alcoholic.
Once again...I'm not trying to point fingers or direct this at anyone. If you fit into my classification as an alcoholic, then that's your choice. I'm not going to look down on you because you have an addiction and I dont...that's not my point. BUt I am a firm believer that if you have an addiction, you should be strong enough to admit it to yourself. THat's why I have this general "rule of thumb" for who is an alcoholic and/or stoner.
01-18-2005, 06:02 PM
but just think...if you drink more than 2 or 3 times per week...that means that you drink almost everyday. How is that not alcoholism?
01-18-2005, 06:19 PM
A true alcohol is somebody who's body is chemically dependent upon alcohol and w/o it, would have night sweats and sickness. I know some adults who would have severe withdrawals and would need hospitalized if they were restrained from alcohol.
I would classify a stoner as a person who wake'n'bakes as often as possible, tries to get high before coming down, and puts weed high on their list for priorities, if not the highest. Somebody who will keep smoking until they run out, or will stock up before they run out (like most cigarette smokers).
Somebody who smokes daily isn't necessarily a pot head and somebody who drinks a few every night isn't an alcoholic. It's all about DICIPLINE. If you don't have it, you're more likely to fall into the bad habits and get hooked.
I've smoked for over 8 months without skipping a day before, I didn't consider myself a pot head, I was just around it often and had no problem chiefing.
I've done everything stoned. Shopped, driven, snow boarded, went to amusement parks and movies, hunted, played video games, worked, pretty much anything and everything. It's not b/c it's trippy or anything, but i just chose to experience it with the effects of weed, and I wasn't dissapointed.
I didn't lose my job, I didn't lose my gf, I didn't end up in jail, I didn't go broke, none of that. For those that aren't diciplined, I could see how some could go broke over it b/c they CHOOSE to try and find a way to get high instead of going to work and making money to support their own habbit.
It's a viscous circle and you have to know yourself before you start experimenting.
01-18-2005, 06:20 PM
i get drunk once a week pretty much. i work all week, and im not the kind to show up to work drunk that much, so yeah. does it make me an alcoholic if i get drunk every time i drink?
01-18-2005, 06:27 PM
I think those who do it regularly have different points of view from those who dont, simply because the ones who do it are seeing the good side of it.. what it feels like, the good times you have.. when the ones who don't do it are normally the ones who are affected by people who do it *like me and alcohol* so they see the bad side.
01-18-2005, 06:45 PM
thats because i dont let drinking affect the rest of my life. i have fun with it on Saturday night, and then the rest of the week is just normal business. it doesnt sound like a big deal when i talk about it because its not that big of deal in my mind, it doesnt hold so much signifigance that i feel the need to drink constantly.
on a side note, i guess i was wrong. i do have a beer or 2 every now and then, i guess i dont get drunk every time i drink. i hang out at my mom's bar sometimes, and i usually have a beer or 2 there. i know i'll be driving home, so i dont get drunk. doesnt stop my mom from offering me shots though.
01-18-2005, 07:14 PM
A true alcohol is somebody who's body is chemically dependent upon alcohol and w/o it, would have night sweats and sickness.
That's EXTREMELY true. I guess what I'm really referring to is people who are becoming alcoholics. I would consider it very difficult to become a true alcoholic before the age of 25 or so.
I'm just hoping that those of you who drink pretty regularly are aware of the signs of becoming chemically dependant on alcohol. If you're sitting at home at night and you start to crave a beer...but you don't have any. SO you grab a 2 liter of mountain dew and drink until you're not thirsty anymore....then you're still craving a beer., then that is a sign that you are becoming chemically dependant.
I really hate to preach guys...but I honestly think our generation is going to produce at least three times as many alcoholics and stoners than any other generation. I mean...don't get me wrong, I'm really going to love how much easier that makes it for me to get a good job when I get older....but I kinda like you guys. :HEYYOU:
01-18-2005, 07:18 PM
i'm glad i'm going into medicine, lol, i wouldn't imagine too many alcoholics or anything have made it through medical school. =P
01-18-2005, 07:21 PM
I guess in my Opinion there isnt any true alkys on this board...but then again I dont know everyone... but you also have to remember that just because someone ordered a beer doesn't mean that they are craving it at that time too..
01-18-2005, 07:25 PM
so.. why would someone order a beer if they didn't want it?
01-18-2005, 07:58 PM
there is a diffrence between just wanting something and craving something. When I am in the cafeteria choosing what i want to eat....i might take pizza over spaghetti...but not because i'm craving pizza. i just want it.
01-18-2005, 08:01 PM
still.. if i was wanting alcohol 3 or 4 times a week.. i think i'd seriously sit down and think about my lifestyle.
01-18-2005, 08:08 PM
I was jsut trying to say what amanda is... like after work... the whole crew might go out for a beer... not because we are craving one... but because.. damn we can have one... make sense?
