View Full Version : My belief on aliens
10-12-2004, 03:26 PM
first and formost I would like to say that aliens scares the bajesus outta me. Ever since ET. I've been deathly afraid of them. As a child I used to hide under the covers and I would hear noises and my imgnation would get to me. As I grew up the fear slowly went away until I saw signs. I slept with a bat and a glass of water next to my bed for weeks haha. But now that i think about it. It's very much possibly for them to be visting earth. But I highly doubt it. I'm the type of person that has to see pyschial evidence and I have seen non. Except for some faded pictures and stories from people which as far as I'm concerned could be lies. Of course I think theres some other life form out there. May be intelligent may not. But for them to reach earth. They have to be extremely intelligent. For them to get here they would have to travel galaxies and galxies and of course that requires extensive bit of knowledge. But if they do exist I'm sure they would look like the typical alien. Large head,small body. because they would rely on their brain power more then pyhsical.
As far as people say the universe is infinit. It is not. It's quite finite. For the universe to expand it needs black matter. theres is a large amount of black matter but not infinite amounts. So there for it is impossible for the universe to be infinite. But of course the universe is extremely vase and somewhere out there. I do believe there is some alien life form.
10-13-2004, 10:00 AM
aliens do exist, its not like ive seen them, but i know its entirely too possible for them to be in existance. you think we're the only ones here. so if you havent really been in college or anything (neither have i) you might get lost here, but bear with me. Aliens exist on a different frequency. according to string theory, matter exists at all types of frequencies, vibrating at different harmonic levels to achieve structure. So if i was to say... shake a piece of pizza fast enough, it could become pretty much anything i wanted it to be. like a soda...(mmmm soda). many scientists believe that string theory is false but how can that be when so many leading scientist like hawking, bartholaumea, and even einstein believed in string? my theory is that aliens exist on a lower fequences, cause you see, humans live at a very high ferquency, more reds, oranges, yellows... very vibrant colors in the spectrum. so thats what we see. but aliens exist at a very low frequency, thats why when you see alien abductions, the aliens dont move fast, and theres this eerie blue or green light.. (blue green and purple are lower spectrum colors than reds yellows and oranges) in any case they obviously have the technology to slow us down enough to where we see their "spectrum" but we're still on earth. many people believe that they take you to another planet, i believe that they keep you right here, but youre frequency in our visionary spectrum is too low to be seen. an alien abductee said it best when he stated "i saw the blues and purples, then i was home with my wife" it may not prove my theory but ive put a bit into this thought process and i believe.. do you?
(yah ask me about the bermuda triangle sometime:) )
10-13-2004, 09:30 PM
aliens do exist, its not like ive seen them, but i know its entirely too possible for them to be in existance. you think we're the only ones here. so if you havent really been in college or anything (neither have i) you might get lost here, but bear with me. Aliens exist on a different frequency. according to string theory, matter exists at all types of frequencies, vibrating at different harmonic levels to achieve structure. So if i was to say... shake a piece of pizza fast enough, it could become pretty much anything i wanted it to be. like a soda...(mmmm soda). many scientists believe that string theory is false but how can that be when so many leading scientist like hawking, bartholaumea, and even einstein believed in string? my theory is that aliens exist on a lower fequences, cause you see, humans live at a very high ferquency, more reds, oranges, yellows... very vibrant colors in the spectrum. so thats what we see. but aliens exist at a very low frequency, thats why when you see alien abductions, the aliens dont move fast, and theres this eerie blue or green light.. (blue green and purple are lower spectrum colors than reds yellows and oranges) in any case they obviously have the technology to slow us down enough to where we see their "spectrum" but we're still on earth. many people believe that they take you to another planet, i believe that they keep you right here, but youre frequency in our visionary spectrum is too low to be seen. an alien abductee said it best when he stated "i saw the blues and purples, then i was home with my wife" it may not prove my theory but ive put a bit into this thought process and i believe.. do you?
(yah ask me about the bermuda triangle sometime:) )
I hate you. Now I'm going to fucking paranoid ( like right now ) and won't be able to go to sleep tonight ! BAH. I don't believe in that mombojombo though. Like I said I need pyscial evidence and you said thats why we can't see alien abductions. Why is that aliens only take the crazy people? Why don't they ever take famous people or intelligent sane people? It's because it's fake and people lie about it to get their 15 minutes of fame.
10-14-2004, 06:10 AM
ok i didnt want this to get out, but whatever, you said you needed proof? i was abducted three years ago and took to their labs. they were quite nice, offered me wine to taste and a great buger to eat, but i suppose they just relpicated them since they had no mouths. they had no mouths but they still spoke to me, and when they did, it was in my fathers voice, the one voice that always put me at ease... so if that isnt enough to convince you, i dont know what is..
Oh wait.. that was proly the time i got hammerd and went to olive garden with my parents...
10-14-2004, 01:48 PM
ok i didnt want this to get out, but whatever, you said you needed proof? i was abducted three years ago and took to their labs. they were quite nice, offered me wine to taste and a great buger to eat, but i suppose they just relpicated them since they had no mouths. they had no mouths but they still spoke to me, and when they did, it was in my fathers voice, the one voice that always put me at ease... so if that isnt enough to convince you, i dont know what is..
Oh wait.. that was proly the time i got hammerd and went to olive garden with my parents...
HAHAHAHAHA ! nice bro nice. So your parents let you drink around them? and how did you get a hamburger at the olive garden >.>. Don't they serve italian food?
10-14-2004, 05:56 PM
dude did you ever read the post? i said hammered! lol i dont even remeber the next day lolz. no i dont know!~
10-15-2004, 08:37 PM
Damn you alki. I'll point and laugh when your laying in bed DYING of liver failure.
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