View Full Version : Just curious....
12-23-2004, 01:19 AM
OK.. this is mainly for the guys... if you were going to ask a girl to marry you... would you first ask her dad for permission?
12-23-2004, 01:21 AM
i think the last choice is kind of a dumb one. if the girl told you to ask her dad first, wouldnt she already know that you wanted to marry her?
personally, i guess it would depend on how often her dad is around, how involved he is with her, and how well i get along with him.
12-23-2004, 01:22 AM
I dunno, I think its a good thing to ask her father, you are taking his daughter away to have your way with her every night - :rolleyes:
12-23-2004, 01:46 AM
I dunno, I think its a good thing to ask her father, you are taking his daughter away to have your way with her every night - :rolleyes:
yeah, but you are devoting yourself to her for life. and you kick ass(hopefully).
12-23-2004, 06:08 AM
I am so not the type to ask permission. If my wife had wanted me to ask I probably would have, but it's such an old outdated tradition considering most couples live together before getting married anyway.
12-23-2004, 07:00 AM
I always regretted not asking my wifes mom (her dad is a deadbeat). Of coarse I also regret that I asked when I was drunk
I asked Rachel to marry me, and then she said she wanted me to ask her parents for permission to marry her. So normally I wouldn't do it, but if since she wants me to ask them I will.
12-23-2004, 09:14 AM
okay i guess i'm not a guy. but. i think it's kind of silly to ask the girls dad or parents or whatever.. i dont think they should really have that kind of power to say yes or no to who their daughter marries. i say.. the girl is the one getting married, not the parents, so leave them out of it.
12-23-2004, 11:07 AM
i have a feeling... the majority of couples who are at the point that they're considering marriage have made it fairly obvious. most parents would know and they'd probably say yes... unless they were assholes then you shouldn't ask. but personally, i think it's a good tradition. i'd feel bad if the guy i wanted to marry didn't ask my dad.
12-23-2004, 11:19 AM
lol My dad hates all guys...It takes alot for him to like a boyriend of mine. Hes very old fashioned and dosent like to see me hold hands or hug I guess it doesnt matter to me, really, but taking my dads feelings into consideration, I would have to say it would be a good idea for the guy to ask my dad.
12-23-2004, 12:04 PM
I asked Rachel to marry me, and then she said she wanted me to ask her parents for permission to marry her. So normally I wouldn't do it, but if since she wants me to ask them I will.
HAHA where do you think this pool came from! YOU BETTER!
12-23-2004, 06:58 PM
Aye yea of course, its just tradition to do that...
*grins* lynns father has a few guns im sure he will be chasing after me with....but its all good
but yes ask their dad...father/daughter relationships are often really strong....and your taking her away ya know...sooooo thats my 2 cents :)
12-23-2004, 07:48 PM
I'm with Dustin on this one. If the dad is a cool guy and treats the soon-to-be with respect then ask him for permisson. But if the guy has no part in her life or makes no effort to get to know the soon-to-be then f-him. Marry the girl!!
12-23-2004, 10:56 PM
even though i'm not a guy, i think that it would be good if the guy would ask the dad, parents or who ever first. i know my dad would appreciate the guy asking for his approval first since i am his only and baby girl! just me 2 cents
12-23-2004, 11:01 PM
i sense the oedipus complex strongly in this thread
12-23-2004, 11:13 PM
I dont' share these ideas personally. Your relationship is between you and your girlfriend. It should be your choice when and if you get married, and not theirs.
What if the father were to say no? You would be surprised at the amount of fathers that would say no. So what now? You CAN'T marry this girl because her dad said no? So now you're forced to give up your long-term relationship and find someone else because apparently you are not good enough for this guy's daughter.
In my mind....unless you are going to let her parents make all your decisions for you, then do it yourself. You should be adult enough by the time you choose to get married to make that decision on your own.
You guys know that my parents got married about 6 months after they started dating. Do you think if my dad asked my grandfather if he could marry my mom that he would have been given permission? HELL NO! My dad was a Marine (my grandfather is a retired Navy soldier) and at the time my dad was a Harley/Camaro guy.
Point being...I would not even be here today if my dad had made the mistake of asking my grandfather for permission, and this 21 year marriage my parents have would be non-existant.
That's my 2 cents.
12-24-2004, 01:21 AM
my parents met at a bar drunk as hell... actually had to re-introduce themselves the next morning, lol. 25 years later they're still together
12-25-2004, 07:24 PM
I do see Zac's point. It makes sense. but Dustin is right too. I guess its not that big of a deal if the guy asks my dad and I arent that close at all. I generally dont talk to my dad unless I have to because we dont have that type of relationship. My mom knows everything and my dad only knows what we tell him. Hes just not the type that takes things that well, but I still think he would be impressed if the guy asked.
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