01-18-2005, 08:10 PM
I was jsut trying to say what amanda is... like after work... the whole crew might go out for a beer... not because we are craving one... but because.. damn we can have one... make sense?
yes i understand mel. if someone wants to go out every once in awhile and have a beer with people from work.. more power to you. but like i said, if it's happening 3 or 4 times a week.. thats not healthy. and it will probably affect your life in one way or another, because i know it's happened to people.
01-18-2005, 08:13 PM
I, for one, am through with this argument guys. I want everyone to remember that if you're going to open conversation to me about alcohol and/or marijuana, I am going to be strong willed about it.
I don't think it's a horrible thing to drink a lot at our age. I have chosen not to because I want to stay focused on work, school, and this wonderful website that I spend time working on every night. I have taken the road less traveled by, and it allows me to see things from a different perspective as some of you.
I have said my peace. And all of you who are getting all offensive about it and are probably thinking "what a fucking jerk" in your minds....just remember what I said and do your self a favor and think about it. Some of you WILL be visiting my "successors" at quiktrip in the future buying two 40's of budweiser 3 times per day. I can guarantee you that much. It's not all that uncommon. You think what your'e doing now is okay...and it probably is....but inevitably for some of you, the alcohol habit will follow you into your late 20's, and you *might* find yourself with no wife/husband and kids, or friends to lean on.
*goodbye...done with this dumb conversation*
01-18-2005, 08:21 PM
im not offened at all.. i just didn't think the way i was describing is what i was trying to say, i dont think i did a good job at it the first time.. but yeah
Life has a great way of making choices for us... when I was three years old... my mom and I walked into our house.. and got a gun pulled on us, by a drug dealer my dad had there... its because of my dads addiction at the time.. which is what my first post was about... in my experiences.. drugs have had a more negative affect on my life.... or like in Ash's for example Alcohol has had a bigger affect.... its all of its perseption.. and what you have been through... that's my opinion i guess
01-18-2005, 08:28 PM
i'm done with this thread too. those who need help aren't willing to admit it. those who drink are going to defend alcohol, as those who smoke will defend pot, then there are those who do neither that are going to talk about how they're both bad. it's pointless to argue about, as no one is going to change. do what you want.. you will, and some of you already are, living with the consequences of what you choose to do.
01-18-2005, 09:18 PM
those who need help aren't willing to admit it. .
are you saying that people on this site won't admit it???
01-18-2005, 09:22 PM
i'm saying i think that there are people on here who don't understand what they are doing. in my opinion. but i'm not going to point fingers at anyone.. it's simply not worth it.
01-18-2005, 10:27 PM
Well it's obvious who everyone 'isn't pointing fingers at' and alcoholism isn't how frequently you do it, it's how you drink and why you drink.
People who have a compulsion or a strong need to drink, can't control themselves, have withdrawal symptoms and an unacceptable tolerance are alcoholics. Not one symptom, but all.
If someone is an alcoholic they'll fail to fulfill major work, school and home responibilities, drink in dangerous situations - like while working, have repeated alcohol related legal problems and continued heavy drinking despite these problems.
Now, if anyone wants to tell me or anyone else that Amanda or maybe me are alcoholics then you obviously don't have a brain.
Thank You.
01-18-2005, 10:30 PM
like zac and i both said.. no one is pointing fingers.
theres a lot of things i dont want to get into on the board. so i'm done as of right now. i have my opinion, and i'm fully backed up by my boyfriend, so that's all i'm concerned with. if you'd like to continue to talk with me about my lack of brain, feel free to IM me and i'll be more than happy to contradict that.
01-18-2005, 10:34 PM
some people are so touchy. it makes me sad so much. ha ha
01-19-2005, 06:10 AM
Amanda. If anyone is fucking touchy it's you.
01-19-2005, 09:52 AM
***would you rather me edit them?***
and i dont like it when you delete my posts
01-19-2005, 10:55 AM
unfortunately for you I own the site and I can delete posts all I want.
01-19-2005, 11:17 AM
nothing was wrong with what i said
01-19-2005, 11:19 AM
Just end it amanda. It's over. forget about it.
01-19-2005, 11:25 AM
you are impossible zac fields.
01-19-2005, 11:38 AM
oh don't you think you're getting the last word! I always get the last word.
01-19-2005, 11:42 AM
ZAC FACE! I do not like it SO MUCH when you do not want me to have the last word. sometimes in my life i want the last word.
01-19-2005, 11:45 AM
but you can't have it. Because......i'm taller....and i drive a cavalier and everyone knows cavaliers are the fastest cars in the world.
01-19-2005, 11:48 AM
screw both of you guys, i get the last word on this one because i'm cooler than both of you put together, cos i drive a truck that zac and i named hubert cumberdale lol. =P
01-19-2005, 11:50 AM
hey now! I drive a freaking civic...we all know how bad ass my car is. i am the second tallest so i win. now stop post whoring
01-19-2005, 11:52 AM
i'm the shortest, so i win. lol.
01-19-2005, 11:54 AM
i dont like that very much. i can be short too!
01-19-2005, 11:56 AM
yeah if you stand on your knees. although you might still be taller than me, lol. i'm barely 5'0''.. woo for me.
