View Full Version : Bashing people....
10-13-2004, 08:34 AM
Just kind of wondering....should we ban topics bashing one person? Not like a topic against like a group of ricers or anything...more like...."more fun" or whatver the one carlson made that I locked (yeah, i participated in it....but i still locked it) just wondering what yall think should be done about it....if anything
10-13-2004, 09:01 AM
I of course voted NO because some people provoke it and it also helps bring facts to the table, but it's not always good.
I believe some kind of rules should be in place.
Don't mention real names or addresses (i hate when my name gets used, but can't do anything about)
Don't insist that rumors are true, let people explain themselves
Don't use family or personal problems to attack, we all have dysfunctional families, don't you?
I actually enjoy arguing with people, it makes me think harder so I come up with intelligent and quick responses.
Fate and I had a great political argument and it made me think. I understand there is a difference between bashing and arguing, but both are fun.
Only problem is that the younger crowd has a lot more testosterone then my older crowd and it might spawn some violence. When I was the age of the average board member here, I used to be real badddd. Had I been flamed and bashed then, some of you might have had to make insurance claims. That was the old me, now there is a wiser version, but just be careful who you piss off, I know people who shot out car windows of an ex-gf of his friend.
10-13-2004, 09:03 AM
I think arguing about politics or something is fine....but if the person reads the board and his only problem is that hes annoying...should that topic be banned?
10-13-2004, 09:28 AM
What do you mean by annoying?
I've seen threads go off-topic before the 1st page ends and it still goes all the way to 5 pages with off-topic posts, and in between you might find some that are still on-topic, sifting through the 1 line conversation responses is SUPER ANNOYING.
I still think those people have interesting posts, but they need to start a section called RANDOM CONVERSATIONS. Then they can post whore their way to the top and still ramble about their day :)
I think somebody who is being annoying should be delt with by Admins. If members don't like it, they should PM the mods/admins and then they can get a hold of him to try and correct the problem before the entire board rips into him and loses all hope of being accepted by the crowd
10-13-2004, 09:40 AM
no...annoying as in IM's and calls everyone on the board....thats why people make fun of hi and bash on him....cause they think hes stupid and annoying....
10-13-2004, 10:10 AM
IDK, the only advice I can give in this area is to be careful how many topics get locked. I looked over and the topics locked so far are okay I guess.
My only issue with locking topics is that it robs the forums of posts. From an owners point of view, I like to see the daily post count average rising. Because for every new topic started, lately we can count on about 40 responses before it slowly gets weeded out of the front page of that forum.
I really think we need to take it easy on FoxRacing because I don't think you guys know what you're dealing with when you're making fun of him. He's a really nice kid. He can be persistant sometimes but he's not mean to anybody. I don't really want to say on the boards my main reason for preferring we leave him alone, but I think you guys would feel really bad if you actually knew what I *think* I know about him.
Anyways..back on topic here. I think locking posts like that are okay sometimes. My issue is that if we lock posts, then we need to start a lot more. Because like I said, locking topics really robs the forum of posts...and we're really on a roll this month. We're averaging like 260 posts per day in october or something like lets keep that rising!
10-13-2004, 10:13 AM
let the bashing commence. Those who earned it, deserve to get burned for it. Liars, cheaters, thieves, idiots, etc only are asking for it. Why should we try to protect their feelings? This is an internet chat forum, c'mon. For example, people bash drfast, right? Well maybe it's because of things he's said or done which earned him the bashing. Not everyone gets bashed on this forum... only the ones who earn it. Who cares that Foxracing is always looking for races, so what he's desperate to get laid or whatever, what guy wouldn't want to get laid? Normally I would bash away... but I dont' think there's anything really wrong with that guy. It's not like he lied or scammed anyone.
Arguments are fine... we should be able to argue and get our points acrossm how else will you learn unless someone corrects you?
10-13-2004, 10:16 AM
Sometimes people learn the hard way.
I ended up broke b/c I didn't budget. Some people lose friends til they realize their mistakes, it's usually easy to correct themselves.