01-19-2005, 12:17 PM
sometimes i dont like when i cant be the shortest....sometimes i wanna have the last word. cause we are all post whores right now
01-19-2005, 12:17 PM
You guys don't make me pull out my topic lock army!
:misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock: :misterlock:
01-19-2005, 12:20 PM
you big geek! :neener:
01-19-2005, 12:34 PM
i like target....and i hate when the lock army comes out and locks stuff
01-19-2005, 02:16 PM
sometimes i just want everyone to suck it up and realize that i'm the best. so, i get the last word. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
01-19-2005, 02:19 PM
not if I can help it!
Haha...everyone is going to be all pissed at us now because we just ruined this thread. But that's okay...nobody was talking in it but us anyways.
01-19-2005, 02:51 PM
yeah, what a good waste of a topic. woo
01-20-2005, 01:01 AM
i think we all need to pull a "Chasing Amy", and have sex with eachother. that should solve everything(rolls eyes).
01-22-2005, 12:53 PM
DAMN YOU POST WHORES, I'm trying to raise my post count by legit posts, and you all get 10 posts just for personal messages to each other.
01-22-2005, 12:53 PM
01-22-2005, 12:54 PM
01-22-2005, 12:54 PM
01-22-2005, 12:54 PM
01-22-2005, 12:54 PM
01-22-2005, 12:54 PM
01-22-2005, 12:55 PM
01-22-2005, 12:55 PM
01-22-2005, 12:55 PM
01-22-2005, 12:55 PM
01-23-2005, 11:32 PM
In Conclusion, remember kids - just like Zach says - anyone who smokes weed more than once every other month will never become anything and will live a lonely life with no wife or kids and no friends, and will die a sad sad person, sounds like some misdirected anti-marijuana commercial to me - yeah there is no professional successfull people out there who smoke on a regular basis, your what 18? 20? And to the fact that you state every professional workplace out there will always do drug test, did you know cops dont have to drop? City Council members dont have to either, plus a number of medical workplaces dont, and I can bet there is many many more, you think the whole people who smoke weed are the kids down the street, but your wrong - more people smoke than you think and live there lives just like every other normal civilian, everyone has a personal life - I feel sorry for you for falling under belief of what society wants you to believe, It just shows just like I percieved that alot of people on this site are stuck up and only believe what there told by there parrents, friends and society - open your eye's and try not to be a sheep for once.
01-24-2005, 12:09 AM
I must add that i know at least 4 professors at the U of Iowa that smoke weed on a regular basis.
Do not ask me how I know.
01-24-2005, 12:19 AM
01-24-2005, 01:23 AM
Do not ask me how I know.
01-24-2005, 05:55 AM
Chris I gain my information from my high school and college. 90% of potheads are fat losers that will never amount to anything.
You find me some numbers that DON'T say that smoking weed is likely to fuck up your life.
How about this Chris, you just tell me where you are in 10 years. In fact, how old are you right now? How about we compare futures if you want to be a smartass about this?
I didn't want to be a low-blowing bitch but how about you enlighten us on how much college you finished, or even attempted? I'm not trying to be a dick but if you haven't finished a bachelor's degree and are on your way to a successful life then how can you sit here and try and contradict me for saying that weed will probably make you an unsuccessful person?
I'm not saying that every person that smokes weed ends up being a loser. 4banger is not a loser. In fact he's about to graduate from U of Iowa from business school. He may just have a very successful life. But you go and find me some statistics say what the average income is for a stoner.
Don't be ignorant. This is not that hard of a concept to grasp. If you're going to get all pissy and offended then get off this post. And if you want to get in a little hissy fight with me, you'll lose. I've had to resist a lot of people expressing desire for me to remove you from this site. I like everyone until they piss me off.
01-24-2005, 11:40 AM
I want to ask you one question .... what do you think about people that use weed for more of a medical use ? Does that still make them a loser and a stoner for the rest of their lives ?
I smoke and Im going to school ....right now I have a good paying job too. Im like everyother person I pay my bills go to work and I feel that it has not affected me in anyway with my life! I have never been in trouble with the law or anything like that
Im living my life and I really dont care if you do drugs, smoke, drink its your life not mine and what you want to do in your own time is your choose! Thats what freedom is for RIGHT?
01-24-2005, 12:00 PM
MYTH: MARIJUANA CAUSES AN AMOTIVATIONAL SYNDROME. Marijuana makes users passive, apathetic, and uninterested in the future. Students who use marijuana become underachievers and workers who use marijuana become unproductive.
FACT: For twenty-five years, researchers have searched for a marijuana-induced amotivational syndrome and have failed to find it. People who are intoxicated constantly, regardless of the drug, are unlikely to be productive members of society. There is nothing about marijuana specifically that causes people to lose their drive and ambition. In laboratory studies, subjects given high doses of marijuana for several days or even several weeks exhibit no decrease in work motivation or productivity. Among working adults, marijuana users tend to earn higher wages than non-users. College students who use marijuana have the same grades as nonusers.
MYTH: MARIJUANA USE IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS. Like alcohol, marijuana impairs psychomotor function and decreases driving ability. If marijuana use increases, an increase in of traffic fatalities is inevitable.
FACT: There is no compelling evidence that marijuana contributes substantially to traffic accidents and fatalities. At some doses, marijuana affects perception and psychomotor performances- changes which could impair driving ability. However, in driving studies, marijuana produces little or no car-handling impairment- consistently less than produced by low moderate doses of alcohol and many legal medications. In contrast to alcohol, which tends to increase risky driving practices, marijuana tends to make subjects more cautious. Surveys of fatally injured drivers show that when THC is detected in the blood, alcohol is almost always detected as well. For some individuals, marijuana may play a role in bad driving. The overall rate of highway accidents appears not to be significantly affected by marijuana's widespread use in society.
Unheralded marijuana facts are as numerous as the myths and sometimes it is hard to glean marijuana facts from fiction.
What follows are many astonishing hemp and marijuana facts.
Historical :
During the 1930s, the American media propagated numerous false stories as marijuana facts and depicted weed as an extremely dangerous drug, thus marijuana and hemp were effectively banned in 1938.
Hemp has an estimated 50,000 non-drug commercial uses including paper, textiles, fuels, food and sealants, but these uses are also banned by existing laws.
Medical Marijuana Facts:
No one has ever died from marijuana use.
Marijuana does not lead to physical dependency.
Marijuana is less dangerous than tobacco and people smoke less of it at a time.
No independent government panel that has studied marijuana has ever recommended jail for users.
Marijuana leads to non-violence and pacifism.
Marijuana for medicinal use is also gaining renewed recognition.
Marijuana is a medicinal herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable therapeutic uses - from stress reduction to glaucoma to asthma to cancer therapy, etc.
Marijuana was a major active ingredient in 40-50% of patent medicines before its ban.
Marijuana could replace at least 10-20% of prescribed drugs now in use.
Many patients and their doctors find marijuana a useful medicine as part of the treatment for AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and other ailments. Yet the federal government allows only seven patients in the United States to use marijuana as a medicine, through a program now closed to new applicants. Federal laws treat all other patients currently using medical marijuana as criminals. Doctors are presently allowed to prescribe cocaine and morphine—but not marijuana.
Today, between 95 and 100 million Americans admit to having tried it.
Just some stuff to think about
01-24-2005, 01:03 PM
Is Marijuana Addictive?
Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction for some people; that is, they use the drug compulsively even though it often interferes with family, school, work, and recreational activities. According to the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, an estimated 5.6 million Americans age 12 or older reported problems with illicit drug use in the past year. Of these, 3.6 million met diagnostic criteria for dependence on an illicit drug. More than 2 million met diagnostic criteria for dependence on marijuana/hashish. In 1999, more than 220,000 people entering drug abuse treatment programs reported that marijuana was their primary drug of abuse.
Along with craving, withdrawal symptoms can make it hard for long-term marijuana smokers to stop using the drug. People trying to quit report irritability, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety.59,60 They also display increased aggression on psychological tests, peaking approximately 1 week after they last used the drug.
What physical affects are caused by marijuana
Marijuana use has been shown to increase users' difficulty in trying to quit smoking tobacco. This was recently reported in a study comparing smoking cessation in adults who smoked both marijuana and tobacco with those who smoked only tobacco. The relationship between marijuana use and continued smoking was particularly strong in those who smoked marijuana daily at the time of the initial interview, 13 years prior to the followup interview.
A study of 450 individuals found that people who smoke marijuana frequently but do not smoke tobacco have more health problems and miss more days of work than nonsmokers do. Many of the extra sick days used by the marijuana smokers in the study were for respiratory illnesses.
Even infrequent marijuana use can cause burning and stinging of the mouth and throat, often accompanied by a heavy cough. Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, such as daily cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illnesses, a heightened risk of lung infections, and a greater tendency toward obstructed airways.
Cancer of the respiratory tract and lungs may also be promoted by marijuana smoke. A study comparing 173 cancer patients and 176 healthy individuals produced strong evidence that smoking marijuana increases the likelihood of developing cancer of the head or neck, and that the more marijuana smoked, the greater the increase. A statistical analysis of the data suggested that marijuana smoking doubled or tripled the risk of these cancers.
Marijuana has the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract because it contains irritants and carcinogens. In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50 percent to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke. It also produces high levels of an enzyme that converts certain hydrocarbons into their carcinogenic form, levels that may accelerate the changes that ultimately produce malignant cells. Marijuana users usually inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than tobacco smokers do, which increases the lungs' exposure to carcinogenic smoke. These facts suggest that, puff for puff, smoking marijuana may increase the risk of cancer more than smoking tobacco does.
Some adverse health effects caused by marijuana may occur because THC impairs the immune system's ability to fight off infectious diseases and cancer. In laboratory experiments that exposed animal and human cells to THC or other marijuana ingredients, the normal disease-preventing reactions of many of the key types of immune cells were inhibited. In other studies, mice exposed to THC or related substances were more likely than unexposed mice to develop bacterial infections and tumors.