But if he just is looking for a crowd to accept him, then why shun him? I'm sure he has interesting/funny things to say and is always down for hanging out.
Give people the benefit of the doubt, it's how you'd want to be treated.
10-13-2004, 10:31 AM
Well I didn't want to bring this into the convo. But I think he may be somewhat mentally challenged. In fact I'm pretty sure he is to some extent. I don't think he is retarded...that's not what I'm saying.
I knew a kid like him in my high school. The kid was in normal classes and everything...he was just a little strange. The kid was cool as hell....but everyone always treated him like a dick, because he acts the same way foxracing does. I just think it takes a much bigger person to accept him and be nice to him than to bash on him and play games with him.
I like the kid. He talks to me online sometimes and I've got no problem giving him 5 minutes of my life to have a quick conversation with him. He's been nothing but nice to me and I return the favor by giving him my respect.
10-13-2004, 10:43 AM
I knew a kid like him in my high school. The kid was in normal classes and everything...he was just a little strange. The kid was cool as hell....but everyone always treated him like a dick, because he acts the same way foxracing does. I just think it takes a much bigger person to accept him and be nice to him than to bash on him and play games with him.
I like the kid. He talks to me online sometimes and I've got no problem giving him 5 minutes of my life to have a quick conversation with him. He's been nothing but nice to me and I return the favor by giving him my respect.
Are u talking about Drifte...or lil murk???
haha i keed i keed :butthead: :goodman:
10-13-2004, 12:25 PM
it's funny to some extent, like ive said before, if the people talking crap know each other and do it to each other. but when it's like 10 people ganging up on one person (foxracing) who really hasn't done anything wrong.. it's retarded. yeah he keeps calling and IMing you guys because you act nice to him and pretend like you're his friends. if someone is nice to me, hell I'll IM ya. and then making fun of someone for thinking that people like you is just stupid.
10-13-2004, 12:39 PM
i agree with Rysbrnr. i can understand basking someone whos earned it. when Ford4ever got on and started proclaiming his truck as so badass, and that other peoples cars were crap, he deserved to get burned. or when all of Biggumz friends got on here just to bash on Adam, id say they also deserved a little bashing. but Fox has done nothing but try to make himself involved and try to make friends. ive been on the outside of a group, without many friends, and let me tell you, it sucks. not only has he taken all the crap hes gotten, all the lies bestowed on him, but he keeps giving people the benifit of the doubt, keeps talking the people who openly fuck him over. just something for you guys to think about next time you talk to him or think about telling him about some imaginary races.
10-13-2004, 01:52 PM
yeah.....but when u look (and yeah, i kno i have no room to talk cause i participated in them) but 3-5 topics have been devoted to foxracing....i just think it should more topics about him. we all know hes gulliable and its funny to mess with him, but i dont thinkwe need to say it anymore. guess my concious got to me. damn.,
10-13-2004, 01:53 PM
btw....about locking that topic "so much fun" i know we need post count up...but i think it would be better to find a better way to do that....maybe you dont think so, and thats fine...its ur site but i was thinking that it would be better to get lots of post counts on a stupid topic like....Trees than have it be on faxracing....just to justify why i did that. sorry i locked it.
10-13-2004, 04:26 PM
so.... how about them bears? i think theyre gonna kick some ass....da bears.
10-13-2004, 04:27 PM
ha ha, way to switch the topic oh well. i dont like the bears.
10-13-2004, 04:28 PM
i'll do you one better. i dont like football. im not really into profesional sports at all.
10-13-2004, 04:30 PM
I didn't mean to say you had done anything wrong. I was just saying don't get too carried away. lol.
You're doing just fine April. I didn't mean to infer that I was displeased with anything you've done.
I just got on this morning and there were like 4 topics locked.
Also...I need to teach you guys how to split topics sometime. Exe: Theres a small square button at the bottom of every posts screen that lookes like a litttle S that you can use to split topics. Like the last post that Dustin could use the topic splitter to turn his post into an entirely new topic titled "how about them bears?"
I'll post some instructions on how to do that sometime. It's pretty neat if you ask me.
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