One study has indicated that a person's risk of heart attack during the first hour after smoking marijuana is four times his or her usual risk. The researchers suggest that a heart attack might occur, in part, because marijuana raises blood pressure and heart rate and reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood.
Bottom line. My mind won't be changed, and neither will yours. Keep in mind that you only think the way you do because you smoke marijuana. (Also keep in mind taht I only think the way I do because I don't.) Reguardless of whether you think it's harming your life or not, I will always think it is.
I'd rather spend my hard-earned money on something a little more worthwhile than something that I can put between my fingers and light on fire that will make me feel good for a little while.
I have friends that smoke weed. Don't ever try and portray me as somebody who is just being ignorant because I don't know the other side of the story. In fact, (for those of you who may be surprised) I sat in the same LUNCH TABLE as some of the potheads when I was in high school.
I choose to live my life on the right side of the law. Rayna...with respect to the fact that you're in school and you're claiming to be doing well. (I'm not going to challenge it) You say you've never been in trouble with the law. Yet you're expressing that to me like since you're a "good girl" that the law is not interested in busting you for anything because you're doing nothing wrong. That's ficticious in itself. You do a lot of illegal things when you smoke marijuana. You buy it from somebody, which is illegal. You purchase (or create) something to smoke it with, which is illegal. You possess the marijuana, which is illegal. You smoke it, which is illegal. And if you have friends, you might distribute some of it to them, which is illegal. You might sell it to some friends, which is illegal.
As for chris. You said earlier that I'm beleiving what society beleives and that I'm "misdirected." That's interesting. 83% of all Americans above the age of 12 have tried marijuana at least once.
So either "society" sides with YOU on this issue or most of that 83% are not "misdirected."
01-24-2005, 01:29 PM
Zach you just come off to me (and I'm sure others) as very close minded, what you believe if right and what others believe is wrong, thats all - when you mentioned that nobody at your work smokes weed or ciggarettes, that just made you completly sound stuck up, ya know one of those "preppy" kids who makes fun of all the stoners or lower class kids because they didnt get brought up with money like you did, and dont tell me you were brought up hard, because you wernt - I dont even personally know you but that fact is obvious - try to stop being so close minded - opinions are one thing but you personally have no experience with something those opinions mean nothing, btw - have you ever seen Bowling For Columbine? Also That Quote that you have about black betty, stoners made that film, but you've never did any research or actually watched the film while high (Were talking about Kung Pow right) Look Up The Makers Of The Movie And Even The General Crowd Who Watches It, You Might Be Suprised.
01-24-2005, 01:53 PM
Chris, my favorite band is Incubus. Have you ever been to an Incubus concert? I've never smelled weed so strong.
Not to mention that they have openly admitted to being high while writing their lyrics. I AM open-minded, but that doesn't mean that I can't have a strong opinion against marijuana usage.
I don't think you understand that I don't look down on anyone...not to mention anyone who smokes weed. If that's what you do, then go ahead. But the title of this topic asked me to express my opinions and there they are.
I'm not going to lie to you. For the most part I was brought up in a family of a lot of money. I wasn't born that way though. My dad made a grand total of like $10,000 the year after he got out of the military and we were living in a house that my aunt GAVE us in eupora, MIssissippi. (Tinyest house ever!) My parents (despite having no money) tried to give me as much as they could while I was little.
This brings me to why I don't do drugs. My dad neither smokes nor drinks. He didn't go to college and was in the marines for 8 years after high school. AUtomaticallly you know he wasn't making a lot of money in the marines. We went through tight times when I was between 1-5 years old. The first five years of my life, we had almost nothing. We were living in a free house and still just barely getting by.
My dad got a job as an Emergency Medical Technician at a factory in MS. One day the factory hired him as a regular factory worker and he made a little more money. He worked his way up the chain and then one day he transferred to Cedar Rapids to work in the same factory. Still he worked his way up even more.
If you'll look at my dad's social security report (which states the amount of money he made every year since he started working.) It ranges from $1,000 in ~1982 to over 1XX,XXX that he made last year. (I don't feel comfortable sharing his current income)
The point is, if you'll ask my dad (who HAS drank and HAS smoked) what he attributes to his amazing story of how he worked his way up the chain in one factory from making 10k a year to over 100k a year, he'll tell you that it all started the day he decided to quit smoking. Then once he accomplished that he decided to stop drinking (which he was never a huge drinker but he drank some) and above all he attributes it simply to the fact that he was able to remain drug-free throughout his adulthood. He passed all the urinalysis they've given all their workers over the years while some have failed them.
Sorry for the mini-life story. But I just don't think it's fair to call me a "spoiled rich kid" when I've probably been almost as poor as anyone here. I don't look down on anyone. Yeah my parents bought me a decent car when I turned 16. That is so true and I didn't take it for granted for a second. Since they bought me that car, I've worked hard for all the modifications I've done to it. In fact, I'm taking a $2,000 loan out this spring to take care of some other things I would like to do to it.
But Chris....if I was stuck up and looked down on you I would have banned you from CR:U by now. I've stuck up for you when you've offended some of my good friends here and I've not yet given into people's demands to ban you. I never saw any controversial topic on CR:U to be a problem, but i think you could use a little more "open-mindedness" yourself.
01-24-2005, 03:09 PM
thats very true Zack, I think we both just like you said have strong opinions on the use of marijuana, and thats cool - but its stupid to sit here to fight over our different beliefs.
01-24-2005, 10:31 PM
I know what Im doing is a againts the law but Im a good girl, I just have medical problems and smoking really helps my diease out! Iowa doesnt alow medical marijuna use, but their are many states that approve it for my diease. The other reason I choose to use it cause I dont have health insurance, I do but I have to wait a year before it will treat anything to do with my diease. The way I consume it is alot better then some ways.
I just wish that some people would understand the reason I use it and that Im not a dead head. I go to work everyday always on time, I have a great family that I take part in. Not everyone that smokes weed is a loser.
we all have opinons ...... but just please read this ..... and just think of your bother, sister, mom, dad ......someone you loved and they are sick, deing or whatever it may be and say that marijuna was the only they that made them feel better, do you thinks it fair for people to say they cant use it?
Bush's painful obsession with medical pot
Pubdate: Oct 26, 2003
Source: Oakland Tribune
by Kate Scannell
I have known too many patients who have lived miserably or died painfully to have patience with the Bush administration's intrusive attempts to bar them from discussing medical marijuana with their doctors.
I've seen one too many old men spend their final hours nauseated and vomiting while their distressed and helpless families watched. One too many women with cancer who linger, bone-thin and languid, as their loved ones beg for "something" to make them feel better.
And I, like so many doctors, have witnessed the therapeutic relief that many such patients experience after using marijuana. Their illnesses become less miserable, their difficult deaths are made more tolerable.
And those reasons explain precisely why the federal government's relentless attempts to bar patients from access to medical marijuana constitute both cruel and unusual crimes against us all. They are wrong-headed and politically driven obsessions, not compassionate advisements intended to relieve human suffering.
As a patient, when I'm feeling ill, I don't want John Ashcroft's opinion about the best medical treatment for my condition. When someone I love visits a medical clinic because she is sick to death, I hope that she will be met by a doctor who will give her truthful advice born of experience and a focused dedication to her well being. I pray that she is not met by a federal agent with no clinical skills whose primary allegiance is to a political agenda.
As a doctor, I am stunned by the intensity of the Bush administration's obsession with medical marijuana. It boggles my mind to think that our government officials are spending so much time and money to obstruct the use of a medication that might actually help cancer patients tolerate their chemotherapy, AIDS patients gain a little weight, glaucoma patients suffer less.
We have yet to see any data from the Feds that explains why medicinal marijuana should be excluded from pharmacy shelves that already contain morphine and codeine -- as well as a host of other drugs for conditions like heart disease or seizures that have longer potential side effect profiles.
I wish the administration would channel some of that energy towards, say, improving pain control in our debilitated nursing home patients. Or facilitating clinical research trials with medical marijuana so that credible science could replace emotional rhetoric about the drug's efficacy.
It was heartening that on Oct. 14, the U.S. Supreme Court decided not to entertain the Bush administration's latest attempt to silence discussions about medical marijuana between doctors and patients. Specifically, the high court declined to re-examine last year's ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco that said doctors could speak freely with patients about the potential benefits of medical marijuana.
But had the Bush administration gotten its way this time, the federal government would have acquired the authority to punish a doctor who simply advised patients that medical marijuana might relieve their pain and suffering. The Bush administration would have gained the right to slap a federal offense on that doctor, revoke her ability to write prescriptions, and subject her to criminal prosecution. And in the meantime, while that doctor's prosecution might have given cause for some deluded Washington administrators to raise their glasses in a rabid toast to the war on drugs, a doctor who had tried to serve her ailing patients with honesty and compassion is sidelined, and her patients are stranded.
We do have a drug problem in this country, but if it's to be solved, reason and clear vision must guide us. The Feds' relentless attacks on physicians who discuss medical marijuana as a potential means of alleviating their patients' suffering smacks of cheap theatrics in a desperate effort to stage some semblance of a victory in the real war on drugs.
I just want to know your thoughts on the medical part of it
01-24-2005, 10:43 PM
Whoah now marijuana for medicinal purposes is a whole different ball-field Rayna.
I would never once critisize somebody for smoking weed for that purpose. If smoking weed helps your disease then by God you should be able to smoke it. I can guarantee you if I make political office one day you will see attempts to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes.
After all, I am equally as in danger driving a car after taking Sominex as I would from smoking Marijuana. So who are we to deny people of what heals their pains?
Rayna I seriously think you're taking me the wrong way. I'm not saying everyone who smokes pot is a loser. It's just a simple fact that you can gain by walking through the halls of any high school or college that the weedheads are generally the ones that don't give a crap about school or anything. I'm not a doctor...I can't try and prove the chicken comes before the egg or vice-verca. For all I know it could be that people smoke weed BECAUSE they already don't give a shit and aren't going to amount to anything. I really don't know.
But I think, Rayna, that you'de be hard pressed to find anyone that would disagree with legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes. There really isn't any real good argument against it. It's just that not all the states have spent the time to legalize it yet, that's all. It will happen in good time, and trust me if I ever get elected into any form of office in Iowa I will most definitely make a big stink about it.
see...I'm not that horrible :)
Regeneration X
01-24-2005, 10:43 PM
I quit at much to read
01-25-2005, 09:49 AM
It's just a simple fact that you can gain by walking through the halls of any high school or college that the weedheads are generally the ones that don't give a crap about school or anything.
I thought you said that most postheads won't even pursue college. If they are even in the building, it shows motivation to try. I know many people who don't drink or smoke and have a hard time making it to class.
The people who are lazy will be lazy whether they smoke pot or not. It takes a certain amount of work to buy pot. Phone calling, meeting up with people, being sneeky. It's work, not just like you can go to the store and get a case of beer, get drunk, slurr your words and make poor decisions.
It just so happens that the low-lifes that are unsuccessful are smoking pot, they would be low-lifes without it as well.
You come to the U of I and I'll introduce you to many of my college buddies who are in their last semester with me and I'll make a safe bet that over 33% in my classes at the Business School smoke pot at least once every 3 months. Some of them, on a regular basis as I would like to do.
01-25-2005, 10:01 AM
Like i've said earlier, I realize that not all potsmokers are losers.
And I don't doubt that a decent percentage of your graduating class at business college does it. But...keep in mind that 83% of everyone over the age of 12 has at least tried it.
I will always feel that marijuana can have negative effects on your professional life. I know you, 4banger, to a certain extent. And I know that you can control it and that you lead a responsible life. However, I will say this much: I have not yet seen 1 of the loser "dopeheads" at Kirkwood from my high school.
I'm not trying to help my case here...but that is the 100% truth. I've not yet seen any of my old classmates from high school that were big dopeheads and didn't give a crap about school. That doesn't mean they're not there, but there are so few taht I haven't yet seen them. I mean...some of these guys live for pot. I saw a couple of them driving around in a city truck the other day when I was at work. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys just got a full time job so they would have enough money to buy some reefer.
But like I said...not EVERYONE is like that. And I'd be willing to wager a lot of your 33% probably didn't get introduced to weed until they were already in college. Business Majors generally are very focused.....hell, anyone who is pursuing a bachelor's degree is pretty focused.
01-25-2005, 10:08 AM
I saw a couple of them driving around in a city truck the other day when I was at work. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys just got a full time job so they would have enough money to buy some reefer.
Maybe these guys are happy with a very simple life. Sleep, eat, work, smoke, chill out, sleep.
Not everyone in life has goals to be rich, have a family, or material things. Some people just enjoy living, being who they are, and appreciating other things, like relationships with people and whatnot.
You know me, I'm not arguing to prove anyone wrong, just trying to open up both sides.
I can understand why you won't touch the stuff, and many others, but pot is only as bad as the person who's using it.
01-25-2005, 10:16 AM
I can understand why you won't touch the stuff, and many others, but pot is only as bad as the person who's using it.
Agreed. I also understand what you're saying about them liking what they're doing. To a certain extent I wouldnt' mind not having to trouble myself with school-work and grades and working part time.
I just feel like i would always want more. I want to make enough money one day that I don't need to worry about saving my money up if I want to buy something for my car. In fact....I hope one day I can buy a $20,000+ car in cash. Just write them a check and say "welll....where are my keys?"
It's not so much that I think marijuana would necessarily ruin MY life. I think I could handle it very well. But I am a money saver...I save my money and I buy expensive things sometimes. Whatever I want, I buy it. (With my own money) I could easily see myself spending $300+ per month on marijuana. It's the same reason why I don't smoke cigarettes. I just don't want to get myself in a situation where I'm spending a large amount of money on something that I'm just going to light up and burn anyways.
01-25-2005, 11:22 AM
I choose to spend the money to make me feel better - its cheaper for me to buy green that I can afford that will help me out then try to buy my meds, Im suppose to be on 3 different meds ones just $1,500 every eight weeks and I cant afford that so Im left with pain, not being able to eat so the only thing that helps me out is to smoke. If I werent able to smoke I wouldnt go to school or work ....I wouldnt have the energy at all!
I think that anybody should be able to smoke if they want to.
Did you know that the fed gov banded any reasearch for marijuna in 1939 then in 1997 they said it can be researched only to show the neg affects of it!! Now thats bullshit and Did you know that the fed gov hads out med marijuna to 8 people in the states every month. They have been doing this for the last 30 yrs and have not researched them at all.
01-25-2005, 12:23 PM
It's just a simple fact that you can gain by walking through the halls of any high school or college that the weedheads are generally the ones that don't give a crap about school or anything.
I just want to say one thing....I dont care about anything either....and I dont smoke pot. I dont drink all that much. Im lucky if I drink more than once every 2 or 3 months.
01-26-2005, 09:45 AM
I had a friend who used to be a lot of fun to chill with and I loved being around her....but then she started turning into a pot head and eventually all she did was smoke. She didn't ever go to class cause she would go to bed at like 6am after a whole night of smoking so she would sleep all day and its all she ever wants to do....needless to say, I never join in her smoking. I have done it before....but i honestly have no desire to smoke anymore, its not even that great. just some thoughts
04-09-2008, 10:12 AM
back from the dead! hahahha
04-09-2008, 05:04 PM
holy crap, Amanda even posted in this thread. what was her friend's name that i told off back in the day? they both hung out with the OG CR:u kids at the street races...
04-10-2008, 12:54 PM
This post ended a while ago, and I wanted to put up what I know is Fact and basis of my opinion, but i know that the facts I would put up would end up bothering many people. Almost EVERYONE who posted had a "typical" and mostly false views on substance abuse. But I will end it there, because I don't want to start a big Fn arguement and Im to lazy to find the data from class, and my work (when i worked Psych/Detox, and substance abuse couseling cert classes)
04-10-2008, 01:19 PM
let's just leave it at that. This doesn't need to be stirred up again. If you want to argue go to the "smoking ban" debate we have goin in the clubhouse!
04-10-2008, 05:12 PM
This post ended a while ago, and I wanted to put up what I now is Fact and my opinion, but i know that the facts I would put up would end up bothering many people. Almost EVERYONE who posted had a "typical" and mostly false views on substance abuse. But I will end it there, because I don't want to start a big Fn arguement and Im to lazy to find the data from class, and my work (when i worked Psych/Detox, and substance abuse couseling cert classes)
Honestly though, I'd rather not know the truth. The way I think keeps me from ever even trying Marijuana, and keeps me focused on not becoming an alcoholic. Though it is easier for me because I do not have an addictive personality, I will always believe that it's largely due to my views (however warped or wrong they truly are) that keep my mind focused OFF drugs and ON to more important things.
I feel like I've done pretty good for myself since I made those comments 3 years ago. Since that time, my income has more than doubled, I've been promoted into management where I work, I'm almost done with school and my grades have never been better, and my investment portfolio is up about 13% this year while we're supposedly going into a recession (what recession?). I'll never believe that if I took an interest in drugs/alcohol that I'd have the time and mental capacity to focus on the things that are making me happy.
I'm not trying to "toot my own horn" or anything... there are still a lot of things I'd like to change. Trust me, going into my 5th year working on a 4 year bachelor's degree isn't fun. I really wish I was done by now, but I chose to work full time while going to school so naturally I can't go through school as quickly as I'd like to.
Sometimes ignorance is a good thing, though! Let me believe what I want to believe. lol :bigthumb:
04-10-2008, 06:26 PM
haha since highschool my income has been cut in half and my grades are not perfect. But I have one degree and almost done getting my bachelors....then I hope I make decent money.
04-10-2008, 08:38 PM
Zac, you might laugh at this but sometimes (often many times) "ignorance is bliss" or better because it is an addaptive distractive method. An example is being ignorant about ones own death is better then dispair (this is an overly exagerated example). I could go on, but i will stop. A second idea that follows along with this is that chosing a simplistic life style isn't being lazy or ignorant etc., as long as there is little to no negative affects on others and you are happy. Just becuase you are a rich lawyer doesn't mean your happier or better then a anyone else of lesser status or education. I honestly would rather die poor but happy-im talking the "happy" where my soul is at peace- then die rich, stressed and unhappy. Statiscically though people of "educated" backgrounds and of professional careers tend to live longer, are healthier, and abuse more drugs then compared to the total population. They don't out use the very low socioeconomic groups on drug use though. Lets let this end at this, but my only point is that the heart of drug abuse is the persons psychological maladaptive coping, thinking, and behaviors. The drugs themselves are not the heart of the problem. There has never EVER been a "drug free society" and there never EVER will be. People have always used and abused drugs (there is a difference between use and abuse). I take Zacs' side on I just want to leave it all alone and not have to deal with the "issues" of using them-I HAVE TO MUCH TO LOOSE! But please don't judge and be prejudice to people who choose to use (not abuse and its a hell of a fine line) and not negatively affect their family, friends, and or themselves (which most likely they are).
04-10-2008, 09:31 PM
Post one more thing, I know some wanted this just to end, but I am not defending or supporting drug use. I wish it was that simple, and in turn simply removeing drugs from society would result in a better society. It isn't that simple and believe me the fact it isn't makes it far worse! Even if there wasn't abusable substance (which there will always be, just a lesser form an example is simply grossly obese people abuse FOOD-IT IS THEIR DRUG-food can techinically be defined as a drug). The bigger part, but not its full form revolves around the Dopaminergic reward system dysfuction. Now this doesn't mean someone can use the excuse "I have a disease" and turn it into a rationalization (good way to piss me off) for their behavior. I will stop digressing and let people yell at me.
04-12-2008, 08:06 PM
Almost EVERYONE who posted had a "typical" and mostly false views on substance abuse.
Da reefer truth via our govt....
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